Izjed tahwid tal-borma

Published: February 12, 2010 at 7:20pm
Halli nhawdu l-borma ftit izjed

Halli nhawdu l-borma ftit izjed

I was told that Consuelo’s defamation case – the police vs Daphne Caruana Galizia – had been assigned to Magistrate X, a really straight, decent type.

Now I learn through timesofmalta.com’s latest update that the case will be heard by Magistrate Antonio Micallef Trigona.

Was my original information correct, or was the case reassigned in another bit of tahwid?

That’s what happens, when you can’t trust the system on the basis of behind-the-scenes activity.

If indeed it is to be Magistrate Micallef Trigona, then I’m afraid I’m going to have to petition the Chief Justice to have the case reassigned.

I will give my reasons to him privately.

But to put it in a nutshell, Magistrate Micallef Trigona is not in a position to sit in judgement over me for a defamation case in which one of the statements made was that Magistrate Herrera is not fit for office because she cheated on her husband (and even presided over the prosecution of her secret lover’s brother).

Magistrate Micallef Trigona cannot give me a fair hearing in this one. Not only was he in the same position as Magistrate Herrera at one time, but when he went briefly off the rails, he was also part of her social group.

And the woman with whom he went off those rails is still one of Magistrate Herrera’s closest friends.

Magistrate Micallef Trigona would be nuts to accept this case, and I would be nuts to accept having my case decided by somebody who is compromised.

There is another reason why a question mark hangs over whether justice will be seen to be served if Magistrate Micallef Trigona is the one who gets to decide whether I have defamed his colleague or not.

See beneath. Consuelo is sitting in judgement over the case Magistrate Antonio Micallef Trigona (whose lawyer, incidentally, is the former Super One/KullHadd ‘journalist’ Joe Mifsud) vs. Emmanuel Grima.

Riferenza 351/2007


The case is on-going and the next hearing is in a couple of weeks. So while he is hearing Consuelo’s case (or rather, the police for Consuelo) against me, Consuelo is going to be hearing his case against that man Grima – and with a former Super One/KullHadd journalist as a lawyer, to boot.

35 Comments Comment

  1. Giga says:

    Xi dwejjaq, x’tahwid ta’ pajjiz.

  2. Gahan says:

    Daphne , int taf bil-qohob ta’ kullhadd. Miskin hu min ixellef diffru mieghek!

    • kev says:

      It’s called a ‘search engine’, Gahan (very apt handle, by the way).

      [Daphne – No, it’s not, Kevin. It’s called being well connected, having an eye for detail and a good memory, plus a mind like a filing system.]

      • kev says:

        Congratulations and adulations – those are the ingredients required for good conditioning. Which explains why you blindly accept the flat-earth illusion and, also, why you got stuck in the ’70s.

        And yet, you are a rebel of a sort. The sort that’s unaware of the confines of the box.

        [Daphne – Kevin, doesn’t Sharon have a mask you could play with?]

      • Philip says:

        And at the risk of repetition, top of your list D, I would put ‘the courage of your convictions’.

        And by the way Gahan, may I rephrase your statement? ”miskin hu min jikser il-ligi, jew imur kontra kull codici ta’ etika u morali, u fuq kollox wara jxellef diffru mieghek, ghax jarralu”.

        I think it’s about time the powers-that-be investigate this whole affair (pun intended) and take serious action for the sake of transparency and to regain some modicum of respect for our judiciary.

      • Stew off says:

        Kev –

        Go and have some Belgian stew. Oh sorry, your wife only invited her siblings via Facebook!

      • Gahan says:

        Philip , il-Kodici ta’ l-Etika wahdu ma’ tfisser xejn. Il-kummissjoni tfettaq fuq xi magistrat li hu president ta’ Kumitat Olimpiku Malti u mbaghad ma’ tarax hnizrijiet bhal dawn li kienu qed jigru taht ghajnejjha! Riedu jghaddu xi gimghatejn biex dehret ticcaqlaq xi ftit.

        Meta’ taqra dawn l-affarijiet ma nafx kif magistrat ghandu l-wicc ikompli jokkupa s-siggu, u ma’ jigix sospiz minn dmirijietu.

      • kev says:

        @Stew off – sadly, they would have had to travel over 2000 km. But I can assure you, it was delicious.

      • Zoro says:

        This is how a search engine works, Kev:

        Sharon Ellul Bonici: Happy Weekend guys and gals.. and enjoy your Valentine, wishing you all, love roses, chocolates, sexy toys, plenty of …. and all that your heart desires… :)))
        6 hours ago

        PLENTY OF WHAT, KEV? Masks? Sexy toys are already mentioned.

      • Grezz says:

        It looks like Kevin Ellul Bonici’s chincilla is no longer, and he’s got nothing else to play with, poor boy.

      • Grezz says:

        Looks like Kev can expect “lots of sexy toys” next Sunday then. That should leave the rest of us in peace on the blog.

    • kev says:

      Only the girls wore masks. And I am not a girl.

      [Daphne – Wow, that must have been sexy. How desperate can you get.]

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Maybe one of the sexy toys Kev is getting from Sharon is a magistrate. Or maybe she’s dreamed up arousing ways with that stew she made and told us about on Facebook.

      • kev says:

        @ Isard du Pont – now that you mention it, I was promised a magistrate for my 90th birthday. Wouldn’t that be kewl? Pity many of the tight-up desperados on this blog wouldn’t be around to write about it.

        [Daphne – I might be. I’m younger than you are. Tell me when it happens, and I’ll send you a couple of masks.]

      • La Redoute says:

        “Only the girls wore masks. And I am not a girl”.

        You sound like you’re wearing a feather boa and tight trousers.

  3. tony says:

    How the hell do you know all this….baffles me! They will never crush you. Probably the best for them is to ask YOU what they should do next, or move away from it all – or can they, now?

  4. Clive says:

    I wish our politicians from both sides had half your balls. Malta would indeed be a better place.

    Good luck

  5. maryanne says:

    May I ask who decides how court cases are given to different magistrates/judges. How does it work?

    [Daphne – I’m told they’re drawn by lot.]

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Souper Wann News just called you an “artikolista Nazzjonalista”. Thought you might like to know….

    • Tony Pace says:

      Souper Wann, is that why she commented so favourably about Musumeci, John Dalli, JPO et al, the Demarcos, ex-judge Arrigo etc?

      Halluna hi, jew kif qal il-prim, ”jaqq”. Kemm kellhu ragun.

  7. anton g says:

    The island is getting too congested for continued hidden comfort.

  8. David Gatt says:

    So you will be judged by The Hon. Dr. Antonio Micallef Trigona. Daphne, just a word of advice. This Magistrate is not nicknamed “The Tiger” for nothing.

  9. P Shaw says:

    Joe Mifud a lawyer? Mela d-dikris saru qishom pastizzi?

    Was there a special mass law course for Super 1 hacks? Kollha jridu isiru DOKTORS just in case one day they run for office. They just want to impress their naive and unsophisticated electorate with their stupid titles.

  10. Joseph says:

    Believe me, I used to get fed up of your writing, but not anymore.

    There are many more irregularities taking place in our courts, and if our minister really wants the public to show confidence in our law courts, he has to look at what you are writing.

    It is a shame to hear all this, and he will not investigate. We already had a big blow to the administration of justice. Keep on with your writing, and it is a pity that other journalists like you do not have the guts that you have.

  11. K Farrugia says:

    PBS also announced that Daphne Caruana Galizia will be facing charges in court in the following week, with the date of hearing still to be appointed.

    They also said that Daphne will present a report to the Commission of Administration of Justice. Is that true Daphne?

    [Daphne – Yes, my lawyer is working on it. I’m not writing it myself.]

    Regarding the choice of the magistrate, I fear that Daphne will have problems with quite a number of magistrates.

    [Daphne – Actually, I don’t. I do, however, have a problem being judged – in a case over a magistrate who has had an affair – by another magistrate who has had an affair, with one of her best friends. Thank heavens I know about it. Imagine if I didn’t. That’s why all this secrecy about bad behaviour and wheels within wheels is wrong.]

    On a separate note, they have said that informed sources confirmed Robert Musumeci will probably contest the casual election, as will probably do the other eligible candidate Philip Micallef.

    [Daphne – Bully for him. It won’t make any difference to the price of eggs.]

  12. tony says:

    Time will only tell lady of venim,but for sure time you do not have.

  13. Gahan says:

    Bilhaqq, ara ma jigix xi hadd u jitlob li l-kawza tinstema’ bil-maghluq, ghax il-pubbliku jiskandalizza ruhu! Justice has to be seen to be done.

  14. Born Slippy says:

    I suggest you re-locate to Iceland .. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8504972.stm

  15. Paul Bonnici says:

    The police need to get their priorities right.

    I’ve still got to hear the outcome of their investigation into the shooting to death of a mentally deranged man by one (or two) of their officers. This man had FIVE rounds fired at him.

    Now the police are hounding a journalist who merely exposed what was already ‘exposed’ in Facebook.

    The St Julian’s police have already tried to stitch Daphne up last year. I suggest the police commissioner investigates this serious case of possible perjury by his own officers. I think perjury is more serious than what Daphne is being accused of now.

  16. Sue Fenech says:

    Mur hudu foxx in-nazzjonalisti tieghek .. Miss Liba .. int ghax ma tarax tieghek daphne .. ilhaq salibek qabel tilhaq salib in-nies ..

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