I imagine she didn't find the police at the gate of her Siggiewi love-nest at 1.30am

Published: February 12, 2010 at 2:04pm
Consuelo is being investigated

Consuelo is being investigated

And I won’t speculate – heaven forfend! – as to which police officers are investigating her, or how they’re doing it.

timesofmalta.com – 13:22CET today

Allegations against magistrate noted by Commission for Administration of Justice

The Commission for the Administration of Justice has taken cognisance of the allegations made against Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera and the police are investigating the situation, Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici said this morning.

In a series of blog entries, columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia has criticised the magistrate, arguing that her behaviour was inappropriate for someone in her position.

The magistrate has since abstained from presiding over two unrelated libel hearings involving Ms Caruana Galizia, who said she was “petitioning the Chief Justice” to get the magistrate off the cases.

26 Comments Comment

  1. A Zammit says:


    • Antoine Vella says:

      Well done Daphne too for single-handedly investigating what entire newsrooms never managed – or wanted – to do.

  2. dg says:

    Front page news on Malta Today and flash news on Super One: police start investigative procedures against magistrate. Wishful thinking.

  3. Mark Bonello says:

    Don’t hold your breath A Zammit … what bollocks!

  4. A Galea says:

    Will Joseph Muscat come out to defend Consie? Ma niskantax!

  5. genoveffa says:

    I loved the comment written below The Times article, about “paparazzi”. Whoever wrote it seems to have thought that you were sending paparazzi to follow Consuelo Jolie and Robert Pitt. Hilarious.

  6. e. muscat says:

    Well done, Dr. Carm xejn! U proprju XEJN! If he did it prior to these blog-posts, by all means. But now he could not NOT DO IT. Like all authorities in Malta “Kulhadd irid ikollu wara min jinheba”. The word ‘proactive’ has still to be imported. Shame.

    Well done to DAPHNE.

    • Arthur Hill says:

      Carm Mifsud Bonnici cannot do anything. He can’t hire and fire magistrates and judges. All he can do is pray that she resigns, something which she surely will not do.

  7. K Farrugia says:

    Dr. Carm should not be the guilty one in this issue. What the minister just said was that he confirmed that the Commission for Administration of Justice is already investigating Scerri Herrera’s case. The commission could have been doing this for some days/weeks by now; today’s news is the mere confirmation of such investigation.

    Indeed, a well done to Daphne who is succeeding in unveiling these stories which neither our TV newsrooms nor the so-called “investigative journalists” in our country would have the guts to publish.

    Daphne, permit me one suggestion: you should try to explore other mediums through which you could make your voice heard. Obviously, not everyone in this country has your blog in his list of websites which s/he visits daily.

    This is without considering that many of the Maltese still do not make use of internet.

    Your column in The Malta Independent is one other good medium, accessible to computer-illiterate people. Maybe you could get some air-time on Smash TV.

    [Daphne – Why on earth would I want to? I’m not standing for election, for heaven’s sake. And if I wanted to host a television show, I’d go straight to the top station, not to Smash. But I couldn’t be bothered. It’s not my medium.]

    • K Farrugia says:

      Yes, neither the guys at CNI, DJ Banana, or that fellow preacher intend to stand for an election (at least that’s what I think, for various reasons).

      I suggested Smash TV because the other three main stations would probably refuse your hosting of a show, or else censor you on your first appearance.

      Neither the PN guys (at TVM and NET) nor the PL guys (ONE TV) would be happy with what you’d be saying against activists of the two political parties. Then there is Favourite Channel, which is far from “the top station”, but maybe Mr and Mrs. Bonaci would like the idea of having their station portrayed as paladin of democracy, and you could contribute for an increase in their viewership.

      Regarding your question on why you should go, I already expressed my thoughts in my previous post, thoughts which you didn’t contest in your reply i.e. to reach an audience far greater than internet bloggers.

      [Daphne – I’m not interested in reaching a wider audience. But thanks for your suggestion. I’m not on the internet to reach a wider audience. I’m on the internet because I like the medium.]

      • David says:

        Daphne, you must also say and admit that the internet is a rather grey area for the Maltese hobby of libels. A TV show would make you rent a flat very close to the Courts of Law.

  8. Toni Casscarino says:

    Mela lilek ser jarak xi hadd il programm tieghek DCG kemm int Kerha

    [Daphne – This might come as a bit of a surprise to you, but actually, I’m not.]

  9. Tifel ta Zeza says:

    The Police are not the right people to investigate this case. They need to be investigated themselves.

  10. Herbie says:

    L-ebda avukat qatt ma mejjel il-kappell ta’ avukat iehor. Hekk kienet tghid ommi u nahseb kellha ragun.

  11. Faye says:

    No, the police were probably sipping coffee at the Kazin Laburista tas-Siggiewi which Labour stole from the people of Siggiewi and which Robert Musumeci did nothing to give back to the Siggiwin. The mayor does not drink coffee at the kazin but in the comfort of his home with Consie and JPO.

  12. Rover says:

    You would think that the Commission for Administration of Justice would suspend the magistrate from her duties, get on very quickly with their investigation and announce their findings. Her presence in the law courts is only adding to the distrust in the judiciary.

  13. dg says:

    1m plus hits? You’ve surpassed a month’s viewing of Xarabank.

  14. JEAN says:

    Jekk Daphne kerha, mela hemm koroh, Sur Caccasotto!

  15. carlos says:

    The fact remains that if it were not for you, Daphne, these scandals would never have seen the light of day because other media who claim to be champions of freedom are afraid to publish them for obvious reasons.

    It always depends on who you are and how many friends of friends you have. That’s how it is and that’s how it will remain. Ex commissioner Grech was butchered by these so-called free press for similar reasons to Consuelo until he had to resign. Victor Scerri had a beating but not Charles Mangion. This is the injustice that we live in.

    • Snoopy says:

      And all this under the PN – can you imagine what would happen under the MPM alias PL alias MLP alias Partit tal-Haddiema alias Socjalisti.

  16. tony says:

    Not only that you are ugly but you are even rotten in the inside and full of venim tal labour hammalli mela intom xintom baby girl,

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