Muscat u Michelle jibdew jithalltu ma' nies ta' klassi – qabza ta' kwalita fis-sewxil lajf

Published: October 14, 2009 at 4:25pm
We've arrived! Tonight, the opera; tomorrow, Kastilja.

We've arrived! Tonight, the opera; tomorrow, Kastilja.

He famously said that he’s so uncomfortable at state dinners that he would much rather go to McDonald’s for a hamburger. So I imagine that a night at the opera is not Joseph Muscat’s idea of a high old time, no more than it is mine – especially when it involves the time-wasting tediousness of a journey to Gozo and back.

But I rather suspect that Michelle, like Ronald McDonald, is lovin’ it – the big dress, the chauffeur, the puliti, the fuss being made of her, the utter glamour of a theatre (in Gozo, but there you go….) stuffed to the rafters with people who are tal-pepe or, as is more likely to be the case, people who think they are.

I bet they’re both gagging for a trip on George Fenech’s private jet, but have more sense than to say it or do it – for now.

It all comes down to the same thing in the end.

As a shark I once knew liked to say: “It’s a matter of finding a person’s Achilles’ heel, and then going for it. Everybody has an Achilles’.”

Muscat’s weak spot appears to be an overweening desire to escape the working-class and anything associated with it, because it is too close to home and he is transparently aspirational.

He’d move faster into the scintillating sparkle (yawn) of Maltese social life, though, if he were to stop lugging Toni and Anglu around. Taking them to the opra with him? Mur ara – the one who mimes getting a – well, pistol in his pocket by peering down the cleavage of a rubber puppet on a Super One television show called Teletubbies, and the other who can’t string a coherent sentence together in either of Malta’s two official languages. Il-vera tac-cajt – pajjiz tal-wannabes.

from Robert Malta’s blog on Facebook

Is-Sibt li ghadda kont sejjer lejn Ghawdex, kif tlajt fuq il-vapur smajt wahda mara li qalet li hawn ‘il-leader’ fuq il-vapur. Din il-mara kellha ragun, fuq il-vapur kien hemm Joseph Muscat.

Ghal din il-mara kienet ser tkun okkazjoni biex tiltaqa mieghu, forsi biex tghidlu xi haga, jew biex kemm tkellmu. Imma ma tarax li l-leader ser jithallat ma nies komuni bhalna. Ma tarax li l-leader ser jiehu cafe fit-tazza u fuq siggu tal-plastik.

Qed nghid hekk, ghax kuntrarju kif jaghmlu politici ohra u juzaw vjagg minn Malta u Ghawdex biex jiltaqghu ma n-nies, il-leader eccezzjoni. Il-leader tul il-vjagg baqa fil-karozza fil-garaxx tal-vapur flimkien ma Michelle u d-driver.

Il-leader, smajt li telgha Ghawdex biex mar jara Opra fit-teatru Astra, okkazjoni li mhux ha jitlef biex jiltaqa mal-benestant u dawk li hu jsejjhilhom il-middleclass. Mieghu ha lil Toni u lil Anglu. Trid tarah diehel wara li waqqfu x-xufier !

Ghax issa l-Labour hekk irid igibu ! jinsa l-haddiem, jinsa n-nies li dejjem sabu kenn fil-Partit Laburista.

33 Comments Comment

  1. Twanny says:

    Makes a change from thinking of yet more excuses for Tonio, doesn’t it?

    [Daphne – More excuses for the finance minister? You must be partially sighted.]

  2. We all know who really forgot the worker Daphne..The gonzi pn goverment. While Dr.Muscat was eating a burger at any regular worker …Gonzi’s minister was on a free luxury flight sponsored by Malta’s monopolistic business man who incidentally is interested in casinos..haha what a coincidence min jaf kemm offrilu zebbug mimli.. I am also noticing that your website …nothing more than a demented journalist spouting insults …has more PL followers than PN can see this from the amount of people commeting negatively and positively. The reason they do is.. is to have a laugh and waiting to see who you will insult next and make yourself the ridicule of all the country. Keep pouring your evil concoction and stirring the pot. The witch from bidnija hahahaha spouting insluts.
    Keep it up.

    [Daphne – A note to all who have read ‘john agius’s’ comments beneath other posts: just in case you couldn’t tell already by the writing, grammar, spelling, tone and general sentiments, this is him again – the man who has far right beliefs, is a racist, hates ‘niggers’ but plans to vote for Muscat’s progressives.]

    • haha you got one thing right Daphne.. I will vote for Muscat not that I particularly like him but..anything other than Gonzi is a relief to me just as much as it is a relief when I go to the bathroom after a bad case of diarrhea. The part regarding being a racist..well I guess that’s your opinion which you’re entitled to. Take Care wicked witch of Bidnija. Remeber where you put the broomstick you might fall on it and hurt yourself..or perhaps enjoy it who knows.
      Mark (and this is my real name) real surname I will leave it as a mystery for now.

      [Daphne – Note to self: ring Marisa and ask her how she’s enjoying the company of people like this.]

      • I really enjoy teasing you Daphne ..I don’t have any association with PL Dr.Muscat or Marisa..and I don’t really care for them…of course if Lowell’s name is on the voting list he will be my number one vote…the only person who cares about the immigration problem..seemingly. So you can call me racist as much as you like..doesn’t really bother me..but rest assured I will not let you lure me in a trap by first offending me and then when I react you will tell you IT helper to find out the you already did and send a mob police squad for me. I am much more intelligent than that..what I feel inside will remain inside (since now you can’t say what you feel) until I am ready and safe enough to act. And there will be consequences to immigration rest assured have seen nothing yet I promise you that.

        [Daphne – Yet another nut-job. I don’t need ‘an IT helper to find out the IP’ – it shows up on each comment. This would be the case too with any comments you post anywhere else, including, Viva Malta (I assume it’s your favourite site) and so on. I have never sent a mobile police squad to anyone’s door. I am not the police commissioner. However, you appear to need help that no police officer can give.]

      • Leonard says:

        Why do these people have a low threshold for losing it?

      • David Buttigieg says:

        Did they forget to tie your strait jacket today?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        This guy says he suffers from diarrhea, yet states ‘what I feel inside I keep inside’. Must be excruciating

      • Leonard says:

        Thank God I’ve always made it to the bathroom before a bad case of diarrhea.

      • Tal-Muzew says:

        Ifghu junk mail, Daphne, ghax imdardar sew miskin.

  3. Cynthia Borg says:

    Maybe Marisa Micallef Leyson advised the wannabe first couple to stay in the car so as not to exhaust themselves mingling with the common crowd crossing over. That way they could remain fresh for the upper class at the theatre. Mind you it’s rather suffocating down where they stayed and probably worse than having to shake hands with the plebs.

  4. Mandy Mallia says:

    “Taking them to the opra with him? Mur ara – the one who mimes getting a – well, pistol in his pocket by peering down the cleavage of a rubber puppet on a Super One television show called Teletubbies” – here’s the link.

  5. Albert Farrugia says:

    …exactly…everybody has an Achilles heel. Wisdom indeed. Everybody means everybody. And I think a sizeable number of Nationalist MPs have found the prime minister’s Achilles heel.

    [Daphne – And he theirs, not that it’s difficult, given that they talk about it to anyone with a microphone or tape-recorder.]

  6. Leonard says:

    The Dow’s hit 10,000!

  7. David Buttigieg says:

    Is Michelle an air hostess?

  8. and you are right even if the police arrested me for life or gave me the capital punishment I would never give in..on the contrary I will become harder to crack. Same with Lowell you massacred by relationship with his family..trying to make him miserable but he will never stop fighting for his people’s freedom..for that girl that got raped..that person that got infected..that person who got killed because some people like you decided to make this country an african union..we agreed with european union…african union.. never…becuase we know it will be the epitamhy of disaster..we have seen other countries ..we are lucky we have the foresight ..yet as always PN is doing what it is forced to do by bigger countries. So to that person who said why do these people have a low threshold ..I hope he understands why now. Becuase we are patriots and love the maltese people..not some african or arab…like you.
    Thanks and gn
    Mark (ps if you had to send the police mob how will you proof that I was typing and not someone else in my household or a friend who passes over my house?) tricky question; p

    • oh and it seems Times of Malta has blocked all my comments now seems they are very touchy when it comes to the arab-europe deal/relationship haha ..are you that censored also? I’m betting your site is a bit less censored than times of malta.
      I cry when I see my freedom of expression taken away ..I always write my opinions as I see things ..I don’t insult anyone..I always try to stick to facts and not demented arguments. To be honest even though I admire Mr.Lowell and see him as a martyr..a patriot..I would NEVER want the whole goverment in his hands..he is too extreme for my taste ..honestly..I don’t want an elite ruling me and the maltese people..that’s crazy..I want democracy..I want europe..but ..I don’t want europe to be part of africa. Africa is a real one can deny this ..and now also joining with the arab world..that’s lunacy…can I ask.. do you know if the maltese or european goverments intend to join the arab world like the european union I mean??

      • Darren says:

        I think this person should go back to school and start all over; what a weirdo.

      • Tal-Muzew says:

        Mark Cuschieri says:
        Wednesday, 14 October at 2118hrs

        ‘I always write my opinions as I see things ..I don’t insult anyone..I always try to stick to facts and not demented arguments.’

        Mark Cuschieri says:
        Wednesday, 14 October at 1802hrs

        Take Care wicked witch of Bidnija. Remeber where you put the broomstick you might fall on it and hurt yourself..or perhaps enjoy it who knows.

    • Jenny says:

      Your English is just as bad as your hatred.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Mark Cuschieri

      “… will you proof that I was typing and not someone else …”

      All they’d have to do is ask you to write a sentence in English and compare grammar and spelling. Would be the epitamhy of disaster for you

      • wow you should be an’de think I wouldn’t wrire differently? haha and is that enough evidence to convict..don’t think so. Remember innocent until proven guilty that enough for conviction. It wouldn’t be a disaster for me..yes it would be trouble though. So what life is full of troubles everyday.

        @Jenny …what hatred are you talking about>??be specific please…or is this something you made up in your illusioned understanding of things? I don’t see any hatred remarks..yes I guess I hate it when my freedom to express is taken away. But then I understand it also..they couldn’t let me say something and reveal something that would compromise their fresh new deal/relationship with the arab world. Or maybe they could hang me for treason like the old days for saying such a secret. ha ha

    • Steven says:

      “…or gave me the capital punishment I would never give in”

      Please somebody tell me this guy is really a seven year old pretending to be an adult! Actually I’m being generous, my three year old constructs better sentences than this guy.

      If you are given the death penalty (yes, that is what capital punishment is), then by default you have to give in. What are you going to do once you’re dead? Write more crap?

    • fred pillow says:

      Why you continue to let people like this MARK CUSCHIERI comment on this blog astounds me.

  9. Antoine Vella says:

    From Gozo Channel’s safety regulations:
    “Passengers are not recommended to remain in their vehicles during the crossing unless with the prior approval of the Master..” (

    I wonder what excuse was used to justify The Leader (shades of North Korea) staying in his car, after the recent hullabaloo concerning safety on board Gozo ferries.

  10. Jo says:

    If I remember well – it’s a long time since I’ve been to Gozo- there is a rule that says you should not stay in your car on the ferry. Is it still in vigore?

  11. Mario De Bueno says:

    Yes it is. And unless you want to end up like something just out of the sauna, you cannot stay in the car. it gets hot down there.

  12. mario zammit says:

    Opera was at the Teatru tal-Opera AURORA and not at the Astra Theatre.

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