Oh my, look who was at Astrid's protesta

Published: March 13, 2010 at 7:06pm
Oh lord, I thought it was a pixxikalda. My mistake, your honour.

Oh lord, I thought it was a pixxikalda. My mistake, your honour.

Guess who was there in Valletta, protesting with Astrid Vella and her LEGALITY NOW placards?

Roderick Galdes, Labour’s appointee to the board of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, the man who voted in favour of the Seabank Hotel extension and the only board member to vote in favour of the building of a block of flats in Balzan’s historic core.

And that’s quite apart from the Norman Lowell follower Joe Meli, who took some time out from playing Farmville and collecting eggs on Facebook.

Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek, Mrs Vella.

28 Comments Comment

  1. FAA-R OUT says:

    One placard they carried said that if you want to build in the countryside, call MEPA. Why didn’t they give out Mr. Galdes’ mobile number?

  2. Hmm, says:

    Interesting. But that’s just a diversion from the real story of the moment.

    Here’s what someone else thinks:

  3. Jo Meli says:

    Daphne please note that …

    Thousands have defied the RAIN and were in Valletta this morning !! Congrats to the Organisers of this event and we look very forward for an other opportunity to Defend La Patria from Barbarians and to give LEGALITY and LAW ENFORECEMENT in the process.

    From my facebook Status 13 03 2010


    [Daphne – Film cameras don’t lie, JO(E). Where were you hiding those thousands – in your coat pockets? There might have been a hundred people at most, and one of them is a fascist claiming to speak for democracy and missing the irony.]

    • Hmmm says:

      Renzo Piano’s designs are legal. So what were you protesting against, exactly?

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Another one was one from the lot at MEPA they were protesting against, and he is shown above.
      Yet another one was a former communist.

    • Marku says:

      La Patria my ass you fascist! This is Malta in 2010 not Mussolini’s Italy.

    • Gahan says:

      Issa veru thawwadt. Mela Roderick Galdes kien qed jipprotesta ma’ dawk ta’ Birzebbuga li kienu kontra l-izvilupp fil-Freeport li hu ivvota favuru. U kontra ma’ min ihaddmu.

      Il-motto tal-Labour, jew ‘mission statement’, mill-lum il-quddiem hu: hobbla w tredda’, jew ‘running with the hares and hunting with the hounds’.

      U bil-haqq …kif kienet ghasra miskina bix-xita l’ghamlet.

    • Jo Meli says:

      Point of view my dear :)

      I said “Thousands have defied the RAIN and were in Valletta this morning !! ” … if you know how to read, I did NOT say “attended” I used the word “WERE”, it follows that : if you add up the Demonstrators, the inhabitants of Valletta and the visitors to Valletta you end up with THOUSANDS of people that WERE in Valletta during the time of this event in Valletta :)

      Nice Week-End Daphne :)


      • Hmmm says:

        It’s rather foolish of you to point out that the thousands of people who were in Valletta did not attend the protest.

        Demonstrators is not a proper noun.

      • A Camilleri says:

        @ jo – din bhal tar-referendum kienet…..il mejtin jghoddu f’dan il-kaz?

      • Gahan says:

        Ostra how smart! So it wasn’t the rain which kept people away from the demonstration. Mhux hekk Jo?

      • Genoveffa says:

        Some comments on this blog are hilarious. Dan bis-serjeta? Is he in the habit of counting people in Valletta (instead of train spotting – Valletta visitors spotting) or is it just someone using his name to fool around?

        I can’t believe this Jo Meli, whoever he is, is so stupid as to say this.

        [Daphne – He votes for Norman Lowell, Genoveffa. What did you expect?]

      • Marku says:

        I see that you are an idiot as well as a fascist.

      • Grezz says:

        Hadt ghalijja – Jo Meli ghoddni wkoll, u kont shopping ma’ erbat it-tfal u r-ragel, mhux il-protesta.

      • Grezz says:

        Given the man’s reasoning, it would probably be kinder to ignore his comments.

    • Rover says:

      Jo you can look very forward as much as you like. Bil-Malti nghidu ‘erba qtates.’

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      Thousands my back door! A few scattered crowds, three quarters of which were the organisers. A Saturday morning was convenient too when Republic Street is normally busy with Saturday shoppers.

    • DVXed says:

      Mr Meli, please tell us what DVX means. I must have seen hundreds of your posts across cyberspace and you invariably end with DVX.

      [Daphne – Il Duce, in Latin.]

  4. Chris Ripard says:

    Would that block of flats have been the one proposed to replace the Spanish Ambassador’s residence?

  5. ninu says:

    next protest will be held by ghosts

  6. jomar says:

    Give them free bus rides and they’ll come.

    No free bus rides – no come.

    Fair weather sailors. U le mummy, u jekk nixxarrab? Ghadni kif nissettja n-nokkli!

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    The organisers of the protest took a leaf out of Joseph Muscat’s book and sought to make their event open to anyone with a grudge, no matter what it was.

    In so doing they lost Din l-Art Ħelwa and Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna and gained Jo Meli and Roderick Galdes. Not quite a fair exchange I would say.

    • Grezz says:

      You’re right. As the saying goes, “ma’ min rajtek, xebbahtek”. That means that Astrid must be proud of the image she projected yesterday, with the assorted mix of people she associated herself with publicly.

    • Hmmm says:

      It’s a fair exchange when people get what they deserve.

  8. edgar says:

    Jo(e) Meli was standing next to me counting the votes in the last MEP elections. We were joking with him every time his DVX sive Norman Lowell got a vote. He is not a bad guy, just a bit….different.

    He makes good company for Astrid.

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