Oh my, now I'm in a real fix

Published: March 10, 2010 at 3:19pm
The front of a bus - because the back is defamatory

The front of a bus - because the back is defamatory

One of the ‘allegations’ which Consuelo Herrera ‘denied’ in court was the bit where I wrote in reply to somebody else that she looks like a cross between Worzel Gummidge and the back of a bus. Apparently, she feels seriously defamed by this and told the court ‘M’iniex xi stilla, imma….’

But on the other hand, she didn’t feel defamed by the bits where she broke up the marriage of somebody with a new baby, cheated on her husband repeatedly, or shagged his architect.

She read out the bit where I described her involvement in that highly controversial development of a block of flats on the entry road to Lija, using her husband’s money while shagging his architect.

In court, she read all the way up to just before ‘shagging his architect’ and then stopped abruptly.

Now I’m in a bit of a fix because I have to find a photograph of a bus-rear that bears more than a passing resemblance to Consuelo Herrera. Alternatively, I can take a tip out of her book, take an oath and say ‘Oh my god, is that a bus? I thought it was the magistrate.’

As for her feeling defamed by being called middle-aged, I guess it will be no trouble at all proving that she’s not going to live to 150.

You’d think she’d have grown out of her complex insecurities about her appearance by now. But no. Criticising her shape is a worse slur than criticising her morality.

And then she says that I don’t know her.

I’d better go now, because I see Robert Musumeci at the gate. I wonder what he wants. Oh dear, my mistake. It’s a bus wearing white spectacles.

36 Comments Comment

  1. Dominic says:

    I, as a reasonable person, assumed you were talking about this


    • Hadd wara hadd tasal ta' kullhadd says:

      Tghidx cuccati, Dominic. That’s a lovely bus, imma insomma meta tkun bil-ghatx, kull qatra tghodd.

  2. Karmni says:

    Why, Daphne, wasn’t it this bus you were talking about? Thta’s a compliment, no?


  3. Noggy123 says:

    That’s an American bus, which looks quite cute and which comment she should take as a compliment rather than defamation.
    What would she have said if you had insinuated that she looked like the back of an old Maltese bus?

  4. David Buttigieg says:

    Joking apart, if you (and I) think she looks like the back of a bus, the court cannot change your opinion can it?

  5. gb says:


    Back end of bus …. check
    Police……… check
    Smutty innuendo….. check (look at the exhaust)

  6. Kullhadd ghal kofmornink bil-prajvit says:


    Oh dear, I thought it was a bus. Now I see that it was the head of the vice squad.

  7. King Long (the coach, not the porn star) says:


  8. L-Ingliz says:

    Ms CG – looking at some of these great pics, I wonder now if your comments in the magistrate’s regard may not actually be derogatory to buses.

    You’d best prepare for a new flood of defamation suits heading your way from the venda tal-Belt.

  9. gb says:

    Careful if you compare her to the front of a bus too…


  10. s fenech says:

    Have you noticed how in most of the ‘party’ photos posted here, Robert is hovering in the background with a plastic smile on his face? Who knows what’s going through his mind?

    • La Redoute says:

      In that Hello style interview in a local Sunday rag Robert Musumeci said that their relationship only started after they’d been friends for a while. Maybe those photos were taken while they were just friends.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Isn’t friendship a relationship? ‘Their relationship only started after they’d been friends for a while’ – the alternative would have been jumping into bed together immediately, if sex is what makes a relationship for Robert Musumeci.

      • La Redoute says:

        ‘A relationship’ is his euphemism for sex. Not even Malta Today could bring itself to mention the word in his regard.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        Why is it that so many Maltese people find it hard to use the word “sex”?

        While waiting in court for the infamous Musumeci / Daphne case last Monday, I decided to sit through the preceding sittings.

        One of them – concerning a porn charge, from what I could gather – included the a court expert testifying what he found on the accused’s computer/CDs/whatever. It included a description of how someone set up a webcam, a young lady (tfajla) came into the room, and then a man “kellu x’jaqsam maghha, kollox”.

    • Anna says:

      @s fenech
      I’ve noticed that in most of the party photos, Robert is waving his arms in the air and looking just like the village idiot

  11. Lino Cert says:

    The wheels of the bus go round and round.

  12. Bus ta' barra says:

    Jew tilel il-boxla dan waqt li kien qieghed isuq


  13. Bus ta' barra says:

    Jew forsi marru piknik?

  14. Super One says:

    Le, gew xalata ma’ l-istazzjon tas-sena.

  15. AC says:

    Funny, any article about Consie seems to reap a lot of comments. It’s the tip of an iceberg.

  16. Antoine Vella says:

    Daphne you could always claim that what you meant was “the back of a Ferrari” but inadvertently said “bus”: another case of mistaken identity.

    [Daphne – Nice idea. And Ferraris are red, too.]

  17. Mandy Mallia says:

    This is like deja-vu with Alfred Sant and the chicken jokes two years ago.

  18. Hot Mama says:

    I will never be able to look at a bus again without thinking of Consuelo Herrera.

  19. The Bus Conductor says:

    Pleasure to have you aboard Mr Crawford.


  20. Facebook says:

    WIll the court now have to appoint an expert from the Public Transport Authority to confirm whether or not the Lady Magistrate looks like the back of a bus?

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