Real estate magnate Sandro Chetcuti throws groovy shapes on Consuelo's dancefloor

Published: January 31, 2010 at 11:50am
Ma tafx il-xi perit tajjeb, hux?

Ma tafx il-xi perit tajjeb, hux?

15 Comments Comment

  1. il-Ginger says:

    Sandro likes ’em big.

  2. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Daphne: You are priceless. Atta girl, more power to your elbow!

  3. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Oh my Gawd, Malta’s own wannabe Flavio Briatore!

  4. ganni says:

    Is he the same Sandro of ta’ Becky (former Labour diehard of the famous ‘run rabbit run’ song)? And by any chance, the same person who is always proposing to the government what to do before and after every budget? And yes, the same Sandro who said in Malta Today that he always contributes to the Opposition in order to ‘strengthen democracy’?

    • Anthony Farrugia says:

      He is GRTU representative for property developers who build matchbox apartments with exorbitant prices and which remain unsold. He is always whining and whinging how Government should do them a favour and buy these apartments from them for social housing – shades of Marisa Micallef.

  5. Lady in beige says:

    Mugliett must have been at the party too, unless his wife Karen has a double. Ah well …

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Dan li jigri meta jkollok combination ta’ flus u hamalli.

    Someone asked whether this is the beginning of tangentopoli. Balls! Make that a Night of The Long Knives.

  7. Tony Pace says:

    Dan x’kien, a 45th birthday party or a major recycling event? If that was the case, fejn hu George?

  8. Yawn says:

    Issa magnate ukoll! Since when does an illiterate wannabe turn into a magnate overnight?

    Issa nixtri dar antika b’hafna tqanzih, insib kuntrattur lest jiehu wiehed mit tlett toqbiet li nkun bnejt, u min l-ghada nsir magnate tax-xelin.

    Rather than focus on my core business and try get the rubbish I built sold, I’ll be hopping around between is-super wann, ix-xarabank u l-GRTU (ara dan fiex jifhem), making a fool myself trying to project myself as an intellectual dumb f777.

    Kif il-bank jibda jafas, u z-zewg toqbiet li nkunu bnejna ma jinbieghawx (spelling!), nduru fuq Gonzi, nissuggerulu jixtri l-flats hu ghas-social housing.

    • Amanda Caruana says:

      Int lanqas taf tikteb bl-istess lingwa ahseb u ara kemm se tkun kapaci taghmel li ghamel haddiehor.
      U donnok ghandek xi haga kontrih int!!! Jien gieli smajtu jitkellem u jghogobni kif jitkellem ghax jghid il-verita u jipprova jaghmel xi haga mhux bhal nies bhalek tgergru, tmaqdru u ma taslu mkien.

      • George D says:

        Issa jasal ta’ Sandro Chetcuti, maqful fil-habs ta’ Kordin. L-arroganza qatt ma mexxiet NIES.

  9. J.Aquilina says:

    The pen is mightier than the sword. Go Girl!

  10. anne says:

    Very well said Yawn. The person in the picture is (and always was) a big wannabe and I urge Daphne to investigate and dig deeper because I am sure that we can get to know more. Kullhadd jaf jiffanfra bil-bini, karozzi lussuzi u villel imma meta nigu ghall-fatti mhux kullhadd jattwa dak li jkun ilu jippriedka. Hekk baqa jonqos li l-gvern jixtri l-bini ta’ l-ispekulaturi biex zgur nigu qeghdin tajjeb.

  11. Il-Cop says:

    Four years ago I was in a London club having a drink with the club-owner. This was about 4 years ago. Suddenly Sandro walks in and comes to the bar. I found it hard to ignore his bullshit because it was louder than the music. My friend the club-owner asked him: ‘What do you do?’ Sandro replies: ‘I am an actor’. After getting my composure back, I turned to him and said, ‘OK, HI, kif inti?’ Then it was his turn to choke on his drink.

    These are the ‘hbieb tal-hbieb’ who in a short time will be running the country and to a certain extent our lives.

  12. g. micallef says:

    Is this the guy who attacked Vince Farrugia?

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