Oh look, they start as they mean to go on

Published: March 16, 2010 at 11:34pm
Fejn hu dak l-istudju, Astrid?

Fejn hu dak l-istudju, Astrid?

The Labour Party has a training-ground for its budding politicians, in which it helps them to start as they mean to go on: the Labour Youth Forum.

Alex Saliba, secretary-general of this forum (the zghazagh have one, but the party does not) manifests all signs of turning out in the best Labour tradition.

Here he is on Facebook, promoting Astrid Vella’s claim that Fgura residents have the highest incidence of respiratory problems FID-DINJA!!!!!!!

And then when somebody asks him, genuinely, for access to the report so that she can check out exactly what it says, he tells her “Abigail, there was a study but I don’t know how to give you an exact link to it. You’ll find it on line for sure.”

Alex Saliba Ir-Residenti tal-Fgura bl-ghola problemi respiratorji fid-dinja!!
maltastar.com: Fgura is one of the localities with the highest number of residents with respiratory problems in the world, Astrid Vella, Flimkien Ghal Ambjent’s coordinator said.During Realta programme, Ms Vella urged …

Gail Cremona
kurzita alex, sar xi studju specifiku biex hargu dawn ir rizultati? ghax nixtieq naqrah b hekk qed nghidlek . i thought they were highest on a european level, but if studies are showing that it is worldwide, its thoroughly more serious than it was imagined.

Alex Saliba
ija abigail sar studju pero ma nafx ntik link jew ek ezatt tijaw pero online issibu zgur ta

It is on such people that our future shall be built.

And here’s the Labour Youth Forum’s secretary-general on freedom of expression: ‘we don’t like what she’s saying, therefore she must be stopped’.

Alex Saliba
Sens ta’ Arroganza u Superjorita’ ma taqta xejn… in Nazzjonalisti jitkazaw b’pagna fuq il-Facebook meta Daphne Caruana Galizia minn filghodu sa filghaxija tghajjar lil Laburisti bl-aktar mod goff u selvagg… Jekk din l-artikolista tan-nofs xelin mhux ser tigi mwaqqfa ser tkun l-akbar certifikat ta’ kemm il-Gustizzja… f’pajjizna hija bla sinsla!!!

21 Comments Comment

  1. Ta' Ninu says:

    What did you say Alex Saliba, ”……..il-Gustizzja f’pajjiizna hija bla sinsla!!!” Trid ticcajta, more like bla morali.

    I quote Dr Ann Fenech Managing Partner of Fenech and Fenech Advocates from an interview in Style magazine: ”When those who indulge in them (extra-marital affairs) are judges or magistrates, and when such behaviour is flaunted in public, then it also becomes very dangerous. The general public has a right to expect judges and magistrates to behave with dignity and decorum as befits the highest institution of the land. When they do not, they not only lose their own dignity, but more importantly give the impression that that sort of behaviour is indeed acceptable and ‘in order’, when frankly it is not- that will inevitably lead to what is wrong becoming acceptable and right. That is wrong.”

    Wise opinion indeed which along with some equally wise words from three other prominent female lawyers, vindicates what you have been on about Daphne for the last weeks.
    Dr Scerri Herrera, the public has more than spoken. Now you must go.

  2. Facebooker says:

    I had a look at this man’s Facebook, under Pages. One can quickly understand where his inspiration comes from: Maltastar, FZL, Kulhadd, Interdett – The Unholy War, Il-Bidu tal-Partit tal-Haddiema, Jum il-Helsien, No For Gonzi, TX, Tony Blair, GonziPN Weghdi li Ma Wettaqx, Guy Who Threw His Shoes at Bush, and Karl Marx.

    Now let there be no accusations that we are profiling the guy. He is in politics, possibly a candidate at the next election, and this information is on Facebook under a statement that this profile information is shared with everyone.

  3. John Dimech says:

    Alex saliba ….. nice chap. He is known as It-Thunder (bl-artiklu importanti). He is one of the elves as well – anzi he is the one that sent the famous email to the editor of The Malta Independent.

    Prosit, keep it up.

  4. Alan says:

    Il-Gustizzja tkun bla sinsla jekk Consuelo Scerri Herrera tkompli tidecidi kawzi fil-qrati taghna.

    I just can’t believe that she has the faccia tosta to keep taking decisions affecting other people’s lives.

    While walking through Valletta I used to be impressed with the court building and what it stood for. There are far more imposing buildings in the world, but that one belongs to me and my national pride.

    I do not doubt that other members of our judiciary are upright and deserve their position, but nowadays, that building instantly reminds me that an unethical, untrustworthy, inappropriate and biased woman who lives her life like a 16-year-old, is actually sitting on one of the chairs reserved for people of integrity.

    Consuelo Scerri Herrera has to go, or be dragged out, for her own sake and the sake of what is supposed to be one of our most sacred institutions.

  5. NGT says:

    Your biased agenda blinds you to the truth. I woke up earlier than normal this morning to take some photographs of Fgura on the way to work. Does this convince you that Astrid’s data is correct now?


  6. free falling says:

    If what Astrid Vella says is true (still to be deciphered by Shelock Holmes Saliba), how many more and where are these localities?

    Astrid should give it a break as she is out of her league with the Labour party – one day soon they will turn on her – time is sure to tell.

  7. It's all dandy says:

    Go Tandderrrr. Law students are so proud of you….

    Just as we are proud of Ms. Zammit Alamango. Oh wait! I forgot that she prefers spending time at CNL instead of reading books and three years later still hasn’t managed to get to 1st year. Whilst she proves she can’t spell on Facebook, her blog on timesofmalta.com is written in semi-decent English. See… Marisa is doing something Daphne. She’s a fellow blogger too.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    I can’t help wondering what sort of world is inhabited by a young man like Alex Saliba who uses “nofs xelin” (half shilling) as an expression. My 23-year old son doesn’t even know what a xelin is; we stopped using them long before he was born.

    • john says:

      Do you also have a problem with ‘spending a penny’?

    • Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

      As far as I know, the expression is “ma jiswiex karlin” – the carlino being a former currency in Italy.

      But I stand to be corrected.

      • john says:

        Antoine is querying the use of expressions containing outmoded monetary systems. It was in this vein that I posed my question. I hasten to add that I am not enquiring about the size of his prostate.

      • Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

        @ john

        Yes, I understood Antoine’s point, and I don’t agree that there’s something wrong with using expressions containing outmoded monetary systems – the expression is part of the language. The carlino ceased to be legal tender ages ago.

        My point is that this Alex Saliba doesn’t even know the proper expression. But I stand to corrected: is there an expression “ma jiswiex nofs xelin”?

      • john says:

        The carlino formed part, also, of the copper coinage of the Order in Malta. As did the grano (or grain, in english) a coin of much lower denomination than the carlino. It was known as the habba in Maltese. Hence the expression, as I know it, “ma jiswiex habba”, which is far more demeaning than a carlino and even more so again than a sixpence. Six grains was equivalent to half a penny.

        I can’t help wondering what sort of world is inhabited by a man like Antoine Vella who appears to have a problem with someone like me using an expression which dates back to the time of the Knights. It’s part of the joy of language. As for informing us that his 23-year old son doesn’t even know what a xelin is . . . I remain speechless.

        [Daphne – I don’t think mine know what a ‘xelin’ is, either, John, because they’ve never heard the word used in conversation and the currency is completely alien. ‘Shilling’ they would have picked up from here and there, but they missed out on ‘xelin’ altogether – unless they learned it at school. People my age would be the last lot to know shillings and pence from experience, and to have worked out simple maths problems in that currency – and we were 10 when Malta went decimal. Lots of my contemporaries don’t even remember that 12 pennies made a shilling or that 20 shillings made a pound. We missed out on guineas completely, though I remember my mother using this strange and wonderful word and explaining that it was 21 shillings. And though I knew of the word ‘habba’, a coin which had long since gone by the time I arrived, I had no idea until fairly late in life that it was indeed a coin. I only knew the word through a commonly used expression in my family: ‘qisu tal-habba gozz’, meaning somebody scruffy, messy, unkempt. Is ‘xelin’ a corruption of ‘shilling’?]

      • john says:

        Yes, xelin is shilling in Maltese. Hence my reference to sixpence above (nofs xelin). If I know what a habba is I can’t see why a man in his twenties doesn’t know what a xelin is. For chrissake, the secretary-general of the Labour Youth Forum knows what a xelin is. The point being that if a young man like Saliba knows what a xelin is, there is no reason at all for someone like Antoine Vella to attempt to belittle him.

  9. Elf says:

    Dawk huma l-eluf li marru l-protesta?

  10. Isard du Pont says:

    He’s 22. Astrid Vella has no excuse. She’s 50+.

  11. Iro says:

    Having very recently had the necessity to carry out a wide-reaching literature review on the health effects resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels, I am quite certain that there is no scientific study which scientifically analysed the worldwide incidence of respiratory disease.

    It would be a wonderful tool had such a study existed but it doesn’t and unfortunately it will be difficult if not impossible to do because the good quality data from each country needed to carry it out is just not available.

    It is a pity that people who should know better cobble together bits and pieces of statistics in a pseudo-scientific way and publish articles in the popular press (serious scientific journals would just bin them) and these then end up getting quoted as being the bees knees of medical science

    There is no denying that there are differences in the incidence of certain diseases in Malta with some regions showing a worrying trend. Thankfully there are now medical scientists and statisticians in Malta who are steadily increasing the quality and quantity of public health science in our country

    Having said that, one should experience the evening air of Dubai before commenting on pollution in Malta

  12. red-nose says:

    I ask – is Astrid worth wasting all this time on her stupid mission?

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