300 camels for one cow

Published: February 9, 2010 at 11:48pm
I got them in exchange for the editor of Illum

I got them in exchange for the editor of Illum

Here’s Brave New World Journalist of the Year Julia Farrugia (now editor of Illum, following Harry Vassallo’s departure for Brussels with John Dalli), discussing a trip to Morocco on – where else? – Facebook:

Julia Farrugia
lol…ma tantx kont diplomatika waqt l-assignments! l-aktar x’hin pruvaw jixtruni ghal 300 camel :)

Three hundred camels? It doesn’t seem like a fair swap for one cow. Ahjar tghid il tal-Labour biex jaghmlu daqxejn kontroll fuq il-prezzijiet.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Gemel says:

    Le, hej – mhux hekk! Jien haddt ghalija. Izjed nahseb ‘qamel’ li offrew…

  2. Cassandra Montegna says:

    Facebook…. making rahal gossip almost TOO easy.

  3. Jake says:

    Julia is a good looking journalist….. she is hot actually :)

    [Daphne – It’s not hot looks that are required to edit a newspaper. It’s brains.]

  4. Hot Mama says:

    Forsi Anglu joffri l-iljunfant ukoll.

  5. John Tabone says:

    Envy :p

    [Daphne – Hardly. There is nothing about Julia Farrugia or her Bridget Jones life – without the happy ending – that I could possibly ever have wanted or want now. If you were perceptive, you might be able to see that it’s the other way round.]

  6. David Buttigieg says:

    How is it that every single Maltese woman who goes to north Africa claims to have had camels offered in exchange for her?

  7. Joe Borg says:

    Didn’t this woman sue her former boyfriend in court for assault and splash it on Super One? Beware, Daphne, beware.

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