L-osbricc, Cens, kemm hu sofistikat il-lider

Joe u jiena ha niggieldu kontra l-barrani fl-Ewropa
Joseph Muscat has decided to stun us with his statesmanlike words once more.
“The European Parliament is not the place for softies,” he told his Sunday gathering. Well, not to be sarky or anything, but I don’t think it’s the place for people who push the wrong buttons and then accuse their tool of malfunctioning, either.
It’s the same old Mintoffian belligerence and chippy ‘David defies Goliath’ mindset all over again, just when we thought we’d seen the back of all that.
And I just love the way this ex-MEP describes all his former colleagues in the European Parliament as foreigners to be fought against. He just doesn’t get the spirit and the reality of the European Union. In his mind, he’s still voting no and clamouring for partnership. Pathetic.
Working in the national interest is good. But this defiant and chippy attitude is just plain wrong. You get good results by cooperating and networking, not by fighting foreigners. The sad thing about Labour is that it insists on taking its fishwife-brawling-at-the-grocer outlook straight into international forums.
www.timesofmalta.com, Sunday 10 May
EP not the place for softies – Muscat
The candidates elected to the European Parliament should be people who could firmly defend the national interest and not bow to pressure by foreigners, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said today.
“It is not the place for softies” he said when replying to questions at a PL activity in Rabat.
Dr Muscat said a characteristic of the Labour Party was that in the European institutions, it stood up for Malta’s interest and did not budge until it got what it wanted.
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Fighting all those ‘foreigners’ must be some tilting at windmills for this Don Quijote.
Maybe it means don’t vote Attard Montalto.
Reading this, I find it amusing that he needed the barranin to prop up his stab at leadership. Maybe for Joe, that wasn’t pressure, just interference.
Overheard in the EP Chamber….
John to Louis: “Hawn Louis, x’kanna blajna b’din il-ligi. Kont qed nibbukkja cruise u qaluli nigi hawn nivvota. Il-vera m’ghandix aptit. Qed tismani Lou? Lou?”
Louis to John: “Sorry John, ma smajtekx ghax kont qed insegwi it-traduzzjoni bil-Malti….x’kont qed tghid? Stenna, stenna – irridu nivvutaw.”
John to Louis: “Le ivvutajt – kif dejjem naghmlu tal Lejber… hehe.”
Louis to John: “Le, John fuq din irridu niivutaw ‘Iva’ ghadx tghidx x’jaghmlulna tal PN.”
John to Louis: “U iva – issa too late – nghidilhom jirrangaw il-vot.”
John to Glen: “Int ivvutajt Iva hux?”
Glenn to John: “Nivvota ghal x’hix? Qed tghid ghall-elezzjoni tas 6 ta Gunju?”
John to Glenn: “Le, Glenn – qed nghid ghal din il-ligi fuq it-trattat ta’ Lisbona.”
Glenn to John: “Eh, dik irridu nistennew l-Irlandizi jivvutaw fl-ahhar tas-sena.”
John to Glenn: “Le, Glenn, issa trid tivvota.”
Glenn to John: “Kif nivvota, John? Le, hux?”
John to Glenn: “Le, Glenn – taghmilx bhali; ivvota Iva.”
Glenn to John: “Imma ahna mhux dejjem Le qalilna Joseph irridu nivvutaw?”
John to Glenn: “Le, Glenn ivvota IVA, taghmilx bhali ghax ivvutajt Le.”
Glenn to John: “Mela bhalek ser nivvota, kif qailli Joseph – dejjem ghid Le.”
John to Glenn “Le, Glenn, ivvota Iva, isma minni.”
Glenn to John: “Int ta’ Mintoff – mhux qed nafdak ta….ha ncempel lil Joseph.”
Daqq ta’ sirena…
John to Glenn: “Ghaxxaqta ja cuc – time up issa – ma lhaqtx tivvota. U iva, tinkwetax – ahjar hekk ma vvutajtx milli ivvutajt Le. Ha mmur nghidilhom ha nbiddel il vot.”
Glenn to Louis: “X’hin ha nghajtu it-taxi? Ghax ghandi genn ha’ mmur id-dar. M’ghandix idea x’qed naghmlu hawn.”
Louis shrugs his shoulders. “Tlaqna Glenn?”
This is just great! You had me in tears ! Any more of these in future ?
I love it: “Here they speak like lions, wanting to eat everyone and use the veto, and then they make a mistake on which button to press” – the prime minister
Looks like most of John Attard Montalto’s backers are anti-EU. They think they ‘went for the worse’ with that EU passport. Marru ghal ghar, hej. At least they didn’t translate it as going for the cave.
Is-sabiha li jitla!