Anglu jaghmel stendup keberet f'ged2gedddeRRRR

Published: May 22, 2009 at 9:57am

Pushed to the edge of starvation by the irresponsible policies of the Nationalist government, and unable to fund his second home in Sqallija and his trips bil-mara u t-tifla to the Auchan hypermarket near Catania, the deputy leader of the Labour Party is reduced to hiring himself out for stand-up performances at social gatherings of NQLUs.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    His fans weren’t listening in religious silence were they?

  2. Paul Gauci says:

    Mhux ovvja aktar kienu mohhhom biex jieklu ux … allavolja ma jafux li m’ghandhomx jieklu u jitkelmu fl-istess hin!

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    By crikey, are we one ugly people.

  4. maryanne says:

    Seriously, can we get some computer guy to make us an album with pictures and videos about Anglu? We will start with the elephant pictures.

  5. Jenny says:

    Anglu talking about corruption, that’s a joke. He must have forgotten the 1980s. One had to jump through hoops to get a telephone line or buy a colour TV.

    I will never forget that once he said on television that we would be telling our children that once upon a time there was a political party known as the Nationalist Party that doesn’t exist anymore. Dream on Anglu, dream on….

  6. Anthony Briffa says:

    These are the people who will be in power if the Nationalist supporters keep cutting there noses to spite their faces. It is the NP supporters who will elect this lot by not voting. Labour candidates will never make it through the PL vote alone. I was not sure whether I should come from abroad for just one night to vote on the 6th June, but from what I am reading and following the PL dirty campaign in the media, I have decided to come toMalta to vote for the NP candidates. They cannot stoop so low although as we get closer to the 6th of June I am sure they will show us what stuff they are made of. The two clips of the deputy leaders are an embarrassment to the PL in particular and the Maltese in general. Veru tax-xalati.

  7. Lino Cert says:


    [Daphne – Not Quite Like Us.]

  8. Lawrence says:

    Ara vera l-qahba milli jkollha ttik Ang! Biex tigi tparla fuq il-korruzzjoni INT! Meta fiz-zmien li kont spettur anki ghall-bicca linja tat-telephone kien ikollok bzonn il-qaddisin!

    I get the shivers when I imagine what these people would be like in government.

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