Magistrate Herrera sends Facebook flowers 'with appreciation and glory' to Lorry Sant henchman Ronnie Pellegrini

Published: February 21, 2010 at 11:32am


If it’s too small for you to read, this is what the text says:

Ronnie got a appreciation and glory from Consuelo Scerri Herrera using FLOWERS OF FRIENDSHIP. January 21 at 6.28am

Those of us who were around in the 1980s know exactly who Ronnie Pellegrini is. We remember him banging on trucks with Lorry Sant, throwing his weight around, and being generally very bad news.

He’s a fine friend for a magistrate and an even finer recipient for a magistrate’s bouquet of ‘appreciation and glory’. Here’s hoping she hasn’t known him from her teenage years, when her father the judge got himself embroiled in a big controversy over land deals that was the subject of an investigation by the Permanent Commission Against Corruption.

The conclusions of the Permanent Commission against Corruption, presided over by Justice Victor Borg Costanzi, state that “there is no evidence to show that Judge Herrera was involved in any act of corruption in the occasion of the issuing of building permits”.

But the Commission’s report confirms that the late Justice Herrera did confide to a prominent lawyer that Lorry Sant would arrange for him to have permits for development.

The Commission did not stop here. It concluded that permits for the property owned by Justice Herrera could only have been issued by works minister Lorry Sant himself.” – Malta Today, 7 April 2002

And here’s what Malta Today had to say more recently about Magistrate Herrera’s Facebook friend.

Malta Today,29 June 2008

Former Lorry Sant henchman canvasses for Jason Micallef

Ronnie Pellegrini, one of the late Lorry Sant’s henchmen and close personal friends, is Jason Micallef’s chief canvasser for the post of MLP secretary-general. (…..)

Pellegrini was originally a GWU employee, but is seemingly seconded to the Labour Party and is now fully employed by the party. He was one of Alfred Sant’s staunchest supporters, and a common sight at the former MLP leader’s press conferences before the election. (……)

Pellegrini’s notoriety goes back to the days of the late Lorry Sant, the former Labour minister of works who was renowned for his brusque manners and his involvement in numerous corruption accusations.

Among Pellegrini’s initiatives was the decision to erect a statue to the memory of Lorry Sant, even though many in the party did not agree with the idea at the time.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Speditu says:

    He’s also involved ‘behind the scenes’ in the student organisation MOVE.

  2. Mark C says:

    Well at least they’re digital flowers and don’t cost a penny. But one can also buy items with a credit card/Paypal and send these kind of items over Facebook which opens up the possibility of bribes. Didn’t they bar them from using social networks?

  3. Speditu says:

    Tat-Torca iridu jkesksu l-knisja ghalik!

  4. Genoveffa says:

    Do you know even Mintoff is on Facebook … incredible. He even has 876 friends, not from his age bracket, I imagine.

    [Daphne – Mintoff ilu li zmaga. It can’t possibly be him. Even if he were not suffering from senile dementia, we all know his views about computers.]

  5. Claude Sciberras says:

    You know what caught my eye? If the date and time is right these flowers were sent at 6.28 am. You must be madly in love with someone to be thinking of sending them flowers digital or otherwise at that time of day.

    [Daphne – Well, what do you know? Perhaps Robert isn’t a morning person.]

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