Consuelo's latest report: my statement to the police today

Published: March 9, 2010 at 10:23pm
A liar and her friends

A liar and her friends

Magistrate Herrera lied to reporters after my departure from the law courts yesterday, telling them I had called her “a fucking liar”.

By the time she reported me to the police, her lie had grown even bigger.

She told them I had addressed her directly and said: “Where’s your boyfriend? You fucking liar.”

I told the police that this was a gidba fahxija – her third giant whopper of the day after her lies about Assistant Commissioner Michael Cassar.

She also told the police that I had approached her in Piazza Regina and asked her whether she has time for tea. This is an offence, given that I am the accused and she is a prosecution witness. I told the police that this was her second gidba fahxija of the day.

She appears to be trying her best to get that protection order the magistrate denied her, even if it means lying to the police after lying to the court under oath.

Three blatant lies designed to cause harm to others while protecting her interests, in a single day – one of them under oath in court and two of them in a false police report.

Not bad going for a magistrate. The woman has lost the plot.

Here’s the transcript of my statement.

X’kont qed taghmel il-Belt il-bierah ghal habta tal-1130hrs fl-inhawi ta’ Pjazza Regina?

Nahseb Malta kollha taf.

Nghidlek sew li hemm kien hemm il-Magistrat Dr. Consuelo Scerri Herrera LL>D. u int ghaddejtilha kumment?

Rajt il-Magistrat mal-poggut taghha u ghaddejt kumment lil missieri, kumment privat li hi m’ghandiex dritt tkun taf.

Jekk nghidlek illi dak il-hin int harist lejha diversi drabi u staqsejtha ukoll jekk ghandiex hin ghat-te, xi twiegeb?

Assolutament gidba fahxija. It-tieni gidba li nafu biha li qalet il-bierah, fil-fatt.

X’gara mbaghad ghal habta tas-1330hrs fejn Awla 11 tal-Magistrat Dr. Tonio Micallef Trigona LL.D.?

Jien hrigt mill-Awla mar-ragel tieghi l-Avukat Peter Caruana Galizia u wahda minn huti, Helene Asciak. Waqt li kont hierga kont qed nitkellem b’mod privat maghhom u l-magistrat semghetni nghid il-kelma ‘liar’. U haditha mill-ewwel li kont qed nirreferi ghaliha meta ma kontx qed inhares lejha – tant hu hekk li l-anqas biss kont indunajt li qieghda hemmhekk u indunajt biss wara li smajtha tghajjat wara li regghet dahlet sparata fl-Awla tghajjat ‘Sur Magistrat, Sur Magistrat’. Ahna dak il-hin ma konniex fl-awla, u bqajna hiergin mill-Qorti. Meta wasalt id-dar cempilli l-editur tieghi ta’ The Malta Independent, u qalli li wara li hrigt jiena il-magistrata gabret il-gurnalisti li kienu qieghdin hemmhekk, haga li bhala magistrat ma tistghax taghmilha ghax kontra l-Kodici tal-Etika taghhom – ma jistghux jindirizzaw il-press b’dak il-mod barra mill-awla taghhom – u qaltilhom, b’mod kategoriku, li jiena ghedtilha go wicca ‘You’re a fucking liar’. Dik il-kelma zgur qatt m’uzajtha u ma kontx qed nindirizza lilha meta kont qed nitkellem. L-editur cempilli ghal kumment tieghi.

Jekk nghidlek illi int ghadtilha, ‘Where’s your boyfriend? You fucking liar.’ kif hrigt mill-awla, xi tghid?

Le, lanqas xejn. It-tielet gidba tal-gurnata. Fil-fatt, tant hija gidba li jiena ma nghidlhux il-boyfriend taghha ghax m’ghandiex sittax-il sena. Ghandha hamsa u erbghin sena. Fil-fatt nghidlu l-poggut taghha u mhux il-boyfriend.

Inti thoss b’dan il-kummenti li ghaddejt, inti ngurjajtha u/jew malafamajtha b’dawn il-kliem?

Jiena m’ghaddejtx kummenti lill-magistrata. Naf li bhala imputata ma nistghax nindirizzha b’mod dirett.

Tixtieq izzid xi haga ohra ma dak li inti ghidt?
Jiena b’dawn il-gideb kollha kontra tieghi u cempil lill-pulizija, kwereli, li jiena narah sempliciment abbuz ta’ poter, xorta jien m’iniex ser naghmel kwerela kontra taghha li gidbet dwari u li qieghda tabbuza l-poter ghal skopijiet personali taghha ghax m’inix ser naghmel l-istess abbuz tas-sistema li qed taghmel hi. Nahseb li l-pulizija ghandhom biz-zejjed x’jaghmlu milli joqodu jinhlew f’dawn l-affarijiet.

39 Comments Comment

  1. rita says:

    Ghal erwieh, Daphne! Ilni gurnata nistennik tikteb ha nara x’ gara!

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    Couldn’t the police have sent these questions by email and saved everybody a lot of hassle?

    • La Redoute says:

      They could tell the magistrate where to put it whenever she next makes a frivolous report of this kind.

      But that takes some doing, given the reputation she’s trying to defend.

  3. APL says:

    Oh my God, doesn’t she realise that everything will come out in the open? Oh right, I forgot, she’s THAT stupid.

    [Daphne – No, she operates through intimidation and throwing her weight around. But clearly she has forgotten that this never worked with me because I’m the one who has always found her to be a sort of comic figure. Oh, I almost forgot something myself: she doesn’t ‘know me’.]

    • Banquo says:

      It runs in the Herrera family. Look at Jose’s “canvassers”, the creme de la creme of the Valletta riff raff, and you’ll understand what I mean.

      This is a demimonde – as you Daphne aptly called it – with tentacles.

      They thrive on intimidation, connections, and lack of scruples.

  4. JC Mifsud says:

    If it is true that yesterday she mentioned AC Cassar and Cassar denied that he had ever been to Da Pippo, what are the police waiting for to do their job by investigating this lie?

    • Gahan says:

      I think that she crossed the line when she testified that AC Michael Cassar offered drinks to some ladies at Da Pippo.
      When I read about it this morning I was shocked and asked myself: “Where’s the limit?”

      In this chess game this is like losing the queen.

      How is it that she does not know you while both of you attended the same schools and were having drinks together on the same table?

  5. maryanne says:

    Daphne, when the magistrate was testifying in court, did she read the headines of the articles or all the paragraphs by which she felt libelled?

    [Daphne – She read out highlighted bits: that she’s fat, an old sow, etc. But left out the bits where she broke up a family, shagged a married man, cheated on her husband, gave court expert jobs to her secret lover, sat in judgement over her secret lover’s brother…that sort of thing. I wonder what kind of woman feels defamed by the words ‘middle-aged’ and ‘old sow’ – delivered by someone exactly the same age – while not feeling defamed by all the rest.]

  6. INJURANT says:

    tghid lil min ha temmen hux?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    [Daphne – Tghid li mhux jien u l-assistent kummissarju qed nigdbu, qalbi?]

  7. Gahan says:

    Stick to your guns, Daphne. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

  8. Frank says:

    Daphne, napprezza biss id-don tal-kalma li ghandek.

    Ili nsegwi dak li hu ghaddej u ghadni ma nistax nifhem kif gurnalisti ta’ sinsla (tghoddhom fuq subajk) ghadhom qed joqghodu lura minn din l-istorja.

    Din mhux storja politika (anke jekk hemm involuti nies fil-politika), imma abbuz serju ta’ poter.

    Insaqsi lill Ministru tal-Gustizzja u Affarijiet Interni, x’passi se jiehu? Se jhalli f’idejn il-kummissjoni tal-gustizzja biss? Se jhalli l-process jimxi biex johrog stqarrija?

    Ahna lkoll Maltin u lkoll nixtiequ gustizzja. Il-glieda ta’ Daphne hija taghna lkoll, Onerevoli Mifsud Bonnici.

    Dan il-kaz barra minn Malta jqajjem irwiefen bla limitu. Se nibqghu nibzghu niggieldu dak li li m’ghandhux ikun ?

    Proset u grazzi, Daphne.

    • Nejxus says:

      Hekk ghandu jkun, kalma, anke jekk l-istint jghid mod iehor. Wara kollox, il-Malti jghid “min ma jisthix jahralek f’idek, tisthix iccappasalu ma halqu”.

      U la il-Malti jghidha hekk, hekk nghidha jien, skuzi. Ejja ma ntuhiex lok ghal izjed hela ta’ zmien tal-pulizija u tal-qorti.
      Wara kollox, fil-kalma, tahseb ahjar…u dejjem ikollok ragun.

  9. eros says:

    The scenario seems to be getting totally out of hand, and frankly it is rather frightening to see a public official – a magistrate nonetheless, embroiled in such a situation where her lies beget bigger lies, until everything becomes clouded and we lose sight of the starting point.

    Do I smell a familiar 1980s scenario where the police are used to deflect exposure of the truth?

    By calling Daphne to police stations and headquarters for an ‘interview’ every time the magistrate feels the enemy closing in, it is clear that the establishment is feeling threatened and closing ranks.

    Of course, all this serves to give fodder to the gutter reporters of One News, which will never pass any comment – let alone investigate, the untoward behaviour of the magistrate.

    [Daphne – The police have no choice but to investigate once they receive a complaint. The abuse is committed by those who file frivolous, vexatious and now even false complaints, or who use the police when they should be using their private lawyers in a civil suit, or using other means afforded them by the Press Act, like the right to reply in the same medium and with the same prominence.]

  10. Harry Purdie says:

    Rearranging the deck chairs….

  11. Alan says:

    If Consuelo Scerri Herrera is now resorting to these tactics, it’s far worse than I thought. I was expecting her actual defence and general comportment, especially now that she is under the public’s magnifying-glass, to be particularly prudent. I was definitely not expecting these teatrini.

    • Hmmm says:

      Her behaviour in this case is consonant with her behaviour out of it.

    • Kexwil says:

      One would think that a person who is being scrutinised by the public would wear something which would bring respect and dignity to her postion. An outfit with a zip-up top is more suitable for a 20-year-old lazing around.

      At least there are others in the same position who dress in a dignified, respectable manner.

  12. Guzeppi says:

    How long did this take? Were you aided by a lawyer?

    [Daphne – Not long at all, and no, I wasn’t.]

    How is it that if she says you called her a liar they interrogate you, but if you say she lied, they don’t interrogate her?

    [Daphne – Because I haven’t filed a formal complaint and they don’t investigate these things ex-officio. I’m not into this time-wasting, tit-for-tat business. I’m certainly not going down to her level.]

    • Banquo says:

      Excuse me Daphne, but you’re not right on this one.

      This is not tit-for-tat.

      You report her not for YOUR OWN sake, but for the sake of the decent citizens of Malta.

      You have chosen to be our spokesperson. Now, please, go the whole hog.

      Report the woman. Not out of vegeance, but out of justice.

      In the meantime: SCERRI HERRERA: STEP DOWN!

  13. Mal says:

    My oh my! Thankfully I don’t live in Malta anymore. It seems like lots of trash is happening there but then again I know how difficult it is to amuse oneself on that tiny little island.

    I know Daphne and although I don’t agree with all her attacks I have to say I think she is doing a great job with this one.

    I can’t imagine her being so stupid as calling her a “fucking liar” or even funnier is the thought that Daphne would actually want to have some tea with the magistrate. What a stupid lie that is.

    All this is so embarrassing and goes to show the lack of diligence of Alfred Sant when appointing her as magistrate.

    • Gina says:

      “even funnier is the thought that Daphne would actually want to have some tea with the magistrate”

      If anything, at 11.30am, it would be coffee, not tea.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Unless Scerri Herrera is going to claim that “tea” refers to something else, as she is doing with “talcum powder”.

    • Banquo says:

      And of George Abela to have championed her appointment.

  14. Gahan says:

    I think I know the reason why everyone at the office has red eyes and is feeling tired lately.
    Good night, and sleep tight everyone.

    [Daphne – You’re going to miss the Charlon Gouder statement.]

    • Gahan says:

      Mela ha naghmel ftit taqtir ta’ l-ghajnejn. Dan ahjar minn Eastenders li ppruvaw itellfuk.

    • Gina says:

      I bet that most people in your office claim not to read the blog,

      • Ciccio2010 says:

        No, only those at Centru Nazzjonali and One do not read this blog. I am also starting to have doubts if those in the CAJ read it – but maybe they just take note.
        Gahan, good one (even if I am reading this on Wed).

      • La Redoute says:

        Wrong. Marie Benoit doesn’t read this blog. Ditto Josanne Cassar. And ditto Charles J Buttieg, or Buttigieg Charles J as he’s known to his friends.

      • Ciccio2010 says:

        Le Redoute, Thanks for your correction, but since I do not read Madam/Madmoiselle Benoit’s, and do not know Josanne Cassar, I was not aware of that. I suggest you do not bother about Charles J Buttigieg – if I remember well, last time someone mentioned him here, he got a phone call about it, so he was forced to read this blog.

    • Alan says:

      Illallu, I was about to call it a night too. Issa zummara, I’m going to make a coffee.

  15. Joe vleggeg says:

    Do we need to wait long?

  16. edgar says:

    But miskina you do not blame her if she mistook Ass. Comm. Cassar. After all she ”knows” so many police officers.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Many people know Assistant Commission Michael Cassar by sight and by his very good reputation.

      The unseemly behaviour of those men should have dispelled any notion that he was one of them.

    • Wink, wink says:

      Policemen: they all look the same with their clothes on.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        But they don’t all behave the same way. It should have been obvious to anyone who has ever heard of Michael Cassar that he could not have been the one to fraternise with a magistrate in an unseemly manner.

  17. taxpayer says:

    Wow, Daphne – mur arak Pjazza Regina ghand Cordina tiehu te mal -magistrata. Ara x’ festa kienu jaghmlu tas-Super One.

  18. Ciccio2010 says:

    I liked that reply “Nahseb Malta kollha taf” to the very first question, and how they did not get back with the same question. Makes me wonder why they asked it in the first instance.

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