The charming tale of the magistrate who shagged a man while his wife was having a baby

No, it's not Consuelo after a roll in the mud with Musumeci. It's Worzel Gummidge.
Last Saturday, Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera threw a dinner party at the home she shares with her lover Robert Musumeci, and told her guests to be sure to buy Malta Today the following morning.
“There’s going to be a story about Daphne and Peter,” she said, and proceeded to give them the details of what the story would be about.
There was no story the next day. The magistrate must have been sorely disappointed, even though the newspaper is almost certainly using the time to work out how to frame the incomplete information it has been given, without being hit by at least two major libel suits, one by me and the other by my husband.
Ordinarily, I would rather die than invade my own privacy. But there is a gang of bitches, some of them on heat but others long past it, who need to be told in as public a way as possible – before they end up with a great deal of egg on their faces – that my husband and I have been together for 26 years and intend to stay together for the next 26.
We love each other deeply. It is precisely because we love each other that we have overcome any number of terrible obstacles, some of them beyond our control and some of them the consequences of our own actions. If this were not the case, we would long since have ended up like Marisa Micallef, who is one of the main drivers of the story – or for that matter, like Consuelo.
These bitches – Marisa Micallef, Marie Benoit, Julia Farrugia and Matthew Vella of Malta Today, Consuelo Scerri Herrera, Saviour Balzan and Roger de Giorgio – have no experience of, or respect for, the dynamics of a long marriage. Roger de Giorgio does, but perhaps the least said about that, the better. Let’s just say that I’m surprised he’s chosen to go down this particular road. It can’t possibly end up well for him.
But back to Consuelo the Magistrate.
Her guests were shocked at the expression of utter malice on her face as she said what she did.
I am not. I have known Consuelo Herrera since we were 16. She has always been a nasty and deeply unpleasant cow. The cause of her resentment and of her desire to play chess games with people – like her sexual shenanigans in later life, which are all about trying to catch up on the dates and the sex she didn’t get back then – has its roots in her young years, when she looked like a cross between Worzel Gummidge and the back of a bus, and all the boys for whom she had the hots ran as fast as they could in the opposite direction (and in two cases, towards me).
You would think she would have grown out of it by now, but no.
So yes, what shocks me is not her malice towards me, a malice in which she has persisted for almost 30 years despite my never having been anything other than pleasant and civilised towards her. Let’s face it. There have been plenty of things I could have written about where she’s concerned, but I never did. I never wanted to. But I do now.
What shocks me about this incident is the fact that here we have a magistrate who feels no embarrassment about making it known that she knows what stories Malta’s most scurrilous rag is working on, even when they haven’t been printed.
I am not suggesting that she is the one who fed Malta Today the story, devoid of the most salient and crucial facts – though there are reasonable grounds to suspect that she might have had more than a hand in it. Going on my 30-year knowledge of her, I certainly wouldn’t put it past her to do a thing like that.
After all, the man she shags – and please, let there be no chorus of “Which man would that be?” – has a column in Malta Today. It’s called MEPA Watch.
Amusing, isn’t it? While the rest of the press watches Robert Musumeci, Robert Musumeci ‘watches MEPA’ for Saviour Balzan and Roger de Giorgio’s trailing-blazing beacon of independent journalism.
I say I am shocked, but really, I am not. After all, I know much more about Consuelo Herrera than many people do. Her shenanigans have provided me with much entertainment. This is the magistrate who thought nothing of appointing her lover to help her in her magisterial inquiries.
“Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera conducted an on-site inquiry. A team of court experts was appointed to help her in the inquiry. Apart from Brig. Calleja, the team includes architect Robert Musumeci, forensic pathologist Mario Scerri and forensic expert Anthony Abela Medici.” – The Times, 25 April 2008
She thought that nobody would be in a position to say anything because sex with Robert Musumeci was something she did on the side at the time. She was still living with her husband and using his money to develop property, something she couldn’t possibly have done on a magistrate’s salary.
Nobody said anything, either, when controversy broke over a block of flats going up in Lija (Malta Today wasn’t cosy with her and Robert then) and it turned out that she and her husband were involved in the development even while she was having sex with the architect.
It must have been really hot sex, because Robert Musumeci fought for that Lija development like it was his own. People who weren’t in the know must have said to themselves: “Gosh, this architect really takes a personal interest in his clients’ projects.”
I imagine you’ve gathered by now that I don’t think much of Consuelo. Let’s put it this way, my view of her reached a nadir when I discovered that she was shagging Musumeci while his wife was having a baby. Adultery I can live with, but not that. I remember thinking at the time that the man must be out of his mind to leave the young, beautiful and very pleasant woman who had just borne him a child, for a notorious village bicycle almost a decade his senior.
Maybe he goes for that whole kinky master-slave thing. “Whip me, Consie! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Hit me with your funky bottom!”
Some men will shag anything, even if it still looks like a cross between something you can buy at Mosta Bacon and Worzel Gummidge after he’s taken a bath and has put on two bits of Lycra that are better suited to a Ukrainian escort – or, as on her Facebook page (yes, sir, the magistrate is on Facebook), a denim mini-skirt that looks very unfortunate on her sort of shape.
Just as I thought at the start that Noel Arrigo should never have been made a judge because he got up to so much in his ‘personal’ life that he was bound to end up in a mess in his public life, so I think of Consuelo.
I am afraid that even though she appears to do her job well, her interesting and varied private life will catch up with her in the end, even if not in the quite the way it did with Noel Arrigo. Consuelo Herrera is far too clever to take a bribe from a drug dealer. She would never do anything that stupid.
She throws parties at which plenty of talcum powder is thrown around, for example, but she doesn’t use talcum powder herself. She uses deodorant instead.
Don’t bother asking how she became a magistrate. It was one of the few things the Labour government did in its 22-month blip, in between turning the country upside down. They wanted a woman magistrate to seem progressive, and somebody must have said ‘Why not Jose’s sister?’ I rush to add that she must have had all the qualifications required, enough to pass a competitive interview for the post.
When Joseph Muscat becomes prime minister in 2013 and Anglu Farrugia becomes minister for justice, Consuelo Herrera will be made a judge. And if the position at the European Court of Human Rights is still open, you can bet your last bit of talcum powder that she’ll get that, too.
This would be rather entertaining for somebody who is so cosy with the police. Not all the police, of course – just some of them. Once or twice, when I was present at a ladies’ lunch (she was there, too, because we have friends in common, though we are not friends ourselves) at a popular restaurant, drinks were sent to our table by some fat and sleazy chaps at the other end of the room.
The rest of us wanted to send the drinks back, but the magistrate accepted them with lots of smiles and cheery waves at the fat and sleazy chaps, who to the annoyance of the rest of us took that as encouragement to join our table – which it was, but only from the magistrate.
It turned out that they were police officers, one of whom boasted endlessly about his big-spending habits and his extended vacations in the Caribbean. Consuelo flirted and passed very friendly remarks while the rest of us shifted around in awkward embarrassment. When it came time to leave, the most outspoken of our group – and believe it or not, it wasn’t me – told her: “Please do not compromise me again by bringing sleazy policemen to our table.”
But I should leave you with an amusing (and perfectly true) anecdote. Around two or three years ago, when Herrera and Musumeci’s affair was clandestine and both were living still with their spouses, Musumeci organised a meeting of several people at his office, about some development project or other. Forty minutes later, they were all sitting there fuming, having been told that their host Musumeci was on a magisterial inquiry…at 8pm. Then one of his (naïve) staff dashed in.
“Skuzani, sinjuri,” he said to the waiting group. “Imma l-perit ma jistghax jigi wara kollow, ghax baqa mwahhal mal-Magistrat Herrera.”
A man there happened to be one of the few who knew about the double adultery, and he had a sudden mental image of that thing which happens when a dog and a bitch mate and they get stuck together and you can’t pull them apart. He snorted with laughter, his coffee going up his nose, but he couldn’t share the joke.
Consuelo Herrera may be clever, but she’s not clever enough. Maybe she knows now – far, far too late – that when you open Pandora’s box, the stuff you unleash will end up biting you in your bouncy-castle arse.
Watch this space, because there’s more to come.
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It must have been long-a-coming ….
[Daphne – Funny you should bring that up. When I read the story at the time, I made the same connection. The People have a right to know that magistrates are not feeding information from inquiries like this to the newspapers. They don’t need to blow whistles because they are the ones to whom whistles are blown: the ones who are there to do something about it.]
Daphne is the story to be published about you in revenge for being so outspoken or envy?
This is her.…&p=Magistrate+Consuelo+Scerri+Herrera&oid=2f9672bd88f08f0a&fr2=&no=2&tt=3&sigr=11v2bi3g3&sigi=11qvmd0tf&sigb=137u71bsa
[Daphne – No, that was her, rather a long time ago.]
If all this is true…about musumeci f****** consuelo….. my thoughts about it is that he did it for money/glory and definitely not for sexual fun… nahseb he really really believes in ‘min hexa mexa’.
[Daphne – What do you mean, ‘if’ all this is ‘true’? Consuelo and Robert live together. They’ve made themselves a little home in Siggiewi: first they made the little home, and then they announced to their spouses that they were leaving. Typical. No rented flats for those two. Money and glory? Hardly. Consuelo leeched off her poor husband, a man cuckolded a hundred times over, even with policemen. She has a magistrate’s salary. But HIS considerable income, silly man, went straight into her account. No, you’re wrong: it’s the classic older, controlling woman/younger, weak man scenario. Then one day he’ll wake up and find he’s got a really old sow on his hands – fat, ugly and truly unpleasant – and it will dawn on him that’s he f**cked up his life.]
Mrs. Musumeci is well rid of the odious ratbag. To think he could soon have a seat in Parliament as a Johnny Dalli replacement.
Wow. I had never seen a photo of her. Truly a face only a mother could love … or maybe even Robert Musumeci!
Oh, and I always thought ConsuelO was the name of a man. I never thought of looking up a pic to see who this person was. Are you sure it’s not ConsuelA?
[Daphne – Positive. She and her brother have Spanish names, to match the Spanish surname, by which sort of reasoning I should have called my children Pedro, Diego and Pablo.]
This is ConsuelO’s face: it’s not very far from the hem of her ragged denim mini skirt.
She must have removed her page, as it doesn’t appear anymore.
Directly linked to the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Consolation.
WOW! ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman’—pissed off? Great stuff. Can’t wait for the next installment. Go get’er girl.
[Daphne – Actually, Harry, I’m most deadly when I’m perfectly calm, because it means I’ve thought things through. But then again, I do have rather a lot of information, have known her for 30 years, and the connections that the general public can’t make, I can, which is how I knew she was shagging Robert Musumeci before she’d told her husband – and certainly before he’d told his political boss and party leader, when he was accepted as a PN candidate.]
Daphne, looks like this rotund individual has ‘crossed swords’ with you employing only her lover’s limp dick. Not fair, no contest.
[Daphne – U le, I’m sure it isn’t limp. If it were, she’d be picking up the vegetable vendor or spreading her legs on a park bench and inviting people in. Miskin dak ic-cuc ta’ Musumeci.]
OK, even if he stands as straight and tall as the Washington Monument, still no contest. George cut down the cherry tree, these two couldn’t even find a cherry (long lost)–only the pits. I ‘pity’ them. Not really.
Magistrate intervenes on behalf of Lija developer “as a friend”
As they say say when the sticky, smelly stuff hits the fan: WATCH THIS SPACE
The most interesting lines in this are the those of the editorial note trailing the declaration
Ding dong! Robert Musumeci and his clients had better watch out. I’m beginning to wonder who brought Victor Scerri and his house to the attention of the Labour press. That’s what happens when men think with their dicks: they end up making stupid decisions about their life and wake up one morning to find they’re sleeping with a snake.
A snake? Make that an anaconda that’s swallowed half a buffalo.
Consuelo can go and fuck herself. After all, pretty much everyone else has, so what’s one more.
[Daphne – Damn. Wish I’d thought of that one.]
I haven’t. And thank fuck for that.
[Daphne – I don’t blame you. If you go in with a torch and a hard hat, you’ll probably find a lot of lost men wandering around up there.]
Well, it seems like she has!
Reminds me of the Noel Coward story. When crossing Leicester Square he spotted a film poster advertising Michael Redgrave and Dirk Bogarde in “The Sea Shall not Have Them.” Noel stared at this for a moment and turned to his companion. “I fail to see why not,” he murmured. “Everyone else has.”
Amusing and bon courage!
The “bitches” you mentioned have become a joke and they do not have any credibility. They are quite transparent, which reveals their level of intelligence and hdura. However, I am still appalled at Roger de Giorgio. His animosity towards Gonzi is beyond beleif, so much that I expect him to join the PL publicly in the immediate future.
OMG – did a Facebook search and…….(lost for words).
oouuuccccchhhh…this is hot, very, very hot….I just love it.
Daphne, I’ve always admired you, now more than ever!
Thank God for people like you in Maltese journalism.
Brilliant writing, brilliant story – absolutely brilliant!
Finally, someone had the guts ….
I’ve been hearing about these “funny” stories for some time now, and I’m sure Daphne will enlighten us with lots more. Just one thing, Daphne – take it easy halli kuljum ikollna storja x’ naqraw, please.
Most perizi ordered by this sexy magistrate are assigned to her hunk, when there were many other capable architects who could have done the job. We’re talking big numbers here.
And her party has the cheek to complain about il-hbieb tal-hbieb.
‘sexy’? SuBo is drop dead gorgeous in comparison to this trollop!
U jien ghadni mwahhal mad-desk. Some people have all the luck.
[Daphne – Better a desk than Consuelo Herrera, Leonard. They’re roughly the same shape and size, anyway.]
I cannot understand how the PN haven’t got rid of this man. His fellow local councillors don’t trust him. Many people have known these things and much more for a long time. And yes, his wife made him, and this is what she got in return…incredible.
I have one word for the two of them: hamalli. No surprise though: it’s the Arrigo-Agius-Herrera & Co syndrome.
I can understand the lashing out and it’s totally justified, but: “non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa”!
You had to see the reaction of the employees of the Office of the Prime Minister, when she showed up at the Siggiewi silly rural evening last June holding hands with the mayor wearing a lime ‘sjut’, obviously at least half a size too small and with her underwear on show.
Naturally, she couldn’t resist flirting with the male members of the press.
Such class.
Try sharing a refectory table every day for two years to get to know a person, warts and all. You’d think the passage of time would have lent her grace, dignity and poise by now. Same personality, more power. Sobering thought that. . .
This is fantastic. I am sure that not so long ago, a very well known lawyer had suggested that the people should have more respect for the judiciary and also asked for increases in salaries and retirement pensions.
As for respect, surely the said lawyer should change professions and become a comedian. I am positive he would be able to retire a lot earlier with his laughable jokes. As for increases in wages and pensions, surely their present salaries suffice.
“The people” would have more respect for the judiciary (in general) if they had more self-respect.
Ahjar kif kienu fl-antik, fejn min kien f’pozizzjoni gholi fil-qorti ma’ kienx jissocjalizza biex ma’ j’qieghedx ruhu f”pozizzjoni komprometenti. (Excuse the pun here.)
Thanks for your suggestion. Like most people, you missed my point completely – not really your fault, because the press didn’t pick it up either. The bits following the part you cited made it very clear that the judiciary has to EARN that respect.
My respect for the judiciary and politicians mounts daily. Or should that be the politician mounts the judiciary daily?
Is this magistrate breaking the code of ethics? In my opinion she doesn’t even know what respect is.
The purrrrrfect read to beat exam drudgery!
Go get her woman!
Daphne, you are my hero! This is a massive piece of lit!
[Daphne – And should you know anyone who wants a massive piece of clit, you know where to send them. I’m sure Robert takes his tongue off it occasionally, if only to remove the gas mask.]
Ouch! That was below the belt now.
It was, but it was hilarious xD
Daphne – I’ve always thought you to be a breath of fresh air for Maltese journalism but wow…this is beyond brilliant!
Where does the Commission for the Administration of Justice stand in such affaires of the heart and other points south?
Is it a question of conduct unbecoming ….. ?
And there is the by-election for John Dalli’s soon-to-be-vacated parliamentary seat coming up.
Interesting reading right ahead!
@ Anthony. Although you might not approve of what they are doing but keep in mind it is not illegal and they are not breaking any laws. It is only if their relationship benefits their professions or should it give rise to conflicts of interest that the Commission should intervene.
Daphne on the other hand is free to expose their antics.
Somebody mentioned ethics and “amor propju”?
They are making a laughing stock of their professions and the judiciary, supposedly one of the highest institutions in the land.
I thought with Arrigo we had reached the pits but it seems that we have to touch rock bottom.
@Ronnie: By the way, do you approve of what they are doing?
What with the talcum powder and the deo, haven’t you ever heard of the phrase ‘conduct unbecoming’? And some poor geezer then gets a spell in jail because he/she had a ‘spinello’ on his/her person. Well that’s justice for you, mate.
Marry me!
They’ve been the talk of the town for the past months here at Siggiewi.
Daphne, nawguralek li tkompli tikxef l-arroganza ta’ dawn in-nies prepotenti li, kif jghid il-Malti, ghandhom wicchom u sormhom xorta. U nammirak izjed li tigi taqa u tqum humiex midhla tal-Partit Nazzjonalista jew le.
Rigward il-Facebook ta’ din l-imbierka Consuelo: imisshom jistudjawh l-istudenti tas-socjologija fl-universita ghax mill-lista ta’ hbieb ta’ Consuelo hemm materjal bizzejjed biex tikteb 20 tezi fuq is-socjeta Maltija ta’ zmienna.
Darn, someone removed the face book pages…I wonder why?
Who supplies the talcum powder at her parties?
[Daphne – Cempel il-Johnson’s. Jien naf? I’m not into that whole sleazy scene. Back in the day it used to be called the demimonde. A bunch of bitches and loser men fighting against encroaching (or already arrived) old age. Ugly people.]
the cops
….. Daphne.. somehow you reminded me of the following Aria..from ” Il barbiere di Siviglia” :-)
“Io sono docile, son rispettosa,
sono obbediente, dolce, amorosa;
mi lascio reggere, mi fo guidar.
Ma se mi toccano dov’e’ il mio debole
saro’ una vipera e cento trappole
prima di cedere faro’ giocar.”
Hai la grinta..keep it up.
Mur gib lil Papa Herrera ghadu haj, miskin…..once during an interview on Super One (where else?) she boasted about the sound moral values that she was taught by her parents particularly her father. Now where have these values gone? In these disgusting situations, I always think about the children, caught in the middle of their parents’ antics.
How can a mother face her children after such irresponsible behaviour? It’s a mystery to me. Regarding the toy boy architect, it’s like what is written in that forbidden story in Realta: it doesn’t matter if she’s an old fat cow, low-brow men are only interested in the *****. And do you know what? Women like her deserve to be treated that way.
Can understand the attraction she holds for police officers. They always need a wardrobe where to hang up their uniforms.
Am at Jubilee in Valletta and half the cafe is talking about this.
X’cuc hu Jubilee? Anke il-bejjiegha tal-monti kienu qed jghidu fuq il-magistrata dalghodu!
I’m sure there are many Zejtun Labour pot-belly punters who would not mind a piece of magisterial arse like that. As for Nationalist Robert……I’ve lost the will to live.
Pity the album viewing all the photos of “Consuelo’s birthday bash” were removed on time this morning before I could paste the link here….some celebs were there too…
We would have had a good laugh; they were available to everyone to view. No privacy settings at all!
“Maybe he goes for that whole kinky master-slave thing. “Whip me, Consie! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Hit me””
I was having a REALLY bad day before I read this article and now I can’t stop laughing!
Unbelievable how the man in the street still trusts PN and PL to lead this country ….
Daphne, this is the best piece you’ve written in a long, long time.
I never read anything that you write, Daphne, but believe me I started today and I will never stop because everything you said about her is true. I`ve known Consuelo for over 20 years and she was always a dirty, ugly, fat bitch and a big, fat bloody liar. The best thing that happened to her husband is when she left him.
The skirt comment is so true.
Classic DCG! Go for it…Best site on the web.
Dear Daphne,
I don’t always agree with what you write (doesn’t mean I’ m right, mind you). However, this time I think you have really shown your true mettle. And how right you are Daph! However I do hope (and really pray) that you can substantiate all that has been written. I do believe in good and evil, therefore I believe in justice. If what has been written is true, how can these persons go up to receive the Holy Sacrament and swear allegiance to God and the Court of Law and the people of Malta?
Some of those who commented here called those people ‘hamalli’, but a hamallu doesn’t know any better. Persons without scruples are called scum.
One is a mayor and the other one is a magistrate and they have one thing in common. THEY ARE A DISGRACE TO THE NATION.
I received a friend request from Robert Musumeci last week.Thank God I didn’t reply.
So did I – is he starting an electoral campaign or looking for some other cows for the ranch?
Daphne….you’re one hell of a woman (in a good sense). you are officially on my list of most admired women in history!
it must be difficult running sad pathetic blogs when others are doing high flaying careers and it must be even harder being a sad bitter angry frustrated lady.
[Daphne – My career is far more high-flying than Consuelo’s, sweetheart, but you probably belong to that class of animal that believes that meta issir magistrat ikun ilhaqt, so you wouldn’t know about that. As for sad, bitter, angry frustration, if you read this blog properly you would know that what Consuelo is today is entirely the result of those very sentiments. Do not speak of things of which you know nothing.]
What does high flaying mean?
[Daphne – It’s a new sexual service Consuelo Herrera provides. That’s why Musumeci is looking a little red and rough these days.]
that was my first guess!
i’m thinking it involves something like :
Or maybe “Rebecca Camilleri” means that Connie’s in the mile-high club and doesn’t give a flying f**k!
Or a flaying f***
Or a flaying f***
Rebecca thumbs up for your comment – I completely agree with you!
Doesn’t Consuelo sue you, Daphne? I love your blog though.
[Daphne – As if, and what? End up with a whole stream of (reluctant) witnesses and half the police force in court, being questioned about her extra curricular activities? No. She’ll try to get even some other way, the Consuelo way.]
Do you think that you will become a target? (Physical violence). She is friends with the police after all, and I am sure she must know a few thugs as well.
I really admire your courage.
Mayors and magistrates, the eel and the tart. Some seedy leaflet like Malta Today is helping Consuelo throw mud at you Daphne. What would you expect from an editor who is shagging some new fruit-bowl unawares that she apparently has still not made up her mind on which side of the fence to graze in. There is a Consuelo in everybody’s life.
What goes round, comes around. She should have made sure that her brain was in gear before letting her tongue on the loose.
[Daphne – Any suggestion that Consuelo’s tongue is on the loose and you’ll have men running for cover.]
Hey guys, how do you reckon Consie communicates with the toy boy? Let’s face it, our Robert isn’t the type to speak in that sort of English that only ex-Sacred Heart girls can speak. He’s just a village boy miskin, sar nies ghall-ftit zmien ghax kellu mara ta KLASSI (I know what I’m saying) u rega gie fejn kien….fil-qieh (insomma kellu ankra kbira mhux hazin).
So, let’s see what these two love birds have in common: definitely NOT their social background, political views, age, language, class….mela x’jibqa? Well, I will leave this to your imagination. Anyway, how long will this fairy tale last? In a few years’ time our Consie’s essential hormones will have dried up and more cellulite will ooze out in all the wrong places, while the lover boy will still be in his prime.
I think there are long and lonely nights awaiting our Consie.
“High Flaying” does she know something we do not?
[Daphne – U dik ghandha party tricks. X’inhu Von Fred h’dejn Consie.]
Absolutely Brilliant………… you have made my day and i admire you for your honesty
Dear Daphne…
Congrats on the butchering! Its absolutely genius!
Please regard the following as a purely legal question; it is not a personal challenge of any sort whatsoever.
A few law students, however, are really curious on how you plan on defending yourself against any alleged defamation. Would you mind enlightening us please?
[Daphne – Yes.]
It doesn’t really matter, mr. legally curious, how Daphne plans to defend herself. Because it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. Except I have a gut feeling that there’s so much more ammo lying around. I don’t think Consie ever bothered to hide her tracks. Naive? No, just plain stupid.
Does Consie chew gum while doing Musumeci, as she sometimes does during court hearings?
As they say ‘the pen is mightier than the sword!’ I certainly wouldn’t want to be at the mercy of your pen! Am glad I’m a humble no one so there is no need for anyone to write about my private life in such a public way.
Although I admire Daphne’s writing, I do not like these kind of articles. In my opinion they not only demean the subject of the article but also the author. Whatever, this woman or these people have done to you personally, writing about their private lives in such a public way is distasteful! Such battles should be fought in private! The article is too much in the style of ‘Big Brother’. It makes us all seem like voyeurs…sindikajri niehdu pjacir bit-tahwid ta haddiehor! Am sorry I read it!!
Has it not crossed your mind for a moment that the subject of the articles may be “demeaning” her profession by her own behaviour?
You are right. I’m not saying that her behaviour is not to be deplore.! I’m just saying she should be confronted in private and then not by a private individual but by the authorities to whom she answers.
[Daphne – I think you are very confused as to the media’s role in a democracy.]
If Daphne’s grievances are personal then private battles should be fought in private.
[Daphne – It is quite astonishing how some people fail to see the point. Anything that takes place in public is by definition not private. If Mrs Scerri and her cohorts plan to attack me in public, then they must be criticised in public, not in private, most particularly since they themselves have a public role which makes their attacks on a columnist even more deplorable.]
Maybe it’s just me, but I believe that there are so many more important things in life than who was sleeping with Berlusconi or with Consuelo for that matter.
[Daphne – Who she’s sleeping with is hardly the point. How she does it is.]
all who draw the sword will die by the sword
what a load of non sense. what a marmalja nazjonalista.
odju, mibedha, hdura…..what next. grow up.
You have lost many points wth me Daphane. I had great respect and esteem for you, this is most vulgar, unprofessional and utterly disgusting..always thought you were a professional and that you would never stoop to this fishmongering..pity!
[Daphne – Didn’t she have one of her most famous parties at your place, Victor? Adjust your vision: that description applies to the magistrate. You’re a fine one to talk.]
Balls of steel, Daphne – keep up the good work.
Excellent, Daphne, you are soo soo good. You have a way with words! She has to resign if she has any sense left. It’s about time we got rid of yet another piece of bullshit who gets away with murder!
Well done, Daphne. It’s about time that ‘min hexa jinhexa hu.’
ara vera mara mahmuga bhalek ghandi qatt ma rajt Deph
I must say, Daphne, I really never liked your attitude but on the other hand I must admit you have balls of steel.
Prosit Daphne – vera niehu pjacir nisma stejjer bhal dawn ghax vera nemmen illi nies fil-poter huma l-aktar nies li huma vunerabli u korotti..
Vera haqqa prosit il-magistrata ha nghidlek – ala bieb mhux mil bubun! Mara kapaci! Haqqa l-mertu kollhu!
Nistenna bil-herqa il kumplament tal-istorja. Grazzi mill-qalb.
What a disgrace Consuelo is to us women and mostly to our courts. How can we respect the law when we have such an example?
I am shocked, although I should get used to ”no standards and no ethics Malta”. This magistrate has no integrity if all is true. Weep Malta as is said in Maltese. Is everything rotten from the top to the very bottom here?
Thank you, Daphne. I haven’t had a good laugh like this for a long time. What a good way to start my day. Please let us have some more humour.
My gosh!!! Miss high & mighty….how on earth could you stoop so low. You’re the hamalla. I don’t blame your jelousy & bitterness as you’re such an ugly bitch!
“Kate”, stop talking to the mirror and please also stop hating yourself so much or you will end up “committed”.
using means of telecomunication to pursue personal vendettas and commit character assassinations is downright unprofessional and odious. Consuelo is a very good magistrate and delivers at work. what she does in her spare time is her own business, not anyone else’s.
[Daphne – No, louise anne. It is everyone’s business. On the other hand, what I do in my private life is MY business, because unlike a magistrate I am not accountable to the public. Consuelo Herrera holds public office, one of the highest sorts of public office. What she does in her spare time is of direct relevance to what she does in her public role.]
Daphne, tfakkarni f’dawk il-qhab li meta jiggieldu johorgu jghiru lil-xulxin bir-razza u r-radika!
i do not think you realise how this blog may affect consuelos children.
you are an insensitive spiteful woman… even if these stories are true you have no right to involve yourself in other peoples personal lives and make them public.
i suggest you stop acting like a 15 year old girl and put your writing to better use.
[Daphne – I never wrote about Consuelo – even though I have known all this for several years – precisely out of respect of her husband, who she lived with at the time, and her children. When she and her cohorts at Super One, the General Workers Union and the Labour Party showed no respect at all for my children (for I have some too), that unspoken pact was broken. It is not my fault that there is far more to say about Consuelo than there is to say about me. It is hers. It is her behaviour which is an embarrassment to her children, and not my writing about it.]
You don’t understand… I wish to tell you something but I don’t want it to be public as I wish to remain anonymous to the readers of this blog.
[Daphne –]
This is another maria writing, just in case someone is confused.
You are acting extremely childish. How old are u 15 ?
Adultery was removed from the statute book as a criminal offence by a Labour government in the 1970’s much to the shock and horror of the clergy sucking nationalist opposition.
So what’s Consuelo’s crime ? And please don’t give me some old colonial views that magistrates should lead quiet unassuming lives and not even attend weddings as in the good old days when adultery was a crime. Move on lady. Look at how your beloved European magistrates behave in private. A magistrate, after having an affair, has moved in with her younger lover.Big fucking deal. People like you make Malta the backword, gossiping, bitchy country that it is.
[Daphne – You know about it because it made the news. It made the news because it was exceptional behaviour rather than the norm. If ‘European’ magistrates behaved like that all the time, then when they do, it wouldn’t cause a scandal and end up on the front pages. I don’t know anything about having sex with magistrates, but I do know how the media works and what constitutes a story or doesn’t.]
You people go on and on, speaking about how Consuelo’s private life should remain private. Did any of you stop to think about what was going to be said on Malta Today about Daphne and her husband, neither of whom is accountable to the public or paid by the public?
No, of course you didn’t. I think it’s naive people like YOU who make Malta seem like the “backward” country that you stated it to be. As for gossiping, it happens everywhere, every country. Gossip is a part of everyone’s life, unfortunately, so don’t pretend to be high and mighty. On the contrary “Lovejoy”, you seem to prove to everyone reading these comments that you are very much the opposite.
Not all that is legal is morally acceptable.
Prosit Mandy. And apart from that I think that the real issue here is not the adultery but rather all the other things mentioned in the past days. I think that this story has a lot to do with the story of the former judge. People in the judiciary cannot act as though they are just anyone. They are the people who sit and judge other people and represent the law in its highest form. The words “who are you to judge” pop to mind.
How can you speak about decency and morals in court if you do not act decently and have good morals. How can you have the support of the people you represent (let us not forget that the judiciary are paid by us to represent us) and be expected to judge without favour when you get involved in businesses and other interests. How can you openly befriend one or more lawyers and be comfortable when before you you have your friend the lawyer and the ‘other’ lawyer – can we be comfortable with that?
I think the old colonial view made sense and it comes with the job that you should lead a quiet unassuming life when you are a judge or magistrate – you surely cannot be a clown!
Naqtghu darba ghal dejjem din l-attitudni li nqisu l-azzjonijiet fil-hajja privata bhala xi haga relattiva u “bicca tieghi biss ghax hajti tieghi”.
Hadd mhu jghix wahdu. Kwalunkwe azzjoni tieghi ser taffettwa lil haddiehor, b’mod pozittiv jew negattiv. Min ghandu pozizzjoni pubbliku, isegwi li iktar irid joqghod attent u jimxi rett anki fil-hajja privata tieghu, ghax pozizzjoni gholja fis-socjeta ser tafettwa massa akbar ta’ nies. L-azzjoni ta’ Consuelo Scerri Herrera waqqghet ix-xoghol tal-gudikatura fil-baxx. X’ironija, li hija trid tiggudika kaz wara iehor, meta tara t-tifrik li qed taghmel.
imma ha nghidilkom taf taghzel l-irgiel is-sbieh, ex husband dr.scerri ragel attraenti hafna (u jithallas ta xogholu jaf ukoll) u dan li ghandha l-istess, ragel sabih wisq.
issibhom sbieh u ntelletwali. (ma nahsibx li ser titrakka ma xi wiehed bil minimum wage)
[Daphne – It’s quite interesting that you should say that, because her main preoccupation when she left her husband was not the trauma to her children, but concern that she would be making a downwardly mobile move, socially speaking, because he was a bit of an NQLU.]
The PL, PN and judiciary should intervene and take appropriate action against those individuals who are misrepresenting them. Starting from the lady-magistrate and the man-mayor. Too much is being said, and now publicly known, about them. Should the president intervene and get the ball rolling? Maybe he should, especially where judiciary connections are involved. Maybe he is already. Respect values are on the wane today, as dosh matters (especially that emanating from the E.U.) take over. Malta wake up. Respect respect.
You’re my personal hero Daphne :)
I can assure you that I know perfectly well what the role of the media is in a democracy. But both the definition of ‘role’ and the concept of ‘democracy’ can be subjective and debatable. The role of the media is to ‘inform’ the humble public of what is going on but within the limits of decency and adhering to ethical boundaries. As for the written media, there is no level playing field between the reader/audience and the person holding the pen (someone owning a paper, or for that matter a person hosting a TV show) – the audience or the reader get to have a very tiny a slot where to air his/her views even in a democracy.
And I agree its not about ‘if you sleep around, it’s HOW you go about it’. Similarily, it’s not WHAT you write it’s HOW you write it!
Also, to get one thing straight, I’m not writing to defend Conseulo or to condone what she did – I did not know who she was before you wrote about her!!
Louise Borg: “I did not know who she was before you wrote about her!!”
You’re not terribly well informed about the people who affect the environment you live in, so how can you lay claim to “know perfectly well what the role of the media is in a democracy”?
I was introduced to your page today for the very first time. Finally a person in Malta with some balls on them, and it had to be a woman. God bless you, Daph.
It’s about time people spoke out about all the corruption and of the rubbish we have leading this blessed island. I am not talking MLP vs PN. I am talking about this so-called respected hierarchy that we are all meant to take good examples from. Like most, I have heard many stories about certain lawyers who enjoy their talc and I have heard of so called ex convicts enjoying a good party or barbecue at a certain judge’s house.
Yet for someone to be so brutally honest is refreshing. Good on you, girl. It’s about time someone showed what the real Malta is actually up to.
When the S**t hits the fan, everybody gets sprayed. Let’s hope the clean up crew do a good job.
Turn the clock back to the St Aloysius College sixth form, early 1980s. Our notorious friend on the back seat of a route 64 bus that left from Amery Street, Sliema, holding the hand of a fellow sixth-former and inducing him to massage her private parts whilst she massages his. X’kienu jaghlmuhom lil tas-Sacred Heart! U dan kien it-tifel ta’ ezaminatur tal-matrikola! Nahseb minn hemm gew il-grades ghall-universita.
I wouldn’t want to be Consuelo’s gynae.
Good work on saying publicly the things everyone is gossiping about, but do you really need to stoop to anatomical vulgarity?
Dear Daphne,
I’ve always like your blog. Now more than ever. Misshom jaghmlulek monument talli ghandek il-guts tghidha kif thossha.
Go girl!
They would require the bigest trucks in Malta to transport the steel balls for the monument!
Thanks for bringing us up to date with these goings-on.
I certainly pity the PM, who is facing so much additional hassle in his life from these so-called professionals who should know better and indeed should be setting an example to the rest of us.
I sure hope he takes steps to deal with both individuals. Only then will I perhaps start to believe in the team again.
Meanwhile, please keep up the good work. I may not always agree with what you say, but hell I admire your guts, woman! Thanks for being you!
Anyone who does not respect those who love and trusted him/her cannot be expected to be honest with others nor can they be expected to carry out justice when so required of them.
May I make a suggestion that the exploits of this exemplar of judicial prowess be made into a plot for a soap opera?
Daphne I don’t think any person’s private life should be made public in this manner. I think any personal resentments should have been tackled out in a different manner!!! I personally disagree with their affair because it is morally incorrect however who are we to point our fingers at anyone? I believe you appreciate the repercussions such serious accusations could leave on the family and this is very unfair(the family has nothing to do with this). You have a very powerful weapon in your hands(journalism) so try and use it with responsibility. And for all those curious readers who are so keen to poke their nose into people’s affairs- examine your conscience too!!
Perhaps you haven’t noticed that this is about a magistrate and a politician. The ‘moral incorrectness’ of their affair impinges directly on their public role.
@ Nicky:
This is not about the private lives of well-known people, but about the behaviour of people who hold (or aspire to) public office; it shows their true colours, their true selves. Well-done, Daphne (albeit I do not agree with all your views).
Ma nafx x’ ha nghid… donni irrid naqbel ma Daphne, ghax persuna ta dak il-livell (Scerri Herrera) ma tistax taghmel li trid avolja fil-hajja personali taghha.
…and please note that the denim skirt Herrera had on Facebook, which I’m certainly sure most of you saw, had been worn for a ‘My Family Photo Shoot’
I was amused to learn from the internet that the magistrate “.. obtained a Diploma in Canonical Marriage Cases Jurisprudence and Procedure from the Ecclesiastical Tribunals of Malta in 1999.”
Daphne, I just wish you luck in court and in writing, and of course, God bless your family.
@ I agree with you, NIcky. Our Christian faith clearly teaches us that those without sin should throw the first stone, but from the comments on this blog, one would come to the conclusion that many Maltese are without sin. Even the level of language is too low and shows that many actually are of the same level of ‘integrity’ as the alleged.
Let us all examine our own lives and try to steer our own lives and families in the right direction before trying to lead others’ lives for them. People are what they are not through their own fault but because of their upbringing, or situations which they have lived through. They need help rather than a stoning in public. Anyway – God bless you all.
@ Daphne, You did your job well, and you did the right thing, but the circus which followed and the gathering which has shown what hypocrites we all are, is not right.
Just reading through the comments makes me realize that we live in a sick country.. not just the zest of the comments but the actual words used..and even many of your own comments and those of people hold no value in democracy.
Once the story was told, whether for the right or wrong reasons, it should stop there. You should not allow people to use your blog to degrade themselves with vulgar comments.
This is a cancer in our society which is spreading like wildfire and reaching even our young children. As adults we need to understand that when we speak/write -what we have said is accessible to all, and if we pollute the minds of young before they are capable of reasoning, then we will reap what we sow when they are older.
You were right in the first place to make these facts known, however what bothers me Daph is that fact that you knew all these things for years, but only now revealed them as you were going to be bitten! Had Consuelo not tried to dirty you and your husband, would all of this remained behind closed doors?
Many comments following in this blog, border on the shameful and shows that it is true that our population has lost its Christian roots and faith..from here on its downhill only..
Daphne, I`m in love with you….I wish i could express myself a faction as good as yourself :D !