Oh dear – see what I mean about old people and Facebook?

Published: January 31, 2010 at 4:31pm
I guess there are a lot of bored people in Malta

I guess there are a lot of bored people in Malta

This is somebody called Josephine Casabene, a 40-year-old mother married to a lawyer called Jonathan de Maria (on right of pic) who has posted this herself on her own Facebook page, for all to see.

This country is going nuts. She’s not even embarrassed to show us all that her breasts are made of plastic. Ma nafx. Il-vera ma nafx. I must be really old-fashioned or living on other planet or something.

40 Comments Comment

  1. Chris says:

    There’s no protecting yourself from Facebook today. Even if you don’t have an account yourself, your friends do, and anyone looking for photos of you will just go to their profiles.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; the only way to protect yourself from ending up looking silly on Facebook, is to not act silly in real life or at least not when cameras are around (but even then, it’s risky).

    It’s just a new reality we have to live with.

    Posting pictures of yourself like the one above though is just asking for it.

  2. Ivan B. says:

    Madonna santa! Some people really have no inhibitions, do they? And I’m not referring to you, DCG. What the hell do people like this think that they are doing, anyway.

    Pacenzja jekk ikollok ghoxrin sena, imma jekk tkun daqs din? U lanqas kieku kella x’turi, xi kruwa!

    Better a small REAL pair than an uncomfortably large fake one!

  3. Ivan F. says:

    The ugly git has taken her Facebook page offline, presumably because the rest of the photos there are even less flattering that this one. Ha, ha, ha!


  4. Chris says:

    Are you serious?

    Who would engage Jonathan as his lawyer? He’s dumb. And he’s in “love” with Jason Micallef. So that makes him dumb and dumber.

    Someone just told me that Jason was at Consie’s party. Is it true? Any pics?

    [Daphne – He would have been, yes. Our Consie’s gearing up for 2013 and a place in the Higher Court. That will be a first for Malta: a judge in Lycra designed for a Ukrainian escort, dancing at her 50th birthday party with Charlon Gouder tas-Super One, minghajr ma tisraqlu l-wallet.]

    • Chris V says:

      If Consie’s bday bash was a private event, how come Charlon and Jonathan were present?

      Did they gatecrash the event?

      If they were invited, whose friends are they? Consie’s or Musumeci’s? Or both?

    • Nicky says:


      “with Charlon Gouder tas-Super One, minghajr ma tisraqlu l-wallet”…

      Along with Jason Micallef and Charlon Gouder and Miriam Dalli, this Consie here should host a new Family Guy series or something. Ridiculous.

  5. Anton says:

    I myself do not have a Facebook account specifically because I do not feel comfortable posting personal pictures for all to see and comment about, unlike some I treasure my personal privacy.

    But then so many millions disagree with me! At work I’m the only one who does not have a Facebook account! In Malta there are around 50,000 active Facebook users.

    Whilst I think that it is extremely silly for people to post certain compromising photos of themselves on the internet, (especially if you are a magistrate) on the other hand I don’t think we should be insulting private individuals who have a Facebook page.

    [Daphne – By definition, if you have posted yourself on Facebook, then you are no longer private. You have breached your own privacy. This is precisely what I mean when I say that older people don’t understand how the internet works, and by ‘works’ I don’t mean being able to use it, but the ramifications of it.]

    I fully agree with exposing public figures who make a fool of themselves on the internet, but then its a completely different story when it comes to private individuals!

    But then when you want to share your photos with the world by putting them on Facebook you should expect to get some comments!

    • il koxxa ta' Josephine says:

      Don’t bother linking to Josephine’s page. She removed all her other ‘sexy’ photos and deleted yesterday’s and today’s posts including the wishful imaginary conversation she ended with “gawd, bitching is contagious!!!naughty girl jo!!!!! i deserve a slap on the wrist!!”

      Exhibitionists not only enjoy posting photos of themselves but also conversations with their spouses it seems.
      See just one of them below posted on Facebook for all to see.
      I am sure others like me will know than the space dividing the word koxxa was no accident.

      Jonathan de Maria Time to in get some food!

      May 6, 2009 at 10:07pm via Mobile Web · Comment · Like

      Josephine De Maria Casabene nahseb xi koxxa se jiekol illejla!

      May 6, 2009 at 10:09pm

      Jonathan de Maria ah k oxxa u sider ukoll! ;) hehe

      May 6, 2009 at 10:19pm via Facebook Mobile

      • Nigel A. says:

        I must be growing old, because I think that the above “conversation” is excrutiatiingly embarassing for the couple concerned.

        Imagine having to get a kick by making your sex life oh-so-public. And to think that throughout our childhood and teenage years Jonathan Demaria was one hell of a nerd!

    • Eve Learmount says:

      I agree with Kenneth (above). A photo like that is meant for a laugh, and not as a flattering photo of the lady in question.It was clearly a party and shouldn’t be taken seriously. I think it’s far more harmful to indulge in character assination.

  6. No Judge says:

    Isn’t it ironic that in the time of privacy concerns, people then bare all their private lives online and assume that these remain private.

    [Daphne – This one is almost baring her pudenda, and showing us that she’s got the full wax for that hair-free pre-adolescent look. Nuts, nuts, totally nuts.]

    People should have noticed long ago that there is nothing private in the online world. Things like the Data Protection Act and suchlike are not aimed at protecting them from online snooping or their own stupidity or lack of knowledge.

    And it’s even less than useless now, as a result of this case, for people to scramble like madmen to try and remove any embarrassing material because this is now out and God knows how many times it has been replicated on search engines, web crawlers, mirror sites, news aggregators, etc.

    As Chris posted so eloquently before me: it’s just a new reality we have to live with.

  7. Il mingell says:

    u le!!!!

  8. H. P. Baxxter says:

    Dan ir-ritatt huwa ipso facto falz, ghax ahna, er, “pajjiz li ghadu jhaddan il-valuri.”

  9. Joseph Micallef says:

    Facebook and other social networks are not the problem!

    In fact they expose the sheer stupidity of some, of which a representative sample is now known. Some unexpected others confirmed!

  10. Andrea says:

    If my mother did that I’d never show my face in public again.

  11. Marku says:

    Wow! And to think that when I moved abroad I thought Malta was too stuffy and boring for my taste. Twelve years later, il-pogguti saru “partners”, half the kids are born out of wedlock, and 40 year old “puliti” get boob jobs and show off their assets on Facebook. Methinks that President Abela’s crusade for stronger values may take a while to bear fruit.

    • Ivan B. says:

      Puliti? What part of the world do you come from?

    • abram vella says:

      Jekk xi erba qlafat m’ghandhomx valuri ma jfissirx li Malta kollha saret burdell wiehed. Anzi niehdu gost illi almenu ghandna president illi bhal ta’ qablu jhaddan valuri sodi u li jemmen fihom. Sakemm il-bniedem jghix hajja li taghti ezempju haj lil dawk li ma jridu jafu b’xejn m’ghandhux jehel kulhadd li f’malta m’ghandniex valuri. U zgur li ghandna. Ghax johorgu xi erba kbarat li jaghmlu rebus mill-gustizzja u mill-valuri li suppost ihaddnu ma jfissirx li waqghet id-dinja. Anzi dawn imisshom itiru minn posthom u jghaddu posthom lil min huwa ahjar bil-ferm iktar minnhom. Imma x’taghmel meta ghandek opposizzjoni mahmuga u li l-inqs hi stess ma taf x;inhuma l-valuri veri tal-Maltin. Deputat mexxej jghid li jaqbel mal-abbort u wara 24 siegha jibdel ir-rotta ghax imsawwat, mexxej irid id-divorzju, iz-zwegijiet imhallta, il-gays,u l-libertinagg bla razan ghax ghadu mohh ir-rih u jrid jinghogob ma kulhadd. U mbaghad tarah jisstieden lill-kleru biex jaghmlulu mistoqsijiet minflok ma jaghti garanzija li ma jamilx bhal Zappatero,,, jisfida lill-knisja kattolika. Dawn huma l-valuri tal-Oppozizzjoni.

      • Carmel Scicluna says:

        Jidher li dawk il-51% li ghadhom imorru ‘l quddies m’ghandhomx ghazla meta jigu biex jivvutaw fl-elezzjoni generali li jmiss.

        Kif tista’ tkun nisrani tajjeb u tivvota l-Partit Laburista bl-istend li ghandhom fuq id-divorzju u l-abort u l-bqija?

        Jekk il-PN jitlef il-valuri li dejjem haddan inkun l-ewwel wiehed li narmi l-vot.

  12. janine says:

    Does this woman honestly think she’s sexy? Yes Facebook is full of these over 40’s women making it so obvious how desperate and frustrated they really are, by posting pics of themselves half naked. It honestly beats me what kind of a man would be attracted to a body such as the one above.

  13. jd says:

    That is very ugly – if you’re so insecure that you absolutely have to go around looking like your pants are falling down at 40 yrs old – at least for god’s sake – get a flat stomach.

  14. Leonard says:

    I’m turning vegetarian for a few weeks.

  15. Ganna says:

    I think this post is in real bad taste. What is wrong with keeping your body in shape and having a social life at 40?

    Clearly, many of you have boring empty lives if all you do is follow other people’s lives on FB, saving their statuses, downloading their pictures and berating them. The attack on her husband’s professional acumen was also below the belt.

    I happen to be one of those that is thankful for for Facebook. It is a great way to stay in touch with my friends locally and abroad, and keeping updated with what’s happening in each other’s lives.

    Just because one has a FB account, does not mean that he is infringing his privacy rights. It is clear that none of you have read the Terms of Use for having a FB account, nor do you realize that just because photos of others are posted online, it doesn’t give you the legal right to download them. Clearly none of you have ethics, and none of you know a thing about law.

  16. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    Ganna: you can’t infringe your own privacy rights. And don’t be naive: if photos are up on the ‘Net, no copyright notice in the world is going to make a difference. I’m on Facebook too, as I don’t care if my (admittedly sometimes childish) remarks and pix are broadcast. On the other hand, I wouldn’t expect to whine if they are, either, however embarrassing they may be – it’s my own silly fault.

  17. Loredana Gatt says:

    — please let them post photos…. it’s my daily entertainment. I see pics of people I knew 20 years ago (I actually often mix them up with their fathers) who are still behaving in exactly the same way they did when they were 30!

    Madonna, il-Maltin veru saru “wild”…

    I love the summer barbecue photos where 50-year-old women compete to show off their sagging bosoms. Daphne, don’t ruin my Facebook entertainment. I am confined to my little “province” under the snow, so take pity on me.

    [Daphne – I know, pathetic, isn’t it? A load of aging groovers. I remember laughing at the few ‘parents’ who were like that way back when. I still remember the night somebody’s parents turned up at the same club we were at: she in a mini-skirt with long loose hair, and he in a ‘cool’ shirt and pony-tail. Their daughter nearly DIED. But when I look back, those parents must have been about our age now.]

    • Jennifer says:

      I know exactly what you mean. When I was in my 20s, there was only one friend who had such parents (the rest all being pretty conventional). I remember their daughter being highly embarrassed by their behaviour. Twenty years down the line, the mother still thinks she’s a black-haired Barbie doll, despite looking her age.

      When will people realise that they can no longer dress like their grandchildren, for heaven’s sake?

    • Sarah Jacc says:

      Careful, Ms. Gatt. As Daphne has said in the past, the problem with sitting on a fence is that you will eventually end up with a post up your backside.

  18. Pierre Farrugia says:

    Who needs Facebook when this blog has become so entertaining?

  19. angie micallef says:

    This must be an anorexic with a pair of silicone breasts. DISGUSTING.

  20. angie micallef says:

    I remember a letter written on a local newspaper by Mrs Casabene de Maria telling how proud and happy she is about the fact that she was a full time mum with her suckling babies. If she really loved and respected her children she wouldn’t even think of showing such picture on Facebook.

  21. kenneth says:

    Ganna, this post is VERY bad taste from start. It is shameful and extremely sad that to fill in some time of their pathetic lives people end up writing the nonsense above. If any of these people had one ounce of the goodness that this woman that have willingly tried to trash, they’d shy away from making these ridiculous comments. ABC it is true that whatever is posted on internet is within public domain but does that give us the right to try to destroy people? Her fault i hear you say for putting it up…… let’s see the bigger picture and see what good has come out of this senseless blog,

    • Carmel Scicluna says:

      Kenneth, din hi l-ghazla fundamentali li ghandna fi zminijietna: liema hu l-ewwel kmandament li se nahtru f’hajjitna?

      Jien hu Alla sidek, ma jkollokx Alla iehor hliefi: jigifieri li d-drittijiet t’Alla (fosthom li nhobbu l-proxxmu taghna, inkluza ‘l dil-mara tar-ritratt) jigu l-ewwel u qabel kollox f’hajjitna.

      Jew il-liberta’ tal-espressjoni – inkluza l-liberta’ li nitmellhu b’mara ta’ 40 sena li ma nafuhiex minn Eva u li ghamlet l-izball li mpustat elettronikament rittratt mhux xieraq.

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