Nice one, Maltastar – ja qabda kretini bla skola

Published: March 24, 2010 at 5:43pm


Now it’s no longer a ‘roofless theatre’. No. Now it’s a ‘partial roofless theatre’.

A partial theatre, eh? Lovely. A world first by Renzo Piano.

107 Comments Comment

  1. Twanny says:

    Well it is, isn’t it? Perhaps you prefer psudo-theatre? Or maybe “a sorry excuse for a theatre” would be more appropriate?

    [Daphne – Xi jkun ‘psudo-theatre’?]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Grotowski or sumfink.

    • Peter Vella says:

      Twanny – what is so hard in calling it an open-air theatre? That is what it will be, calling it roofless, pseudo or partial is just nonsensical. But then, why am I not surprised?

    • Twanny says:

      Ejja – let’s not descend to nitpicking about typos.

    • il-Ginger says:

      Do Labourites call a cabriolet a partial roofless car ?

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Let’s explain this slowly, because Twanny hasn’t understood.

      ‘Partial’ and ‘roofless’ are both adjectives describing the noun ‘theatre’. That means Maltastar is describing the theate as ‘partial’, and not the roof, which might beg the question ‘partial to what?’ But let’s not digress in case Twanny becomes even more confused.

      What Maltastar’s crack team meant to say – but they are incapable of doing so, because it involves Big Words and Big Thoughts – is ‘partly roofed theatre’, which is nonsense too, though for a totally different reason.

      • ciccio2010 says:

        Corinne, thanks for explaining clearly, also on behalf of Twanny. I agree with you that it is utter nonsense. But, to be fair, is there anything on Maltastar that is not nonsense?

  2. Grezz says:

    Here’s another Maltstar gem – “Utility bills: Stripped Gatt ‘is not ashamed’” (

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Stripped Gatt? Pics or it didn’t happen.

    • Yanika says:

      That’s something I consider a true nightmare! A stripped Austin Gatt – the horror!

      • N.L says:

        Yanika, upload a photo of yourself.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Lots of people wouldn’t agree with you there, Yanika. And some of them are in LGBT Labour – though we should draw a discreet veil over the possible opinion of Miss Micallef, chairman of Super One.

      • Grezz says:

        Well, he’s certainly more manly than the little ginger man.

      • Grezz says:

        I was referring to Austin Gatt.

      • Rover says:

        Talking of nightmares, does anyone remember Mintoff, in one of his never ending budget speeches, blurting out something about his linfa? The dried up little twerp.

      • Paul Bonnici says:

        “… in Valletta is definitely going to happen”.

        I don’t like to pick on other people’s English, but the above sentence is atrocious.

  3. Allan Gatt says:

    U b’daqshekk, Daphne? It will go nicely with our ‘partial constitutional rights’, our ‘partially enforced code of ethics’, and our ‘partially impartial courts.’

    A matched set, bhat-toys ta’ Polly Pocket.

    • La Redoute says:

      Do you have a young daughter or is Polly Pocket a fetish of yours?

      • Allan Gatt says:

        The answer to both questions is a very cheerful ‘no’.

        Ma tiftakaromx ir-riklami fuq il- Mediaset? Tal-Clementoni u tal-Morozitas u tal-My Little Pony?

        Tistad ghall-riferenza meta tikteb kumment. Polly Pocket harget.

  4. DM says:

    Tal-biki. Minn fejn igibuh l-Ingliz taghhom?

  5. Herbie says:

    No wonder these people are up in arms against the University’s decision to have students taking their exams in English!

    • Corinne Vella says:

      It’s the thought processes that are the problem, not the language used to express their results. Someone who writes so badly in English is not going to make much sense in any other language.

      • Lo Chiamavano Trinita' says:

        Ma naqbilx. L-Ingliz ta’ Kilin kien disastru, imma imbaghad bil- Malti…

      • Corinne Vella says:

        You’re describing a different sort of situation altogether. The poor writing I’m talking about is a direct result of poverty of thought. It is visible not only in the limited vocabulary and an inability to use correct syntax, but in the overambitious attempt at gravitas. The whole concept of the ‘story’, such as it is, is skewed.

        Today’s ‘Leader’, for instance, is a story about a footballer being banned from his next match.

      • Lo Chiamavano Trinita' says:

        Eh, mel’hekk hag’ohra. Nimmagina dak li ridt tghid huwa li fil-gurnata tal-lum, il-mohh tant hu garbuljat, u l-hsibjiet tant zlabrati, zgrammatikati u ngannati mill-propaganda, illi anke kieku il- gahan Malti kien kapaci jesprimi ruhu tajjeb, ma kien ikollu xejn fuq xiex jesprimi ruhu.

        Jekk m’ghandek xejn x’tghid, ma jimpurtax KIF tesprimih. Fhimtek issa?

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Let’s put it the Maltastar way: Where you don’t know is better to don’t try it.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    Maltastar will never improve as long as there are people like Twanny who will welcome and swallow every crumb of stupidity that comes out of that site.

    • Twanny says:

      Whereas you, of course, only nourish yourself on the pearls of wisdom dropping from Maltarightnow, right?

      You really are amusing.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Twanny, the difference between those who vote PN and those who vote Labour is that those who vote Labour take their party’s media seriously and actually use them as a source of news and information.

    • Twanny says:

      Meaning that those who vote PN do not believe what they read on their media? They are wiser than I thought.

      [Daphne – No, Twanny, meaning that people who vote PN have superior analytical skills, which is why they vote PN in the first place and not Labour.]

      • Twanny says:

        Really? And there was I thinking it was because of the jobs and favours they would get. Silly of me.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Bingo. My thoughts exactly, Daphne.

        Twanny, you would think that. You vote Labour.

      • Grezz says:

        People who vote PN also tend to have a better command of more than one language and thus have more information available at their fingertips.

      • Angele says:

        Well Twanny, speaking on behalf of a lot of other PN voters, I’m sure, I do not get my news from one source only. When possible, I listen to the news on a couple of radio stations during the day whilst driving around on work. Then in the evening, I watch the PBS news always, NET most days and if I arrive home early enough, I try to see at least the first 15 mins of ONE news. If they interest me enough, I watch them till 8pm, until it’s time to watch the other news. I must admit though, that I get quite a few good laughs watching yours truly.

  7. jerry says:

    This is not for you Daphne but for Antoine Vella

    I hope he understand my comment now.

  8. Ghost says:

    Il-veru tal-biki. I don’t know how some have made it through university. I have seen a letter which I had to read over and over again, as I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry and this didn’t come from a journalist. In the end I did both as I laughed so much I couldn’t stop the tears.

  9. Camillo Bento says:

    Il-problema hi li mhux ghax tal-Lejber huma qabda kretini u bla skola imma jridu li kullhadd ikun kretin u bla skola ha jabbuzaw mill-injoranza u inoltre huma stess jidhru li brillanti.

    Hudu dan Twanny, per ezempju. Jekk issaqsuh ghaliex Laburist jew Lejborist jew xi d-dinja jsejhu lilhom infushom, ma jkunx kapaci jirrispondi. U ma jirrispondix mhux minhabba problema lingwistika.

    Jekk bniedem l-anqas jaghraf avverb minn aggettiv, tippretendu li jaghraf ideologija minn ohra? Imma l-aqwa li lahaq u li jahdem mal-Maltastar tal-partit ha jaghtuh ic-cejca. EEEEEE dak bravu ta……jaf bl-Ingliz.

    • Twanny says:

      Faċli ħafna Camillo Bento (żgur mhux Benso ridt tgħid?). Jien Laburist għax dejjem emmint fl-għajta ta’ “One for all and all for one” u mhux fl-għajta ta’ “I’m all right, fuck you Jack”.

      Issa fhimt?

      [Daphne – Twan, ta’ ‘Fuck you Jack’ ivvutaw ghal Mintoff, ghal KMB u iktar u iktar ghal Sant fl-1996. Imbaghad kien hemm tal-Fuck You Jack li vvutaw ghal Sant fl-2003 minhabba li hasbu li l-business taghhom se jmur zmerg bl-UE. U x’tahseb dwar il-Fuck You Jacks ta’ Tas-Sliema li sentejn ilu ma vvutaw xejn u rriskjaw li ssammru il-pajjiz b’dak il-poxt ta’ Sant, minhabba l-bini fil-backyard taghhom? Il-Fuck You Jacks, Twan, jivvutaw Labour, AD jew ma jivvutaw xejn.]

      • maryanne says:

        Veru tajjeb konna taht il-‘One for all and all for one’. Ghax l-anqas nieklu tajjeb ma konna. Bhalissa qed niftakar fit-toghma tal-mushrooms u l-luncheonmeat tac-Cina. Biex ma nsemmux id-Dezerta.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Maryanne, ghamilt tajjeb li semmejt l-ikel tal-bott mic-Cina li kellna nixtru u nieklu.

        Only today I wondered just how much of the cancer among today’s middle-aged people is the result of all that Made in China tinned food and other poor ingredients we had to eat because there was no alternative. If Chinese food production standards are dubious today, just imagine what they were like then, and what levels of carcinogens we must have consumed on a daily basis.

      • Timotius says:

        Maryanna u il-kunserva fil-gazzetti bin-niskwart insejta? U TV jiftah fis-sitta u jaghalq fil-hdax? Dak textix ta’ programmi u vera textix kien u ross kemm trid, qed issemmi ic-Cina.

        Hallina Twan, anqas qatt ma tista tqabbel zmien ma’ iehor.

      • Isn’t poxt a necrophile?

      • Grezz says:

        Kos, hux? Min jaf kemm killna qtates fi’ zmien Mintoff.

      • John Schembri says:

        Twanny ieqaf ghax ghoxejtni bid-dahk: ‘one for all and all for one’. Veru hekk konna taht il-Labour – kullhadd jigri ghal wara haga wahda ghax kollox skars kien.

        Niftakar meta kandidad Laburista (Il-Bediq?) f’Ghawdex tella lotterija ghal gobb mal-gvern! “All for one (job)” kienu.

      • David Buttigieg says:

        @Twanny Boy

        “Jien Laburist għax dejjem emmint fl-għajta ta’ “One for all and all for one”

        Yes, the typical PL supporter believes nobody should be allowed to improve his/her lot, or their children’s more then anybody else. It always boils down to the same thing – envy. The PL thrives on envy and ignorance, it always has, and yes, it always will.

        Fortunately today’s young people have better access to education, which explains why the youth vote won the general election for the Nationalist Party two years ago.

    • Twanny says:

      You must have a fantastic memory, Maryanne. If it’s that good, you should also remember the reasons why we had those restrictions.

      In case it has slipped your mind, let me remind you; it was because the Labour Gov needed a breathing space to rebuild the economy from scratch after the “baħħ” left by the PN administrations of the 60s.

      [Daphne – Daqs kemm ghandhom expertise fil-business u l-ekonomija tal-Labour, jahasra! Spiccaw kellhom jaqbdu sid ta’ hanut u jaghmluha chairman ta’ Sea Malta u imbaghad kap tal-Business Forum taghhom. U hallina, Twan. Breathing space t’ghajnek, excuse my French. Breathing space ta’ sittax-il sena biex imbaghad spiccajna fjask u b’kullhadd iddisprat. Sorry, mhux kullhadd ghax kien hemm xeba nies – kwazi nofs il-populazzjoni – li jirragunaw minn sormhom bhalek, excuse my French once more.]

      • La Redoute says:

        Yes, this definitely sounds like Victor Laiviera. I remember him carping on about the Labour Government’s breathing space more than once.

        He wasn’t being disingenuous. He actually believes it makes sense.

      • maryanne says:

        It was a good thing that you found the ‘bahh’ as a foundation on which to continue building. The only pity is that Labour dismantled rather than built.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Inkredibbli. U ghidli, Twanny, dan ir-“rebuilding” irnexxa? Malta kienet economic powerhouse fl-87? Il-beneficcji tieghu ghadna nhossuhom illum? Ghidli, ghax genwinament nixtieq nifhem il-logika Laburista.

        P.S. Jekk behsiebek tghidli li kien hemm bzonn total import substitution biex jitwaqqfu l-AirMalta u s-SeaMalta, twegibni xejn.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Sorry ridt nghid il-Freeport. Insomma u s-SeaMalta wkoll.

      • MikeC says:

        Twanny, those restrictions are the last ditch effort of the economically inept, used in a desperate shoring up effort when you have painted yourself into an economic fiasco on ideological grounds.

        We had the same economic restrictions they had behind the Iron Curtain (and some the civil ones too), driven by the same ideology.

        The bahh is in your mind and in Super One, both today’s version and the older version formerly known as Xandir Malta.

        The Mintoff administration was a failure and the sooner you move past the denial phase, wise up to it, disassociate yourselves from it, apologise, shed the baggage and move on, the sooner you will become a credible candidate as a governing party.

        As opposed to an election winner – but we know that the interest stops there – imbaghad naraw…..

      • Rover says:

        Let me think now of some famous Labour enterprises that spawned after the bahh: the Pijunieri – great road builders, Izra u Rabbi – transformed the Maltese landscape, Bahhar u Sewwi – builders of wonderful seacraft, Tal-Kappar – shame it never took off. Oh yes wasn’t there some other motley crew called Tal-Emergenza?

        Give over, Twanny. There was nothing worth talking about. Zilch.

      • David Buttigieg says:

        @Twanny Boy,

        May I remind you that most of the people here were alive during that period and such bullshit, no matter how often you repeat it, remains bullshit.

        If you REALLY believe what you said (I know you don’t) you are a perfect example of how the PL thrives on ignorance.

        The reasons for those ‘restrictions’ was to ensure (in those green eyes) that everyone ate the same rubbish and also to hide the sheer incompetence of the government of the time – remember Wistin’s budgets?

        As most things PL it was useless – even my dog wouldn’t look at Dezerta.

  10. StevO says:

    Would you put a roof on the Colosseum or on the Parthenon? No, these are monuments left to symbolize their former glory. Renzo Piano wants to carry this same concept across by using the opera house ruins as a monument to its past and as a reminder of what Malta went through in the war. Having a theatre inside is a bonus.

    I am sure there are much better places to build a theatre.

    • Twanny says:

      The Colosseum and the Parthenon are monuments from antiquity, not 60 year old bombed-out sites.

      There IS a difference.

      [Daphne – Sixty-year-old bombed out site? Come now, Twanny. Don’t run yourself down.]

    • Twanny says:

      Tant irnexxa li, meta tela’ l-PN fl-’87 sabu surplus flok deficit, kważi full employment, “healthy” reserves u “Posterity Fund” ta’ diversi miljuni.

      Qabbel mas-sitwazzjoni llum.

      Il-lejl it-tajjeb lil kulħadd.

      [Daphne – U sabu ukoll poplu iddisprat u GDP li kien NIZEL. Twanny, you really need some lessons in assessing the strength of an economy. You’re still sucking up that myth tal-kaxxa ta’ Malta, when what you should be looking at is GDP. Of course we had a surplus, for God’s sake. Look at the way we had to live, barred access to practically all imports. It’s like saying that Ebeneezer Scrooge and Dom Mintoff were wildly successful men because they spent nothing, lived pinched, mean and miserable lives, and piled up the cash.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Jigifieri din kienet policy tajba, Twanny? Fl-2013 il-Labour hekk se jimxu? Ghidli ghax hemm bzonn inkun naf lil min se nivvota.

      • MikeC says:

        Minn fejn gibta tal-kwazi full employment?

        Dik gidba fahxija.

        Isthi, giddieb……

        8.2% X’tghidilhom? Veru li nizel min 12.2% sentejn qabel – ghax dahhal 9,000 ruh mal-gvern biex jixtri l-voti

        il-“fatti” tieghek kollha “precizi” bhal dawn?

      • Mark C says:

        And you’re obsessed with the GDP Daphne. The only problem is that the real money is in the hands of the few. Meta tara bonds tal miljuni jinhatfu fi ftit hin u familji jghixu fil poverta tirrealizza wahdek x’inhu jigri. It’s the vultures, the hyenas who are the only ones profiting. PN’s tactics sound like Goerge Orwell’s Animal Farm. Read it and then decide for yourselfs. You talk and preach about how the gdp is growing in front of a crowd who’s belly is growling with hunger and their pockets now have holes due to their constant attempts at finding a coin.

        An extract from Animal farm during the speech by comrade Napoleon

        “Reading out the figures in a shrill, rapid voice, he proved to them in detail that they had more oats, more hay, more turnips than they had had in Jones’s day, that they worked shorter hours, that their drinking water was of better quality, that they lived longer, that a larger proportion of their young ones survived infancy, and that they had more straw in their stalls and suffered less from fleas.”

        Then there’s the pathetic excuses for gross incompetence and greed while taking credit for every positive thing that happens. Pn supporters telling me I enjoy the internet becuase of Pn comes to mind. I always reply that I never knew PN were the inventors of the internet.

        “It had become usual to give Napoleon the credit for every successful achievement and every stroke of good fortune. You would often hear one hen remark to another, ‘Under the guidance of our Leader, Comrade Napoleon, I have laid five eggs in six days’; or two cows, enjoying a drink at the pool, would exclaim, ‘Thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon, how excellent this water tastes!”

        Msomma Gn. Remember people do not eat gdp’s washing machines or mars bars.

      • GPA says:

        You might also want to add that in 1987 the GDP stood at 1.58Bn. Twenty years down the line, and it’s 7.45Bn. That’s more than a six-fold increase, right?

        [Daphne – Ghalxejn tirranguna ma’ tal-Labour, GPA, ghax dawk jirragunaw mil-qalziet ta’ taht. Ghalihom l-aqwa li jkunu fit-tmun, anke jekk jispiccaw b’nofs il-flus li kellhom meta bdew. And they’ll look at this graph which shows clearly that the steepest increase in GDP occurred after 2003/4 and they’ll still insist that No2EU was DBast policy.]

      • Mark C says:

        Sorry I have to reply to GPA.. don’t worry this won’t be strecthed into an endless discussion on economics.
        GPA now compare the six fold increase with the pathetic few euros/Lm increase in wages, while at the same times prices of basic necessities tripled. Do your maths compare the proportions and you will come to my conclusion that the businessmen in Malta are way too greedy. I don’t blame them even the poor and middle class are selfish and greedy in this country, but one needs to balance out the difference I would have started with a Tobin Tax so the greedy millionaires and the super rich share some of their money which after all was squeezed out of the workers bit by bit or inherited by their fathers who did the same. Gn, issa vera hrabt.

      • Twanny says:

        It was right FOR THE TIME, HP – It’s a dofferent world altogther now.

      • La Redoute says:

        Cut out this rubbish about ‘squeezing the workers’. It’s a hell of a lot easier to live on a salary than it is to produce the business that makes salaries possible. If you think job hunting’s difficult, you should try prospecting for business. And if you think workers have a hard time when they’re paid, you should try coping with paying workers when no money’s coming in.

      • David Buttigieg says:

        Twanny Boy

        “Tant irnexxa li, meta tela’ l-PN fl-’87 sabu surplus flok deficit, kważi full employment, “healthy” reserves u “Posterity Fund” ta’ diversi miljuni.”

        Come again?

      • GPA says:

        Mark C, why don’t you back up your claims with statistics? “Pathetic few euros” won’t do. Do your maths, too.

        I know Daphne already mentioned this before, but it seems some repetition won’t do any harm. Wages were a pittance when compared to today’s while commodities were much more expensive. The average textile factory worker used to earn Lm30 a week. A TV set cost nearly Lm500 and you needed to be on the minister’s good books to get it. You would have had to save all your salary for 17 weeks to buy a single TV set. That’s the “Worker’s Movement” for you.

        Also, you seem incapable of interpreting what a rising GDP means: that the country is generating more money, Mark. The government’s revenues increase. The same government has more money to spend. Do you seriously believe that the Nationalists could have sustained this kind of infrastructural over-haul, which started over 20 years ago and is still going on, with the money Labour saved up prior to 1987?

      • Mark C says:

        The average textile factory worker used to earn Lm30 a week. Now the minimum is how much lm60? so it doubles right? While the price of basic necessities triples and gdp is six-fold bigger. Can you spot the difference?

        [Daphne – I’m going to have to butt in here, Mark. The thing you don’t seem to know is that BACK THEN ALMOST EVERYONE WAS ON THE MINIMUM WAGE BECAUSE IT WAS THE NORM AND NOT THE EXCEPTION. Now, those who are on the minimum wage are just those doing labourer’s jobs or waitering or the like. Now, do you get it? THERE ARE MANY MORE JOB OPPORTUNITIES NOW AND BACK THEN THERE WAS ZILCH – ZILCH FOR THE MINIMUM WAGE.]

        Regarding the lm500 grundig. Guess what we have a grundig downstairs and it still works after 25 years. Nowadays you get a cheap unbranded Tv made in China or Singapore which will only last you a year or two. So you get what you pay for. However I’ll be fair, liberalizing the market was a good move.

      • Mark C says:

        Then you’re right Daphne, I would never want this country to go back to those times, however Pn needs to be taught a lesson so they will probably lose the next election unless they can do miracles, they seem to be starting to move again lately and I’m glad all the criticism they got (including mine) are having the desired effects. They should never forget the people or else the people will forget them. Every now and then it seems a party needs to be taught a lesson by voting it out and bringing them back to reality. Power corrupts and people get big headed. It’s human nature. However do not despair I think once they get their act together they will take over once again after 5 years on the sidelines.

      • GPA says:

        Today’s average wage is not the minimum wage, Mark, as Daphne explained. And today’s minimum wage is higher than that of Portugal’s and most of the EU’s new member states.

        You’re a bit mixed up about the Grundig TV set. First you imply that it was so costly because of its supposed superior quality, then you say that it was good to liberalize the economy, suggesting that its price was related to the economics of the time. Make up your mind, please.

      • Mark C says:

        @GPA. The price depended not just on the variety and choice of suppliers but the technology and the demand consumer demand back then. What you have bought an HDTV or LCD for 500 euros back then? Or an iphone? No. You would have had to big an extra large telecell which looked more like a soldier’s radio. Technology moves according to demand and competition you know. So a point goes to Pn for that competition is good. Unfortunately we still have a monopoly here. And with a monopoly you get the dictatorial attitude, they set the price and you have no choice but to buy or do without.

  11. Pat Zahra says:

    At the risk of bringing the entire thespian community down on my unprotected head: I keep seeing passing references to building another theatre. Why? It’s not like we’ve got acting companies wandering the streets in droves searching for somewhere to put up a play.

    • maryanne says:

      Half the people who attend the Manoel Theatre performances do so because they get complimentary tickets. That is what Mario Philip Azzopardi and Astrid Vella should factor in their reasoning.

      • Karm says:

        That’s right. Complimentary tickets and all, however, the theatre is rarely – if ever – full up. Dawk in-nies kollha li jridu teatru msaqqaf.

      • Noel Navarro says:

        now they go to a topless theatre

    • Nat says:

      Well, they do have a point.. We do have a lot of theatres, but not one of them is built for THEATRE. They’re mostly built for concerts and the like..

  12. TROY says:

    Rega Twanny gloom and doom. Alan Harper’s double.

  13. Pat Zahra says:

    An open letter from the staff at Maltsatar to perit Renzo Piano

    Dear Sir Piano,

    we here at Malastar are condemning your roofless idea. It is ruthless to partially roof a roofless theatre impartially. The edifice is wholly roofless now and we want to tell you that we are partial to a wholly roofed not partially roofless theatre as it is in your designations which have engineered a partial roof over our heads and down our throats. Please except this protest.

    Your Sincerly
    The stuff of Maltasar

  14. tony says:

    U int pastasa mahmuga paljazza kretina imbullatta nazzjionalista ghax taf naqra skola int ghax fiz zmien taht gvern nazzjionalista konna imcahdin mill iskola u mintoff kien li gab liskola ghall kullhadd ja hadra haxix

    • MikeC says:

      Mintoff irrovina l-iskejjel ta-gvern, dak li ghamel. U fl-ahhar snin qabel ma spicca kien qed joffri l-impjiegi mad-dejma bil-paga minima, id-dixxiplina militari u bonus ta’ hamsin lira jekk titghallem taqra, wara li tkun hrigt minn 12 il-sena skola li skond int gab hu. Alla jbierek xi skola dik li (dejjem skond int) gab hu…

      • Alan says:

        Would love to see everyone’s thoughts if Arabic was still compulsory to get into university.

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      Charming, as always, Tony. Ghallinqas, taht il-PN donnok tghallimt tikteb u tuza l-internet (u ghallinqas ghandek access ghal-computer, li taht il-Labour kien impossibbli.

    • Paul Bonnici says:


      I come from a working class family from the south of Malta, we were never taken in by Mintoff.

      He ruined state schools, my parents struggled to send me to a church school – that is what Mintoff did for the working class. Mintoff and his violent mob headed by bully Lorry Sant betrayed the working class. Mintoff was the enemy of the working class. He destroyed the political harmony in Malta and we are still harvesting the bitter fruit of hatred and intolerance.

    • David Buttigieg says:


      “mintoff kien li gab liskola ghall kullhadd”

      Mintoff ma halliniex inmur skola, kelli nistudja fil-mohbi meta kelli ghaxar snin. Ghaliex?

      • David Buttigieg says:

        Hey Nostradamus, I have actually written in Maltese for the first time in years.

  15. tony says:

    Joseph ghalilkom sew TEATRU BLA SAQAF U KAXXA BLA QIEH

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      24 March 2010 20:39 The Prime Minister continues to insist on keeping the whole of the Renzo Piano project as proposed. This includes a new Parliament on stilits and a roofless theatre, despite all the objections from the artistic and wider communities.)

      No prizes for guessing the source.

  16. Camillo Bento says:

    One for all and all for one…..bhal per ezempju il-Fusellu, il-Qahbu, il-Pupa, Pullicino li qatel lil Nardu Debono. Dawn kollha one for all, Twanny. U l-aktar wiehed li l-istorja tfakkar bhala “one for all” – u cioe one for all of these ghax il-prodotti tieghu – ma hu hadd hlief Dom MIntoff kif miqjum mill-Partit Laburista, li kien, ghadu u jibqa’ il-“one for all” li qed tghid int.

    [Daphne – Dom Mintoff mhux kaz ta’ ‘one for all’ imma ta’ ‘all for one’, specjalment fejn jidhlu l-flus.]

  17. Camillo Bento says:

    Prosit Ton. (Mela gejt lura minn Stokkolma?)

    [Daphne – Mela Tony wiehed minn dawk li ‘telgha Sweden’? hahahaha – generazzjoni tas-SevENties.]

    Ilqat il-musmar fuq rasu. Ara ma tmurx tqieghed il-keyboard minn flok il-perzut fis-sangwicc. Naf li mintix ser taghmel hekk ta, ghax ghendek l-ISKOLA. Imma…….better safe than sorry hux, kif ighidu bil-Malti.

  18. Camillo Bento says:

    Daphne? Mela ma tafx? Qed tissorprendini li ma tafx li ghadu gej minn Stokkolma.

    [Daphne -Mela tahseb li jien naghti kasu? Nara ismu, and I press ‘Approve’, for the amusement of the masses.]

  19. Camillo Bento says:

    Issa fhimt. Jien semmejtha biss ghax Obama kien kwazi kwazi ha ghalih. U madonnasantammen kien ikollna krizi internazzjonali kwazi galattikali. Ehhhhhhhh Toni x’kont ser taghmel b’idejk. Imma mnalla gejt qawwi u shih minn Stokkolma.

  20. Il-Cop says:

    …u Mintoff kien li gab liskola ghall kullhadd…int bis-serjeta? Kieku seta kissirhom ghax dejjem bl-injorant irrenja. Imma kuragg, habib. Fil-bagit li jmiss it-tonn taz-zejt tal-karta hamra ha jonqos bi tlett millezmi, applaws, u b’hekk kulhadd ikun jista jiekol sewwa.

  21. Brittwit says:

    I regret the humour of the Maltese posts escapes me since I humbly remain one-lingual. On the topic of literacy, I recently received an official letter from the MCCA (a body under the umbrella of the current Edu ministry no less, please note) which I was staggered to find couldn’t differentiate between the words ‘fair’ and ‘fare’.

    This is from a representative organisation of Maltese culture. So please let’s not delude ourselves that weak command of the English language is solely a feature of the Labour camp.

    And how camp everyone is on this blog. Tribal more like it. Blinkered even, perhaps. Ever heard the saying: even the devil sometimes speaks the truth? No. of course not. The devil’s red on black ain’t he? Off with his head! Oops sorry, democratic country. Okay well, dismissed from class!

    Let me curry favour with this blog bastion of Nationalist (northun scuze me) sentiment by saying that I think the LP is a load of plonkers. But good grief, if the alternative is the higher standard maybe I should consider basting myself in balsamic vinegar and diving headfirst into an oven.

    If Malta were a ship I’d sound the mutiny bell..who the hell is in command? This administration is like a fire alarm practice in a lunatic asylum.

    Austion Gatt summarily announces the Valletta Regen project is a done deal (and shuddup all you soft-headed socialist-sympathiser objectors) as the PN simultaneously announces an open forum tomorrow for objectors to be given a public space to voice their concerns.. errr..hello?

    • La Redoute says:

      There’s been more than enough waffling about Valletta – at least 60 years of it. Complaints and criticism featured in the project exhibition in Valletta. The string of remarks plucked from was a particularly amusing exhibit, though the effect was totally unintentional.

      Consensus on the project is not possible whatever The People, or their self-appointed representatives, may think. Were things to go The People’s way, the project would not be redesigned as it is impossible to accommodate all the changes The People have asked for (someone had posted a list on this blog), so the net effect would be to leave things as they are, enraging those who would rather see Piano’s design built.

  22. taxpayer says:

    Forsi Twanny jghidilna min kellu ix-shares tal-kumpanijja li twaqqfet biex tbiegh il-tv’s tal-kulur l-ewwel darba [kollha Grundig – dik kienet ghazla libera]. U xi nghidu ghall-prezz Lm450 li wara sena nizel Lm350? Ara dik ma kienitx serqa fil-wicc. U Twanny, ghedilna min ha l-akbar ammont ta’ shares tal-BOV meta twaqqaf wara is-serqa tan-National Bank? Rigward dik is-serqa, Twanny, nissugerlikek tmur fil-website tal-Malta Today u tara l-istorja kollha. Veru kas ta’ ALL FOR ONE.

  23. Antoine Vella says:

    Astrid Vella made an interesting lapsus yesterday on the comments’ section of The Times website. Writing against the “roofless theatre”, she likened Austin Gatt to Vilhena, the grandmaster who gave us the Manoel Theatre.

    • La Redoute says:

      She’s corrected herself, replacing Vilhena with Nicolae Ceaucescu and Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov.

      Mrs Vella doesn’t see the absurdity of using a public discussion facility providing by an independent medium to draw a parallel between Malta and the communist dictatorships of Romania and Turkmenistan.

      Niyazov would have had her jailed for treason and Ceaucescu would probably have done the same thing. And that’s assuming they’d have allowed to operate in the first place.

  24. tony says:

    Int trid titkellem fuq il minimume wage tajtu kollox bxejn lill barranin un ma ridux lill haddiema maltin bill kundizzjionijjiet li ghandhom grazzi ghall gvern laburista u biex issa ser jingaggaw haddiema bill minimumewage bhall dawk tal LUFTHANSA TECHNIC Dak li GONZI PN li hu politicament responsabli ghall dan id disastru li hawn malta mela mintoff il firda gahba EDDIE FENECH ADAMI u intom in NAZZJIONALISTI taqra naqra dawn il blogs tkun taf fejn hi il hdura hirga minn go qalbkom nazzjionalisti indannatti bill gvern taghakom stess ja qatta hodor kretini imnitna nazzionalisti int li int mis south bis sahha ta mintoff li gab is servizzi socjali u il gid wara irrovina ta gvern nazzjionalista tas 60 franka lill ommok milli tmur tohqob ma linglizi biex tkun tista tittimek ahseb u ara kemm setet tibghatek liskola u biss sahha ta hekk bathittek li skola privata u l flus dawk il hallelin qassessin haduhomlok mhux mintoff bahnan insejt li konna niehdu jew bxejn jew sexjn u ftakkar li il minimume wage hijja commodita moderna ghax il gvern tal PN qied jippromovi issa li iqqasam kuntratti ghanke taht il minimume wage bahnan.
    Dik liskolla li mort tal father.kollok hdura bhall baby daphe

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Kultant jingabar il-hmieg gol-keyboard u l-fullstop key ma tibqax tahdem. Però tista’ tuza dik li qieghda fin-numeric keypad, Tony.

      • La Redoute says:

        Ghandu l-istess problema li ghandhom tal-Maltastar li wehlitilhom il-‘?’

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Din magenb il-“.” hux? Jista’ jkun. Maltastar ghandhom ukoll problema fis-CPU li jikteb random rubbish wahdu. Nahseb ghandhom jinvestigaw. Jista’ jkun xi quantum chromodynamic effect.

        Hawnhekk, per ezempju, l-ittri “A”, “I” u “D” sparixxew bhall-qattusa ta’ Schrödinger:

    • Il-Cop says:

      Ejja ghidli f’wicci pulcinell. Ahna l-hodor? Ara veru ma tafux tisthu. Intkom demmkom velenu dejjem kien u hareg f’dak li ktibt jew ahjar ippruvajt tikteb. Ghax mhux kapaci taslu tridu tkissru lil min hu kapaci. Sa hemm jasal mohhkom. Jien naghti permess lil Daphne tghidlek min jien u x’hin trid ejja sibni jew ibghat lil xi hadd. Pulcinell.

  25. red-nose says:

    Joseph Muscat ghandu kwasi “mission impossible” biex jghallem nies bhal Twanny. Jekk jibqa sejjer hekk Twanny, mhux sgur ikun jaf kif jivvota meta tasal l-elezzjoni!

  26. me says:

    [ It IS a beautiful “fake”, isn’t it? ]

    Not as much as Joseph Muscat.

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