Ara kemm huma progressivi tal-Malta2Dej

Published: February 8, 2010 at 11:25pm
Robert Musumeci with Sharon No2EU Ellul Bonici at a New Year's Eve masked ball organised by his pogguta the magistrate (oh, x'dekor)

Robert Musumeci with Sharon No2EU Ellul Bonici at a New Year's Eve masked ball organised by his pogguta the magistrate (oh, x'dekor)

From Malta Today’s leading article, yesterday:

“It is not as though Musumeci’s indiscretions were unknown to anyone with his or her ear to the ground. Ostensibly, Robert Musumeci has been ‘outed’ over the fact that he is in an extra-marital relationship with a magistrate, Consuelo Scerri Herrera and has been for several years. But Malta being the place it is, this relationship has long been known and talked about in private among various circles, not least, the PN’s own inner sanctum.”

Apparently, it is only the former police commissioner’s affair with a blackmailing Polish tart that is of news value to Malta Today, eliciting the newspaper’s screams for his resignation. A magistrate in a clandestine affair, exposed to blackmail from third parties if not actually from the man she is screwing, is quite all right with the Progressivi running Malta2Dej.

Well, as long as she invites them to supper at the Siggiewi love-nest….

19 Comments Comment

  1. Leonard says:

    I rather like the Zorro sash.

  2. pat says:

    Mela dan it-tip ta’ nies jafu xi jfisser dekor, Daphne? Il-Malta2Dej jaraw kif ikissru lil min hu bla htija ta’ xejn, mentri lil dan-nies jabbraccawhom hijoss. Dik hi kollha.

  3. maryanne says:

    Hardly anybody is mentioning the pending investigation of the Commission of Justice. Did she deny it?

    [Daphne – I’ve discovered there was another complaint/investigation last year, when the Commission for the Administration of Justice was asked to look into Herrera’s involvement with Carmelo Galea in that Lija flats development.]

    • La Redoute says:

      I don’t think she denied it. Hardly anybody is mentioning because almost everyone – including those gagging for the smelling salts – is caught up in the thrill of Consuelo’s knickers and who might have gotten into them. Deliberately or otherwise they miss the point – it really doesn’t matter who got into those knickers. What matters is that anyone got in at all, leaving her exposed to the possibility of blackmail.

  4. Joseph Micallef says:

    Why is Ellul Bonici wearing a mask – Maybe to hide her shame at being such an opportunistic brat.

    First frantically working against the EU and then vying for the gravy train!

  5. mark v. says:

    Hi Daphne,

    Reading all this in disgust, I sorely miss the guy you once called a village politician. Surely he would not have allowed his party, my party to take on board certain characters. Notwithstanding this, I appreciate your guts, you are the only loose cannon left with no obvious allegiance to any party or hidden agendas.

  6. Maria says:

    We pay these people good money….. they should be ashamed …

  7. Mario says:

    This soap opera should be put up for some nomination like an Oscar. Current TV soap operas do not stand a chance against the “Tales of Consimeci “.

  8. s says:

    Just called up MEPA they seem to have gone on strike. Break from a break?

  9. disgustat says:

    Qrajt l-artiklu tal-Maltatoday tal-Hadd u tassew alarmajt ruhi meta rajt li Musumeci ghad jista’ johrog ghall-elezzjoni kazwali. Jien kont naf li Musumeci telaq lil-mara biex imur m’ ohra u s’ hemm ma kellix problemi. Affarijiet li jigru.

    Imma meta sirt naf illi kien qed jibdel il-mara meta kienet ghadha tqila tassew hassejt rabbja ghalih. Apparti l-weggha u l-hsara li ghamel lil mara tieghu, ghamel hsara bil-wisq ikbar lit-tarbija. Il-presenza taz-zewg genituri huwa essenzjali ghat-tfal u Robert Musumeci ser icahhad dan lit-tarbija tieghu. Dan kollu ghal kapricc – ghax Musumeci ma kellux sinsla bizzejjed biex jinduna li kien qed jigi manipulat mill-magistrata. Hi ukoll ma sthat xejn tkisser familja fiz-zmien propju meta ghandu jkun wiehed ta’ ferh.

    Nies li jaghmlu dawn l-affarijiet, disprezz jisthoqilhom u certament mhux jissejhu onorevoli kif Musumeci ser jippretendi jekk jikkontesta u jigi elett.

  10. John Schembri says:

    La jaslu jghamlu dawn l-affarijiet mhux il-partit ikunu lesti jibdlu u mhux sentenzi jgibu qrib il-lik ……….ikunu lesti li jbighu anke ruhom lix-xitan jekk jemmnu fih!

  11. doreen says:

    Hi Daphne,

    first of all mandekx ghalfejn titkellem ruhi ghax in-nies iridu jighxu hajjithom sewwa. 2nd of the arrgument nahseb we both know li kull min ghandu joghlli idejh ghandu xi ixomm. X gost tiehu tighd fuq in nies u fuqek ma trid il hadd jighd. Kemm nixtieq tohrog gurnalista bhalek mil-universita u toghqod seba ghajnejn fuqekk bhal ma toqghod inti fuq in-nies. Gurnalista vera tal-genn nice one and by the way if you know so much about people, people know everthing about you belive me because you don’t jugde people before you get to know them!!
    u specjalment tighd fuqhom ghadek anqas taf il problemi li tista tikawzalhom leave people live there life or you will regrad this. BELIVE ME.

    [Daphne – Now you know what I mean by pidgin.]

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