Charmaine Schiavone wants to know how far Robert Musumeci will go in bed
She’s told him already how far she’ll go in bed, by sticking her cringe-making quiz on his Facebook wall, right near the new ‘Vote for Robert’ photograph he had made in an attempt at smartening up his shabby image.
I don’t know about you, but I find the imagery provoked by these questions rather unattractive. I mean, honestly. Do these people share a brain between them?
No prizes for guessing Charmaine Schiavone’s political sympathies and her keenness to let Musumeci know how far she’ll go in bed (maybe she thinks he goes for tarts).
Charmaine’s profile photo was cropped from a crowd shot taken at Tony Zarb’s ‘protesta kontra l-kontijiet tad-dawl halli jaqa l-gvern’.
Charmaine Schiavone on Robert Musumeci’s Facebook wall
I want to know: how far can you go in BED?????
I just took the ”how far can you go in BED?????” quiz and I got Mysterious!!!!. I want to know: how would you answer?
For The Quiz: how far can you go in BED?????
Question 1:How would you like your partner in bed?
Question 2:When you finish what are you most likely to do?
Question 3:What is the best scenery?
Question 4:You are up for some fun and your partner walks through the door, you..
Question 5:You want to surprise your partner for the night
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On the times today (under article on Louis Galea)
Robert Musumeci(1 hour, 34 minutes ago)
Louis hu rivoluzjonarju fil-qafas politiku. Il- metodi tieghu qatt ma kienu mibnija fuq strategiji ta’ wara l-kwinti intizi biex jimminaw, ikissru u jtappnu lil terzi. Dan hu wiehed mill- akbar certifikati fil-karriera politika tieghu.
Irid jinhabb…tard wisq
Louis Galea was a pillar and a tower of strength during those dark days. Maybe Robert was still wetting his pants and too young to remember them. I certainly remember those days and shiver with the very thought. We are where we are today thanks to Louis and a few others who never gave up and stood up to be counted, often getting bruised in the process. We made you Robert and never forget that.
Erm…. did Louis Galea perform these wonders before or after he became a Part-Time Farmer at Wardija?
Twanny, Before and after.
But seek to get your facts right: that was Fawwara.
Twanny, is that all you can come up with?
Was he saying that to his constituents in March 2008? X’faccolizmu, xi dwejjaq.
For some reason Tal-gakketta blue spring to mind!
Always posing as an examiner: Mepa Watch; Louis Watch.
Now it’s our turn: we are watching this “new face”… closely.
Reborn, how come they spring to mind?
@reborn What exactly did spring to your mind? Maybe you remember them burning The Times or ransacking the law courts and The Curia. Ah, maybe you remember them terrorizing and harassing ‘tal-lejber’ from voting on polling day.
from timesonline 16/3/2010
victor vella(5 hours, 58 minutes ago)
I have known Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera for a long time since I was her customer when she was a lawyer. She was always serious in her work and treat my case in a responsible way. She was a dedicated lawyer and she does not deserve this harrasment. What she does in her private life must remain private. She is mature enough to live her life. Consuelo keep it up and I pray for you so that God gives you the energy and wisdom to get rid of all this garbage that is trying to smudge your reputation.
Dear Victor Vella, her reputation is zilch. She cannot have her cake and eat it too.
Prayer is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
timesonline 16/3/2010
James A. Tyrrell(21 hours, 7 minutes ago)
It would appear that the only comments here are from three Daphne supporters. Let me ask you this guys. How would you feel if the person whose life Daphne was commenting on was your wife, or sister or mother? Would you still be saying that shutting her up was a waste of money?
Daphne Caruana Galizia has been tearing people’s private lives apart in her column and her stupid little blog, with its small group of demented supporters for years now. It’s time someone shut her mouth.
If my wife, sister or mother were behaving like Consuelo, she’d get a major telling off from me for bringing my family in disrepute.
If my wife, sister or mother were behaving like Consuelo, she’d get a major telling off from me for bringing my family into disrepute.
Jiena ghalija tista taghmel li trid kieku ma kenitx magistrat. Kont nigi altament nitmejjel. Imma jekk dil-mara qed tokkupa kariga pubblika li tirrikjedi responsabbilta’, integrita’ u rettezza (mhux biss il- ‘parenza’ taghha, kif qal xi hadd sfaccjat mill- Kummissjoni ghall- Amministrazzjoni tal- Gustizzja), mela hemmhekk m’hemmx lok ghal dal- barumbati.
I was replying to the question of what I’d do if Daphne wrote about my mother, wife or sister. If I knew that a close relative of mine were bringing herself and the rest of the family into disrepute I’d do something about it before it escalates to such an extent that it becomes public knowledge. If he or she did nothing about it, all I can do is disassociate myself from his/her behaviour.
On the question of Consuelo being a public figure she has to accept that she is subject to public scrutiny and cannot dismiss or curtail criticism and journalistic inquiry through legal action. She may well have the legal right to sue for defamation (although that is still subject to a decision by the Court). But even so, the damage she is causing to her public image by engaging in such action is potentially even more harmful than the allegations themselves.
All this is compounded by the fact that, as you rightly point out, she is a Magistrate whose credibility depends on the public image she thinks she can uphold by seeking protection orders.
Tiger Woods would have only made matters worse if instead of making a public (albeit insincere) apology for his questionable behaviour, would have launched a scathing attack on the media for bringing to light his shady private life.
John Terry tried, and failed, to keep his shenanigans under wraps through a “super-injunction” in Court.
The two gentlemen above do not carry any of the responsibility a Magistrate does. And yet, she feels that her public and not-so-private life is less deserving of public inquiry.
I would feel extremely uncomfortable if I were involved in a Court case over which she were to preside. I would almost certainly seek counsel on whether it is legally possible to request her replacement. This is the crux of the issue. Can she still enjoy public confidence after having had all this dirt about her unearthed? Whether the dirt is true or not is a separate matter. She should have been suspended or tendered her resignation, at least until her name has been cleared.
Northern Ireland’s First Minister Peter Robinson also springs to mind…
Can the courts enjoy public confidence if they depend on the likes of Scerri Herrera?
That’s the sort of question the Magistrate considers defamatory.
@James A. Tyrrell Could you please explain how one should shut her up? Never mind the why, we already know that. Maybe you suggest another Nardu Debono, Raymond Caruana or even a Wilfred Cardona?
Louis Galea is a true gentleman on all fronts. He kept on being of service to the party even when he had forces playing against him both when he was contesting for party leader and in the last general election. His mistake was that he spent too much time absorbed in his work to visit his constituents in the last election and he gave the chance to other candidates to move in for the kill. Many tried to sling mud at him but none of it stuck!! Politicians like Louis are so hard to find these days.
Aren’t people aware that there are privacy settings on Facebook?
Some people aren’t aware that there’s life outside Facebook.
Daph, this made me laugh. Good job, Robert.Thanks and keep it up.
That’s an unfortunate choice of words, given the nature of the post.
To be honest, you can get these stupid quizzes posted to your wall from people on both sides of the political divide. I guess you could be more selective on choosing your friends, but a politician (or wannabe politician) can’t be too choosy!
It’s possible to block the application that allows those quizzes to appear on your wall.
Robert Musumeci doesn’t do that. He just removes the evidence when someone else notices it.
You can delete unwanted and unwarranted comments on your Facebook wall. I did in the past with these silly quizzes and what was she/he in a past life etc. It is usually quite insulting to the relationship you are in.
and Robert Musumeci is an active facebook user.
Tghid ser jotlob ghalijha fuq l-Gholja tas-Salib, fil-mixja tal-Gimgha l-Kbira?
Facebook huwa e-skifezza tan- ‘new economy’, bid-differenza li dan qed jaghmel il-qligh u jrabbi fama. Dating site minghajr l-istigma ta’ dating site, fejn individwi emozzjonalment sottozviluppati u sesswalment skartabellati (li l-anqas biss jafu xi jridu mil- hajja) jfittxu l-ammirazzjoni u l-attenzjoni tal- kontemporanji taghhom. Inzid nghid, kontemporanji li ma jimpurtahom XEJN minnhom hlief ghal- promessa tal- orgazmu li kapaci jipprokuraw minn fuq darhom.
L-ahwa, imma tassew mistoqsijiet arditi fuq il- ‘hajt’ ta’ R. Musumeci, xi tghidu? Minjaf kemm ghandu ammuraturi li bhalissa qed jigdmu xofftejhom u jghannqu il- monitor. Zommuni, jahasra, ghax se jhossni hazin. Gibuli ‘fejzklot’ u fliskatur aqua velva halli nbahbah…
Well said Bus Conductor, especially if you are always carrying your “bleckberry” around
Kermit says
Question 1:How would you like your partner in bed?
Preferably asleep before I get there.
Question 2:When you finish what are you most likely to do?
Pinch myself to make sure it was just a nightmare.
Question 3:What is the best scenery?
The back of a 50-year-old Maltese bus.
Question 4:You are up for some fun and your partner walks through the door, you..
…. feel frustrated and mutter to myself “Jesu hanin x’mort nghamel b’idejja”
Question 5:You want to surprise your partner for the night
I offer her a Singapore Sling.
Iffa daqfek. Ha taghmillek kawza ta’ malafama kriminali.
Charmaine Schiavone wants to know how far Robert Musumeci will go in bed. The public wants to know how far Robert will go with his brother’s picnic cooler?
Resorting to Facebook to express such vulgarity is revolting. Musumeci can’t even be categorised as a pseudo- intellectual . He is just a conceited prat or modern Gahan. The NP should relieve itself of such scum.
I’m with Andre on this one. Has not one member of his staff/family told him about privacy settings? I think getting on social networking sites and not being aware of the basic workings of them is just asking for it.
I think foreigners should keep out of the dialogue on this blog. They cannot possibly appreciate the feeling of all of us who suffered under the Labour regime of the 80s.