It's a record: 141,385 views today

Published: March 10, 2010 at 11:47pm


I never thought it would happen, but it did.

Today, this blog broke its general election vote-counting day record, with 141,385 views.

I just can’t believe it.

56 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    Consuelo, resign halli mmorru norqdu.

  2. muhaha says:

    not at all surprised…I’ve become addicted to this blog….keep up the awesome posts Daph!

  3. Tony Pace says:

    You got them running girl.

  4. Paloma Bianca says:

    Just imagine how many more you would have had if civil servants had access to this blog from their offices.

  5. G says:

    Looks like it is a hot issue after all. It is curious how the media gave little coverage over all though.

    [Daphne – Maybe they think they don’t need to do so, because people are following the story here.]

    • Marie says:

      True and making me late for my appointment this morning. I’d better hurry and put on my pink velvet tracksjut and polish my antikitajiet minn ghawdex qabel ma’ jigi l-fotografu. Drat I somewhere have to fit in cooking a hot meal for my husband and a shag with his architect.

  6. gus says:

    Congrats that’s some huge traffic especially for Malta. You have a great opportunity to monetize this traffic by opening a google account and sticking in a non intrusive adsense column which will surely attract a couple of clicks.

    Keep it up great blog!

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    Believe it. Exposing the dark side, even on the rock, brings the ‘silent’ to the fore. So well done.

  8. Carl Savage says:

    This little piggy went to mepa,
    This little piggy stayed at home,
    This little piggy lost his wallet,
    This little piggy is pansy jo
    And this little piggy …just … ‘wee wee wee’ … lied under oath

    .. Anything but boaring

  9. Paul Bonnici says:

    I am reading your blog in London. It is so addictive, and yet sad. I left Malta 30 years ago, but I see that the situation is still appalling, and it saddens me.

    I wish I never saw this blog because ignorance is a bliss. I would have thought the PN would have sorted the mess Mintoff left behind by now.

    Malta sounds like North Korea. Why police commissioner Rizzo is still in command of the police force is beyond me, following the recent serious incidents involving the police, including to my knowledge two deaths, one involving serious injury followed by death, following police detention, the other a mentally unstable man had FIVE rounds fired into him by two officers.

  10. Gahan says:

    U kien hemm Real Madrid-Lyons u Manchester United-Milan!

  11. Ciccio2010 says:

    I think you can fairly claim that you are achieving well in excess of 100,000 good laughs daily, besides the jokes people crack when they talk privately about this subject.

    No wonder all Malta is talking about it – except for One News/Maltastar/MaltaToday (they only talk about Daphne Caruana Galizia), Union Press, and those at the Centru Nazzjonali.

  12. Louis Xerri says:

    Close down this blog, as according to one female MP press reviewer this morning on super one ‘this viciousness and hatred must stop’, but would not comment on the case as it is ‘sub judice’ (sic). Funny coming from yet another law student in the Labour fold. Do they not teach them that publicly commenting on a case which is sub judice is not illegal?

    [Daphne – What are they going to do to make the ‘viciousness and hatred’ stop – send in Ronnie Pellegrini and Il-Qahbu? Their mentality hasn’t changed.]

  13. Tim Ripard says:

    A great day! In addition, Manchester United knocked AC Milan out of a European competition for the first time ever and did it in style, 7-2 on aggregate. I vote to make 10.03.10 day one of month one of year one of the New Age.

  14. In those nerve wrecking election vote counting days your blog was still in its early days (am I right ?).

    [Daphne – Yes, it was just about a week old.]

    Some friends had contacts with PN high officials and were amazed that I had up to date info before them.

    The number of views today most probably mean that the 140,377 views is made up of people who opened your blog once or twice whereas the election blog had people opening it umpteen times on that day.

    If there was a way of counting the number of people reading your blog today – it must be hugely higher than in 2008.

  15. Rover says:

    Many Maltese across the world are tuning in to this site because they see a new dawn. The power of the internet plus the balls of a journalist with a mighty pen is slowly transforming the village mentality.

    Let those MPs and their lackeys who joined the bandwagon be very wary because they will be uncovered. The same applies to corrupt members of the judiciary, the police and other public officials who are paid by our taxes and supposedly there to serve the public and not their egos.

  16. kris says:

    Prosit Daphne, keep up the good work u hallihom jghiru lil Charlon u tas-Super One, u dak tal-mustacci, il-habib tal-magistrata. Apparti c cajt, mara komuni bhalna qed turi kemm hawn ipokrezija go dal-pajjiz.

    Allahares jkunu jafu in-nies x’ jaghmlu fil-verita dawn it-tip ta’ nies – naf x’ jien nghid, ghax kont nahdem mgahhom nwassalhom kull filghodu ghal qorti.

    Mnalla hawn xi hadd ghandu l-bajd li jitkellem. Minn naha l-ohra, tad-dahk ghax dawn it-tip ta’ nies qatt ma jiehdu dak li haqqhom vera, ezempju Patrick Vella, Noel Arrigo, il-pulizija Patrick Spiteri.

    Xi kultant tghid taqta qalbek tipprova tikxifhom dawn in-nies. Take care, Daphne u thallihomx jippruvaw kif jghidu bl-Ingliz ‘To pull the wool over your eyes’. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes. I know what’s going on.

    A big thank-you talli qed iddahhaqni naqra mal-gurnata.

  17. Louis Xerri says:

    @ my comment was not on the super 1 tv press ‘analysis’ but on the radio, incidentally the reviewers were both women and both mature law students but the one on the radio is even more mature at 50+ and an MP to boot, so one expects better from the latter……..but no such luck.

  18. Hot Mama says:

    Heartfelt congratulations Daphne. You have been rendering a public service for 20 years and those who denigrate you usually have the most to hide.

    You are the ‘hostess with the mostest’

  19. Rita Camilleri says:

    I’m getting dark circles under my eyes because of this magistrate. This blog is keeping me awake and getting more attention from me than Grey’s Anatomy or Eastenders. We will be getting withdrawal symptoms when all this ends… if it ends.

  20. Daphne, I have one wish – to share a nursing home or prison cell with you! Doesn’t matter which one.

    [Daphne – I plan to be like my maternal grandmother, Alison, who lived in her own flat, did her own shopping, dressed up, did her nails and hair and went out, and took a keen interest in politics and current affairs until she died at 97 between the EU referendum and the general election, arguing with me on the basis of numbers why it would be impossible for Labour to win the latter. So if you like, naghmillek ix-xoppink ukoll.]

    • aha…so it will have to be a prison cell…. as I said it doesn’t matter…. zommli post !

      • George D says:

        You will never see a prison cell like these dastardly show offs. Even if this takes you to the European COurt of Human Rights. Fight these cowards to the bitter end.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Fond memories of Nanna, Daphne – If she were still around today, she’d probably have given them a good bollocking – at least via your blog – because I’m pretty sure she’d have been net-savvy, given half a chance.

  21. S K says:

    I see that there are a number of Man U fans on here so I will borrow a Sir Fergy saying. To continue from Rover’s comments I think its ‘Squeaky bum time’ for the many bullies with any kind of power or authority in this country.

    I hope it changes some of the mentality in this country and that people learn to ASK QUESTIONS rather than accept anything that people in authority say.

    It’s amazing to see the shock on people’s faces here when you question them about something. They try and fob you off but then are amazed when you ask them to explain or justify what they have just said.

    Super One et al are running scared because FINALLY someone is standing up to them and winning. I really hope this is the start of something new.

    • La Redoute says:

      It won’t be the start of something new for Super One, that’s for sure. Their stock-in-trade is looking after their own.

      Why else would they not investigate:

      . what happened to Charlon Gouder’s infamous police report about an incident in Albert Town

      . what policy the shadow minister of justice plans to adopt towards magistrates in breach of the judiciary’s code of ethics

      . the implications of Magistrate Scerri Herrera’s dubious testimony in the defamation case she prompted herself

      . why Magistrate Scerri Herrera remembered being at lunch and receiving gifts of drinks from policemen, but did not remember that one of those policemen is now disgraced and facing criminal proceedings in her court

      That’s just this week.

      And it’s only Thursday.

  22. Anthony says:

    I have to speak with dozens of people daily. They are mesmerised by this blog because they are seeing deep cracks making inroads into omerta’.

    This is turning into the Maltese equivalent of Tommaso Buscetta. Also a huge surprise for many is the fact that the hbieb tal-hbieb phenomenon seems to be much closer to the Labour hard core than was previously thought. No wonder Sant knew so much on the subject and harped constantly about it for a good ten years.

  23. Anna says:

    Daphne, do you think, the names Consie and Daffy underneath are just a big coincidence?

    As the big dates for this year’s event approach, the whole cast of KSU Melita Students’ Fest is
    gearing up steadily to bring you the famous tale of the brave Robin Hood! Although many versions of the story exist,
    in our case the adventure will be interpreted the students’ way of course, with local and current twists
    that have become a vital element in Students’ Fest throughout the years.

    The audience will be walked through this classic tale with the help
    of the ubiquitous Ronald Briffa as ‘Bozza’, the omnisciently humorous narrator
    as we will assist to Robin and his merry ‘Men in Tights’ in their fight against the
    tyrannical Prince Norman and his evil sidekicks, Consie and Daffy, and his quest for the love of
    Lady Marian instigated by his mother Miss Li’l Fufu…

    This event will take place on Saturday 27th…..

    • La Redoute says:

      I’d like to see Magistrate Scerri Herrera get the police onto this lot for defamation.

      • George D says:

        God forbid should that happen. They will be the laughing stock of Europe. plus they’ll get something for dessert also.

  24. Borromini says:

    140,377 x 1hour x 7Euros per (I earn much more per hour) that’s very close of 1m Euros of GDP daily down the drain. Or is it?
    I think it’s worth it as this is going to change our befuddled medieval Maltese mentality for ever. The authorities are still stunned and do not know what hit them.

    This blog shall eventually and very transparently reveal all the scum which otherwise is very difficult to expose and eliminate through the normal ‘democratic’ channels such as courts, commissions, police, parliament.

    Malta will look very different in the next few weeks (and I am not referring to the City Gate project).

  25. Andrea says:

    Famous last words by a celebrity pig before it got led to the slaughter:
    “Never eat more than you can lift.”
    –Miss Piggy, Muppet and Pig–

  26. ciccio2010 says:

    I believe you have a wrong spelling in the magazine title. Shouldn’t that say PLabour?

  27. Herbie says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more. I think this is only the tip of the iceberg. It would be interesting to see how our Onerovoli would vote should there be an impeachment motion.

  28. Etienne Caruana says:

    Why not go the whole hog (no offence meant here) and also expose those in the business community who exert undue influence on (or obtain favours from) persons in public office? Now that would be very interesting indeed!

  29. Etienne Caruana says:

    Sorry, I forgot to include: there are far too many sacred cows. Perhaps it’s the village mentality, or the obvious fact that there are too many persons fighting for space on the rock. Add to the mixture the age-old problem of “omertà”, and there you have it, a situation that is slowly and faintly coming to light. I thought that joining the EU will have changed all that, but it doesn’t seem so, at least not yet. And if the experience of countries such as Italy and Greece is anything to go by, then I’d have to say that there’s some hard work ahead if one really wants to change this mentality.

  30. amused says:

    And I assure you that it will keep on growing by the number of readers that you are amusing.

  31. free falling says:

    I’m not surprised that so many people are logging onto your blog as so many issues are hidden from the public or else said as half truths.

    This blog is a breath of fresh air.

  32. Fanon says:

    I reckon that if you delved a bit further into the stats you’d find that you broke your record in more ways than one – I’d wager that many of the election-time hits were repeat visits, as people hit F5 in the hope of instant updates, while many more of yesterday’s 141,385 were original hits.

    As the saga unfolds, your blog has become compulsory morning reading. From a purely selfish point of view – long live Consuelogate.

  33. maryanne says:

    @ sign of the times – It is true. Suddenly, there is a lot of silence in many quarters.

    • Sign of the Times says:

      Yes. It is a pity. With all this silence, we may be unfortunate to hear Astrid’s voice from across both harbours this Saturday, or she may end up accepting Piano’s ingenious roofless theatre concept after all.

  34. Joe says:

    Prosit Daphne. Forsi din il-website qed isservi biex jinkixfu skandli li ilhom jherru lis-socjeta Maltija.

  35. e. muscat says:

    Page 13 of The Sunday Times was something very big in them old days! But you, through this blog, have made it look like a miniature. Keep up the good work. People in authority who are being paid very handsomely should be doing this.

    Or rather should not have let it come to this.

    Imma l-aqwa li nibsu s-suit u jkollna karozza tad-dipartiment, jekk mhux id-driver ukoll. U gewwa vojt u bla sugu. They just lack it! Shame. We don’t need a battalion. Just half a dozen with your courage and know-how. You showed the way.

    Hope THEY will follow. It did not cost the taxpayer a cent. But it could save millions. There was the WILL and this is how it works. Brava! Bravissima!

    • La Redoute says:

      “People in authority who are paid handsomely”

      I don’t imagine you mean the likes of MaltaToday, but it’s really their job to do this sort of thing.

      But no, when magistrates get drunk and spill the beans on cases in their courts, MaltaToday’s columnists keep mum on the grounds that this sort of thing is not newsworthy.

      Then they trot out the story several months – or was it years? – after the event, and then only to castigate another columnist for doing the exact opposite.

  36. Ray Spiteri says:

    Daphne; Jeremy Clarkson in tights

  37. just in time says:

    Daphne, may I kindly ask you for your email address please?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

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