A little note for Marisa Micallef, Consie Herrera and all the other washed-up bitches

Published: January 30, 2010 at 5:22pm


So far today, this blog has had 23,422 views – more than the circulation of most newspapers, and the day is far from over. Last night, there were over 9,000 views. I thought you might like to know.

The trouble with the Labour Party is that they employed the wrong person – because they couldn’t get the one they really wanted.

Up yours, the lot of you. Not that Consuelo needs any telling. And Marisa’s always looking.

Qabda ddisprati.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Steve Grech says:

    Keep it up, Daphne!

  2. Emma says:

    You rock

  3. Dublett tal-jeans says:

    Pity we can’t know the number of hits this site has had today, but we can probably safely assume that it has had a record number http://en-gb.facebook.com/people/Consuelo-Scerri-Herrera/815808187

  4. Mark C says:

    wow you’re famous Daphne hehe. Anyway I love your satire. I’m becoming addicted to your blogs even though we don’t agree on all issues. Gotta run. Tc

  5. Spiru says:

    Daphne, I can’t for the life of me imagine you getting a parking ticket or court summons and ending up in front of Konsa. Today this has been so, so great.

    [Daphne – I have a court hearing before her on Tuesday, 9 February. You’re all invited.]

    • Starfish says:

      Wow it’s a pity we don’t have Court TV.

    • David Buttigieg says:

      You’re on. What time?

      [Daphne – 11.15am]

      • David Buttigieg says:

        You should rub in how you think he is a fascist EVEN though he wouldn’t stoop quite so low as to sleep with someone young enough to be his child!

    • Jon says:

      This might help…
      734. (1) A judge may be challenged or abstain from sitting in a cause: (h) if the judge or his spouse has a case pending against any of the parties to the suit of happens to be his creditor or debtor in such manner as may reasonably give rise to suspicion of a direct or indirect interest that may influence the outcome of the case.

  6. edgar gatt says:

    Daphne, if your court case before Konsa is for raping somebody (which of course, I know it isn’t) you would get off scot free.

    [Daphne – It’s a libel suit, for calling that Martin de Giorgio of the ANR a fascist. Apparently, he thinks he isn’t one.]

  7. Matthew Schembri says:

    I discovered this blog during the last election and have checked it almost every day since then.

    The content has progressively got better and better. Keep it up Daphne.

    • David Buttigieg says:

      Well that’s when it started so no surprise!
      I think I’m actually one of the longest running participants on the blog!

  8. Guzi says:

    23K visitors wow. Are they unique visitors? I am asking cos I oversee some sites (not Maltese) and sometimes we get 10s of thousands of hits in an hour. But then when I examine the real unique visitors the numbers are often disappointing. Sometimes insignificant – for our purposes.

    You and I don’t know each other I think but from the neck of the woods I come from most people have no idea who Daphne is, let alone her blog – that is why it is important to look at unique visitors and not hits. Most people may be just reloading the page.

    It happens to us too.

    [Daphne – No, they’re unique. It happens when a post goes viral, when people begin emailing the link to each other, and those who receive it pass it on in turn. It’s an unusual circumstance, not routine at all.]

  9. Interested says:

    Could anybody please tell me what happened to the Leyson that Marisa Micallef used to have after the rest of her name? Who got it after she lost it, I wonder?

    [Daphne – Her ex husband kept it after their divorce because it was his. That would be the second ex husband, not the first. We know nothing about the first because she married him to be able to live and work in England, then divorced him, and now pretends it never happened. “What, me, divorced? As if.” Yes, and not once, but twice. Din bhal tal-progressiv Toni Abela, stopping a pregnant woman from leaving the country and trying to be right-wing and liberal at the same time. They say they’re liberal but they don’t have the courage of their convictions.]

  10. Joseph Micallef says:

    Marisa has truly lost it! Taking up a lucrative post out of despair is understandable, but taking part in this disgusting attempt is suicidal!

    The other “ladies” mentioned – would not expect otherwise!

  11. Rover says:

    DCG there’s nothing like reading your blog to wash away the January blues. You’ve made my weekend.

  12. Harry Purdie says:

    Congrats, Daphne–told you years ago the NYT is awaiting. The rock is a buzz! Ticket prices for your court case before hot pants?

    [Daphne – You’ll be disappointed. She keeps a different wardrobe for court: Miss Marple meets my second-form geography teacher in 1976.]

  13. A Zammit says:

    The name of this article says it all. I have had the fortune or rather misfortune to encounter both of these defined bitches in real life, and hell yes, they do have some personal issues to settle, as they are real bitches.

    So Daphne, …a pleasurable Saturday evening reading these comments. Those two really enjoy making people’s lives miserable. With regards to Marisa’s new place in life, well I think at last she found her real place, and that the PN got rid of a succulent parasite.

  14. J. says:

    Rows and disagreements are a fairly common occurrence, so nothing new, special or impressive about a couple of plates flying across the room.

    However, if a magistrate is behind the publication of a story of this sort even if, in her books or otherwise, there is friction between you and her, then that indeed is a liability to the image of the judiciary. This is because it amounts to abuse of power, and a breach of duty and every magistrate should be above that.

    Are you in a position to prove your allegations that she is behind this story? If so, are you willing to press charges against her?

    [Daphne – I have reasonable grounds to believe that it was her, but that is not enough to press charges. The facts are that she was privy, through her work, to certain information, that she knew what Malta Today was working on before it was published, and that she made a point of telling her guests to buy the newspaper to read the story. I am not interested in pressing charges anyway. This is much more effective, besides providing a useful service to society.]

  15. J. says:

    To be fair, nothing special about a magistrate romping around with a man either…who cares?

    As to the effectiveness of attacking her personally, of exposing her deeds, I’m not quite sure how this is useful to society… or to you for that matter.

    I would have chosen to expose how the media was used to serve extremely limited interests by a person who performs a public service. However, this is your call, your notebook.

    Though, I must say, I have caught myself thinking on more than one occasions that Malta Today could do better than publish that ‘mepawatch’ column/article. I’ve perceived it on several occasions to serve as a thinly-veiled defence of the perit’s personal interests.

  16. maryanne says:

    *As to the effectiveness of attacking her personally, of exposing her deeds, I’m not quite sure how this is useful to society… or to you for that matter.”

    Attacking her personally? You should be asking why would a magistrate be having fun attacking personally a columnist whose personal life should be of no interest to anyone but her family and friends. Daphne is not a magistrate, a prime minister, a mayor, a member of parliament or someone who holds a government job. In no way is her private life going to affect us as citizens. You may want to read what she writes or simply ignore it. You may not agree with her and say so. But you should challenge her arguments and facts and her personal life does not come into it at all. At least she is always honest, unlike a lot of doppia faccia people I know.

  17. Charles Zammit says:

    They say that the Maltese woman is clean indoors and dirty outdoors. I say you are either clean everywhere or dirty everywhere.

    • Brian says:

      ……however we really must admit that Daphne has one XL pair of titanium balls.

      [Daphne – Unlike Josephine Casabene De Maria’s (or Josephine De Maria Casabene, whatever), they haven’t been surgically inserted into my chest.]

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