Edward Scicluna tells us to mind our own business

Edward Scicluna's vote is Top Secret - Stay Out
I have no trouble telling people how I voted in 2003: Yes in the referendum and then for the Nationalist Party. And I’m not even out on the hustings, trolling for votes that will dispatch me to the European Parliament.
So I can’t understand why Labour’s candidates have such a tough time telling us how they voted then. My God, it’s like drawing blood from a stone.
Marlene Mizzi hollered all over The Times calling those who wanted to know “vulgar” and “arrogant”, claiming that she was a private citizen at the time. She wasn’t. She was chairman of Sea Malta, a state-owned corporation. And that’s beside the point, anyway, because even public persons have the right to a secret vote. But she is a different sort of public person now – one who is asking for our votes. So her track record in all fields has to be made public knowledge. Should she have been convicted of arson or have voted for a Nazi party when she was a private citizen, the electorate should know about it.
So why the big problem with telling people how you voted, when you are asking them for your vote?
Embarrassment, of course. They’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.
Now here’s Edward Scicluna, tying himself up in knots trying to justify his refusal to say how he voted, in Malta Today.
“I will not reveal how I voted in the 2004 referendum,” he said, getting the year wrong (it was 2003; doesn’t he still have that calculator he uses on Super One during the general election?). “But only for one reason: to show how utterly irrelevant this argument has become.”
Eh, iva? Utterly irrelevant? Nghidlek x’inhu utterly irrelevant. Those who have long experience as a woman can tell you that when a man refuses to admit to something on the grounds that it is utterly irrelevant, then he is guilty as charged – whatever the question may have been.
“Did you sleep with her?”
“That’s utterly irrelevant.”
“Is that friend of yours a drunk?”
“That’s utterly irrelevant.”
“Where were you last night?”
“That’s utterly irrelevant.”
“How did you vote in 2003?”
“That’s utterly irrelevant.”
Ajma jahasra, dawn l-irgiel ukoll. At least Marlene blurted it out without the need for electric probes and a black hood. And like Marlene, Edward believes in fairies.
“I went on record as saying that the Labour Party would eventually come round to accepting EU membership…..and I have been proved right on this, too.”
Il-vera tal-Horseshoe Hall, din. “I have been proved right on this.” Jekk taqta’. What Scicluna is saying here – obviously – is that he voted for Sant in 2003 because he thought, against all the evidence of commonsense, history and psychology, that Sant would undergo a Damascene conversion and cease to cleave to the fiction of Partnership and embrace EU membership instead. So he was not proved right. Not at all. He was proved bloody wrong.
The Labour Party has not come round to accepting EU membership. It woke up one day five years ago to find Malta in the European Union, and after the mad scramble for seats on the gravy-train had subsided, it went into meltdown for four years under the continued leadership of the still rabidly anti-EU-membership Alfred Sant, until it lost another election. Then along came the new leader, who said: “Eeee ara, with hindsight the Yes vote might have won the referendum.”
U hallina, hija. And to think this man is being promoted as the best of the Labour bunch. The sad thing about this campaign is that it has made me lose even my previously tenuous respect for Marlene Mizzi and Edward Scicluna. They’ve both talked such crap over the last few days.
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Need an answer to this one please. Is there any other judge/magistrate who’s wife/husband has such a public partisan profile like Marlene Mizzi? As far as I know these people are very careful about their public lives. Even when they are invited to receptions and parties, they tend to stand aloof and are very careful with whom they are seen. So where does Marlene’s candidature as an MEP stand in the ethical equation? I stand to be corrected.
The ethical equation went out of the window on this one when a certain Anthony (!!) Mizzi wrote in defence of the issue concerning the dear………………u halluna.
God, I smell defeat and I am going to be needing therapy with these a-holes representing us in Brussels. D please help, I am emailing your articles around like crazy, but is it enough to convince some of ”our friends” not to cut off their noses to spite their faces” and let these undeserving monkeys in?
[Daphne – Issa hemm l-ghazla fil-hwienet, mhux bhal qabel l-ejtisevenn meta kien joghgbu l-ekonomija tal-pajjiz Edward Scicluna. Min jaghzel il-monkeys, u min jaghzel sewwa. M’hemmx taghmel.]
Hares, Daphne there are monkeys and how contesting for the EU!! – take Vince Farrugia for instance, he has been yoyoing up and down and all around for so long! Siding with the government, taking a stand against… What is he aiming for? I smile and wonder who will be voting for for such a joke. Any ideas????
[Daphne – Me, with a no. 10. Vince Farrugia voted Yes in the referendum, played his part in the Yes movement, and voted PN in 2003 to shore up his earlier decision. And if you ask him how he voted, he’ll tell you – unlike Professor and Mrs Mind Your Own Business.]
”No pain. But they hope to gain.
You have to hand it to some people.
They really know how to milk the system.”
Spot on. Great ad, great copy. I wonder who wrote it!
Beats Marlene’s ‘Count on me’ (God, nearly mis-spelled it…..). Did she mean ”count on me to change my mind”?
Or Scicluna’s ”Ability, Credibility, Experience” – Yeah right, the experience of being able to sit on the fence,
…………and that, guys, is credibility.
I don’t know what came over me but I just watched the last part of today’s PL mass meeting. What a gas bag.
Let’s face it, if Edward Scicluna voted in favour of EU membership (in referendum and also in election right after) then he wouldn’t tell us to mind our own business as it would have given him the ‘credibility’ and ‘integrity’ needed to legitimately claim a seat in Brussels.
Thanks Edward – you are just like the rest of them. Credibility and integrity of convenience.
Edward Scicluna l-mohh wara l-bejgh tal-Mid-Med Bank lill-HSBC
Fl-1999, il-Partit Laburista kien ħa pożizzjoni kontra l-bejgħ
tal-Mid-Med Bank lill-HSBC mill-Gvern Nazzjonalista. X’aktarx iż-żmien ta raġun lill-Partit Laburista. Imma ħalli ma nidħlux f’dak il-mertu.
Fid-29 ta’ April 1999, il-Malta Independent ikkummentat dwar ħaġa stramba li kienet seħħet ftit jiem qabel. Kien ġara li John Dalli, dak iż-żmien Ministru tal-Finanzi tal-Gvern Nazzjonalista, sejjaħ Konferenza Stampa dwar dan il-kaz. Ftit qabel ma bdiet din il-konferenza, il-ġurnalisti rċevew stedina biex imorru konferenza oħra msejħa mill-Professur Scicluna! Dak iż-żmien il-Professur Scicluna kien Chairman tal-Malta Financial Services Corporation mahtur mill-Gvern ta’ Fenech Adami.
Il-Gazzetta Malta Independent qalet li filwaqt li John Dalli tkellem bil-ħlewwa mal-gurnalisti, l-Professur Scicluna donnu kien imgħaddab u kien widdeb lill-Partit Laburista li jekk il-bejgħ tal-Mid-Med Bank ma jseħħx, l-HSBC jitilqu minn Malta u Malta titlef ġieħha f’livell internazzjonali.
L-Independent kienet baqgħet skantata b’dan l-aġir tal-Professur Scicluna. Il-Partit Laburista kien wieġeb b’mod ahrax lill-Professur Scicluna u qal li dak il-kliem tal-Professur Edward Scicluna kien attakk maħsub kontra l-Partit Laburista, peress li l-Partit Laburista kien qieghed jeħodha kontra l-bejgħ tal-Mid-Med Bank. Il-Partit Laburista ddikjara li ħassu mhedded mill-kliem tal-Professur Edward Scicluna.
Il-mistoqsijiet li kienu saru dakinhar, għadna nistgħu nerġgħu
nistaqsuhom lill-Professur Edward Scicluna illum ukoll.
Għaliex il-Professur Scicluna ħass il-ħtieġa li jindaħal fil-politika dakinhar?
Għaliex ħass il-ħtieġa li jeħodha kontra l-Partit Laburista?
Għaliex ħass il-ħtieġa li jaqbeż għall-HSBC u ghal John Dalli u għall-Gvern Nazzjonalista?
X’jghidilhom illum il-Profs. Scicluna lil dawk il-haddiema ex- Mid-Med li tilfu l-impjieg taghhom min mal-Bank jew gabuhom magni fuq il-post tax-xoghol??
U xi spjegazzjoni se jghati lill-poplu Malti dwar il-qliegh li qed
jaghmel l-HSBC u li qed jispicca barra min Malta meta fi zmien il-Mid-Med Bank dan il-qliegh kien jibqa fil-kaxxa ta’ Malta u f’bwiet il-Maltin kollha??
U għaliex dak li suppost kien l-għassies li l-liġi ma tinkisirx, dk
iz-zmien ħass il-ħtieġa li jindaħal fin-negozjati?
Kif qalet tajjeb l-Independent dakinhar, “Quis custodiet custodes?”
“Min se jgħasses lill-għassies?”
U fl-aħħar nett, il-Kariga ta’ Chairman li akwista l-Professur Edward Scicluna minghand l-HSBC wara li dan xtara l-Mid-Med bi prezz ‘generuz’ minghand il-Gvern Nazzjonalista kienet RIGAL lil Profs. Scicluna ghal posizzjoni li ha favur il-bejgh ta’ l-istess Mid–Med Bank lill-HSBC?
different subject – seems like we’re not alone –
I really do need your help here. I always agree with what you say but this time I am not convinced of who I should vote for. Dawn in-Nazzjonalisti qazzewni u tal-Labour cwiec!
[Daphne – If you feel that way, just give your no. 1 vote to Simon Busuttil and stop there. At least you know he deserves it.]
“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.” – Cicero
This is a gem of a comment from the comment-board on timesofmalta.com, re the increase in museum entrance fees. Now that is a truly objective reason not to vote PN! And for the benefit of those who did not see the new rates, the most expensive is entrance to the magnificent Hypogeum – €20. Other rates vary but are mostly sub- €10.
Do these people really have a vote?
A Fabri (4 hours, 34 minutes ago)
SHAME !!!!!!!!!!
Thanks MR. HERITAGE……..I will never vote again for PN
MUSEUMS must be subsidiesed and entrance must be free….at least 2 times a year
Elderly citizens and children must be free.
This is the way to encourage local citizens to visit our national heritage and induce a sense of belonging and appreciation………..It is sad that our national heritage is in the hands of the few.
At this rate all the privilages will be token to TAXPAYERS,,,,time to wake up people, enough is enough. Govt. wants us as slaves to make up for their expenses.
Dazgur, ghax il-muzewijiet Maltin chock-a-block bil-Maltin stess, taking time off from Xarabank and xoppink to savour some high kulcer. Irridu subsidiesed! U subsidisiesed fuq il-Lidl Barbikjus ukoll! U fuq il-gass! U fuq l-irkotta! U l-hobza tal-Malti! Ftit iehor naghmlu sussidju fuq l-injoranza, halli zgur inkunu demokratici.
Dawn probabbli l-istess nies li jqazzuk bil-patriottizmu narcissistiku u “l-wirt storiku uniku fid-dinja” u “missirijietna” u “gens hawtiel” u “Malta gawhra fil-Mediterran” u x’naf jien. Nahseb f’hajti qatt ma ltaqjt ma’ Malti wiehed f’muzew Malti. L-ahhar li kont l-Imdina Cathedral Museum, bil-..ahem…non-Aryan looks tieghi, il-gwardjan qalli “No photos please!”.
isma gbin taf li hawn recession mad-dinja kollha jew ma tafx? Issa z-zmien li nrahhsu u mhux inzidu l-prezzijiet ta dawn il-postijiet pubblici – meta nafu li qed jigu wisq aktar turisti. U x’ghandu x’jaqsaw id-dgedwid li qed tghid sur Baxxter.Jekk hemm bzonn trid trahhas biex izzomm ir-rota ddur. Mur orqod – niex bhalek l-ahjar li jibqghu reqdin.
Irrid nikkorregi ruhi – bhalissa hawn wisq anqas turisti kif kulhadd jaf – tajjeb li jkollna aktar – imma m’hawnx. It-turisti l-godda mis-Somalja gejjin bhalissa u fluz biex jonfqu zgur m’;ghandhomx.
but I’m sure they can count on your Christian charity, Mary
Mr. H P Baxxter jidher li mhux biss jaf fuq kollox, imma well off ukoll!
Mary u C. Fenech, ghiduli: Kemm-il darba fix-xahar qed tippjanaw li tmorru l-hypogeum?
Issa, Fenech: Minhiex well off, imma iva, naf hafna iktar milli taf int.
mur inhexa daphne.
have a life……..you fucking horse face.
[Daphne – If horses looked like me, riding would be very popular. You’ve got a lot of class, honey – no wonder you’re taken in by Scicluna.]
I love the literary gems and edifying statements found on this blog.
Il-marmalja tal-lejber. Qed jaqbadhom dillirju, Daphne, hi. Anke Joseph qed jibza’, ara.
@Michael Portelli
First of all, it’s not ‘have a life’ but ‘GET a life’, so I suggest you go back to school to learn a few basic things, you pathetic little man.
Taf li tintgharfu minn mil il-boghod intkom – kolla pezza wahda, ja mdejqin.
Id-dottorati xorta ghadhom il-wünderweapon f’Malta, anke meta kullhadd qed igib dottorat? Ghax din id-deferenza lejn il-“Profs” Edward Scicluna ma nistax nifhimha. Speci, ikkalmaw ftit guys, dan ma rebahx in-Nobel ta’ l-Ekonomija. U lanqas kieku.
It’s a pity that no names were mentioned:
[Daphne – Here’s the name, from the comment-board beneath the original story: “That is Ms. Mary Gauci from Libertas EU you met with. Their motto is: “”Libertas stands for democracy, transparency and accountability at the heart of the European Union. Libertas is an effective new way of doing European politics.”]
Can anybody explain to me why the conservative block of the European parliament are against anti-discrimination laws. A few months ago the right wing block voted against the anti-discrimination laws which are seen as laws that protect citizens on the grounds of sexual orientation, age, religion or belief etc!! Wasn’t this law, that still has to ratified by the council of ministers, another tool to strengthen human rights and liberties? This issue is being discussed in other EU countries and in Malta it was not even mentioned over the course EU campaign…….
first of all before you critisice people
go and have a good look in the mirror,wash your mouth with shit becouse you are full of shit,and YOU dont know how to talk you are just nothing but dirt all this becouse you r jelous of higher people than you and much educated than you are . One MORE THING LEAVE THE LABOUR ALONE THEY R THE ONE WITH GOOD SAYS.PEACE OF SHIT AND RED IS THE BEST COLOUR OF ALL DONT YOU KNOW THE MALTA FLAG DO YOU THING CAN BE IN BLUE AND WHITE U STUPID WOMAN SO LOOK AT IT WELL ITS RED AND WHITE YU BLIND RED IS FOREVER.AND BITE ME IF THE DONT WIN.
The comments by Lydia (crawled from under a) Stone do not surprise me in the least. This vulgar imbecille is obviously not referring to herself when mentioning ‘people much educated than you are’. The truth of the matter is that idiots of her ilk resort to this sort of personal attack when they have no intelligent argument to put across. Not the sort of person who can be trusted with a vote. God help us all.