One of Astrid's smart friends (not Jo Meli the Blackshirt) rushes to her defence
James Tyrell, the Irishman and former member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, fleeing God-knows-what back home in Northern Ireland and currently holed up in Gozo, continues to draw his sword for Astrid the Coward, the woman who spent the last year bitching against the Renzo Piano project only to stay away from the MEPA hearing where she was supposed to raise her objections.
Earlier this evening, he posted this comment beneath the video showing Roderick Galdes trying to prevent a clip being shown in which Mrs Vella said that she agrees with the project.
James A. Tyrrell says:
Friday, 26 March at 2226hrs
I see all the usual suspects are here talking the usual rubbish. Apart from sticking up for Daphne who never does anything wrong have you anything else in your sad lives? By the way Daffy did your sister get over that hair lice infection? Oh and I have to say I was surprised to see that topless photograph of you on the Internet. Well not surprising in the fact that there wasn’t actually anything to put a top on so to speak but considering the way you are always attacking the morals of others it was a bit of a shock! Can’t wait to hear your comments once you’ve seen it.
To which I responded:
If there is a topless photograph of me on the internet, James Tyrell, then it’s not my body. But then you should have guessed that if, as you say, there isn’t much to put a top on. Oh, but I forget that you’ve never seen me in real life. I realise that somebody your age might not understand how Photoshop works, which is probably why you think Kurt Farrugia wears a lime green thong and has a great body (or a monkey’s). What I don’t understand is why an Irishman who is so bored in Gozo that he spends all his time bitching and interfering in local issues on the internet doesn’t just pack up and go back home to County Antrim. Life in Northern Ireland is SO much more exciting, with all those people killing each other over religion and politics. For a retired – sacked? – policeman you have a rather odd attitude, a sort of mix of obsessed stalker and pervert with quite palpable suppressed sexual violence. The Gozitans had better lock up their chickens.
This brought in a flurry of other suggestions as to what else the Gozitans should lock up.
Anna says:
Friday, 26 March at 2301hrs
and their sheep
Antoine Vella says:
Friday, 26 March at 2312hrs
The Royal Ulster Constabulary wasn’t a real police force as we understand it. Instead of enforcing law and order RUC officers were often in collusion with Loyalist paramilitary gangs. Rather like our own police during the Socialist years, only worse.
Karm says:
Friday, 26 March at 2325hrs
Perhaps James Tyrell finds it convenient to wipe away his history, hide out on Gozo and throw his weight around with the peasants and natives who haven’t a clue as to what he’s running away from.
Karm says:
Friday, 26 March at 2322hrs
And their cows and their women and their sons. Oh, and seeing that he’s an ex-policeman, maybe there’s one particular woman who might find him appealing. Then again, he’s too old for her liking.
Isard du Pont says:
Friday, 26 March at 2332hrs
I wouldn’t bother locking up the women. Close examination of everything he posts on the internet reveals that he has problems in that department. I’d think seriously about locking up those chickens, though – and just to be on the safe side, pre-pubescent boys, too. The holes in the walls can look after themselves.
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Hair lice infection? What sort of English do they speak in County Antrim? The word you’re looking for, Tyrell, is infestation.
I suspect that Daphne’s sister (sorry about this, Helene, but I know you can never be described as tall) was just delighted to see somebody even smaller than she is: Super One cameraman Byon Jo Zammit. Blink and you’ll miss him. In fly-on-the-wall documentaries, he’s the fly.
That comment about the RUC being in collusion with the Loyalists is just not on.
At no point was the RUC accused by any unbiased organisation or individual of collusion with Loyalist paramilitaries. Accusations and (according to the Stevens Report) findings of collusion with paramilitaries were levelled at British intelligence services (mainly MI5).
The RUC was perceived to be anti-nationalist due to the overwhelming presence of Unionist/Loyalist/Protestant (not always the same thing) members in the force and the under-representation of Nationalist/Republican/Catholic (as before). The RUC was, following a report by Chris Patten, transformed into the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) which,amongst other changes, guarantees equality in recruitment from both traditions. The Patten Report did level a number of criticisms at the RUC but no accusation of collusion.
In a report released on the 22 January 2007, the Police Ombudsman Nuala O’Loan stated Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) informers committed serious crimes, including murder, with the full knowledge of their handlers.The report stated Special Branch officers created false statements, blocked evidence searches and “baby-sat” suspects during interviews.
Elements of the RUC are alleged to have colluded extensively with loyalist paramilitaries throughout the 30-year conflict in Northern Ireland. Particularly prominent in this regard were the actions of the specialist anti-terrorist unit, the Special Patrol Group. This unit was formed in the early 1970s and was disbanded in 1980 after two of its members were convicted of terrorist offences including kidnap and murder. The two, John Weir and Billy McCaughey implicated their colleagues in a range of crimes including giving weapons, information and transport to loyalist paramilitaries as well as carrying out shooting and bombing attacks of their own.
The result of the Stevens 3 inquiries and up to the date of publication there had been 144 arrests with 94 people convicted, along with fifty-seven separate reports submitted to the Northern Ireland Director of Public Prosecutions.
What’s Daphne’s sister got to do with all this? I never had the pleasure to meet either her sister(s?), or her, so I don`t know them from Adam, but I consider it very disrespectful to criticize any member of her family when Daphne is the blogger.
Call her whatever you wish, bash her, flog her. . . she does not need anyone to protect or stick up for her, anyway……..but according to me, it is rather childish to put her sister in the picture, when she has got nothing whatsoever to do with any of her sister’s blogs. We cannot call that constructive criticism, Mr. Tyrrell.
Let’s be kind. Maybe he’s going senile.
@Mr. Tyrrell
One last thing. You seem to be VERY interested in photos of topless women, from what I gather. I am sure a few of the men who post comments here will give you a few site addresses where you can feast your eyes. Hope they do, so we won`t see you here again for quite some time.
Pat, James Tyrell is interested in women in roughly the same way that those village elders were who got their kicks from torturing women on the grounds that they were witches/adulteresses/unclean. It’s not interest we’re talking about here, but pathology.
Pat, careful with your advice.
It seems the Bishop of Gozo has far more pressing problems in his diocese (Maltastar would get that as dio-cease) than worrying about Queer Mediterranean Memories from down under.
Constructive criticism? James A. Tyrrell? You must be joking!
What do you expect from a former member of the RUC – killers and torturers? The RUC was renowned for breaking laws and framing people. These people were so extremist that when the British government started negotiations with Sinn Fein they tried to derail them by inventing bogus data on members.
After fighting and torturing Catholics in Northern Ireland, our man has decided to retire in Malta. Why? Is he afraid of living in County Antrim because of what he might have done during the worst of the violence and terror?
The FAA has some very interesting supporters: fascists and thugs. The more I read about them the more I understand what they really are, a few people with a grudge against anything that is democratic.
Daphne, tista’ tghaddi nofs kelma fuq dawn l-istupidagnijiet fuq l-RUC? Issa sirna esperti fuq Northern Ireland ukoll.
[Daphne – OK, H. P. The George Cross is awarded to individuals. It has been awarded collectively only twice: to Malta, and to the Royal Ulster Constabulary.]
HP in more than one report tabled in the house of commons there where reports of abuse by the RUC. It was proven that certain sections created evidence to send people in prison, tortured suspects and intimidated their families to get false confessions.
The RUC was infiltrated by Loyalists and passed information to the protestant militias. These reports were tabled in Parliament by Labour MPs in the late 70s.I have friends in Northern Ireland and when they talk about the police they remind me of the police in Malta in the 80s where the rule of law was lacking.
And where exactly do you get your information from, Mr Farrugia? Your Catholic Northern Irish friends? Try talking to the (majority) Protestant population.
James Tyrell may or may not be a twit. Be that as it may. But please leave Northern Irish politics out of it.
@ H.P.Baxxter: certainly nobody’s perfect… and that includes the RUC working in a difficult environment under the mandate of the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Why don’t you share any remarkable work the RUC did so we can see your point of view and start liking the RUC?
Catholic Irish did not have proper representation in public and private institutions and that makes policing by its very nature a discriminatory exercise. The GC is not a Nobel prize and carries more political baggage than the Nobel award.
I am wary of state-policing where there is overt discrimination against sizeable minorities, especially in colonised territories. Sorry if it’s a generic observation but it has to do.*
Let me refresh your memory with the little bit that comes out once in a while:
* our best blessing till now has been the relative homogeneity of Maltese society. We all feel part of one big family but things are changing with the increase in immigration (a good thing) and the threat of increasing income inequality (a bad thing) due to stress of social changes.
How utterly stupid, and so Maltese: Min mhux maghna kontra taghna. The comment that sparked it all was something along the lines of “Tyrell is ex-RUC, so he must be a thug”, and I simply pointed out that one doesn’t imply the other.
Make you like the RUC indeed. Issa mur Belfast bir-rapporti parlamentari tieghek, itla’ fuq soapbox u aghmel diskors fuq is-sitwazzjoni fl-Irlanda ta’ Fuq u taf x’iwegbuk? Xi haga tat-tip “Mur hudu bleep bleep ja mongrel half-Arab bleep bleep, din hija glieda taghna u tindahalx.”
Mela ejja nikkoncentraw fuq Astrid, u mhux l-ex impjieg ta’ James Tyrrell.
HP Baxxter, we don’t give a damn what you stand for. But truth hurts. Yes the RUC was a criminal organisation which colluded with criminals like the Malta police colluded with criminals in 1971 to 1987.
It isn’t a coincidence that Astrid and FAA attract people like James Tyrell and the fascists. The extreme right, anti-change, conservative end of the political spectrum is bound to be attracted to an organisation that opposes change and contemporary architecture. James Tyrell first began interfering in Maltese politics when he wrote repeatedly from his County Antrim address seven years ago to tell the good people of Malta to vote against the evils of EU membership. Since then, his overwhelming desire to tell us what to do and how to do it has, in Maltastar’ mythical words, not been eligible for cease.
James A. Tyrrell: Not exactly topless but this might work for you.
(The photo in the link is subject to change at the will of the account holder)
“Someone asked why the PSNI badge does not have a crown? The simple answer to this is because it would have upset Sinn Fein/IRA, and we can’t go upsetting the people who spent thirty years killing security force members and civilians. By the way I went with my family today to the RUC GC Garden at Police Headquarters. For those who have not been, go. It’s well worth seeing.
James A. Tyrrell
Saturday, September 30, 2006 21:50”
@Isard du Pont
I don’t know this Mr Tyrrell, and don’t wish to ever cross his path. But thanks for briefing me. I feel I know better now. Imma is-sites li gheddtilkom tghidulu bihom xorta itaffulu xi ftit le? Jekk xejn, tghelbu il kurzita u jintilef ifittex.
Charmaine Sciavone’s brother felt the need to let Jo Meli know hes got a mention here. Like he’s not on it anyway when he can tear himself from collecting bajd on Farmville.
Nahseb hawdek b’ohtu.
Neville Gafa’: Jo is-sahhara kitbet fuqek dalghodu fil-blog taghha.
March 21 at 1:03pm
James A. Tyrrell,
5 Lower Cairncastle Road,
County Antrim,
N. Ireland BT40 1PG
U fejn joqghod Ghawdex, ha’ nsakkar l-annimali jekk hu gar tieghi?
Read this: he’s deluded himself about the level of negativity towards the Valletta project and says that Astrid’s ill-fated Saturday demo (200 people max) is going to be “one of the biggest ever”.
F’dik l-ittra qal
“…. not one who passes the future of an important development like this to a foreigner. As the old saying goes, “Only in Malta”.
Qisu tal-Front Maltin Inqumu dan …. kieku kien Malti fuq kollox.
Inti titkellem bil-Malti sur? Jekk le, mela mur itfha dat-tekst f’translejter. Issa han kompli nikteb cuccati, u min ser nghid xejn partikolari, hekk, ghall-gost, halli nqabdu il-kurzita. Min jaf kemm ha mmur iffettex zejziet fuq l-Internet (jeww xi moghza Ghawdex) kif jinduna jew jghidulu illi m’hemm xejn bis-sugu f’dan il-post.
James Tyrell is just one of those fascists in the RUC who is running away from something sinister he and his RUC mates did in framing Catholics and sending them to prison without trials or with bogus trials.
Was he there in body or simply in spirit himself?
And here he is, taking a keen interest in a Lidl supermarket in Malta, all the way from County Antrim.
James Tyrrell, nstead of wasting time trying to convince us all that we lead sad lives, try and get one of your own.
Hear, hear.
All the above makes fascinating reading! Some just can’t stand the blacks, others cant stand the Northern Irish, who “meddle in our affairs”. And it seems like there is even a little faction of Loyalists among the avid readers.
X’qed timplika, Albert? Jien ma nikkummentax fejn ma nifhimx. Intom qiskom kollha esperti fuq Northern Ireland.
You’re uttering the same words rightwing Israelis say when they are shown how disgraceful their oppression of the Palestinians is… or apartheid South Africa or… you get the gist.
But I agree with you, we are digressing into unrelated territory. What worries me is that you come across as being a very intelligent person, it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to neuter these arguments that you feel so much about with some good work the RUC did before the British govt changed tack from a military to a civil solution for NI.
I don’t mind you obliquely calling me names, after all this is the internet, and as you said, N.I. is not my fight…
I cannot understand the waste of time with this Irishman
He’s amusing.
It is ironic that James Tyrrell fled N Ireland and all those Catholics and is now living on an island more Catholic than the Vatican.
And here he is talking about his fetish for older women. At this stage you’ve got to ask, how old can he go?
“I have always preferred older women to some giggling immature teenager even when I was a teenager myself!”
quote, James A. Tyrell, County Antrim, Gozo
Tyrrell, try reading ” In Praise of Older women” by Stephen Vizinczey. It might keep you busy for a while and that way we’ll get some respite.
The RUC recruited protestants only and mostly belonged to the Orange order of Free Masons. If one was a Catholic there was no chance of joining up. Same goes for all the other government jobs, the shipyard and housing.
The alternative for Catholics was migration or joining the British Army; that was the only way they could earn a living.
Ex-members of the RUC are not welcome on this peaceful island, especially if they don’t shut-up.
Mrs. Caruana Galizia,
Pia Micallef has been actively promoting a site of abuse against you on Facebook. I assume you’ve already been told of its existence. However, the people running it are threatening to divulge your mobile number in their latest post, so I thought you should know about it.
[Daphne – They’re pretty brain-dead then, but we already knew that about Pia Micallef. My mobile number is public knowledge and I have never tried to hide it. Here it is is, Pia: 9949 3545. Ring me and ask me anything you want to know. The poor girl is driven by envy and hatred. She’s starting to target my sons now, which might have something to do with the fact that they’re postgraduate students at three of the best universities in the world, while she’s a screwed-up drop-out who didn’t even make it through her freshman year at the University of Malta, writing incoherent trash for Maltastar – and they’re the same age. What can I say, Pia? They came out of a better gene pool and had more effective parents. Labour = losers, and you’re the perfect illustration of that. Ibqa sejra hekk, Pia, forsi tispicca fuq xi trash-heap with that friend of yours Alex Saliba tal-Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, a law student – what else? – who can’t write or spell. Itolbu lil Saint Jude, patron of hopeless causes, forsi jaqa l-gvern u ssibu ‘gopp’ bhala xi communications officers ma’ xi ministru mne**ek bhal Anglu Farrugia.]
There is also a ‘blog’ that is dedicated to vilifying you. I only looked at it once and said to myself: “Jahasra x’injoranza!”
[Daphne – Not just injoranza. It’s pathological. We’re talking unbalanced minds here. When sick obsession is taken to that level, there is clearly a mental problem. Why would people young enough to be in the Forum Zghazagh Laburisti spend their time obsessing over, stalking and encouraging others to stalk a woman old enough to be their mother? I don’t even want to examine the outer edges of that one. A reverse mother fixation? Repressed misogyny? Minds warped by a mixture of Muzew and the Labour Party? No real stars to get reverse crushes on? It’s the Qahbu generation of 2010, and the future of the Labour Party, if not actually its present as in the case of Pia Micallef – a young woman too stupid to know what an IP number is – and Alex Saliba, a law student who can’t write in either English or Maltese but who heads the FZL. Tal-biki. They’re the ones who got left behind while their contemporaries are spreading their wings.]
Pia Micallef promotes herself on Maltastar as a “private school educated girl from St. Julians” Need I say more.
Stick to your Burger King strawberry milkshakes, Pia!
From Maltastar:com comes this self-indulgent bio note for Pia. Here’s the opening sentence:
“Pia Micallef is an 18 year old, private school educated girl from St. Julians with a taste for Left wing Politics”
Bil-mod hej.
Porn is usually corralled in specialised sites with a particular sort of following.
Is James A. Tyrrell a porn hunter or voyeur?
Why did the Irish of County Antrim get all the potatoes while the Arabs got all the oil? Because James Tyrrell got first choice. Where does he live, anyway? In Gozo.
And here’s James Tyrrell’s opinion about Renzo Piano:
“As for Piano’s opinion carrying more weight than mine, why should it? They are both after all just opinions. You don’t have to be an architect to form an opinion.”
Maybe he should ask Renzo Piano to police Northern Ireland.
@Baxxter & Tyrrell
Maybe M Farrugia gets his information about N.Ireland from friends, I get mine direct from family. My father had to leave N.Ireland to get something to eat – no job, no housing. The method used was to ask any job applicant which school he attended or what area he lived in. That was enough for the employer to discover whether the person was a Catholic or a Protestant, apart from surnames. The Catholic would never get the job. The Protestants in N. Ireland are the occupiers being the descendants of the Scottish Presbyterian migrants who were encouraged to move there.
You had to be a member of the Orange Order to join the RUC, the same Orange Order that provokes Catholics during the Marching season, which is soon to come.
By the way, to Catholics in N. Ireland a policeman was known as a ‘black bastard’ in memory of the Black & Tans, who as you must well know were all criminals released from prison on condition that they protected British interests in Ireland.
Brilliant. So now I’ve become a Loyalist Prod scum, because I dared to suggest that hey, maybe the RUC weren’t all thugs and maybe some of them were maimed and killed trying to do their job. Of course you had to be a Protestant to join the RUC. I wouldn’t imagine any Catholic risking his life and his kneecaps wearing that uniform.
Northern Ireland is what it is, and James Tyrell’s opinions are what they are, and the two should be kept separate. I’d go as far as saying that we Maltese should give Irish politics a wide berth. It’s bad enough having ostensibly “Irish” bars in St Julians playing IRA songs on Saint Patrick’s day, to the delight of the Maltese imbeciles who think they’re oh so Irish just because they’ve seen Liam Neeson playing Michael Collins and can drink four pints of Guinness without collapsing.
We’ve enough problems as it is.
“We’ve enought problems as it is.”
And now we have James Tyrell too. At least, he’s amusing.
Amusing? James Tyrrell sounds more like a sad sod.
I agree.
Does anyone have a photo of this Tyrell bloke? Just in case I bump into him coming out of the Jubillee Cafe’ at it-Tokk?
You could try looking for him in a porn site chat room. The catch is, he might think you’re interested.
@baxxter You should have given it a wide berth yourself by not involving yourself with your comments on the 27th March 0022, then you would have never imagined yourself as being a Loyalist Prod scum, your words.