Charlon's scared of a handbag, and now here's Jo Meli, scared of a blog-post

Published: March 14, 2010 at 8:31pm
Jo Meli in black tie rather than a black shirt - he keeps the black shirts for Astrid.

Jo Meli in black tie rather than a black shirt - he keeps the black shirts for Astrid.

Astrid Vella’s fascist friend Jo Meli, who joined her protest march yesterday wearing a black shirt (lousy for dandruff), has been given the willies by a couple of paragraphs about him on this blog.

He’s currently cowering on his Facebook wall, clutching his family jewels and with the bedstead and wardrobe shoved up against the door.

So much for all the strutting, eh?

Jo Meli on Facebook

Daphne Vella aka Caruana Galizia’s desktop attack yesterday on the Demonstrators in Defence of Environmental Laws & Enforcement of same was absolutely NOTHING in comparison to the PHYSICAL attack by the minions of the Late Lorry Sant where blood was spilt. Daphne Vella aka Caruana Galizia’s attack was by FAR WORSTand VILE !!!

39 Comments Comment

  1. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    What is it about these people – can’t they use the English language? Some psycho-linguist should carry out an in-depth study.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      They can’t use their caps lock properly, that’s for sure.

    • ConsTipAzzjoni says:


      Forget the linguist . . . just let a psycho loose on them

    • Alan says:

      I don’t think there’s need for any in-depth study. It’s so obvious. This man is stuck in a twisted fantasy of his own creation.

      He pictures himself standing up for what he believes to be the most worthy cause on the island, second only to defending the Imperium, guns blazing.

      He sees himself in shining armour, fending off the attack of the beasts who would prevent him from doing his righteous ‘duty’.

      The reality is that the only problems that ‘protest’ march had was that the pigeons were cooing too loudly, thus potentially preventing the whistles from being heard.

      All this fantasy is triggered by an underlying fetish he has for Astrid Vella. U mghux bic-cajt qed nghid.

    • Whoa, there! says:

      Dottore: You should read with the eyes of who has written those words. However alien a term, empathy is a good method to comprehend certain situations. Orthography besides, people can get hurt by comments on blogs such as this.

    • rayBOND says:

      Bir-rispett kollu, Dott, mhux ahjar nanalizzaw l-argumenti li huma ‘l aktar urgenti flok ninhlew nargumentaw dwar il-lingwistika?

      Lilek min jindahallek b’liema lingwa tesprimi ruhek, jekk hux b’wahda jew tnejn f’daqqa, ghalkemm jista’ jkun, li bhal Lowell anke tuza tlieta!

      Wara kollox, il-Malti hu lingwa nazzjonali, filwaqt li l-Ingliz (li jien inhobb ukoll u nuzah meta bzonn), hu lingwa ufficcjali. Int bhala paladin tad-demokrazija missek tkun aktar tolleranti lejn min “miskin” bhali jaghzel li jitkellem bil-Malti.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        rayBOND, what are you talking about? The comments were not about the choice of language but the bad choice of words, grammar and syntax. You are very wrong if you think that the way people express themselves does not reflect the way they think.

  2. good 4 u says:

    Does anyone have a tissue? To wipe my tears of laughter……

  3. Gahan says:

    Credere, obedire, combattere. Dak hu l-motto tal-Faxxisti tad-Duce. Attenta minnu ghax issa gej jikkumbatti. Mifxul ghax anke zbalji fil-kitba ghandu!
    Kif ma’ kitebx DVX fl-ahhar?

  4. Michael A. Vella says:

    Nice one Jo, especially right after Vince Farrugia received a traditional complementary MLP type make-over by what looked very much like a PL minion. ‘Arani Issa’ in reverse.

    Just how warped can one get.

  5. Avatar says:

    As a member of the Commission for the Administration of Justice, Dr Borg-Cardona should avoid commenting on this blog. The proceedings before that Commission might be annulled because of perceived / real lack of impartiality.

    A fair hearing is a basic and fundamental human rights to which everyone, including the arrogant and wheeler-dealers, are entitled to.

    I would therefore suggest to Dr Borg-Cardona to see the whole picture.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Is Jo Meli being investigated by the Commission for the Administration of Justice?

      • Gahan says:

        Mela l-anqas fit-Times ma’ jista’ jikteb.

      • Avatar says:

        No he is not. But the Magistrate might claim that Borg-Cardona has a conflict of interest: he is a sympathizer of this blog and is / was hearing her case on the Commission.

      • La Redoute says:

        You’re overlooking the fact that he may withdraw from discussions on that particular case.

      • John Schembri says:

        Andrew Borg Cardona reads this blog, and sometimes posts a comment. It does not mean that he agrees with everything Daphne writes.

        It’s a good thing that he follows the magistrate’s story through this blog, because it helps him form an opinion.

        One thing’s for sure, he never commented on the Consuelo posts. He knows where to draw the line.

      • Avatar says:

        @ J Schembri

        I am sure that everybody (in Malta and now, thanks to even in the UK) is following the Magistrate soap opera.

        But certain people should follow with tightly-pursed lips.

        So that they can then strike where and when it will hit the target.

        Exposing oneself here is short-sighted, and certainly not in the interests of what all decent citizens are after.

        I’m sure you understand what I’m getting at.

      • John Schembri says:

        Avatar, I understand you are talking about perception here. Maybe you are emphasising “justice must be SEEN to be done”.

    • Whoa, there! says:

      Avatar: If decency were the norm in this country, people would recuse themselves… but, of course, certain people like pontificating and pointing at others oblivious to their own ‘issues’.

      • La Redoute says:

        Tell us, what are *your* issues?

      • rayBOND says:

        Il-kitba ta’ Borg Cardona fit-Times, fil-fehma tieghi, hi parti mill-istrategija tal-gurnal, halli jwassal il-messagg socjo-politiku tieghu. Din il-pagna hi taht psewdonomu, mhix semplici opinjoni spissa jew rari ta’ xi hadd, hi bicca mill-“bandiera” tal-gurnal, dejjem pro l-Gvern Prezenti u l-Elitisti. Kif jista ma jithalliex jikteb?!!!

      • La Redoute says:

        Is there anyone in Labour’s stable that doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Avatar, you Labourites really hate free speech don’t you? Any excuse is good to gag those who disagree with you.

      In any case you need not worry about magistrate Scerri Herrera. She has already said under oath that the Commission for the Administration of Justice has found no wrong-doing on her part. Would be rather strange if she started complaining about the commission at this point.

      • Avatar says:

        Antoine Vella, had you more sense you would have understood that my comment was directed at the sorting out of the mess, rather than its further complication.

        My comment was meant to avoid possible exits for whoever is appearing before the Commission.

        So before your fingers get in motion, allow your brains to mull things over.

  6. M.Farrugia says:

    Another loony.

  7. ciccio2010 says:

    Fascists use violence as a means to an end. For them, violence is a smaller evil compared to not achieving their totalitarian objective. Which may be why fair comments on a blog are seen to be worse than violent and bloody attacks on other humans.

    Daphne, did you not promise more about Mr. Crawford?

  8. rupert says:

    It is hardly surprising Mr. Meli cannot write since he is unable to read. In his Facebook profile he lists Stella Maris College as his Alma Mater.

    ”Contact Information Education and Work

    University: Stella Maris College – Gzira ’69

    Secondary School: St Albert the Great College – Valletta ’73”

    Oh, and he describes himself in the third person as “Mr. Meli” in the information page.

    • La Redoute says:

      And he says he’s a business and management consultant.

      I hear there’s a vacancy in the Labour Party’s business forum.

  9. Rover says:

    Daphne’s ‘attack’ should be the least of your worries, Jo. The Malta Communist Party has risen from the dead according to someone called Degiovanni on today. You’re in real trouble now.

    By the way, give the caps lock a break.

  10. Corinne Vella says:

    Take a break from Jo Meli and look at this:

    What a scream.

    Maybe the Labour Party can pass the hat around and hire Charles Crawford to train Maltastar’s “journalists”.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Jo Meli looks like Henry Kissinger in that tuxedo.

  12. free falling says:

    Joe Meli talks nonsense and that’s his forte – a misspelt, incoherent and a mumbled comparison to Lorry Sant’s reign of terror is nothing short of hallucinatory.

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