A Maltastar dork without a wise mind, a blogger without a professional dikri she eat him

Published: March 23, 2010 at 11:17am
It's the Prat of the Year Award, and Jason has pipped Glenn Dangerfield to the post.

It's the Prat of the Year Award, and Jason has pipped Glenn Dangerfield to the post.

More from Charles Crawford’s blog, last Sunday:

Maltese And Other Proverbs

Reaction from around the world to my unfortunate collision with Malta is flooding in.

Such as this link sent from the USA to Maltese proverbs.

For example:

Ħamiema bla ħjiena s-seqer itemmha (A pigeon without a wise mind, the falcon eat it)

Għal kull għadma hawn mitt kelb (For every bone there are one hundred dogs)

Aħseb fil-ħażin biex it-tajjeb ma jonqosx (Think in a pessimist way so that good things happen)

Serbian proverbs also tell us a lot about their national character:

Ко с ђаволом тикве сади, о главу му се обију (If one sows pumpkins with the devil, they will bash onto one’s head)

Бог је прво себи браду створио (God created the beard on himself first)

And Russian:

Бодли́вой коро́ве Бог рог не даёт (God does not give horns to a cow that likes to gore)


20 Comments Comment

  1. Isard du Pont says:

    Those man-boobs would make a meal in themselves if you’re that way inclined. What would you say he is – a size 50B?

    • Andrea says:

      Let me quote a German proverb here: “Die dümmsten Bauern haben die dicksten Kartoffeln.'”
      Quite loosely translated: The dumbest peasants ‘have’ the biggest potatoes.

    • Dem-ON says:

      Judging by the facial expressions of Jason and that young man on the left, I hope that Jason did not extend his right hand unduly whilst hiding behind that award.

  2. Katrin says:

    Or another German proverb: “der Teufel scheißt immer auf den dicksten Haufen!” meaning: the devil always shits on the biggest heap.

    • Andrea says:

      Had that in mind as well!

      • Tony Pace says:

        Hi and thanks for sparking off an interest in the German language. How’s this for starters ”Consie scheist immer auf den alles popolus und (even gott) stays shlaffen.”

        Apologies to your language but you get the drift.
        Auf wiedersehen

  3. Allan Gatt says:

    Ghandi proverbju b’origni Baltika ghalikom:

    Beware of the man of one book. (jinghadd ghall- kleru)

    jew iehor

    Beware of the man whose god is in the skies. (l-istess)

    • Seguccio says:

      Din ghal Allan Gatt – li huwa incitatur kbir. Ma tantx dahhaktna. Il-kleru hallieh barra. Nafuk bhala lablabi prim, biex ma nghidlekx ohra ghax mhux lok hawn li nghidha.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Tee hee! The French have this expression: Péter plus haut que son cul.

    (To fart higher than one’s arse).

  5. Loredana says:

    Actually I can here relate quite a funny experience on this subject. One time I was attending a conference dinner with people from all over Europe, and talk turned to proverbs. Someone told the Italian that he loved the expression “avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca”. The Englishman soon translated it as “to have your cake and eat it”. The Spaniard said that in Spanish it was something to the effect of “ringing the bells and saying mass”. I was dreading my turn as I had to translate “hobla u tredda” – of course, to everybody’s amusement.

  6. Allan Gatt says:

    Proverbju Irlandiz did-darba, b’tema skatologika:

    A cow pat is wider when trodden on.

    U biex nibqghu on track, dal-proverbju Amerikan (Franklin Roosevelt hareg bih)

    Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day.

  7. PParnis says:

    So this guy is admitting he is a racist – what’s new? Usual British colonial attitude.

    • Randolph says:

      I tend to somewhat agree. However, considering the attitude of Maltastar’s editor, it is painfully understandable.

  8. Karm says:

    And here’s one which would apply for all the people who jumped on the “let’s sue Daphne” bandwagon:’

    Toni jahra fejn ixommu. (Mil-ktieb ta’ qwiel Maltin pubblikkat minn Muscat Azzopardi xi tletin sena ilu.)

  9. david s says:


    • Grezz says:

      Yes, Maltese is indeed a colourful language (which is why I tend to switch to it when I am really heated up about something).

  10. Daphne,

    Good stuff.

    Not sure I get that ‘racist’ shot from PParnis, if it was aimed at me.

    The link to my own site is here:


    A publisher in San Franciso does a lively line in swearing dictionaries from languages around the world. Is there a Maltese version? I do not recommend the Polish one as you die laughing reading it.


  11. Galahan II says:

    Try this site.. http://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Maltese. Pretty disgusting actually but very representative of a certain, thankfully rarer than often imagined, breed.

  12. A Camilleri says:

    Il-qawl addattat ghal ma dak ir-ritratt hu li ‘qed iboss b’sorm haddiehor’.

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