After the tall woman in Albert Town (I promise you it wasn't me)….

Published: March 4, 2010 at 9:55am
Mank jigi xi hadd minn Super One u jaghtini bicca bejkin.

Mank jigi xi hadd minn Super One u jaghtini bicca bejkin.

After still unconfirmed claims that he was aggredit by a tall woman in Albert Town who stole his wallet (do you think that if I send him these questions by email, Charlon will answer them?), it turns out that there was another mysterious aggredizzjoni fuq Charlon Gouder.

Maltastar reported last June that Labour’s media Big Cheese was in a nightclub near Rabat – with his wife, it hastened to add, lest anyone think that he left her at home and went with somebody from, say, Albert Town – when he was assaulted by two men.

It gave no further explanation or reason for the attack, leaving its chicken-coop of readers to assume that the reasons were political.

Maltastar didn’t report any political insults, though – nothing on the lines of ‘Ghax ma tmurx tiehdu f’XXXXXXXXX ja lXXa Laburist.’

No. It just said that two men approached him and started to insult him. You can bet your last cent that if the insults had involved his role in the Labour Party, we would have heard all about them, in their full glory.

Given that the insults were ‘bleeped out’ – or the written equivalent, that is – one imagines that they might have involved a couple of unpaid bills at Albert Town. You know, at the frozen meat factory there. But I doubt it. I’m sure Labour’s Communications Bald Eagle – he makes a strange pair with Kurt Farrugia the Communications Coconut – pays all his dues promptly.

His wife must have a fridge full of bacon. “Hi honey, I’m home! Ara x’ frozen chicken sabiha gibtlek.”, 29 June 2009

PL media executive seriously injured in attack

Charlon Gouder media executive of the Labour Party was assaulted by two men in a nightclub in the limits of Rabat on Friday night.

Mr Gouder was in a nightclub with his wife when two unknown men approached him and started to insult him. The two men then punched him in the face and head.

Mr Gouder was taken to the Mosta health centre where he was certified that he suffered serious injuries to the face and needed stitches to his head.

He filed a report with the police. An investigation is underway.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party has strongly condemned the violent attack on its media executive and appealed for the police to bring to justice the individuals who attacked Mr Gouder.

45 Comments Comment

  1. tony says:

    Baby Daphe If you go to Marsa wearing those lingerie’s we are sure that all those africans will run in one direction to the port looking to find the boats they had come with to return back to africa.
    by the way take those ladies with you i am sure her armpits smells due to the astronomic prices of electicity imposed on us by your hubby Gonzi and she is trying to save on her bill bye baby daphe

    • La Redoute says:

      This guy sounds like some sort of pervert who’s secretly thrilled by what he reads here.

    • Toothless Tiger says:

      Tony, are you entirely sure that you don’t need professional help?

    • S.Winwood says:

      Hsibtek mort tindifen, tony. Tidher li ghogbok hawn – differenza kbira milli toqghod tisma Suuuuuuuuuuper One jew taqra l-Orizzont hux vera?

    • emanuel says:

      Tony possibli tara lil Daphne daqshekk kehra? Mela kemm hemm nisa sbieh mal-PL? Ha nghidlek meta kontu tiktbu is-Sahhara tal-Bidnija kont niskanta. Hu min kien jikteb hekk – il-gmiel ta’ Lino Cassar.

      • maryanne says:

        Iva, kollha nsewha il-kitba ta’ Lino Cassar.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Imma Lino Cassar connoisseur of the flesh. Kellu permess specjali mir-regim biex idahhal il-peer-reviewed scientific journal “Playboy” ghal skopijiet ta’ ricerka.

      • JM says:

        Lino Cassar kien kiteb artiklu ‘very well researched’, elokwenti, professjonali, miktuib b’dik l-intelligenza tipika tieghu, analzi unbiased, oggettiv 101%, u kien ghamel statement li jekk il-Gvern kien se jaghzel li jdahhal l-Euro, tant kien se jkollha effett neggattiv li l-PN kien se jsofri l-akbar telfa li qatt ikun garrad fl-elezzjoni tal-2008.

        Ezatt kienet l-analizi.

      • erskinemay says:

        Jiena zgur qatt ma nista ninsa il-pinna ta Lino Cassar…kemm il-darba irrid nghid li talabna mahfra u hfiernhielu. Pero` ninsa zgur li ma nistghax.

      • Grezz says:

        Lino Cassar dak li famuzament kien iddikjar li l-“hobby” tieghu hu li jikollezzjona l-“Playboy” magazine? Mela meta jhares fil-mera’ tghid x’kien jara hu?

    • Carmel Said says:

      We are fed up of hearing about the hardships and depair Maltese people are supposedly going to have to face due to the new energy bills. NOBODY gives you anything for free so why are you expecting water and electricity to continue being subsidised by the government using taxes which I have paid.

      The state has to stop being a nanny state, and anybody who want to support a certain standard of living knows what he/she has to do..stop whining, get a job and work hard, like the majority of people are doing!! Maybe if people got their priorities right and stopped spending money beyond their means, they would stop complaining.

      • S K says:

        @ Carmel Said,

        I want to hug you! FINALLY someone speaking sense.

      • erskinemay says:

        Whilst I cannot but agree with Carmel Said’s comment, the truth is (and here’s the irony of it all) that part of the fact of high(er) water and electricity costs is, I believe, subisdisation itself.

        Those who are not being subsidised, are paying to subsidise those who are, in addition to the ‘natural’ increase ascribable to higher fuel costs.

        So whilst Said is correct that we ought to work harder etc and stop whining about the hike in W&E bills, I’m whining about the notion of subsidising. I might be coming across as selfish, but I already have a job and work hard. It’s those who are being subisdised who don’t.

  2. maryanne says:

    Is the investigation still underway?

  3. Il mingell says:

    hames liri hi….
    irkeb please.

  4. T says:

    UFF TONY…………..kemm int vojt……!

  5. Gabibbs says:

    Charlon Gouder is no friend of me! I really don’t care of his private life and his experiences in Marsa………..its his own life, he knows what’s good and bad and who are we to judge him? You say he’s married! Well and good!!! Let him live peacfully………and he has to let others live their own life.

  6. S K says:

    This is going to be good. Charlon has picked the wrong fight here.

  7. Well done – it’s about time somebody started to shake the political tree. I have read all your articles for years; good luck on your court appearances. The trouble with Malta is they don’t like the truth. Hope you make it through and come out smelling of roses.

  8. Norman says:

    You are one hell of a lady Daphne and I admire your direct journalism and open mindedness. Good luck with your court case and keep fighting for what you believe in, especially going after the untouchables! You have more balls than a rugby team put together.

  9. lino says:

    why does’nt you go to englis lessins to lern to speek it majt help yor comuncejxins competens i hope yu understends me like 1 understanded you.
    rather i have enather idea. we play hajd and siek. You hide and I’ll never bother to seek you. Ferhan ghax iblah.

  10. Banquo says:

    Agredizzjoni! Great! I can’t stop laughing. You’re great!

  11. Tonio Farrugia says:

    Super One reporters should be careful when in Italy:

    Clients who don’t pay prostitutes ‘Guilty of rape’.

  12. Ciccio2010 says:

    Stuffed chicken with bacon for dinner tonight, then.

  13. Leonard says:

    They’re renaming it Charlon Town.

  14. MarioP says:

    Iz-zik, Gejtu il-Merisi jmur. Mas-‘suits’ jintefa…

  15. Rover says:

    Gouder l-Aggredit: a tall woman from Albert Town stole his money for no reason at all; two men ganged up on him and bashed him about just for a bit of fun. I don’t think so, Charlon. You’d better tell us what really happened.

  16. Tim Ripard says:

    By the way, kif baqa’ Wenzu? Is he still editing ‘Kulhadd’ whilst living off the taxpayers’ money?

  17. Joe S says:

    I thought it was illegal to give a false report to the police.

  18. jomar says:

    How come Daphne’s case was instituted, investigated and brought to court within one month and poor Charlon’s attempted murder case by two identifiable individuals, still pending?

    Has anyone heard of the two men being brought to court or did Charlon withdraw the complaint?

  19. Manuel says:

    Daphne, I admire you. You bring life to local journalism. Keep up the good “pen”.

  20. pat says:

    Tony ma fehmekx, ghalxejn ippruvajt “arjurant”. Dak ma juzax full stops bhalna, ghax dak struit. Ghalhekk Daphne tpoggi tieghu l-ewwel comment. Ghax jaf xi jghid. U jithadded sAwwa. U Allahares ma kienx hu fuq dan il blog. Joqtol lil kulhadd bid-dahq MINGHAJR MA JINTEBAH! Itfghalna ohra, Ton. Jien l-ikbar fan tieghek.

  21. pat says:

    Tony……BEJNIETNA TA . . il-hubby tfisser ir-ragel. Gonzi mhux ir-ragel ta’ Daphne.

  22. Brian*14 says:

    Hi Daphne,

    Just to say that I missed your article on today’s The Malta Independent.

    I know you’re keeping busy and all and really wish you well to overcome what you’re going through with flying colours.

    [Daphne – It’s in the newspaper tomorrow.]

  23. Hot Mama says:

    “tall woman” …does it translate into “man in drag”? Hmmmm, I wonder…

  24. Loredana says:

    Just curious – aren’t Charlon and Byon both missing a letter in their name? What kind of stupid name is Byon, anyway – sounds more like an insecticide.

    [Daphne – Charlon and Byon: permanently marked from birth as NOT mittelkless.]

    • erskinemay says:

      At least these names are better than Entni. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this name in the paper for the first time recently.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Maybe Byon is short for bionic: half human, half machine.

      • Grezz says:

        Or maybe his parents were thinking ‘Bjorn’ and just didn’t know how to spell it.

  25. lino says:

    don’t tell me you didn’t understand Tony. He meant ‘hobby’. It’s just that he cannot spell it.

  26. Camillo Bento says:

    Toni (ghax hekk tifhem aktar milli nghidlek Toni), qabel ma titlaq lejn Stokkolma ara li thalli balla posts ghax nimmisjawh l-gherf tieghek. Min jaf x’ighir ghalik Oliver. P.S. Qis li tilbes glekk ghax inkella ma tkunx eligibbli ghall-premju. Hu l-ezempju ta’ Joey, Anglu, Toni u l-bqijja li kollha jilbsuh il-glekk…….bhal Mintoff.

  27. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, you continue to amaze. I volunteer to be your bodyguard at your next court session. Let the dimwits beware. I’ll be wearing my technicolour dreamcoat.

  28. jz says:

    Hello Daphne,

    How can i contact you personally.

    [Daphne – Just post whatever you need to tell me as a comment and I will read it and then delete it, or just email me at]

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