104,043 views so far today

Published: March 8, 2010 at 11:36pm
Hey there, Kurt and Saviour

Hey there, Kurt and Saviour

Maltastar, Super One and Malta Today say it’s because I’m a ‘gossip columnist’.

They can’t bring themselves to admit in public that it’s really because I’m better at their job than they are.

I hate to blow my own trumpet, but where Maltastar, Super One and Malta Today are concerned, I just can’t resist the urge.

Just as they can’t bring themselves to admit in public that they wish I was on board their bandwagon or on their payroll, working for their horrible ‘media organisations’.

Traffic ranking for www.maltatoday.com.mt: 180
Traffic ranking for www.maltastar.com: 125
Traffic ranking for www.daphnecaruanagalizia.com: 47

And I do it all for free, for fun, with no employees and in my spare time.

Oh, something else I forgot to tell you about Magistrate Herrera’s testimony: she said she doesn’t know the people at Maltastar. Ghax jahasra, they’re different to the people at Super One and the Labour Party.


NB – By midnight, the day’s view-count was 106,446.

19 Comments Comment

  1. ccam says:

    You crack us up Daph :) goodnight

  2. Did you hear that rumble says:

    You must have made at least thousands and thousands of people laugh so heartily and all at the same time, as I just did with this post.

  3. Gahan says:

    Sogni d’oro.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:


  5. ciccio2010 says:

    This is my sign language for the number “One.”

  6. Kelinu says:

    Madofff! Ghal mument hsiebt li kienet hi. Imma mbaghad ghedt, Le, dik ma tghamilx sinjali pastazi.

  7. BMWan says:

    Proof, if One was needed, that Kermit is spinning the wheels of One.

  8. Pina says:

    Good night!

  9. Snoopy says:

    Excellent photo.

  10. Chelly says:

    Good night, Daphne. Spare your energy and f**k the rest.

  11. Tony Pace mhux Tony l'iehor says:

    Daphne for Speaker. Then kullhadd inehhi in-nejk, pardon my language. Seriously, I imagine most politicians would love to have your following, or indeed the support you have.

  12. jomar says:

    Mela din il-mara ghandha hin torqod?

    [Daphne – Norqod jien, jorqod kullhadd.]

  13. pat says:

    B’dispjacir kbir imma wisq nibza li Malta is-sewwa rari jirbah. Apparti li hafna nies jibzghu u jaghlqu halqhom. Hekk imdorrijien sfortunatament. Mhux billi qed jghidu, dawn l-affarijiet ilhom ghaddejjien fuq dil bicca gzira imma hadd qatt ma kellhu bocci jitkellem.

    Inutli tikteb hawn u taghmel, biex umbaghad fit-tapxa, kulhadd jisparixxi. L-allegazzjonijiet huma serji hafna, imma mhux anki ta dawk li bhalissa qeghdin jilghabu loghba poker, mhux serjissimi kienu?

    U Consuelo, ta’ dik l-eta, (bir-rispett kollhu), ghad baqghala zmien “tmur tugzak”? Ajma, kemm vavati. U ta’ dik l-eta ghad hawn nisa daqsekk “insecure” li ghax tghidilhom koroh, jiddejqu u jiehdu ghalihom?

    Hemm hafna affarijiet serji, u il-magistrat qed tizloq minnhom ghax taf li ghandha it-tort. Ibza ghal rasek Daphne, ghax qed thabbatha ma klikka kerha. Naf li mhux se tiehu parir meskin minghandhi, imma hekk hassejt.

  14. Drinu says:

    Impressive statistics:


    Good job. Keep it coming.

    [Daphne – Lovely. I beat them hands down on Maltese language content. And I’m the one they mock for ‘not knowing how to speak Maltese.’]

  15. Tim Ripard says:

    The count wasn’t 106,447 simply because I was knackered after a long, long day out which ended in Liverpool losing to Wigan, lots of beer and celebrations and crawling home early in the morning.

  16. Joseph Micallef says:

    You can have the best technology for print, online and other broadcast media but nothing is as powerful as content…and on these counts the others you mention suck big time (no sexual inferences intended).

  17. Charlie says:

    You missed the most important piece of information….What were you wearing?

    [Daphne – An embroidered coat.]

  18. Andrea says:

    I read your blog because your courage and integrity is admirable, your writing style is attracting, and the topics criticised are in the interest of the general public.

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