Anglu Farrugia makes a progressive and moderate move

Published: January 25, 2010 at 9:13pm

The Labour Party has nothing to do with Il-Qahbu and Il-Qattus. I'm defending them in my private capacity as a lawyer.

The Labour Party has nothing to do with Il-Qahbu and Il-Qattus. I'm defending them in my private capacity as a lawyer.

You’d think the Labour Party’s deputy leader would have more sense than to act as defence counsel to il-Qahbu and il-Qattus. Oh I forget, this is the land where people take off one hat, put on another, and protest if you point out that they’re a walking farce.

From, today:

“Il-Qorti tal-Appell Kriminal ordnat lill-Qorti tal-maġistrati biex terġa’ tisma’ il-każ kontra Edwin Bartolo u Salvatore Mifsud li flimkien kienu akkużati b’diversi reati marbuta mal-inċidenti li allegatament seħħew fiż-Żejtun fil-jum tal-Elezzjoni għall-Parlament Ewropew, fejn fost l-oħrajn ġew aggrediti membri tal-Kumitat Sezzjonali tal-partit Nazzjonalista fiż-Żejtun.

Kif jider mis-seduta tat-23 ta’ Gunju 2009, id-Deputat Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista Anġlu Farruġia kien qiegħed jidher għal Edwin Bartolo magħruf bħala il-qaħbu u Salvatore Mifsud, flimkien ma avukati oħra fl-uffiċċju tal-istess Deputat Mexxej Laburista.”

54 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    It seems that Anglu Farrugia’s daughter showed up in court instead of her father.

    [Daphne – They share a practice.]

  2. Ronnie says:

    Daphne while on the subject of progressive moves what do you make of one the President’s latest speeches reported in The Sunday Times where he makes a point for having the concept of family defined in our laws. God forbid we ever let the puffs get on with their lives!

    Do you still think he was the better choice as alternative Prime Minister? He is more conservative than Dr. Gonzi if that is even possible.

    [Daphne – Yes, I still think he was the better choice as Labour leader. I am not a single-issue voter. To be frank, I give far less importance to issues and policy (except where major, like EU membership) than I do to the character, personality, psychology, stability and track record of the party leader and the party itself. No, I don’t agree with him on this issue, but he is certainly the better man.]

    • Chris Ripard says:

      Don’t tell me that you agree with homosexuals when they claim the “right” to raise children they cannot naturally produce? Talk about having your cake and eating it too!

      [Daphne – Chris, homosexuals can have children naturally.]

      • Mark C says:

        How can homosexuals concieve children Daphne please enlighten us?

        [Daphne – ‘i before e except after c’. Write that on a Post-It note and stick it to your laptop. In answer to your question: in exactly the same way you can, Mark: with a member of the opposite sex or the help of a turkey-baster (or its laboratory equivalent.]

      • Chris Ripard says:

        Is that right? Show me two men or two women that can have a baby between them naturally and I’ll believe you.

        [Daphne – Have you any idea just how many married heterosexual couples are raising a child that is the biological offspring of just one of them?]

        I meant gay married couples – obviously. Aren’t we talking “families” here anymore? Or is having a child by someone not your partner “natural” to you?

        [Daphne – Nature doesn’t deal in morality, Chris. You know that. I’m not talking surrogacy here: I’m talking infidelity, turkey basters and remarriage.]

      • John Schembri says:

        “Chris, homosexuals can have children naturally.”
        Hallina Daphne gejja bin-Naturally.
        Where in nature can homosexual animals have children?

        [Daphne – Exactly the same way everybody else does, John: they have sex with somebody of the opposite gender or they use artificial insemination. Please don’t tell me you hadn’t thought of that, or you imagined it doesn’t happen.]

        I agree with Chris – they can do whatever they like in their relationship but please hands off the innocent children.

        [Daphne – Innocent children as opposed to what – conniving ones? If a woman in a relationship with another woman has a baby of her own, what do you recommend happens – that the authorities seize the child and have it put up for adoption? Come on. Speaking for myself, if forced to choose between a couple of lesbians and a couple of tal-Muzew to bring up a child, I’d go for the lesbians any day. The other lot are more likely to mess the child up.]

      • Tim Ripard says:

        Daphne, I don’t agree with my twin here but in any case it seems you’re being deliberately obtuse. To me it’s clear that he means that same-sex couples cannot produce children naturally. I’ve never heard of sperm fertilizing sperm or eggs fertilizing eggs, have you? Obviously a lesbian can have a baby and a queer can produce sperm, but that’s not the point here.

        [Daphne – Tim, I said homosexuals and not homosexual couples. Your belief that a child must be the progeny of both ‘parents’ is touching.]

      • john says:

        Plenty of heterosexuals “claim the right” to raise children they couldn’t “naturally produce”.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Latest fashion craze: ‘Pants on the ground’. Markie, check it out. Not just your spelling.

      • ASP says:

        Many still think that a homosexual man can’t have children because his sperm is defective. I’m a gay man and my man has a 14-year-old son…and he loves him to bits! And i know at least 1 lesbian, and 3 gay men who have children of their own. and I think this is very important to say..they didn’t use artificial insemination!

      • John Schembri says:

        Not all homosexuals can have children Daphne. A lesbian needs at least artificial insemination to have a baby. I suppose that ‘naturally’ a lesbian would never even let a man kiss her.

        [Daphne – Oh, how wrong you are. The world is full of women who have sex, for whatever reason, with men who set their teeth on edge. It’s a lot easier for a homosexual woman to have sex with a man she likes so as to have a baby than it is for a heterosexual woman to have sex with a repulsive, smelly stranger who’s picked her up on the street, for money.]

        I am still wondering how a homosexual man can bear a child?

        [Daphne – By having sex with a woman, John, the same way you had yours.]

        I objected to the word ‘naturally’ because I believe that nature itself selects what it needs . A real lesbian, by nature, would NEVER have sex with a man.

        [Daphne – Your innocence is touching.]

      • Gahan says:

        Eureka! Homosexual men can bear children, it must be because Daphne said so. I thought only women can bear children.

        [Daphne – Next time, I’ll correct your English. I was too polite to do so.]

        I thought that only bisexuals have sex with both sexes, and homosexuals with a same sex partner.

        [Daphne – Women can have sex with anyone. Whether they enjoy it is another matter, and that applies to women of all inclinations. As for men, I imagine you are unaware of just how many gay men married in Malta up to the current generation. It’s not that there are more gay men in the younger generation; it’s that the older generation married and got on with it. And they had children, too, even if they avoided sex wherever possible. And then maybe they came out of the closet later on. Or they didn’t. It’s their business, not yours or mine, but know that it happens in all conservative societies. In fact, it’s one of the main story-lines in Eastenders right now: Muslim man, same sort of problems as ultra-Catholic Malta 30 years ago, that kind of thing.]

      • Gahan says:

        Who cares about East Enders? The problem is that you are living in a virtual world; you take a never-ending TV series too seriously.
        We are discussing whether a homosexual ‘family’ can have a child ‘naturally’ , a bi-sexual woman can have a child naturally but not a homosexual woman , if she goes with a man she’s defined as bi-sexual whether she likes it or not.
        It seems we have to emphasise that artificial insemination is not a ‘natural’ process.

        [Daphne – I think you have a lot to learn. It’s not having sex with both genders that makes you bisexual. Sexuality is defined on the basis of attraction. Artificial insemination is perfectly natural. I believe you are confusing it with in vitro fertilisation, which is not.]

      • Gahan says:

        Artificial insemination is widely practised by our farmers on their cows, they import the sperm from Holland. Probably that’s why there aren’t many bulls on our farms.

  3. P Zahra says:

    Would that it were a dead albatross.

  4. ASP says:

    Tonight at 8.30 watch ONE TV’s greatest talk show, chaired by a very fat blond 1970s guy – I forget his name.

    • maryanne says:

      Yes and the programme after his is aptly called Amen.

      • Gahan says:

        ASP, so yesterday we had Bondi+ with a bunch of politicians, today we have Biografiji about Anton Buttigieg , followed by Dissett by Reno Bugeja interviewing Toni Abela, then there is Kontro Ezami about Toni Abela and Mosta local council. We’re spoiled for choice for comedy programmes on the Maltese channels, but still I will be watching Striscia la notizia and Zelig on Canale 5. I prefer their ‘humour’ for tonight.

        [Daphne – Can’t stand Italian ‘humour’, so count me out. Even Toni Abela is more amusing.]

      • John Schembri says:

        At 10pm I went to sleep actually. But I have to admit that I watched Bijografiji which was …good.
        I think I spotted two brothers from both sides of the house who were bashing Dr Gonzi on Joe Grima’s discussion programme, that was while I was zapping during the “publicita'”.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      U le, then you’ll miss Toni Abela on Dissett …

      • Nick says:

        Daphne,I can’t stand Italian humour either, but the babes on Striscia la notizia ….how can us hot blooded Mediterraneans not resist a peek? Beauty beats Toni any day.

  5. Muscat Patrick says:

    Are you refering to Sir Michael or to Wenzu?

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    What is really sad is that no PL sympathiser will see anything wrong with the deputy leader of their party defending two notorious political thugs. Just as they never saw anything wrong when the same thugs used to go on a rampage.

  7. Interesting this one. Fits right in with Raphael’s article last Sunday (Porn-again Christians) about nationalist candidates representing porn companies in this age of censorship and morality crusades.

    Same same, but different I guess.

    [Daphne – Hardly, Jacques, but then you do have to stretch the evidence sometimes, don’t you, to make it fit with your spent MLPN propaganda. If Labour and the PN were really much of a muchness, as you insist, the former wouldn’t have lost every general election bar one since 1976.]

    • This “evidence” hardly needs “stretching” Daphne. Just replace Anglu with Georg, Qahbu with a Pornsite billing system, and Labour’s supposed anti-thug policy with PN’s morality crusade. No big stretches of imagination needed there.

      [Daphne – Oh, come off it, Jacques. Honestly.]

      Same same, but different I say.

      And no. The problem is not that they are the same. The problem is that they have both run out of ideas and spell a race to the bottom at this point. The only reason PN lasted longer (every general election bar one – and it should have won that one too) is that it hooked onto the blindingly obvious way forward while the Labourites played football politics for much longer. Only now PN seems to be heading the same way. Hence PLPN – it’s not spent. It’s the system stupid.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Jacques Rene Zammit

        You realise of course that your blog is also indirectly associated with porn. It is “powered by WordPress” which also hosts porn sites. As a matter of fact, a google search of ‘wordpress’ and ‘porn’ brings up 9.9 million hits including a ‘porn tube wordpress template’ and, a service graciously offered by WordPress: a “porn site builder” .

        The words kettle, pot and black come to mind.

      • Twanny says:

        I don’t think that Jacques makes a profit from that connection. That is the crux.

  8. Ian says:

    Chris Ripard: What cake are you talking about, may I ask?

  9. Paul Bonnici says:

    It is about time Malta introduced civil partnership for gays like most other European countries.

    Gays don’t want to emulate hetrosexuals, most don’t want to adopt children, they want basic rights to make their life more comfortable.

    I have a gay friend who has a foreign partner, the discrimatary immigration laws prevent them from living together in Malta. Why should they be forced to live apart if they love each other? Anyone who disagrees is nothing but sadistic.

    [Daphne – The Romeo and Juliet argument really irritates me. Why don’t they live in the other man’s country, then, eh? Could it be because that country doesn’t allow Maltese men in without a visa and work permit, and doesn’t allow homosexuals to marry each other? Malta isn’t the only country with strict immigration laws and no homosexual marriage, you’ll be surprised to find – and I’m not talking about Saudi Arabia, either. Try landing at JFK without an electronic passport (or a visa, until recently) and outstaying your welcome without a green card – then when they come along to arrest, protest your love for a gay man you can’t marry and see what happens to you. Tell your friend to do what all sensible people do next time he decides to fall in love: go for somebody he can make a life with.]

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Why compare Malta with the USA and Saudi Arabia, they are both developing countries in my opinion. I lived in New York, you die like a dog if you have no health insurance.

      We should be aspiring to other more developed and more tolerant European countries, such as Germany, France, Britain and Spain, these all have civil partnership.

      So it is ok to allow illegal immigrants into Malta but not gay partners, who are professionals and gainfully employed and not a burden on the state.

      [Daphne – Please let’s not start this argument again. It’s just too boring. You have a choice of 27 member states in which to find a partner who can live here. If you want to shop further, and in a country where you are not allowed to live because you are not a national (because otherwise you could go to his country) that’s your choice. It’s not a problem peculiar to homosexuals. It’s a problem shared by all those who can’t marry – including separated people, a group rather larger than the gay lobby. I’m not saying put up and shut up. I’m saying ‘be realistic here’.]

  10. Mario De Bono says:

    See “what the Cat dragged in” on Dissett!

  11. David Gatt says:

    I know this is out of context … but I just can’t resist it. Taken from the official blog / website of Front Maltin Favur Dom Mintoff ( !!


    Skond il-mebmaster taghna sirna nafu li mijjiet qed jidhlu biex jaraw it-taghrif interessanti li qed ikollha din il-websajt. Minbarra li qed jidhlu hafna minn Malta, inkluz min-naha tal-pulizija ta’ Malta, qed ikun hemm ukoll mill-Istati Uniti ta’ l-Amerika, inkluz is-CIA, mill-Ingilterra, l-Awstralja, Kanada, Polonja, Algerija, Marokk, Belgju u pajjizi ohrajn. L-aktar li qed jidhlu b’riferenza mill-Google, Yahoo u search engines ohra. Bhala suggett il-maggoranza jidhlu dwar huwa Dom Mintoff, imbaghad John Zammit u wara taghrif differenti li fiha l-website. “

  12. Mark C says:

    Daphne in fact I do know a girl who was brought up by a butch (lesbian) and her ‘girlfriend’. She has hepititis, is a drug abuser, and totally messed up. And it’s no wonder, being brought up in such a messed up ‘family’. ha ha

    [Daphne – And you, I would imagine, were brought up by your biological heterosexual married parents. But I’m afraid that’s no reason to condemn or ban the raising of children in all such unions.]

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Markie, sounds like she would fit right in with you. All she needs to round out her life is a nitwit.

    • ricepudding says:

      Mark, you mention one girl raised by a homosexual couple who’s disturbed, I can mention hundreds of young people, raised by heterosexual, religious and loving couples, with drug, health and mental problems far worse than the ones you mention!

  13. Joseph Micallef says:

    Have been watching Toni on Dissett. Incredibly enough this moron argued that Australia Hall in Pembroke is in the sorry state it is now because the government did not draw the attention of the PL before. Obviously he must have missed the 96-98 debacle.

    Mhux jien, mhux jien, mhux jien Mama!

    • maryanne says:

      I loved the show yesterday (even his choice of tie). If it is anything to go by, we had a foretaste of who will be taking decisions for us in four years’ time.

      He thinks that being a former member of CNI is not political baggage for a deputy leader and miskin he hates ‘gurnalizmu kattiv’. I could almost see a halo around his head.

  14. Ian says:

    @ Mark C:

    If you insist on “statistics”, I know three (that’s two more than you, in case you lost your ability to count along with that to form rational arguments) children raised by homosexual couples, two of whom are absolutely adorable and well educated; the third is admittedly a bit of a naghead but still brought up pretty well.

  15. Tim Ripard says:

    Daphne, you yourself mention ‘ARTIFICIAL’ insemination in your comment to John Schembri. Do I really need to explain the difference between ‘natural’ and ‘artificial’ to you?

    [Daphne – The insemination is artificial. The sperm and what happens from there on in is not.]

    Read my remark again, please.

    Just for the record, how many offspring are not being/have not been raised by both biological heterosexual married parents do you think? (My estimate is about 10% of offspring under 25). More interestingly, why do women do it? (Deceive husbands and/or lovers, I mean). Is it just to prolong the sweet sensation of having cuckolded the old man whilst draining his bank account?

    [Daphne – Never presume to know the secrets of another person’s marriage. I can’t remember who said that, but it’s wise. Some married couples (and unmarried ones) can overcome serious betrayals, others can’t. Also, it’s really important to understand that in rather a lot of marriages, women are kept short of money rather than draining bank accounts to which they have no access and often, of which they have no knowledge.]

  16. embor says:

    On another matter ……


    The Times editorial of the 27th asks Government to trust the people on the Valletta entrance project. But which people is the Times referring to?

    Are they the people who are locked in the past and who have not realised that opera today is one of numerous art forms?
    Are they the people who do not realise an opera house rebuilt would become a monument to the incompetence of this generation, one which is unable to make a modern day architectural statement which respects its historical context?
    Are they the people who asked for a national theatre on the flimsy pretext that the national philharmonic opera does not have a home?
    Are they the people who refuse to see the potential of an open air theatre which would be complimentary to other Valletta cultural venues?
    Are they the people who drafted a petition against the project without making a specific proposal? If they proposed rebuilding the opera house those in favour of a national theatre would not have signed and vice versa.
    Are they the people who think that they can do a better design job than Renzo Piano?
    Are they the people who refuse to realise that if the project is unduly delayed it will simply not happen and that this would make us the joke of Europe with war remains many decades old?


    Are they the many people who spoke in favour of the project including Din l-Art Helwa?
    Are they the people who are genuinely worried if the site remains as is for many years more?
    Are they the people who are forward looking and can see tremendous potential in the project as designed by Piano?
    Are they the people who were chosen by the electorate to take decisions i.e. the Prime Minister and his Cabinet ?


  17. Mark C says:

    From Malta exposed.
    Analysis demonstrated that children raised by gays are more likely to accept non-heterosexual marriages
    Like father like son?
    Like mother like daughter?
    Kids copy their parents. Plain and simple.
    Apart from which, first they would ask for marriage, then for family benefits and children’s allowance.
    So Mr.X and Mr.Y decide to make some money, so they secretly marry to enjoy free social benefits.

  18. J, P. Zammit says:

    Iva jekk tridu tkunu tafu x’qed jigri fil-gwerra bejn Joe Mizzi u John Zammit fin-naha tal-Kottonera u kif Dr. Anglu Farrugia qed jiddefendi lil Joe Mizzi u wkoll kif Anglu Farrugia issa qed jiggieled kontra Jason Micallef fil-Mosta u gralu bhal siehbu Joe Mizzi idhlu fil-website tal-Mintoffjani

  19. ricepudding says:

    Oh dear why do people take so long to understand what Daphne means by having children naturally.

    A man or a woman, irrespective of being heterosexual or homosexual, having a fertile and healthy reproductive system CAN have children. A homosexual couple can not have children together, no, but a homosexual person can.

    Please get it once and for all, this is no rocket science.

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