Toni Abela ma’ wahda shuna

Published: May 21, 2009 at 12:13am

Haj kles, eh? The Labour Party raises the bar for dignity and gravitas, with its suave and statesmanlike deputy leader. It makes you proud to be Labour (but a bit less proud to be Maltese).

19 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Brincat says:

    Surely, hopefully, this cannot be for real. Is this guy really the deputy leader of the MLP? The party which is likely to win the next general election and take control of our destiny?

    ‘shuna’, ‘viagra’…. sure this is not dubbed? I would really like to think so.

    I’m shocked. Period.

    [Daphne – Period: that’s the one thing they didn’t say. The worst is ‘toghgbok wahda ghala bieb ghina?” You really have to be Toni Abela tal-Lejber.]

    • Anna says:

      Paul, rest assured that this clip is 100% authentic. After several fines by the Broadcasting Authority, Teletubi was eventually taken off air.

      Daphne, I don’t know whether you know this, but that programme was the work of Sander Agius and bella compania, same guy who has now become a writer for Malta Star!

      [Daphne – Yes, I know. You can tell by the attaparsi tal-pepe voice they use for the shuna woman puppet. This lot wouldn’t know satire if it ran over them in a bus.]

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      His answer was something to the effect that he likes “mara li hi sbukkata u tghid li ghandha tghid”. A subtle reference to you, Daph? Oooooh! Toni is a secret admirer of your, Daph – I’m soooo jealous.

      [Daphne – That is, or rather was, the problem. He used to write articles full of sexual innuendos about me, to the point where he had to be spoken to. He really is disgusting.]

  2. Joachim says:

    What ministry is he going to head when in government? Clown Central? I mean seriously…..come on!
    This just comfirms it for me that he’s an utter and complete dick-head!

  3. Joachim says:

    …or maybe ‘il-minestra’ tal-Finanzi taghna!

  4. maryanne says:

    They talk like this when on television – just imagine how they behave at home. I am very sure that Marlene Mizzi approves and feels very much at ease when discussing with the deputy of her beloved party.

    [Daphne – Forget, Marlene, because she might not be averse to vulgar jokes with id-deputat mexxej. It’s how Edward Scicluna can bear it that makes my mind boggle.]

  5. David Thake says:

    Can anyone imagine Tonio Borg discussing women “li huma ala bieb ghajnhom:?

    I can’t even imagine him calling her “shuna”.

    [Daphne – Or saying ‘Din ila terdgha fija.’]

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      And he even looks down south at one point …

      [Daphne – Please don’t tell me that a puppet with red lipstick gave him a hard-on.]

  6. J. Mizzi says:

    On a slightly related topic – Comments are raging on times online regarding the 16-year old guy who ended up in court for being intimate with a 14 year old (

    Some of the comments are unbelievable: guys blaming the mum, the daughter and all and sundry and getting shocked all round, as if this situation is ever possible in Catholic Malta :) – I was wondering why this reasoning and attitude, but when I watched the above programme on ONE TV I got a hint as to from where such comments might get their inspiration!

    PS. Initially the Times header was “Sex lands boy in trouble” but after a few minutes it got changed to “Intimacy lands boy in trouble” … li ma jmurx xi hadd jakkuzhom li taw skandlu!

    Xi stress ta pajjiz … :)

  7. David Ellul says:

    Re your article on The Malta Independent: don’t forget that we’re in 2009 not in 2003.

    [Daphne – It makes no difference, sugar. They’re the same people and until they’re gone, I’m neither going to forgive nor forget. Let’s put it this way, if somebody screws you over really badly in 2003 – runs off with your wife, say, or stabs you in the back in the workplace so that you lose your job – are you going to send them a large cheque in 2009 just out of the kindness of your heart? I don’t think so. And then, and it’s hardly secondary, there’s their appalling lack of judgement to take into consideration. Nobody who thought Malta would be better off outside the EU deserves credence. Let the dumb-asses and the No2EUs and the cut-off-my-nose-to-spite-my-face people vote for them. It’s not going to be me, I can tell you.]

  8. Jo says:

    Veru li jien qatt ma kont mal-Lejber, imma meta nisma xi haga bhal din nghid kemm kien ghaqli in-nannu meta kien jghidilna “Lil tal-Lejber m’ghandkomx tafdawhom”.

    Dal-ghodu iz-Zurrieq kien hawn ta’ kontra l-Ewropa Lejber ihufu madwar il-monti biex ihajru in-nies – Nazzjonalisti nimmagina – jivvutawlhom fl-elezzjoni ghal MEP. Veru ma jisthux. Li ma kienx ghal gvern Nazzjonalista dawn qatt ma setghu jikkontestaw dawn l-elezzjonijiet.

    Nazzjonalisti u ohrajn li ivvutajtu favur li Malta tidhol fl-UE immeditaw sew u morru aghtu l-vot taghkom lil min haqqu.

  9. Sandra Smart says:

    Kif tista ma tivvutax Partit Nazzjonalista!!

  10. Marc Antony says:

    Can someone give me a rough idea of what they’re speaking about? Also, does Toni Abela look down a puppet’s top?

    [Daphne – Yes, Toni Abela looks down the woman puppet’s top. As for the rest, you really don’t want to know and I don’t even know how to begin translating it.]

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    Inf–ckingcredible! Can’t believe my two Maltese grandchildren could grow up under such a bunch of Neanderthals.

  12. Luke Gatt says:

    The shuna is called Duminka. Hmm, maybe she was named after someone. X’ tahseb, Daphne?

    [Daphne – Mintoff with rubber bosoms and red lipstick, and with Toni l-iShun peering down his top. Perish the thought.]

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      It looks like Toni Abela had Viagra prior to the show. Looking down a puppet’s top is tantamount to a little kid pulling down a doll’s pants to see its butt!

      X’misthija ta’nies!

  13. C Note says:

    Ms. Criticize-everything-that-moves-and-red. Could you at least have the decency to use (at least), Maltese unicode and ħ,ġ,ċ.ż?

    [Daphne – No. I think they are an insult to our intelligence and will use them only if I have to. Here, where I am free not to use them, I won’t. The fact that you can read what I write without hesitating just proves my point. You have to be a really thick, semi-literate peasant to read by any other way than word recognition. Please don’t tell me that you trace your finger beneath each syllable and mouth it.]

    • C Note says:

      Then please, avoid criticizing people like Sander for their lack of excellent English, as we’re not semi-literate.

  14. Ettore Bono says:

    What happened? Did Toni call somebody an “għoxx”, or what?

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