And now he's turned himself in…..

Published: June 7, 2009 at 12:30am


Edwin ‘Il-Qahbu’ Bartolo has turned himself in to the police and is being interrogated.

16 Comments Comment

  1. C.Galea says:

    Who on earth is this Edwin Bartolo? How old is he? Why does him punching another guy have such a heavy bearing on local politics?
    I never heard of him, and I’m 34.

    [Daphne – You’ve never heard of him BECAUSE you’re 34. In 1987 you would have been 12 – not a great age for political awareness. Read Mike C’s comment beneath ‘Il-Qahbu is on the run’ and there you’ll find your explanation, or at least part of it.]

    • Leonard says:

      Your comment on victims being interrogated while the perpetrator drank beer with the police summed it up nicely. Being on first-name basis with the police commissioner and having direct phone access helps.

    • David Buttigieg says:

      Hold on, C Galea is the same age as me and I remember the situation quite well thank you very much! Many people my age were politically aware when we should not have bothered because of our age. How can I ever forget?

      [Daphne – Maybe C. Galea grew up in one of those households were the grown-ups never talked about politics in case the walls had ears.]

    • Leonard says:

      Here’s il-Qahbu in action.

  2. Luke Gatt says:

    I heard of him and I am 16. Read Liberta Mhedda or J.M Pirotta’s book, L-istorja Kostituzzjonali u L-isfond Storiku. Both have specific chapters regarding the thugs which ruled Malta back in 1980.

  3. NGT says:

    Surprise, surprise -Labour have stated that ” it condemned all forms of provocation and reaction and hoped action would be taken according to law”.

    Going back to the ‘heq they were provoked’ excuses, are they?

  4. Reno Spiteri says:

    Ah well. We all taught that Alfred Sant had eradicated the bad guys from the PL. We seem to be grossly mistaken.
    If these characters are back in the picture it needs only a few well taught out features scripted by professionals about the bad old days of the MLP and Joseph Muscat’s PL will be devastated by an earthquake of his own making. Condoning these people is suicidal.
    This incident is a gift to a beleaguered and well meaning prime minister who is presently surrounded by a bunch of fools. Make the best of it, Lawrence.

  5. Michela says:

    I’m 35 and I remember him clearly. Them actually – Il-Qahbu, l-Qattus u l-Pupa if I’m not mistaken. The Zejtun triumvirate.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      You seem to have forgotten “It-Toto'” … and also “Il-Fuzellu”, who is now dead.

  6. Kelinu says:

    “…and now The Ginger Mintoff accidentally brought them back.”


    • Graham Crocker says:

      It’s not in Dr Muscat’s interest to be associated with thugs, but it’s in his interest to be as popular as Mintoff was, by using his words as though they were his own.

  7. A Cassar says:

    I am 34 and have any not so fond memories of il-Qahbu, l-Qattus, il-Pupa, Fusellu, it-Toto, maybe these ring a bell…

    These are the guys who fired on my parents at il-Barrani (it was one mass meeting they would not allow me to go – was only 12 and had to obey them)

    These are the same people who were always seen with their beloved Wistin Abela, who were best buddies with the Governement’s anti-riot police (trained especially by North Korea, KMB’s foreign affairs buddy!) These are they guys who would not let nuns go out to vote, the same people who threw alive half skinned rabbits into the Zejtun Parish Church becuase Eddie fenech Adami was attending a wedding there!

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