Charlon u l-mentalita tal-banana

Published: March 15, 2010 at 5:12pm
Labour must win, and I don't care what happens afterwards.

Labour must win, and I don't care what happens afterwards.

He will do anything to help Labour win the general election, he absolutely believed Labour would win in 2008, and here’s the best bit: he wasn’t concerned about what would happen afterward.

“My main aim is the general election, and I would do anything, anything to help the party win it,” Gouder says. “I believe in what I do and I absolutely believe we will win the election. I’m not that concerned about what happens afterwards.”

-Charlon Gouder interviewed by Malta Today, 14 October 2007

And here’s another bit of that interview, this time for comic relief to take your mind off the fact that King Carnival and the Coconuts are gearing up to run the country and your life.

“To make things worse, at that time I was a bit chubby, and the chair I was sitting on just broke. Now I was really conditioned by my being chubby and conscious of it. So I was furious and told the PN organisers that if they were going to play these dirty tricks it was totally unfair. This chair was actually held in place by a piece of iron wire. They denied it was some dirty trick but the last time I went on the Granaries I made the condition that I would have a strong, sturdy chair.”

33 Comments Comment

  1. Hot Mama says:

    a strong, sturdy chair like a strong, sturdy bus…

  2. S K says:

    ” I’m not that concerned about what happens afterwards’

    I think that pretty well sums up the whole Labour bandwagon. They have been in opposition so long that all they care about is winning. They don’t care that responsibility for every man, woman and child would be theirs.

    • La Redoute says:

      Or that whatever’s screwed up for everyone will be screwed up for them too – like CET and EU membership were in 1996.

  3. La Redoute says:

    He also said this in the same interview:

    “…I probably won’t remain in journalism, definitely not in the way I am right now. I have to put my house in order.”

    I couldn’t agree more.

  4. free falling says:

    So prophetic yet so disillusioned.

    Charlon didn’t fall off that chair, but he certainly fell off his perch.

  5. Riya says:

    Today I read on this blog a post whereby someone stated that ‘Alfred Sant was doing well to clean up the party from the dirty people but Joseph Muscat failed to follow this initiative’. However. Alfred Sant did not do the same to the judiciary system of Malta by appointing Consuelo Scerri Herrera as magistrate and promoting Farrugia Sacco to judge.

  6. il-Ginger says:

    Another excerpt from that interview: “I ended up thrown on a sofa with Joe Saliba above me. It was crazy, pure madness.”

    This line cracked me up big time.

    Did he steal your wallet, Charlon?

    • free falling says:

      Seriously, is Charlon really a journalist or does he spend his free time with Alice in Wonderland?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        He should have gone on and published the whole thing in a university magazine:

        “I ended up thrown on a sofa with Joe Saliba above me. It was crazy, pure madness…. We threw caution to the four winds, unbridled our passions, and loosened our ties. Hungrily we sought for each other’s purses, as I slipped mine into my velvet-lined innermost pocket. I thought of those wild nights at Mile End in the heady days of 2003, when we would dance away the night until the wee hours of the morning to the tune of ‘Partnership, l-Aqwa Ghazla.’

        This was Partnership indeed, and more. Oh how the memory of our Leader’s words came flooding back to me in a sudden rush, as powerful as the crowds jostling to touch our Leader at the Granaries. Now I knew. I knew what ‘Full Membership’ meant.

        Giddy with those thoughts, with the sofa creaking away, I reached instinctively for my wallet. A cold shudder ran through me. It was gone! And so was Joe Saliba!”


      • La Redoute says:

        Now Joe Saliba won’t sue you for criminal defamation.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I’m quite confused about what constitutes criminal defamation. Is the above defamatory? In that case, does it mean that satire of any kind is banned?

    • Isard du Pont says:

      It sounds like a Ronnie Pellegrini fantasy to me, but with Joe Saliba in the role of Jason Micallef.

  7. TROY says:

    Charlon veru li il qahba milli jkollha …….

  8. michael woods says:

    Being a personal friend of Charlon Gouder, I can state without hesitation that you people really don’t know Charlon. He is a kind and gentle person, always ready to hear you out. For this I can swear that I have full trust in him. So please think before you write.

    [Daphne – I do. My experience of Charlon Gouder is far from kind, gentle or ready to hear me out.]

  9. Ghal lanqas Charlon jaf id-differenza bvejn “public” u “publique”, ghax ghalkemm tiftahar li gibt A ma tafx haga zghira bhal dik.
    Tinkwetani l-affari li segwejt kors ta l-arkejologija meta tiftahar bil-marki li gibt u stajt segwejt kors aktar prestigjuz. Forsi kellek l-ambizzjoni li s-segwi Darwin. Ci vuole biex is-segwi lil-Darwin. Bil-kemm tifhmu.

    [Daphne – ‘Kors aktar prestigjuz’: what, you mean like law? Hahahaha.]

    • Avatar says:

      Is there a noun “segwi”?

      Is-segwi Darwin. What does that mean?

      Ah, bil-kemm tifhmu. Ok. That explains it all. He was talking about himself.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Darwin had nothing to do with archaeology. Incidentally Labour is doing its best to disprove his theory as, in spite of various name changes, the party has not evolved at all in the last forty years and is pitifully out of touch with the current socio-political “habitat” of Malta.

  10. Running in front of your shadow. X’Biza minn dellek.

  11. michael woods says:

    Mr Debono come straight if you know how to.

  12. michael woods says:

    Daphne dear it’s never too late.

  13. Fleur says:

    On One News they interviewed the popolin in Valletta asking them whether they are in favour of the Valletta projects and guess what, they got the standard Laburist replies: “Le hi, ma naqbilx. Ahjar irahhsilna l-kontijiet”…’Le hi, Gonzi ahjar jara x’hemm fil-Mater Dei imbasta qallu li State of the Arts’. What a mentality.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Actually, it was Alfred Sant who first described Mater Dei as a state-of-the-art hospital. Labourites prefer to forget it, however, and attribute the phrase to what they inevitably call GonziPN.

  14. Allan Gatt says:

    Michael Debono irid idahhaq in-nies bih. ‘Kors iktar prestigjuz’? Bhal xiex?

    Il-kors tal- medicina? Sovvrabbondanza ta’ tobba li mohhom fl-art imqaddsa (the promised land), cioe’ ‘private practice’, u fejn il- pazjenti jarahom bhala ‘PVU’ (Porsche Value Units)? ‘Sewwejtlu kallu nixtri wiper, ghada open heart surgery u nixtrilha stereo lil Carrera GT!’

    Il- kors tal -ligi (u jien nista nitkellem ghax ghandi degree fil-ligi u ghamilt sitt snin f’dak il-maqjel) li hu infarinat b’ sangisugi, balordi, bastardi u assassini?

  15. A Camilleri says:

    He may not have got the sturdy chair before the election, but ended up with a ‘par idejn sodi’ afterwards. All’s well that ends well.

  16. Marie says:

    Has Gouder hired PROs now? Can’t he speak for himself? Or is he still busy looking for his wallet, Michael Debono?

  17. Harry Purdie says:

    Was this guy born or hatched?

  18. “My main aim is the general election, and I would do anything,anything to help the party win it,” (Saliba) says. “I believe in what I do and I absolutely believe we will win the election. I’m not that concerned about what happens (to JPO) afterward.”

    (Apologies, I got slightly carried away. Kollha pezza wahda, sfortunatament).

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