Coming up tomorrow (just the words that Consuelo likes to hear)

Published: January 29, 2010 at 11:23pm
Dear heavens, another long day up that woman's crack.

Dear heavens, another long day up that woman's crack.

How Consuelo Herrera got a hotelier’s young son up against the wall in a Paceville alley, and almost had our 20th anniversary sixth form reunion sabotaged when his mother found out and went nuts.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Il-G string ta' Consuelo says:

    It’s kind of worrying that a magistrate can’t distinguish between the constitutional roles of the president and the government. She thinks that the president of the republic (our head of state) is a government official. This is from her Facebook profile, in the bit where it says ‘Consuelo is a fan of’:

    Government Officials
    “We support our president George Abela”

    • Paul C T says:

      Il-G whoever created the group is responsible for putting the group in that section not Consuelo ..Just thought you should know

  2. Mark C says:

    Jaqq, I’m eating please.

  3. starfish says:

    Geez Louise spare me the mental pictures!

  4. Babel says:

    Attivita ħdejn is-Salib tal-Għolja
    Il-Kunsillier Jesmond Tanti qal li kien irċieva ittra mill-Maġistrat Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera fejn infurmatu
    li bi ħsiebha torganizza attivita ħdejn is-Salib tal-Għolja nhar is-Sibt 20 ta’ Ġunju fit-8:00pm u din tkun
    tinvolvi ikla għal xi 150 ruħ. L-għan ta’ din l-attivita huwa li jinġabru fondi b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza.
    Preżenti jkun hemm ukoll DJ Bundy.
    Hija qed titlob lill-Kunsill jipprovdilha d-dawl fit-trejqa li twassal għall-għolja, kif ukoll fuq il-parti għallgħolja,
    kif ukoll mobile toilets fil-viċin.
    Il-Viċi-Sindku qal li jidher li l-kittieba tal-ittra mhux qed titlob permess lill-Kunsill imma l-għajnuna għallattivita.
    Huwa tal-fehma li l-post indikat huwa post ta’ ġabra u mhux xieraq biex fih isiru attivitajiet bħal
    Is-Segretarju Eżekuttiv informa lill-Kunsill li fl-20 ta’ Ġunju, fis-Siġġiewi jkun hemm attivita organizzata
    mis-Siġġiewi Festival Brass Brand.
    Is-Sindku qal li din l-attivita għandha għan filantropiku u li jekk ikun hemm l-approvazzjoni tad-diriġenti
    tad-Dar tal-Providenza ma jarax nuqqas ta’ kompatibilita mal-post.
    Huwa qal li l-Kunsillier Tanti għandu jkellem lill-Maġistrat Scerri Herrera u jinfurmaha bil-punti li ħarġu
    minn din id-diskussjoni, u terġa’ diskussa fis-seduta li jmiss.

  5. Dendee says:

    Please, I can`t imagine her ass in that G string. Ugh.

  6. Evelyn says:

    It keeps getting better and better! Thanks for the entertainment, Daphne!

  7. Il mingell says:

    Reminds me of Dallas and Dynasty.

    [Daphne – Yes, but with ugly people in horrid clothes.]

  8. Jason Grima says:

    Veru l-ahba milli kolla ittik, hares lejn sormok DEfney

  9. Loredana Gatt says:

    eeeehhh this is such fun….. such a pity I missed the reunion!

    [Daphne – Loredana! Marelli, it shows you’re permanently based elsewhere. You’re the only one of our lot who had the guts to comment under your own name. Everyone else is terrified of Consuelo’s knives. You’ll be thrilled to know that we’re already planning the 30th anniversary reunion – we thought we’d start well ahead. We’re having it at the Police Headquarters in Floriana.]

  10. antonia sikkink says:

    This is so hilarious, greatly entertaining. Never imagined these things went on in this conservative religious little island. I would make a super soap opera or a comedy….will be continued?

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