Give me strength: Robert Arrigo, too

Published: March 15, 2010 at 3:28pm
I go to her parties, then plead my suit before her in court.

I go to her parties, then plead my suit before her in court.

Robert Arrigo was one of the four Nationalist MPs at Magistrate Herrera’s birthday party (the others were Jeffrey, Jesmond and Stephen Spiteri – so no surprises there).

She’s presiding over one of his cases, too. He’s suing Lino Farrugia.

Reference 323/2005
Court Of Magistrates (Civil) – Malta – Magistrate Consuelo Pilar Scerri Herrera
Names Arrigo Onorevoli Robert Pro Et Noe vs Farrugia Lino Pro Et Noe

The last sitting was on the 10th of this month and the next sitting is on 27th April.

41 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    U tiftahar li kienu fil-festini mahha ukoll. “See how unbiased I am ?”. Vera trid tkun tuba ta.

  2. Norma Borg says:

    here it is….

    [Daphne – More publicity for this blog. They really don’t have a clue. Dinosaurs in the internet age.]

    • Hmmm says:

      We should ask for a protection order against Magistrate Herrera’s attempt to gag our freedom of speech.

  3. s.said says:

    what about judge farrugia sacco who presided over a case which involved a Mrs Marietherese Zammit who at that time was a director within the Malta Olympic Committee of which he is chairman!

    [Daphne – He was at Magistrate Herrera’s birthday party too. In fact, I have a photograph.]

  4. albedo039 says:

    X’tahwid. Everyone looks after his own interests, and we have to hear their crap before every election. Dejjaqtuna kollha kemm intkom.

  5. TROY says:

    Kif spicca dan il-pajjiz! Imnalla jkun xi hadd bhalek, Daphne, u jifthilna ghajnejnha. Nispera li min hu responsabbli li dawn l-affarijiet ma jigrux jiehu il passi mehtiegha.

  6. PSA says:

    I don’t know what’s better:

    1. Labour not winning the next election and hopefully getting rid of Joseph Muscat with somebody better taking his place;

    2. or Labour winning the next election and giving these people cast-iron proof of the disastrous results, because it seems that like their leader, even hindsight doesn’t do it.

    I also think you should have a blog in Maltese. I know most of the botti in English wouldn’t have the same effect in Maltese but people who don’t understand English and who have a voting document can have another point of view.

    [Daphne – They’re on this blog already. Look at the comments section. A large number of them are in Maltese. And I have to correct the spelling to the best of my ability.]

    • free falling says:

      Labour not winning the next election: Joseph Muscat will not resign but if he does, the replacement would be Toni or Farrugia (sorry but I keep forgetting his first name).

      Labour winning the next election: God help us all! Once again my mind refutes to acknowledge that possibility.

      • Leonard says:

        If Labour does not win the next election you can bet your last euro that Alfred Sant will attempt a comeback.

  7. albedo039 says:

    Vera grazzi Daphne for all the information you’re giving us daily. Keep it up and never give up.

  8. Hot Mama says:

    I suspect the ball he is holding in his hand is to compensate for lack of cojones in another area?

  9. Joe Vella says:

    It seems that the only PN MPs that were invited are the ones that have been critical of the government of late. Wonder if there were others as well. If these are the only ones, one just wonder what the real reason for inviting them.

    [Daphne – We don’t know which ones were invited, but those are the four who were there. And yes, you’re right that it’s not a coincidence. Min jaf how left out Franco Debono feels.]

  10. albedo039 says:

    I’m beginning to think that, given the chance, these people will probably not think twice about bringing down the government for their own ends.

  11. Norma Borg says:

    Maybe Franco Debono was invited and wouldn’t/couldn’t go.

  12. yawzer says:

    @troy, donnok skoprejt l-Amerka imnalla ghal grazzaj ta’ Alla ghadna lill daphne li qed tiftahlek tafx li dan il pajjiz jimxi mhux kemm taf imma lil min taf.specjalment jekk ikollok xtaqsam mal qorti tghid il magistrati l-ohra u l-imhallfin kollha vergni ,martri u puri?what do u think my dear Daphne?i think u know a lot of things here about the Magistratura not only regarding Consuelo !!?or the others are not important for this small country or may beit’s not the right time to do so?ha zommhom fil-komma to be on the safe side ghal dak li ad jista jinqala iktar il quddiem?

    [Daphne – Trot along to maltastar and get them to investigate. They have the machinery and funds of an entire political party to do it with. And still they do nothing.]

    • La Redoute says:

      They don’t have the brains, as Charles Crowford (sic) has discovered.

    • Raus says:

      Yawzer – Jaqawn rifsitlek xi kallu Daphne? Jew forsi qed tibza li ghad tinkixef xi wahda fuqhek?

      • yawzer says:

        ikolli nghid li gili kilt il-kirxa ma Daphne, hux Raus ?jew sirt l-avukat tahha, xtideffendiha siehbi!!.Int bhal troy u bhal hafna ohrajn fethitlek ghajnejk ukoll?jien bniedem komuni u jekk kieku stess ghandi x haga tinten mhux se taqqa id-dinja ax jien miniex persuna pubblika.pero il-mistoqsija semplici lill Daphne hija.Possibbli li Consuelo biss ghanda il hbieb?mhemm hadt mill gudikatura li mandhux xi Hbieb?nahseb li kull wiehed u wahda minna ghadda min xi ingustizzji fil-hajja tieghu specjalment fejn jithlu qrati maltin.ftakru l-ahwa li l-gudikatura ghada kemm hadet skoss qawwi bil kaz ta L-imniehru.

      • jowsef says:

        Mela ma qrajthomx x’kitbu fuq Yawzer? Taf li semmew ukoll lil Imhallef Farrugia Sacco? D l-abjad tghidlu abjad u l-iswed tghidlu iswed, ghamlu min ghamlu u ma thalliha lixxa lil hadd.

        Ghalhekk hafna nies jidhlu f’din is-site, ghax jafu li hawn BISS isibuha l-verita`.

  13. CharlesG says:

    What started out as a silly catfight is turning out as a serious case of gross misconduct. I can’t believe how naive someone with a supposedly good education can be.

    [Daphne – It was NEVER a silly catfight. The presence of two women does not render an issue either silly or a catfight. You have to be really backward to think that way. What would you have called it if we were two men: a serious cockfight?]

    • CharlesG says:

      Two men would never have tackled it this way, that’s for sure. You’re getting hysterical now.

      [Daphne – That’s right. Two men would have sorted it out like Sandro Chetcuti and Vince Farrugia.]

      • David Buttigieg says:

        “Two men would never have tackled it this way, that’s for sure”

        Are you saying Charlon isn’t the most manly man you could ever meet?

      • Gahan says:

        That’s a dog fight, Daphne.

    • La Redoute says:

      No. Just a couple of pricks.

      Seriously, no wonder it’s gone so far for so long. All of the information about her friends’ cases is public. So why hadn’t anybody noticed what’s happening?

  14. jerry says:

    Daphne ma tithajjarx tibni partit gdid. Nahseb li jkollok rebha assoluta. Hemm bzonn ta partit iehor forsi xi darba nehilsu min dan il-hmieg li hawn f’pajjizna. Dejjem jekk kemm il-darba dawk li qedin jappoggjawk jaghtu il-vot taghhom lill dan il-partit il-gdid. Min naha tieghi maghndux ikollok dubju.

    [Daphne – In-nies jivvutaw ghall-partit u mhux ghall-persuna. Jekk Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando dan ma jafux, jien nafu.]

    • Lino Cert says:

      Unless you enter as an independent. You won’t be elected but the votes in your favour will be a sign that we have had enough of this corruption by the two major parties.

  15. Karm says:

    Madonna santa! Does this woman have a sliding scale of principles? And let’s not forget that she’s not the only one: the party guests whose cases she is hearing were completely out of order to accept her invitation/s.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      The magistrate was out of order in issuing the invitations.

    • Courter says:

      Karm, on 31 August 2008, in connection with a development in Lija, Malta Today reported that the magistrate had acted in representation of a developer who authorised the Lija Council to accept her representation and “authorised the magistrate to accept any condition even if absurd and unreasonable which the local council imposes on me, if Magistrate Scerri Herrara thinks this is opportune.”

      I would never, if I were a magistrate, accept to represent anyone other than the system of justice, let alone a property developer.

      At the time of that incident, in which “the magistrate claimed she was acting in the name of a developer, to demand the green light from the council for the demolition of the villa,” the Justice and Home Affairs Ministry said it has “taken note” of the incident. That is nearly two years ago.

  16. Karm says:

    Daphne, I seriously hope that the Chief Justice is following your blog.

    One cannot defame someone whose reputation was not intact in the first place. She may have assumed it was intact because she did not know what her friends – and acquaintances – knew, and what the general public had perceived as fact before you had the guts to put things in writing. Maybe the one reason that the woman in question chose not to consider your remarks about her shenanigans defamatory was for fear of what you have yet to expose, and the protection order she requested is the only LEGAL way she can silence you.

    Yes, it is extremelyl ironic that she asks for a protection order against you, and yet you end up with police protection outside your home.

    • maryanne says:

      Issemilux blogs Karm!

      • Karm says:

        Seriously. The Chief Justice should really read this blog, not because most of Malta is, but because if he had to rely only on newspaper reports, then he would not get a clear picture of what really goes on behind the scenes.

        There is so much – and no more – after all, which the newspapers are willing to divulge.

  17. La Redoute says:

    Oh, come on. How could anyone believe that no one knew what was/is going on? It’s not like much of it was kept secret.

    The court cases involving her friends are all listed online. And as for ‘secret’ assignations, well, in each case there’s at least one other person who’s going to know, isn’t there?

  18. TROY says:

    Mela l-Imhallef Farrugia Sacco jista jkun chairman tal-Olympic Committee? Mela issa kullhadd jaghmel li jrid f’din l-art?

  19. yawzer says:

    Daqs kemm hawn membri tal- gudikatura involuti f’kumitat, ghaqdiet u federazzjonijiet Troy. Bongu Troy sabiha il-gurnata kienet il-lum.

  20. pippo says:

    Can you post that Farrugia Sacco photograph, please?

  21. pippo says:

    M’hemmx ir-ragel ta’ Marlene Mizzi, il-Magistrat Antonio Mizzi ukoll b’imniehru imdahhal fil-basketball?

  22. Brian says:

    @yawzer; CharlesG

    Li ma kienx ghal dan il-blog ta’ Daphne, certu affarijiet ‘il-bniedem semplici.. kif fissirtu int yawzer’ ma kienx ikun jaf dwarhom. U dawn mhux fuq il-gudicatura biss qedghin nghidu.

    Jista jkun li vera Daphne xi kultant tkun bombastika, izda wiehed irid jiftakar illi dan il-blog huwa taghha. Kullhadd ghandu mohh biex jahseb u jikkonkludi x’inhi l’ verita jew dik qarrieqa. Biss, tarbel kemm tarbel, il-fatt jibqa li dejjem jitfacca dak it-trab fin. Huwa fatt li l-verita twegga….imma, dejjem tibqa il-verita.

    Dan huwa il gurnalizmu. Issa jekk wiehed irid jaqra dak li jrid jisma hu biss…jista jirrikorri ghal certu gurnali lokali imsiehba ma xi partit politiku.

  23. red-nose says:

    The magistrate was appointed by Alfred Sant. Having gained that “power” and security of tenure, she felt she could do whatever she felt like doing.

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