Consuelo, the mayor and the mobile lavatories

Published: January 30, 2010 at 3:10pm
I've never done it in a Portaloo before

I've never done it in a Portaloo before

Consuelo and Robert decide to throw a party at is-Salib tal-Gholja. The party will raise funds for Dar il-Providenza. Why didn’t they just write out a cheque and give Dar il-Providenza the money? Exactly.

Consuelo writes to the Siggiewi Local Council, where her ‘poggut’ is the mayor, and informs them of ‘her’ plans.

A discussion ensues, in which Consuelo’s demands are talked about by the councillors as though she does not share a home and a bed with the mayor, who is discussing them right there alongside.

It turns out that Consuelo, rather than writing to the council to ask for permission to throw a party for 150 people in a public place, has instead written to them to demand that the council provides, at its own expense, mobile lavatories for her guests and adequate street-lighting all the way up to the Gholja.

I’ll translate, for the benefit of those who can’t read Maltese.

“Siggiewi Local Council, Citta Ferdinand – Minutes of Council Meeting No. 206, Thursday, 23 April 2009
The Council met at its office at 20 St Nicholas Square, Siggiewi at 7pm. The mayor, Robert Musumeci, presided.

Councillor Jesmond Tanti said that he had received a letter from Magistrate Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera, in which she informed him of her intention to organise a party near is-Salib tal-Gholja on Saturday, 20 June at 8pm, and that this would involve dinner for around 150 people. The aim of the party was to raise funds for Dar tal-Providenza. DJ Bundy would be present. She is asking the Council to provide lighting on the road up to the mount, and also on the ‘gholja’, and also mobile toilets.

The deputy mayor said that it appears to be the case that the writer of the letter is not requesting permission from the Council but instead help for the party. He is of the opinion that the place in question is not suitable for activities like these.

The Executive Secretary informed the Council that on 20 June at Siggiewi there would be an activity organised by the Siggiewi Festival Brass Band.

The mayor said that the party is for a philanthropic cause, and if it has the approval of the directors of Dar il-Providenza, he doesn’t see why a party should be considered unsuitable for that location. He said that Councillor Tanti should speak to Magistrate Scerri Herrera and inform her of the points that came out of this discussion, and it will be discussed in the next session.”

SEDUTA NRU 206 – Il-Ħamis 23 t’April, 2009
Il-Kunsill iltaqa’ fl-uffiċċju tiegħu, 20, Pjazza San Nikola, is-Siġġiewi, fis-7.00pm
Is-Sindku, il-Perit Robert Musumeci ippresieda.

Attivita ħdejn is-Salib tal-Għolja
Il-Kunsillier Jesmond Tanti qal li kien irċieva ittra mill-Maġistrat Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera fejn infurmatu
li bi ħsiebha torganizza attivita ħdejn is-Salib tal-Għolja nhar is-Sibt 20 ta’ Ġunju fit-8:00pm u din tkun
tinvolvi ikla għal xi 150 ruħ. L-għan ta’ din l-attivita huwa li jinġabru fondi b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza.
Preżenti jkun hemm ukoll DJ Bundy.
Hija qed titlob lill-Kunsill jipprovdilha d-dawl fit-trejqa li twassal għall-għolja, kif ukoll fuq il-parti għallgħolja,
kif ukoll mobile toilets fil-viċin.
Il-Viċi-Sindku qal li jidher li l-kittieba tal-ittra mhux qed titlob permess lill-Kunsill imma l-għajnuna għallattivita.
Huwa tal-fehma li l-post indikat huwa post ta’ ġabra u mhux xieraq biex fih isiru attivitajiet bħal
Is-Segretarju Eżekuttiv informa lill-Kunsill li fl-20 ta’ Ġunju, fis-Siġġiewi jkun hemm attivita organizzata
mis-Siġġiewi Festival Brass Brand.
Is-Sindku qal li din l-attivita għandha għan filantropiku u li jekk ikun hemm l-approvazzjoni tad-diriġenti
tad-Dar tal-Providenza ma jarax nuqqas ta’ kompatibilita mal-post.
Huwa qal li l-Kunsillier Tanti għandu jkellem lill-Maġistrat Scerri Herrera u jinfurmaha bil-punti li ħarġu
minn din id-diskussjoni, u terġa’ diskussa fis-seduta li jmiss.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Tonio Farrugia says:

    She had second thoughts! The minutes of the subsequent meeting state: Is-Sindku informa lill-Kunsill li l-persuna inkarigata ma kinitx għada interessata li torganizza l-attività.

    [Daphne – Her way or the highway. She didn’t get her free toilets or free lighting.]

  2. Babel says:

    How did the Sindku learn that the “persuna nkarigata” was no longer interested? Pillow talk?

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    ‘lighting on the road to the mount’. You couldn’t make it up!

  4. Rover says:

    Harry, I suppose the mayor was blindfolded and the person ‘inkarigata’ had a sack over her head, hence the necessary lighting on the way to the mount.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Rover, I gather that a sack over her head would make her even more ‘delectable’ to the youngsters. Never seen a real, live, horny magistrate buried alive before–even better than the Roman Colosseum.

  5. Rover says:

    Surely that was a missed opportunity, having second thoughts about the party on the mount. She could have had so much fun and games in those portable loos. Shame it didn’t quite work out for her.

  6. Arthur Hill says:

    Who does this magistrate think she is? She is putting the courts she presides over in disrepute. No wonder someone accused her of an illegality and the police are taking action against this person (not the magistrate). The only word I can say to her is RESIGN. I know that the authorities cannot remove bad apples from the bench. One rotten apple can ruin several others. And that is what’s happening at the law courts.

  7. Arthur Hill says:

    Din l-attivita’ ghandha ghan filantropiku. Hekk qal is-Sindku Musumeci li llum tlift kull fiducja li qatt kelli fih. Forsi l-filantropija li semma hija li jghidu u jqasqsu fuq in-nies?

    Din hija l-filantropija. Nissuggerixxi lid-Direttur tad-Dar tal-Providenza biex ma jaccettax flus mahmugin bhal dawn ghall- providenza tad-djar. Ma ninsewx illi d-Direttur ta’ qablu ma ridx flus ta’ Anglu Xuereb ghax qal li ma jridx flus ta’ nies li huma kontra s-suwed.

    U bl-istess argument li kellu dak iz-zmien nittama li d-direttur il-gdid ma jaccettax flus ta’ dan it-tip. Flus gejjin mit-tqasqis fuq nies ta’ certa klassi, li ma tippretendijiex minnhom. Mhux ta b’xejn li f’Malta intilfet kompletament il-fiducja f’certi nies u certi istituzzjonijiet fosthom il-Qorti.

  8. Arthur Hill says:

    When this Consuelo pays for the expenses which the council will be obliged to do, then yes, there will be temporary lights on the hill. Otherwise NEVER will we allow this profanation to happen.

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