Fejn kienu Julia Farrugia u Malcolm Naudi

Published: March 11, 2010 at 7:04pm

A handbag PLACED against a harassing Labour Party camera lens by a size 8 woman with a smile on her face is violence worthy of immediate condemnation by Julia Farrugia and Malcolm Naudi of the Institute of Maltese Journalists.

But an aggressive old bastard hitting at cameramen with his stick is just plain amusing. ‘Ara kemm hu helu, miskin’.

Julia Farrugia is a Mintoffjana from a family stiff with them. But Malcolm Naudi? Unbelievable.

31 Comments Comment

  1. Mark Bonello says:

    Thanks for the reminder … imma kemm hawn nies bla fibra? How can people like Malcolm Naudi allow themselves to be manipulated I ask?

    I ask: baqa irgulija illum jew le? it’s nice to see all these porkeriji being uncovered by yourself but at the same time it’s very sad.

  2. Paul Bonnici says:

    Every time I see this despot Mintoff, I feel like throwing up. What a vile man.

    He is still as violent as in his younger years.

  3. The Bus Conductor says:

    Before you all jump, no it is not a photo of me.


    • Snoopy says:

      Can you believe it that Mintoff gave him a 5 Euro note and told him to keep the change?

      Julia, please pull the other one, it has bells on it.

  4. Corinne Vella says:

    My bag never touched the camera. I just held it up in front of the lens.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    “Il-Bambin ibierkek, Perit.” JAQQ U JAQQ U JAQQ, ja qabda grovelling sycophants. L-uniku kliem li jixraqlu huwa xi haga bhal: “Nirrahk tinharaq fl-infern, jekk jezisti, ja dittatur ta’ Malta.”

    • Philip says:

      I cannot stand hearing people, some of them who should know better, actually saying, ”imma kien tajjeb ghall zmienu” or ”pero ghamel hafna gid”. I tell you what il-perit did: he fucked up the best 16 years of our lives, most of us decent families who had to endure this despot’s arrogance, bullying and victimisation galore, never mind the corruption he promoted amongst his cronies. HE WAS AND STILL IS THE PITS, AND IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN PEOPLE EVEN AS MUCH AS HUMOUR HIM. and excuse my language D.
      Unfortunately this lot is no better.

  6. Rover says:

    Perit, you allowed violence in my country and you covered up when your thugs burnt down the TOM building and ransacked Eddie’s home. For that alone I will never forgive you.

  7. Il-Cop says:

    Daphne you cannot blame Labour media for this. If I get harassed by two size 8 girls with a smile on their faces I will boast about it. On the other hand, if I get harassed by a dirty old man wielding his walking stick at me, I will shoot anyone who talks about it.

  8. The Bus Conductor says:

    Has Malcolm Naudi come back from Geneva ?

  9. free falling says:

    Dom Mintoff appealed to the lower instincts of man – thank God those days are over.

  10. Tudor Kaye says:

    Qatt ma kien hawn bniedem li l-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti ma hamlitux. Dan ma kien hadd hlief Dom Mintoff, il-mini dittatur ta’ Malta, li tahtu l-Maltin sofrew sa c-carcir ta’ demmhom.

    U iktar intom toqghodu taghtu kaz ta’ dak li jsejjhulu Press Club jew Istitut tal-Gurnalisti Maltin. Lanqas biss jafu x’inhi fairness jew x’inhuma verament il-principji ta’ gurnalista.

    Facts are sacred but comment is free. Imma malli xi bicca gurnalist ahmar daqs l-infern bhalhom jintmess erhilhu l-dak il-bicca penzjonant li kien editur tat-Torca johrog stqarrija u issa jinqeda b’dik ic-cawla ta’ Julia Farrugia li harget mill-istalla tas-Super One biex tiktiblu l-istqarrijeit immuffati li ghandhu.

  11. tony says:

    VIVA MINTOFF nehha it-tallaba mit-triq u gonzipn rega gab it-tallaba gvern bla qalb

    • La Redoute says:

      Viva Mintoff xejn. Faqqar l-ekonomija, ddispra l-eluf, zamm il-pajjiz lura, kisser kull-regola tad-demokrazija, biex spicca karakka liebes ta’ spettur tad-drenagg.

      Hallik. Fejn kien il-gven tal-qalb li tant capcaplu int?

    • Emanuel Borg says:

      Tony, don’t be such a stupid arsehole. Only people with very low IQ such as yourself still believe that this vile dictator was good for Malta.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      Inti m’inthiex tallab ghax komputer u internet ghandhekk u bla ma jehtieg permess ghalihom.

    • Fab says:

      VIVA MALTA, mela viva Mintoff. Lanqas il-Mulej ma jridu hdejh daqs kemm hu kallu.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      I know this wasn’t Rebulic Street but why wasn’t Charlon there to escort the police away?
      All together now – ‘Tghid kien Albert Town ma’ xi….prostituta?’

    • jowsef says:

      Taf x’ qed nghid waqt li rajt dan il-video, l-ewwel dak il-gurnalista tal-PBS wassal lil Mintoff biex japplika bhala kandidat ghal elezzjoni, u mbaghad beda jimxi ‘l boghod kemm jista’ jkun minnu halli minghalih hadd ma jinduna.

      Xtaq li jkollna purcinell iehor fil-parlament jaqaw?

      Kien hemm hafna mgienen Mintufjani li jivvutaw lilu biss, li l-anqas marru jivvutaw fit-2008. Allahares hareg ghax il-LP kienu jafu jirbhu l-elezzjoni.

  12. N.L says:

    Viva Mintoff fi 1998…….ajma xi pjacir meta niftakar

  13. MS says:

    Real man are not nice guys!

  14. jomar says:

    @ Paul Bonnici

    Keep a picture of Mintoff handy for when you are about to throw up, and you will, some day.

    Make sure you aim well!

    @ tony

    Mintoff nehha t-tallaba imma le il-faqar!

    @ MS

    Hawwadni ha nifhem.

  15. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Malcolm Naudi is producing/presenting programme on financial services on TVM; the other host on the programme is…guess who…Julia Farrugia.

  16. GiovDeMartino says:

    kwazi kwazi nithassru. Sic transit gloria mundi!

  17. Deo Catania says:

    Xi dwejjaq ghandkom, vera tidhru x’intom. Imbaghad jghidulek Malta pajjiz nisrani. Morru komplu tqarbnu ja qatta oqbra mbajda.

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