Consuelo tells reporters that I called her a "fucking liar"

Published: March 8, 2010 at 7:48pm

My God, it’s like being back at school.

I never imagined I would still have to deal with her at the grand old age of 45, but there you go.

Some people stay playground bitches all their lives – and those women who went to a Maltese convent school will understand this.

I’m told by somebody who was there that after I left the court, Magistrate Herrera gathered reporters around her and told them “She called me a fucking liar.”

This was after she had rushed back into the courtroom, shouting ‘Sur Magistrat, Sur Magistrat – qaltli li jien giddieba‘, but the presiding magistrate refused to come back out of his sigrieta and listen to yet more of her nonsense after he had just been forced to listen to almost two hours of it.

Well, the magistrate has made herself out to be a liar.

I never said ‘fucking’. The two people who were with me – my husband (a lawyer, and one who doesn’t lie) and my sister (a notarial assistant who doesn’t lie either) will attest to this.

I walked out of the courtroom and said to the two of them, ‘What a liar’.

I was not looking at the magistrate at the time and only noticed she was there after I had spoken. She’s a lot shorter than I am and at relatively close quarters I tend to see only those whose heads are within my line of vision. Other tall people will know exactly what I mean.

If Magistrate Herrera concluded that I used the word ‘liar’ in her regard, when I wasn’t looking at her and hadn’t even noticed that she was there, then that is her problem and not mine.

It’s a free country and she can think what she likes – just as I am free to say what I like to my own husband and sister without having her eavesdropping on our conversation and then running off to lie about it to reporters. This is what I am going to tell the police when they interrogate me – yet again – tomorrow.

And another thing: magistrates should never address or brief the press directly in that manner. But then Consuelo Herrera doesn’t care about that, because she socialises with reporters and ‘journalists’ all the time.

The woman is a disgrace to the judiciary.

42 Comments Comment

  1. Hmmm says:

    The woman is a disgrace, period. She really picked her day.

  2. ASP says:

    Very cute lawyer you have!

  3. Banquo says:

    These are distractions. She is trying to diffuse your fair-comment criticism. Fair-comment because in a democracy, all three organs of the state are subject to public criticism, and not just parliament and cabinet ministers.

    The main thrust of your argument – as your readers have clearly understood – is that the magistrate’s behaviour is indeed a “disgrace to the judiciary” – and this means her behaviour in general, and not sporadic incidents.

    Someone who occupies such a high position in society should behave appropriately and with decorum.

    When one considers the inquiry on the magistrate’s father, the late Judge Herrera, and the magistrate’s behaviour, one wonders what the magistrate’s brother, a politician, would be up to if he were ever to be given a ministerial portfolio.

    This is not slander or libel, but a legitimate concern, of public interest, which should be discussed in the interest of that public. This is what democracy is really about.

    It seems to me that the magistrate is unfit to be magistrate, and the MP unfit to be minister.

    And the same would seem to apply to their network, made up of Anton t’ Ghawdex, Andy Ellul, Vincent Micallef, Vincenso de Mel, Julia ta’ Saviour, and now even Saviour himself or so it seems, the PN backbencher who takes Jose’s drug-dealer cases, Charlon Gouder, and others.

    Something must be done to do away with this rot.

    • La Redoute says:

      Let’s start here. Who is Vincenso de Mel?

      • Banquo says:

        Oh my, oh my!

        Seven years (or so) younger than the magistrate, VIncenso de Mel is a very nice guy well-known to all those who work at the law courts. He is known to receive his clients, even at his St Paul’s Bay office, with his feet on the desk and a fat cubano in his mouth.

        He was married, with kids, and then remarried, with kids again. In the interregnum (or should it be intermatrimonium), there was a “magistrate interlude.”

        Did he get perizji during that “interlude”?

        He used to tell everybody (and his brother) that under a new Labour government, he will be made magistrate.

      • erskinemay says:

        ” VIncenso de Mel is a very nice guy well-known to all those who work at the law courts”

        So you say with sarcasm dripping from every corner of your mouth….

  4. Hibernating Away From Malta says:

    Guess what happened when Miss Piggy dumped Kermit?… Sad isn’t it?

  5. TROY says:

    Mhux ahjar tirrezenja din, hu ma tkomplix iddahhaq nies?

  6. apg says:

    I wonder what and how “She called me a fucking liar” translates in Maltese, in both verbal & written forms?

  7. RJG says:

    Keep it up Daphne; you’re right!

  8. GATTUSO says:

    Imma din bis-serjeta jew?

  9. Riya says:

    Consie ghandha metalita’ ta ‘baby’. Pero’ min ikun fid dnub ma tafx fejn jista’ jasal mohhu. Nahseb anke Arrigo hekk gralu.

  10. tony mhux tony zarb says:

    Is it possible that the magistrate’s conclusion that what you told your husband amounted to calling her a liar was the result of a process called inference?

  11. taxpayer says:

    Quoting from di-ve: [Magistrate Scerri Herrera] said that the Commission for the Administration of Justice had found no wrongdoing on her part.

    But then we were given to understand by the chairman of the commission that the commission just took notice of what was going on. Never mention of any decision.

    • taxavoider says:

      Taxpayer, according to The Times, Consuelo referred to the CAJ when she raised the subject of property dealing in Gozo.

  12. taxpayer says:

    And by the way di-ve corrected the previous report that you were banned from talking about the magistrate.

  13. My daughter is a wannabe poledancer says:

    I took the advice of South Pole and North Pole.

    So I logged onto Facebook and then clicked this link

    and OMG a few of those 44 confirmed guests !

    I never cease to be amazed.

  14. ASP says:

    Who owns di-ve?

    [Daphne – Go.]

  15. Riya says:

    Dan il-blog qajjem storja li qatt ma kien hawn bhala gewwa Malta. Anke pulizija bhal issa qed jghidu li minhabba t-tahwid li hemm fil qorti ma’ jkollomx kuragg jahdmu.

    Jien lil kull min naf nghidlu idholl f’dan il-blog ha tkun taf x’tahwid ghandna hawn Malta fil-Qrati u kullhadd jghidli grazzi ghax jiehdu pjacir jaqraw x’qed jigri u li hawn xi hadd ta’ kuragg kbir li din is-sittwazzjoni gaba f’widnejn in-nies. Grazzi Daphne

    • Karm says:

      Naqbel mieghex. Dalghodu, iltqajt ma’ ragel anzjan li kien ghadu kif waqqaf lill-Daphne fil-kuritur tal-qorti (avolja ma’ jafhiex u qatt ma’ kien kellimha qabel), u qallha “Qawwi qalbek u ghamel kuragg. Kellu bzonn kien hawn izjed nies bhalek.”

  16. taxpayer says:

    Taxavoider I was quoting word by word what di-ve said

    • Taxavoider says:

      Taxpayer, I understand your point. Sorry if I came across a bit rough. But on the other hand, I did not call you a “fucking liar.”

  17. Joe says:

    Kuragg Daphne. Ibqa uri l-intricci li jezistu bejn certi avukati u certi magistrati, u li l-bniedem serju fil-qrati qatt ma jista´ jiehu gustizzja.

  18. Lord Tebbit says:

    “I never imagined I would still have to deal with her at the grand old age of 45, but there you go.”

    That’s exactly what the magistrate is saying right now. Make a wish.

  19. Rover says:

    Daphne I believe you entirely and I disbelieve the magistrate wholeheartedly. There are thousands of fellow citizens out there who feel the same.

    There is no other option for the magistrate but to resign and let this be a lesson for other members of the judiciary that the Maltese nation is fed up of corrupt magistrates and judges.

    It is time for the courts to be cleaned up so that we can look up to the remaining magistrates and judges with confidence.

  20. Riya says:

    I am sure the majority of the people are highly frustrated with the situation at our law courts but no one gave them the opportunity to talk about it. Only Daphne got the idea and the guts to do it.

  21. Lord Tebbit says:

    “She’s a lot shorter than I am”

    I thought you were tall.

    [Daphne – Not familiar with idiomatic English, are you? Even if I were 6’2″, I would still say ‘she’s a lot shorter than I am’. ‘Shorter’ doesn’t refer to the height of the persons involved, but to the difference in height: a 1.5m length of fabric is SHORTER THAN a 2m length of fabric.]

  22. Lino Cert says:

    Did she take offence to “fucking” or “liar”? Because arguably she’s doing both, but maybe not at the same time.

  23. TROY says:

    Naqbel ma Riya 100% Daphne ghamlet li hadd ma kien kapaci jaghmel. Ghax ahna il-Maltin biex inqumu fuq taghna irid ikun xi hadd bhal Daphne li ma tibzax ghax mara onesta, u thobb is sewwa.

  24. Mario says:

    Il-PBS irrepeta kelma b’kelma x’qalhet il-Magistrat anke l-allegazjonmi li ghajjartha giddieba imma bil-verzjoni tieghek ma qal xejn. Dejjem nisimghu naha wahda tal-munita bil-PBS! Mhux ta b’xejn m’ghadux “L-istazzjon tas-Sena”.

  25. Riya says:

    @ Troy. Is-sewwa jirbah zgur.

  26. Hubert Zammit says:

    Sorry ta’ Daphne imma int thalli lill-kullhadd jiftah kawzi kontra tieghek left, right and centre?

    Why don’t YOU start filing libels, taking people to court as well……for all the nasty things they say about you?

    [Daphne – Because I practise what I preach.]

  27. Corinne Vella says:

    Such fuss. By the same token, I should drag the police into investigating Super One and the Institute of Maltese Journalists for claiming that I’m the sort of person who assaults TV cameramen.

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