Guess who's already been to dinner?

Daqsxejn mghaggel, nies, ghaliex il-lejla ghal ghand Consie u Robert.
Joseph Muscat famously said that he prefers slumming it with a hamburger and Anglu Farrugia to a formal dinner hosted by the prime minister in honour of the outgoing president.
Anything with more than two pairs of forks and knives foxes him and he’s more comfortable in situations where he can move his mouth to his food rather than his food to his mouth.
But let’s not be mean about it. He’ll learn eventually, and he’s going to have to do so what with all those state dinners he’ll have to go to when he’s il-mexxej tal-pajjiz.
Meanwhile, he’s sticking with the declasse dinners, with or without hamburgers. He and Michelle were recently off to Consie Herrera’s and Robert Musumeci’s Siggiewi home, which has yet to be featured in My Favourite Room as her previous abode was (Consie the magistrate in a baby pink track-suit, lounging among the antikitajiet which may or may not have been bought for her at auction by Labour MP Anton Refalo ta’ Ghawdex – but let’s leave that aside for now).
Muscat must have been thrilled to discover that his fellow guests at Consie’s and Musumeci’s were not the sort to make demands on his table manners and conversational skills: the deputy leader of the Labour Party and Mrs Anglu Farrugia, Judge Farrugia Sacco, and Marlene Mizzi and her husband Magistrate Antonio Mizzi.
As you can see, it was something of a themed night, and I don’t mean Hawaiian, or Seventies, or Whores ‘n’ Vicars.
This must have given Robert Musumeci plenty of opportunity to practise the politics of moderation.
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The meaning of “consorting with the enemy” must have reached its climax for Musumeci that night. U dan irid li in-nies jiehduh bis-serjeta?
Code of Ethics for magistrates, rule 25 :
“Members of the Judiciary shall not, whether in their public or private life, act in such manner as might imply political partiality.”
L-ajru ghandu ghajnu w il-hajt ghandu widintu!
Kif hadd ma’ jista’ jaghmel xejn b’Daphne! Nahseb tkun fuq is-setah bit-tromba u tara kull ma’ jigri f’Malta. Taf bil-qohob ta’ kullhadd! Nahseb fil-komma ghanda iktar minn erba’ Assi merfughin!
Il-Papa Gwanni XXIII li tieghu Robert sar ammiratur kien juza’ l-ikla bhala ghodda tad-diplomazija meta kien nunzju Appostoliku biex jilhaq ftehim bejn l-ghedewwa.
Betcha the tracksjut was velour.
[Daphne – Baby, it was.]
Mela kienet qisha l-iljunfant ta’ Anglu…
It’s called using all your assets to get what you want. Who cares if it’s from your political party or from the opposition? Politics is just an opinion, after all.
A swing in GDP of almost 15% is not a matter of opinion.
I think that they were planning “the next step” as at that point the anonymous Movement was convinced that a PN back bencher would endorse his motion in Parliament – Tony Zarb was very clear about this on Monday evening.
I think that the objective of last Sunday’s protest was to gear up the supporters for a general election. Tony Zarb’s warning that “if the Government ignores The People’s plea, they will strike at the Government” together with the second protest on Monday accompanying Zarb to Parliament reaffirm my hypothesis.
Last Monday, we witnessed a failed attempt to topple the Government. In this climate of international economic upheaval, it is in everyone’s interest – especially the middle and lower social classes – to maintain political stability.
Once again, the two consorts (GWU and Muscat’s Movement) acted in their own interest at the detriment of The People. Luckily for all of us, their plan failed once again.
These people seem to have a penchant for being on the wrong side of history.
Let us say that one can understand the presence of the other judges and their spouses – it is a dinner among colleagues. But I find it difficult to understand why a magistrate, subject to the independence of the judiciary and to the Code of Ethics which Alan has aptly quoted above, and a PN mayor of a fairly small town in Malta, would want to dine with the Leader of the Opposition and his deputy.
Is the BBC recording new episodes of Keeping Up Appearances?
Official request from your gang of favourite bloggers :
1. Who were the members of the ”official” PL delegation to France?
2. Who were the hangers on?
3. The names of the v.i.p’s they had meetings with?
4. Finally, did the earth tremble when Carla met Michelle?
I have a funny feeling we’re in for a surprise.
Ara tafdawhx prim!
I also think that the objective of the demonstration on Sunday (taking in consideration Labour’s great effort to have their full support at Valletta) and the subsequent one on Monday was a reason to think that the government will not get a majority on Labour’s motion on the energy tariffs. But they had a complete failure.
[Daphne – That’s because Labour has a skewed version of democracy. They think -as they did in the past – that decisions are taken by the contemporary equivalent of a mob with pitchforks, rather than by the democratically elected government.]
Just in case readers do not realize the gravity of the ‘Consie’ situation. Imagine if I had to go to court and would be unfortunate enough to have Herrera as the magistrate. I can (and will) ask for her to be replaced by someone without political ties. My argument will be that since I am Nationalist I do not feel safely assured that I will receive a fair hearing. Guilty or not, she only stands to lose and I stand to gain.. Now let us all ask ourselves. Is this justice?
The reverse situation applies too. If one of the parties is a representative of the Labour Party or its media arm, Super One or Maltastar, can the rest of us out here ever be sure they’ll get what they deserve?
And that does not always mean a decision against them.
Those who control the judicial system, the communications system (media and telephony) and the banking system have near-absolute power. It seems that LP are on the right track.
[Daphne – Yup, that’s exactly how Mintoff did it.]
Chris, your forget the MEPA.