Sabih da Ronnie Pellegrini, l-friend tal-magistrata

Published: March 16, 2010 at 11:50pm

Will we ever see the back of these people?

And then they have the nerve to criticise me and seek protection orders against me, when all their elves are out writing this sort of thing about me (see below) on Facebook, Maltastar, and wherever else they choose to congregate.

How a magistrate can hang around with a former Lorry Sant thug who thinks and speaks like this is beyond me – still less send him cosy messages on Facebook while he sends Valentine bouquets to her lover.

Brrrr, jaqq. Hamallu kien u hamallu baqa – his clothes may have ‘improved’ since the Lorry Sant days (if you can call a pale gold suit with a cream tie an improvement) but the Lorry Sant thinking is still right there.

Another one who’s gearing up for power, though exactly how much of it he’s going to get clinging to his friend Jason’s coat-tails remains unclear.

I have a bad feeling that when Joseph Muscat becomes prime minister, he is going to be completely unable to control these people. Let’s face it – he can’t even control them now. Alfred Sant disappears and they’re straight out of the woodwork, picking up where they left off, wearing the better clothes, driving the nicer cars, and spending the money that Nationalist Party policies – and only those – have made possible. Sickening.

Ronnie Pellegrini
Alex napprezza jekk ma tkomplix thammeg il-fb billi toqghod issemmi lis-sahhar jew il-mizbla tal-bidnija. Halliha tifga fid-demm ahdar taghha u tiehu hsieb l-intiena li ghandha fir-razza taghha.

44 Comments Comment

  1. Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    A Pilgrim from ugly times returns
    His friend is the One of A Thousand Teeth:
    The Far East Inquirer dines with the Owner of the Field
    And the wheels keep turning.

    Ten are the years between them,
    Two the families split;
    Scores the friends she dines with
    Each with at least a pending Case.

  2. Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    The Book of Ethics speaketh clear:
    Shy away from limelight and friends
    But not all want to lend ear
    Least of all, the Pillar.

    An Island, a rock in the sea the middle
    Aghast at the sight of Scales corrupted;
    Justice blurred by party folly
    A people deceived by who should know better.

  3. pippo says:

    Isard du Pont……dan Kevin Ellul Bonici kien fil fraud section tal-police?

  4. Facebooker says:

    It is quite evident that Ronnie has taken his friend Robert Musumeci’s advice as posted by Robert on his own Facebook Wall:
    “Li tkun MODERAT fil-poltika tfisser li ma jaghmilx bik l-ghamad partiggjan u taccetta li min is-soltu ma jaqbilx mieghek ghandu kontribut x’jaghti wkoll. Din hi l-aqwa politika.” (27 Feb 2010)


    “Ejja naghrfu li kull persuna ghandha x’toffri lis-socjeta’. Il-politika ghandha sservi biex tghaqqadna.” (17 Feb 2010)

  5. Jim Bean says:

    Lol @ Isard

  6. free falling says:

    Ronnie Pelligrini, like his cohorts, has an inferiority complex the size of the Statue of Liberty – having said this, vulgarity has always been their forte.

  7. Mario Lanza says:

    Ronnie Pellegrini’s portrait deserves a prominent place in the hall of shame.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    Daphne, some two weeks ago you mentioned Ronnie’s Facebook page with its corny inspirational phrases:

    “Ronnie Pellegrini: Good Morning – I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody.

    Ronnie Pellegrini: Good Morning to EVERYBODY – If you judge people, you have no time to LOVE them.”

    Now he writes about “tifga f’demm aħdar”. This time it’s the real Ronnie.

  9. The Bus Conductor says:

    This is the Ronnie Pellegrini to whom Magistrate Herrera sent virtual flowers.

  10. The Bus Conductor says:

    A suggestion for John Bundy. Make your morning show a hit and invite Ronnie Pellegrini to talk about his position under the Labour government in the 70s and 80s.
    Add a little humour and invite Magistrate Scerri Herrera with whom you were at Cordina yesterday morning. You never know she might go against the Code of Ethics (yet again) and turn up in her orange jacket to match your studio set.

    Qatt kellek principri, John, jew marru l-bahar bhal dwak li tixrob il-kafe maghhom? Kont tajjar lil-Laburisti purcinelli u sirt purcinel izjed minnhom.

  11. The Bus Conductor says:

    Il-purcinel ma tantx ikun id-dar imma ssib hin biex jmur Cordina ma’ Consuelo, Robert u l-avukati ta’ Charlon Gouder.

    Il-purcinel mat-teletubies:

  12. Noggy123 says:

    Bus Conducter- You have hit the nail on the head! Well said.

  13. Rover says:

    Wasn’t Pellegrini head-hunted by the MLP for a bank directorship in the KMB days? I suspect being Lorry Sant’s henchman helped his CV no end. It appears that he was then sidelined by Alfred Sant in the purge of violent elements. He is now positioning himself to blind us with his financial wizardry in three years time.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      I think you’re mixing him up with somebody else from the Labour closet: Dennis Sammut.

      Any news about Dennis, incidentally?

      He had run off to England after 1987. It would be nice to know whether he ever repaid that Lm50,000 loan he gave himself when he was a bank director. it was a lot of money in those days, when houses on Sliema’s Tower Road went for Lm30,000.

      • Victory Kitchen says:

        Perhaps they could find him and bring him back to run LGBT Labour.

        No, no news of him. The last time I saw him it was 1985, and he was breaking up Saddles Bar with his coterie of thugs and snatching rounds of free drinks for them all.

        The policemen across the square at the Spinola station waited until after they’d all left to come over and check things out.

        Sweet memories.

      • Anthony Farrugia says:

        Sweet memories indeed! Dennis Sammut was foisted on Bank of Valletta between 1982 and May 1987 as executive director and he gathered a coterie of like-minded bank employees whose sole aim in life and at work was spying on fellow employees; the anguish he caused when he followed up on petty or even trumped-up charges can best be left to the imagination.

        He has also had a say in BOV taking on hundreds of handymen and unqualified clerks in October 1986 when KMB was placing thousands of MLP supporters with government departments and para-statal bodies such as BOV, hoping to gain votes in the May 1987 election.

        I shudder when I remember those days; the memory of the 1977 suspensions of bank employees for taking industrial action (not strikes) in sympathy of Telemalta employees, and Dennis Sammut, were enough reason for me to never vote Labour again.

      • Ta' Ninu says:

        Does anyone remember the case of the body found floating in the British High Commissioner’s residence many years back?
        I believe Dennis Sammut was a guest there when a particularly swinging crowd was present. For the moment, no more said.

  14. red-nose says:

    Joseph Muscat is surrounding himself with people who cause more harm than good to his plans for a new image for the PL.

    • Joseph Micallef says:

      I suspect Joseph Mucat, being the inept political weakling he is, is being surrounded by the wrong kind of people.

  15. Riya says:

    New Labour b’Ronnie Pellegrini? – U halluna

    • Robbie says:

      Honestly, how NEW can that be? These people use words for the sake of using/uttering them. ‘New’ has a completely different meaning to me. I’m not sure who is right and who is wrong, Joseph Muscat or the Oxford Dictionary.

  16. Riya says:

    Daphne ghandha l-hdura? Ajma minn tkellem. Ahjar ma’ nghid xejn ghax meta niftakar jaqbaghdni il-bard.

  17. Neville says:

    Prosit, xi hmieg ta’ website ghandek. Flok tuza dan is-sit sabiex teduka l-poplu, tuzah biex tattakka u thammeg lil ghajrek.

    • Not Tonight says:

      U inti, fuq liema ‘sit’ tmur biex teduka ruhek? Zgur l-ebda wiehed li ghandu x’jaqsam mieghu l-PL. Kif ma tisthux titkellmu fuq l-edukazzjoni? Jekk int ragel, sib xi gidba li ntqalet fuq xi hadd. L-uniku hmieg li ssib ghawnhekk hu l-hmieg li qieghda tikxef Daphne. U dik tissajjah informazzjoni, mhux attakk.

    • Karm says:

      Hmieg ghax tikxef il-qrun ta’ min hu f’pozizzjoni ta’ poter? L-anqas xejn, ghaliex il-polplu ghandu dritt ikun jaf, u jrid ikun jaf, u l-gazzetti fuq affarijiet bhal dawn ma’ jgibu xejn.

      Jekk ma’ tridx taqra u tkun taf fuq affarijiet hekk, mela mur ittawwal x’imkien iehor.

    • Robbie says:

      And your problem is? You have a simple solution: don’t log on. Don’t forget that we are a democratic country and we have the right to express what we want and how as long as it is true.

    • Charlemagne says:

      mela nsejtu kemm kxiftu hmieg taparsi fuq Borg Olivier. Intom professuri tal-hmieg.

  18. red-nose says:

    “New” Labour: Debono-Grech; Joe Grima, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Anglu Farrugia, Toni Abela. If this is new, can someone come up with “new” Labour? I forgot to add Ronnie Pellegrini.

  19. michael woods says:

    Ronnie Pellegrini zibel bhal Lorry Sant u il klikka tieghu

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