They have GOT to be joking

Published: May 7, 2009 at 9:19pm
Wait until this one's an MEP. Then we'll really have some laughs.

Wait until this one's an MEP. Then we'll really have some laughs.

Do you remember in the general election last year, when the Labour manifesto was full of mistakes and promises for things that the government had done already – and when this was pointed out, Labour blamed its computer? “Dak kien computer malfunction.”

Well, they’ve gone and done it again, only this time it was the hand-held voting devices in the European Parliament which got blamed for the fact that Labour’s three MEPs voted (or didn’t) in three different ways on a report calling for mandatory burden-sharing on migration. John Attard Montalto voted against, Louis Grech voted in favour (as did both Nationalist MEPs) and Glenn Bedingfield was there in the chamber but didn’t vote at all.

A spokesman for the Labour Party said that its people later “officially registered their vote in favour, because their hand-held voting mechanism malfunctioned, showing a contrary vote by Dr Attard Montalto and no vote by Mr Bedingfield.” Oddly enough, Louis Grech’s ‘hand-held voting mechanism’ appears to have functioned.

You know the saying: a bad workman blames his tools. But now this is getting embarrassing. So Attard Montalto’s ‘hand-held voting mechanism’ used its initiative and voted No when he meant Yes. And Glenn Bedingfield’s ‘hand-held voting mechanism’ refused to cooperate at all.

Some more all-time classics they might try using next time.

Miss, the dog ate my homework.
Sorry, the report flew out of the car window.
I got a puncture.
The cheque is in the post.


14 Comments Comment

  1. tony pace says:

    The sad thing is that these idiots actually get away with it with close to half the bloomin’ public. Mickey mice.

  2. cikki says:

    Louis Grech has been a good friend of mine for over forty years. He is a true socialist, has worked damned hard in Brussels and is highly respected there. I don’t think he should be thought of as part of a bunch of opportunists but on his own merits. Bearing in mind
    that it seems to be a known fact that three of the next five MEPs will ber Labour, I just hope that Louis will be one of them.

    [Daphne – I did point out that his was the only one that functioned, which makes the claims of the other two somewhat suspect.]

    • Antoine Vella says:


      A “true socialist”? What is that exactly? Perhaps you mean he was a Mintoffjan.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Righto, here’s a bit of news I just got from Malta: my voting document for the European elections has been withheld. However (get this), I have received my local council voting document, and my name is (obviously) on the electoral register. Er, what’s going on? Back to the infamous ‘rikorsi’? Again? Has the Spettur been busy or have the guys at Dar Centrali fucked up?

  4. tony pace says:

    “I am here because I believe: I believe that every little girl should have the same chances of success in life as my own daughters.”
    Said by Joey of ”hemberger fame”.. How condescending can one be?

    [Daphne – You have got to be kidding. Where and when did he say it? How successful can a couple of toddlers be, for heaven’s sake? Oh, I see – he’s taking it for granted that they’re going to be successful. Well, let’s hope they learn to dress better than their mother and have better manners than their father. And let’s hope the fool learns how dangerous it is to predict your children’s future and their choices in life. I’ve lost count of the number of parents I know who were brought up short by a gay son after banging on against gays for years, or who have had to cope with anorexic daughters after running down other parents for having one, or being faced with sons with a cocaine problem after dismissing the neighbour’s son as a useless drug addict. Predict success for your daughter when she’s one year old and before you know it, she’s 16 and pregnant or 18 and running off with a loser. Too, too risky, but only a git like this wouldn’t see it. You’ve got to wait until they’re at least 20 to get any kind of indication as to how they’ve turned out.]

  5. cikki says:

    @ Antoine Vella

    It means he has principles and beliefs he abides by. He would be a true socialist if he lived in the UK, Germany
    or Timbuktu, so Mintoff doesn’t come into this.

  6. Anthony Farrugia says:

    At least John Attard Montalto was in the European Parliament not gallivanting in some exotic country.

  7. Mark says:

    Surely not the first time they’ve pressed the wrong buttons.

  8. Leonard says:

    Greetings from Prishtina. Here are some more excuses from an all-time classic:
    “I ran outta gas. I had a flat tyre. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locusts. It wasn’t my fault!! I swear to God!!”

  9. John Schembri says:

    Is Joe Tanti a PL supporter? He is a showman for sure.

  10. Matthew Agius says:

    If I’m not mistaken Glenn Bedingfield was not even present in the chamber that day- he was in Mosta promoting his campaign for the upcoming elections! Serjeta.

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