X'purcinellati, jahasra

Published: February 11, 2010 at 9:39pm
I'm off to a Labour party, dressed like Charlon Gouder

I'm off to a Labour party, dressed like Charlon Gouder

Shame people couldn’t read between the lines at the time, which is why he was able to write this letter in the first place – and look moderate and progressive.

Malta Today – Letters • 15 April 2007

In a recent Malta Today article, it was stated that Labour MP Dr José Herrera was taken to task by one of his Labour counterparts for making snide remarks to the detriment of the Labour Party during the political programme ‘Kulhadd Jghid Tieghu’, broadcast on Smash TV.

I also participated in the same programme, and as far as I can recall, Dr Herrera did not make any inequitable remarks in this respect.

If Dr Herrera’s judicious and moderate style of conveying ideals and political views is considered by his Labour counterparts to be damaging to their party, it only means that our political system deserves better.

Robert Musumeci

6 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    I thought white trousers were Jason Micallef’s trade mark.

  2. Gahan says:

    X’cuc huma Dallas, Dynasty u Twin Peaks f’daqqa…… biex ma’ nzidx ‘l-Becky!

  3. tony says:

    Well you remember when Becky use to tell you on TVM run rebbit run and you ended up licking her bottom you remember pretty baby……………………………………..

  4. pat says:

    Mela ghadek hawn, Ton? Ghogbok ix-xoghol donnhu! Hope you can read Maltese.

  5. Mario says:

    Bejnietna Daphne, imma x’ralha?

    M’ghandha xejn x’jigbdhek u l-ftit li kelli inkontri maghha lanqas bi kliema ma tigbdek. Musumeci mhux tant imkisser, u tixraqlu wahda ahjar. Din id-dinja qatt ma fhimta u lanqas se nifimha, nahseb.

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