No wonder Kurt Farrugia loves me so

Published: March 8, 2010 at 12:14am

Aw boss, tghid jekk nixtri par xorz tal-irgiel jghaddi bhala qalziet ta' sjut?

Aw boss, tghid jekk nixtri par xorz tal-irgiel jghaddi bhala qalziet ta' sjut?

Labour’s Communications Coconut must be doing his….nut.

Malta traffic ranking for 120

Malta traffic ranking for 46

“How does she do it, Charlon?”

“Jien naf, Derston – mur saqsi lil Byon Jo.”

“Byon Jo hareg ftit ma’ Ronnie. Halli mmur insaqsi lil Quinton.”

“Quinton mar jiehu kafe ma’ Jason.”

“Mela halli ncempel ftit lil Saviour Balzan – dak maghna issa.”

“U le, dak siefer safra ma’ Isard du Pont. Fl-ahhar he’s backing the right horse.”

4 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    I have been wondering whether the ranking improved since you started writing about Consie. The last time you wrote about these lists, this website was # 125 or somthing like that.

  2. Il mingell says:

    where is he?

  3. Ciccio2010 says:

    U le, Kurt, tixtrih xejn dak ix-xorts. Byon Jo jista jsellfek tieghu. Tghidx kemm tkun tidher mittelklass.

  4. Joseph Micallef says:

    Daphne, expect another defamation suit from the union of coconuts.

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