Charlon Gouder's cop-turned-lawyer parties with Consuelo
March 3, 2010 at 8:17pm
This is Vince Micallef, one of the cops-turned-lawyers who filed Charlon Gouder’s complaint against me with the police.
The photograph was taken at Magistrate Herrera’s 45th birthday party.
The other cop-turned-lawyer who filed Charlon’s ‘kwerela’ is Andy Ellul, Sharon No2EU Ellul Bonici’s brother.
Min jaf kemm ghandhom ‘contacts’ mal-pulizija, eh?
Both cops-turned-lawyers were part of Sharon Ellul Bonici’s campaign team when she sought election to the European Parliament.
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On PBS they said that the Commission for Administration of Justice held an extra sitting last month specifically for the hearing of Magistrate Scerri Herrera. Whilst the outcome of this sitting is still unknown, this shows that the Commission has actually taken action on the matter.
An extra sitting ? ! I thought they were only taking notes. I suggest the Commission for Administration of Justice should meet 24/7 in the prevailing situation and all the recent developments. What an utter despicable mess! Do these people think that because they wrangled an LL.D out of the poor Alma Mater they are above the law and everybody else is either a moron or demented? I happen to be one of many who expects an answer and a solution to this sleazy charade.
I hope you intend to point this out to the court during the hearing: two ex-cops who attend magistrate Scerri Herrera’s parties file a kwerela for Charlon Gouder.
Coincidence my back-side! This is a form of masonry., with a madrina pulling the strings, I’ll wager.
Another man whose wife (now ex-wife) found him in bed with her best friend. Pezza wahda kolla kemm huma.
Tafu min kienet l-ex-wife? Ha naghtikhom hjiel. Kienet oht backbencher Nażżjonalista, wiehed li Gonzi jqisu wiehed mill-imqarbien. Min hu Daphne?
[Daphne – Hawn Malta m’hemmx ex-wives. Hemm wives biss.]
Very interesting to read and know, indeed.
Haga interresanti Daphne fuq il-kaz li kellek meta hrigt mill-qorti huwa li jien rajt il-filmat tas-super 1 u dehret Pulizija mara . Ma nafx jekk hux ghal dik kont qed tirreferi li Charlon Gouder hadha mieghu. Jien nahseb li rajt il-filmat bhali u jekk dik hija l-Pulizija li marret ma Charlon Gouder allura nista intiek naqra taghrif. Int ghidt li ma kelliex numru u jien nghidlek li bilfors ma jkolliex ghax dik Spettura Innota li ghanda l-qmis bajda igifieri hija ufficjal u mhux just Pulizija li l-qmis tkun blue.
U ajma, ha noqodu nhalluwom bil-kurzita lil dawn nies? Nghidulom li l-mara ta’ Vince Micallef hi oht l-ex ministru tat-toroq.
It’s all so incestuous.