Sharon and Jose: Barakka Night

Published: March 15, 2010 at 7:14pm

61 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    Fost hafna ohrajn: tarzna is ship repair, not ship-building Ms. Ellul Bonici, and that place closed down years ago. And yonks ago, we used to engage Polish people in shipbuilding because of their expertise.

    Lanqa kapaci nibnu vapur t’Ghawex, ahseb u ara flotilla of patrol boats.

    • Twanny says:

      Wrong on all counts. Tarzna is shipyard – repair and building.

      – The Poles have nothing to teach us about marine work – they were preferred simply because they were ready to work for peanuts and did not bother too much about safety standards

      – The shipyards DID build the Gozo Ferries; on time and on budget. And the yard people also pointed out several design faults, especially in the pipework. They were ignored by the client (Gozo Channel) with the result that maintenance costs and downtime are much higher than they should be.

      Don’t bother arguing about this – I know what I am saying 200%.

      • Alan says:

        You’re right on one count. I’m not going to bother.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Careful, Twanny – you almost gave the game away there.

      • ibs says:

        The Gozo Ferries were delivered two years behind schedule.

      • Steve Grech says:

        Il-maggoranza tan-nies normali go Malta jigu ABZ mit-tarzna u ship building u ship yards u hmerijiet bhal dawn. It-tarzna m’ghadiex moda, anzi pjuttost issa it-tarzna mietet (fl-ahhar) u tista tmur tindifen maghha.

      • Anthony Farrugia says:

        Remember the Russian timber carriers? Delivered years behind schedule and way over budget with a whopping loss for Shipbuilding and a hefty balance unpaid to this day by the former USSR?

      • jack sparrow says:

        You are completely wrong, I was involved with a group of marine officers representing Gozo Channel overseeing the entire project when the Danish designers inspection group was reduced to just one person.

        The Norwegians insisted that the vessel should have been built within 200000 man hrs but shipbuilding took over 1000000 man hrs. Wrong again when you mention the budget. The vessels’ specifications where changed/reduced to try and stay within the budget.
        Problems with the pipe work where specifically attributed to:
        a) hydraulic lines joint fairing not properly done because the pipe workers at the Marsa ship building could not use/not bothered to operate the pipe fairing tool properly;
        b) sea water cooling pipes had to be replaced a desicion taken by Gozo Channel technical management, because the original ones used where of an inferior steel quality.

        It shows that you know the inverse of 200% about this project.

        [Daphne – Why are we having this tedious and pointless discussion about who built which ships when and for how much?]

  2. Aristocrat says:

    Why doesn’t Jose’ tell us something about Winston Carbone?

  3. Alan says:

    Had to listen to it twice to believe it. We can build helicopters too? Mitika.

  4. Alan says:

    … and satellites? We could have driven Comino’s GDP up by building a launching platform there. Ah, and that importing of Poles for shipbuilding was during Mintoff’s time, when it was his baby and he wanted to “be pristine”.

    • George D says:

      We had to import Polish workers because the Maltese who remained at the Dockyard were lazy, incompetent, politically motivated and GWU friendly. And were also inefficient. They sucked the blood of real workers who were the true backbone of the Malta Dry Docks. And Twanny, I know what I am saying much more than you do. I know the wheels within wheels during the time of Sammy the anarchist chairman.

  5. PSA says:

    Inkazzat qabel, ahseb u ara issa x’tinkazza li tela Cuschierei minn flokha just ghax ceda s-siggu tieghu lil Muscat.

    U vera imsieken il-kaccaturi u n-nassaba! Nithassarhom kif qed jivvalenaw l-art ta’ Malta.

  6. Premium says:

    IL-KACCA HAJTI: the new T-shirt by Versace.

  7. Popeye says:


    • Isard du Pont says:

      No, sadly – only too believable. Note the parallels with an American gathering of rednecks somewhere in deepest Georgia. The hunters, the fat tums, the sleazy bleached blondes, the bad clothes, the slack-jawed look, the distinct feeling that there are rifles out there in them pick-ups and that the food will be eaten in interesting ways reminiscent of a medieval banquet scene, but standing up. All they needed there was a hog turning on a spit, but she was probably at dinner with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

  8. ganna says:

    I’ve just finished my supper, and seeing this video I was going to throw up. Vera wicca u s***ma xorta.

  9. il-Ginger says:


  10. Anthony says:

    This is highly objectionable. Such trash should not be put on this blog after noon. Now I am forced to take a double dose of my sleeping tablets washed down with a double single malt. Very unfair. Please respect old age.

  11. ciccio2010 says:

    Sorry for deviating slightly from the subject, but I am watching BondiPiu’. How on earth could we have a discussion about the Piano project without Astrid Vella on the panel?
    “Din ma nistghux nittollerawha…”

  12. Avatar says:

    Another excerpt from that interview:

    “Even as a journalist, I’m aware that whatever I do in my private life can be interpreted within a wider context, let alone when you’re in politics. I would never, for example, go to Paceville and start dancing on a bar. There’s nothing wrong with that; I’m a young man and lots of people do it. But it’s not done, because I know that even when I’m not working, I am representing my television station, and my actions are going to be interpreted by the people out there. You have to respect your own position, your party and your members.”

    Charlon’s argument is simple and reasonable: if you are in politics your private life has a bearing on your public one. Ditto if you are a jounalist. It follows that ditto if you are a magistrate.

    Oh irony of ironies!

  13. Shocked! says:

    Did she say ‘ninkazza’ in a public meeting? Totally not on.

  14. Genoveffa says:

    Here are my comments on the Rocky Horror Show.

    1. Jose – kemm hu helu, kemm hu min taghna, zbukkat – qed tara kemm jaf?

    2. Lino Lurch – someone please explain what he’s on about.

    3. The blonde “lady” whom you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley – prosit hej kemm titkellem tajjeb, first she massacred the Maltese language “curtifikat” and then attacked the English language with her Xerin di bezt.

    4. Sharon herself – what is she thanking her family for? Has she won an Oscar? An Emmy? A Grammy?

    Thank God li hi “taf l-Unjoni Ewropeja” – that she could warn the Maltese that the EU does not allow kaccaturi to kill anything that moves. Please someone tell her she’s talking rubbish – whoever told her that kaccaturi run riot in the rest of the EU?

    Did she learn how to make a speech like this at Leicester University while reading Mass Communications? Oh my God – the jingle – now that is beyond comment. Or rather, yes there is one I can think of – ‘x’misthija’.

  15. A Camilleri says:

    X’Kien staqsiha Mintoff? Thawwad ma liem naha qieghda jekk niftakar sew.

  16. M.Bonello says:

    Wow – what a classy gathering.

  17. free falling says:

    X’wicc tost!

  18. Ian says:

    Transcript from 3’05” till 3’22” (“blonde” person speaking):

    “Lil Lino Farrugia ili nafu jiena minn tletin sena ilu, kont ghadni lanqas jien mizzewga u nafu kemm kien ‘on the other side’, ha nghid hekk…imma x’hin rajt lil Lino kienet vera certufikat illi Sharon is the best, the best”.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      It-tragedja, Ian, huwa li l-vot taghha jiswa daqs tieghek u tieghi.

      • Twanny says:

        Are you suggesting that your vote is “worth” more? Really? ;) ;)

        You made my day.

        [Daphne – Twanny, your nervous-tic smileys are like the one in Jose’s right eye. I’m tired of deleting them. Just give it a rest, will you. If you need a smiley to indicate that you’re being ironic, it means your writing has failed.]

      • Hmmm says:

        H P Baxxter’s saying exactly the opposite.

      • Il-Cop says:

        I repeat what I said in an earlier blog. But maybe this time, with the help of your comment, even Twanny would understand. If only votes were weighed and not counted.

  19. Avatar says:

    Nostradamus? WHY Nostradamus?

  20. woman from the south says:

    The blonde is the famous Valletta gir Valerie Borg. And why didn’t Sharon thank her husband?

  21. PLneverchanges says:

    Ninkazza li m’ghandix il-blalen! Vera sbukkata – ghalekk ma telghetx.

  22. tony says:

    Dik il-blonde gargamella min fejn harget?

  23. J.Aquilina says:

    Are these the kind of people who are building the future which beckons for us and for our children? God help us all and save us from this damnation.

  24. Avatar says:

    Excuse me, folks, but I’m still thinking about that Nostradamus.

    What was the thought-process in this lady’s head which lead her to open her speech by saying she’s no Nostradamus.

    I mean, what the heck was she on?

    Was she really expecting to be elected and to go to the European Parliament and say things like that?

    “Mister Speaker – or however they address him over there – I’m no Nostradamus. But I can tell you that Maltese hunters are being discriminated against.”

    What has Nostradamus got to do with Maltese hunters, illegal emigration (sic), farmers, fishermen, furniture assemblers?

    We know she’s no Nostradamus. If she were, she would have been able to warn her brother of the unpleasant consequences of going to Singapore with Consuelo Scerri Herrera.

  25. Alexia says:

    Does she have an idea of the work involved in issuing a call for tenders? If the Poles did issue such a call and the Maltese shipyard/dry-docks were in a position to create the patrol boats, couldn’t Malta have applied to supply them? Being in the EU means that a Maltese entity was just as eligible a candidate as any other entity. Though, in order for the tender to be awarded, a sound financial background is necessary.

  26. Il mingell says:

    Hunnting is OVER LINO!

  27. red-nose says:

    Why bother with Sharon now – is she that important?

  28. Neville says:

    Shame on you Sharon. Pruvajt titla fl-Ewropa billi tirkeb il-karru tal-kaccaturi u xorta ma rnexxielekx. By the way, kemm hi tan-n**k dik id-diska tal-ahhar.

  29. Ian says:

    And to denigrate Dr Fenech Adami in that way, he who gave her the opportunity to contest that same election and spend the last five years behaving like….errr sorry, I mean dressing up as a cow in the corridors of the European Parliament.

  30. Tal-Barrakka says:

    She loves Dr Fenech Adami so much she once dedicated a whole article to him –

  31. jomar says:

    Tal-Barrakka suggested a visit to the link he gave. Well, I did and even if I risk deviating from the subject at hand, I could not resist reproducing what the twerp had written in 2004.

    Joseph Muscat
    L-Orizzont 23 ta’ Gunju 2004

    “Ma nistax nibda dan l-artiklu din il-gimgha minghajr ma nghid grazzi kbira minn qalbi lil kulhadd wara r-rebhiet li kiseb il-Partit Laburista fl-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsilli Lokali, u b’mod personali, wara l-elezzjoni tieghi fil-Parlament Ewropew.

    Huwa privilegg ghalija li kont l-ewwel Membru Parlamentari Ewropew li gejt elett min-naha tal-Partit Laburista Malti…. ”

    Zewg sentenzi gibdu l-attenzjoni tieghi; 1.”…
    grazzi kbira minn qalbi lil kulhadd wara r-rebhiet li kiseb il-Partit Laburista fl-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsilli Lokali” u 2.”…. li kont l-ewwel Membru Parlamentari Ewropew li gejt elett min-naha tal-Partit Laburista Malti…. ”

    Dan juri kemm il-LP huwa kuntent li jirbah il-battalja anke jekk jitlef il-gwerra u bil-wicc tost kollu jiftahar li wara li ghamel min kollox biex Malta ma tidholx fl-UE, jhossu kburi li tela’ MEP u ser jithallas mill-UE stess!

    Veru li wiccu u l-ghadba tal-Qorti haga wahda!!

  32. jack sparrow says:

    And to add to what Anthony Farrugia said on the 16/03, what about the two chemical carriers ordered by Norwegeian owners where the delivery was so late that the second vessel had to be handed over for free (contractual delivery clause entered between Marsa shipbuilding and Norwegian owners). Not bad: buy one ship get the second one free.
    The Marsa shipbuilding yard was the biggest white elephant ever.

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