Magistrate Herrera: another 'gidba fahxija' under oath

Published: March 10, 2010 at 7:41pm
It's official: she's a f**king liar.

It's official: she's a f**king liar.

It looks like Magistrate Herrera is going to fry in her own oil – as one of the ghastly Ellul siblings (Andy, Sharon, John and Carol – Laburisti chavs on the make and friends of Consuelo) put it, though not about her.

The Commission for the Administration of Justice has just released a statement through the Department of Information, giving the lie to yet another part of Magistrate Herrera’s testimony in court on Monday.

First Assistant Commissioner Michael Cassar writes to the Chief Justice to say that it wasn’t him who sent her drinks at a restaurant, as she said under oath. Now the Commission for the Administration of Justice has said that that another claim she made isn’t true either.

Magistrate Herrera said under oath that she gave the Commission all the relevant documents pertaining to the Gozo property deal which was the subject of a complaint against her, and that the Commission has found no evidence of wrong-doing on her part, that she has been cleared.

I knew this was a ‘gidba fahxija’ as soon as I heard her swear to it under oath, but it didn’t surprise me because I had already heard her lie about Michael Cassar and I’ve known her for years, regardless of what she claims. She has no psychological barriers to lying, cheating and manipulating situations and people even if the results are disastrous for them. She does it for kicks, and not just to improve her own chances.

There are few things more frustrating than sitting in the dock with an effective gag on your mouth and nobody you are allowed to talk to except your lawyer, who is concentrating on other things, while listening to some horrible middle-aged bitch who looks like the back of a bus and who has the moral sensibilities of the chavs she likes to hang about with lie through her back teeth under oath, with that air of presopopeja which she uses to impress the impressionable, and which is comical to my eyes on somebody so very unattractive in every sense of the word, and above all that, somebody who manifests that form of stupidity peculiar to the cunning.

The Commission is prevented by its own rules from reacting to testimony in court, so it stands to reason that it couldn’t come out with a statement that took apart the magistrate’s testimony directly. Instead, it got off its bottom and tackled the ‘media reports’ of the magistrate’s testimony, which amounts to pretty much the same thing for our purposes: the conclusion that the magistrate lied under oath not once, but twice.

Am I ever glad that I said the word ‘LIAR’ loudly as I came out of court, even though I was addressing the wall at the time, because at my height I look straight over her head.

Now I really regret not going the whole hog and saying ‘F**king liar’ to that wall, because believe me, compared to Consuelo Herrera, that wall is honesty itself.

38 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    You said that Assistant Police Commissioner Michael Cassar has to testify in court. Does a member from the Justice Commission have to do likewise?

    [Daphne – Yes. Now her lawyer Stephen Tonna Lowell is playing with words, saying that this is not exactly what she said. Ridiculous. I bet he’s regretting every minute of taking up her case.]

    • maryanne says:

      It is reflecting badly on him. Either he is giving her the wrong advice or she is so stubborn and not following it. And what about her brother? I would have thought he would help her.

  2. lino says:

    Daphne, does the F word mean she’s f**king herself with her lies?

  3. jose' manuel herrera (based in Buenos Aires) says:

    After the Noel Arrigo conviction and after the still-unfolding farce of Consiegate, I do hope that all Maltese politicians (from the whole political spectrum) realise that only capable lawyers of the utmost integrity should be appointed as judges or magistrates. There is no room for crooks or buffoons in the judicial system.

  4. Alan says:

    Oh dear. She is confused AND missunderstood now.

    Hallina Consuelo. Just step down and get it over with.

  5. Gahan says:

    Il-lejla hemm partitissima bejn zewg gganti tal-loghob tal-ballun: Milan kontra Machester United. Anke l-qtates se jarawha. Ara ma’ taghmilx bhal-bierah u tghidilna: “You’re going to miss the Charlon Gouder statement” u nibqghu imwahhlin mal-komjuter sa-siegha ta’ fil-ghodu. Ahjar tara x’impatt fuq l-ekonomija Maltija qiegheda taghmel b’dan is-sit eletroniku.

    Mur ara Eastenders u hallik mill-qahbecc tal-magistrat ghal-dawn is-saghtejn li gejjin. You gave her enough rope to hang herself.

  6. Tond mhux kwadru says:

    What goes around comes around. Someone mentioned wheels, circles?

  7. Riya says:

    I bet she lies even to her lawyer.

  8. Malti says:

    The two options:

    1) The Magistrate goes and the responsible bodies make sure this does not happen again with existing and future Magistrates / Judges.

    2) The Magistrate keeps her job and the Maltese public will lose faith in the whole court and judiciary system with the knowledge that their cases (and their future) are in the hands of such unreliable people.

    Well done Daphne. I wish there were more people with the same courage and skill to show the true nature of such prominent and “exemplary” figures in powerful positions within our society.


  9. Ian says:

    From ToM:

    “…The Magistrate said that she had exhibited all her assets to the commission…”

    This gets funnier by the minute!

  10. mark v says:

    Consuelo Scerri Herrera has not resigned yet.
    Robert Musumeci is still mayor of Siggiewi.
    Charlon is still top journalist at One News.

    I am PN throughout. I don’t want that Robert in my party.

    The silence of people in power who should protect us from this scum is giving me shivers.

  11. taxpayer says:


    • Taxavoider says:

      Taxpayer, ma intix qed tghajjat bizzejjed. Ipprova font 56.

    • Gahan says:

      Taxpayer, il-ministru m’hu suppost jaghmel xejn hawn. Ma’ jistax jindahal…FHIMT?

    • Toothless Tiger says:

      Just a point: the Minister can do nothing, because this country enjoys the separation of powers, which is true democracy. It takes two thirds of parliament to remove a judge.

  12. Police Academy - the sequel says:

    Extract from the CV of the magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera published by the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs:
    “She has lectured regularly at the University of Malta and the Police Academy and has been appointed examiner of various theses presented for the Degree in Law at the University. ”
    Is the Police Academy that place where new cops are trained?
    Let us see if time proves me right in saying that the above CV is likely to change soon to: Consuelo Scerri Herrera. Magistrate, 1997-2010.

  13. Bl**dy F**king LIAR says:

    Are we the public supposed to trust any judgement that falls off the back of this particular bus?

  14. Alan says:

    Allajbierek, kullhadd trux mid-derha, barra hi u l’avukat tahha. – 08 March

    ” She denied it and said she had declared all her assets to the Commission for the Administration of Justice and was found to have done no wrong.” – 08 March

    “She said that the Commission for the Administration of Justice had found no wrongdoing on her part “

  15. It-Tunezin says:

    Povru Tunezin li wehlitlu sena habs gurnata wara li-gidbet sfaccatament fil-qorti.

    • Ohorguni minn din ir-relazzjoni says:

      Tassew. Jekk jinstab li magistrat huwa über-korrott, il-kawzi li qata’ jergghu jistemghu?

      It-twegiba nahseb hija le, legalment, imma moralment….

  16. Medusa says:

    Her reputation preceeds her, though not in a good way.

  17. ASP says:

    kemm jithallsu l-magistrati?

  18. E Farrugia says:

    Does she think we who spend most of our time in Valletta don’t know what she is and what she is capable of ?

  19. Alex says:

    Can someone please put up a link to the news on PBS today for those like me who missed it?

  20. taxpayer says:

    GAHAN ma inhix imbecilli daqsekk li nippretenfi li il ministru jigi hawn pero nahseb li ghandu responsabilta li jara kif qed jigru certu affarijiet specjalment fejn tidhol il pulizijja li fl opinjoni tieghi fil kustjoni ta Gouder qed iwaqqawa ghan nejk

  21. Riya says:

    I am puzzled. Can anyone help me please?
    Ex Superintendent Patrick Spiteri was arraigned in court and accused before Magistrate Cosuelo Scerri Herrera of serious bribery which occurred for some time, and that he stole a firearm from a Police station and this firearm was found at his house.

    There is evidence that this same ex police officer offered drinks and was invited by Mgistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera to join her table in a restaurant. His case is still on-going. In these circumstances will his case still be heared by Consuelo Scerri Herrera?

    • La Redoute says:

      Correction: There is evidence – provided by the magistrate herself – that she received drinks from the accused. In these circumstances his case will be heard by Consuelo Scerri Herrera unless she withdraws voluntarily.

  22. Riya says:

    @ Tax Payer

    Can you explain why in the case of Gouder the police are being funny?

  23. taxpayer says:

    RIYA in your opinion, when as Daphne said, Gouder took the policewoman by the hand and took her away – was tthat the right thing?

  24. Riya says:

    Din il-bicca xoghol tal-camera favur Daphne se tigi. Il-problema hi li ma’ nafux min hi il-Pulizija mara imma nahseb Gouder jafa sew.

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