Ronnie creates a bit of a stir

Published: March 27, 2010 at 11:18am
Ronnie Pellegrini liebes ta' Easter bunny

Ronnie Pellegrini liebes ta' Easter bunny

Out shopping for some chocolate eggs (send a couple to Saviour, Ron), Ronnie Taghna is pleased to see that he’s attracting lots of attention.

His bunny outfit isn’t quite what his late lamented master Lorry Sant might have approved of (‘Haqq il-qahbecc, qisek pufta – f’gh*xx il-l*ba ommok‘).

But Miss Micallef brought it back from his trip to Paris with the Leader and Mrs Leader, and Ronnie is too thrilled to keep it in his closet a minute longer.

Now it occurs to Ronnie that Miss Micallef meant the outfit for private use only, along with the nurse, the fireman and the truck-driver, with perhaps a couple of pictures on Facebook for 350 million viewers.

But it’s too late for that, and shoppers at Sliema’s latest attraction The Point have been magnetised by the sight of a man wearing a pink babygro and shopping for chocolate bunnies.

18 Comments Comment

  1. red-nose says:

    What’s that dangling up front?

  2. Dipartment of kowkownazz says:

    Memo: lil functionaries kollha PL
    Subject: Jor gonna drajv mi nazz!

    Hija r-rieda tal-Leader li ma nibqghux inwaqqghuh ghan-n**k ma kulhadd. U lil dak ir-Ronnie ghidulu li qabel ma jkun deher bih il-Leader il-kostum ma jilbsux hu ghax issa m’ghandux x’jilbes ghall-Easter u lit-tfal kien lahaq weghedhom li gej il-Bunny bil-bajd.

  3. Twanny says:

    So much for the pseudo-liberal.

    Who would have thought it?

    • Isard du Pont says:

      Ara, I didn’t know Ronnie’s become a pseudo-liberal, but I’ll take your word for it, Mr Laiviera. Who would have thought it? The last time I saw him, he was a socialist thug.

      • Twanny says:

        As I have already said, and I repeat merely so as not to involve anybody else in what I say, Twanny is Twanny and any resemblence to any other person, living or dead, is purely coincidental

        Secondly, Mr Isard du Pont, you are also using a nick (unless you are a horse, that is).

        Care to tell us your real name?

      • ciccio2010 says:

        Twanny, deep down, you do realise how important it is to have freedom of speech, don’t ya? Tell us you do not support any attempt to gag any journalist, political or not, or any blog supported by such journalist. I guess that should be a condition for anyone writing on this blog.

    • freefalling says:

      Hi Twanny thought you had run out of ink – good to have you back!

  4. Rover says:

    Email from Functionary Kurt Farrugia to Functionary Marisa Micallef:

    “Hija r-rieda tal-Leader li twettaq minnufih tfittxija ma’ Malta kollha sakemm jigi misjub Ronnie Pellegrini, li harab minn ta’ Frankuni liebes libsa tat-trabi roza inkaxxata mieghu kollox spjegat. Fost funzjonijiet ohra inti minnufih ghandek id-dmir ukoll, bhala konsulent tal-housing, li ssiblu xi rokna ghal kwiet fid-dar tal-hgieg il-Hamrun ghax jewwilla se jfottilna l-isforzi kollha li wettaqna sa issa biex nidhru qisna tal-mittilkless.”

  5. Charlie Bates says:

    I don’t believe this picture; it must have been photo shopped. Who in the right mind would wear such a costume; but RP has always had a bit of a warped mind.

  6. Gahan says:

    Imbaghad dahqu bija ghax gbidt il-bieb warajja.

  7. Charlemagne says:

    Is this a photo montage or is it true?

  8. freefalling says:

    Hugh Hefner is having a fit. He desperately needs a Playboy bunny for the June edition and Ronnie is refusing to play ball.

  9. Il-Cop says:

    Its not a photo montage. I took the photo myself walking my dogs on the Sliema front. But seriously, should some people be eligible to vote?

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