Somebody I know and trust sent me this

Published: March 15, 2010 at 4:41pm
My Dear Joseph, Spettore Gadget and the Rubber Puppet Humper - il-futur f'idejk. Ivvota Labour.

My Dear Joseph, Spettore Gadget and the Rubber Puppet Humper - il-futur f'idejk. Ivvota Labour.

“I don’t know if this is relevant or where to post it. When Patrick Vella was a judge, every single day he used to have coffee and pastizzi at il-Kikkra in Santa Lucia Street near the law courts. He was always accompanied by Toni Abela and they used to sit at the table next to the window. Everybody could see them. I saw them every day while on my way to work and I used to say to myself ”U issa nofs siegha ohra jidher quddiemu bil-kawzi’.”

Toni Abela is now deputy leader of the Labour Party and was Judge Patrick Vella’s defence counsel when Vella was arraigned (and imprisoned) for taking bribes to reduce the sentence of a drug trafficker.

35 Comments Comment

  1. David Buttigieg says:

    WHO picks out his ties?

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Is that a tie with an integrated mobile? Maybe to make us believe that he is ready when duty calls?

    • free falling says:

      And who picks their watches?

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      David Buttigieg – Have you nothing at all to say about the current situation? If not, then the comment about the tie is banal to say the least, no matter how horrendous the tie is.

      • Aristocrat says:

        David Buttigieg: ditto!

        To my mind, serious judges (and magistrates) eat by themselves: there are two judges who are usually in each other’s company at a restaurant in Merchants Street.

        A particular magistrate is known to go for a stroll to relax after his cases, with his Deputy Registrar, along Republic Street.

        These are the serious ones.

      • David Buttigieg says:

        Oh come now Mandy, a bit of merriment is good for the soul … or something like that.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        I am not against “a bit of merriment”. There’s a time and a place for everything, that’s all. When one has been particularly “silent” as “David Buttigieg”has these past few weeks, a comment such as the “tie” one only comes across as banal, not funny.

      • David Buttigieg says:

        Have I been that “silent”?

        1. Sorry I didn’t realise it.

        2. Sorry didn’t realise my comments would be missed, or at least noticed by their absence – I am honestly amazed anyone would point that out.

        3. Even though I am probably one of the first people to start commenting on this site and still visit every day (and comment almost as often), I’m sure one may be pardoned if occasionally there are more pressing concerns in one’s life then following the blog with as much attention as usual.

  2. It's all dandy says:

    Allura – lawyers have to eat too. Issa be it with a corrupt judge or their secretary, it’s all dandy as long as we don’t talk about it.

    Some months ago I was at a reception thrown in honour of a dignitary visiting Malta when I overheard a Labour MP who is a lawyer saying something on the lines of: “Ara gie il-magistrat. Ha mmur nindieghes ftit ghax mhux ta’ min ma jghidlux hello hux.” This is why magistrates shouldn’t be (wannabe) socialites in the first place.

    • A. says:

      One of my great-uncles was a judge, and I recall my mother saying how he and his wife never used to socialise because of his position. When I was young, it was difficult to understand what that meant, but the Scerri-Herrera case has really driven the point home.

  3. ciccio2010 says:

    Labour’s vision.

  4. Twanny says:


  5. Leonard says:

    Good to see our future leaders attending l-ezercizzi tar-Randan.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Qishom qed jaraw lapdance x’inhuma attenti.

    Ghidu li tridu imma l-ingravata ta’ Gadget veru David Guetta.

  7. Peter Mallia says:

    Toni Abela has this habit of crossing his arms and placing his fingers just under his armpits. Talks, at times, are long and boring. Summers are long and hot. The role of deputy leader includes a lot of handshakes. Viva l-Lejber.

  8. TROY says:

    Nahseb qedin iharsu lejn il-blog ta Daphne dawn. Ghax jidru mbahhanhnin.

  9. Riya says:

    Dawn min qed ikkellimhom kemm huma serji?

  10. Paul Bonnici says:

    They look cloned.

  11. Brian says:

    I believe that a code of behaviour should exist; However where do we draw the line? Inpoggu l-magistrati u l-imhallfin go bozza jew go kamra minghajr twieqi? These chaps are human beings just like anyone of us, and also have a right to live like such.

    Now please do not get me wrong…. ‘The Consiegate Affair’ is totally something else. I am not defending ‘that’ tragi comedy. Nevertheless, I do feel that some comments are schizophrenic. For instance, somebody remarked that Dr. Borg Cardona shouldn’t comment on this blog at all, when he only pointed out the grammatical mistakes on certain comments.

    And so what if an ‘imhallef or magistrat’ was seen having a cappuccino with a lawyer? Does this mean that if I am seen talking to an ex murderer/a white-collar fraudster/ prostitute/whoever….makes me such a person? Yes, ‘Ma min rajtek xebbahtek’ – mela therefore if I am seen with the Pope that automatically makes me HOLY. Come on, people….Please!

    • maryanne says:

      Didn’t you read the words ‘every day’?

      How would you feel if you had a court case and your opponent’s lawyer was Toni Abela and Judge Patrick Vella was presiding, when you saw them together every morning over coffee and pastizzi?

      Even if the latter acted fairly in court, the fact remains that being daily in the company of the same lawyer is not right for a magistrate/judge.

      As Daphne pointed out in an earlier post, the unfortunate thing is that people are not aware that this behaviour is uncalled for and so they find it strange when others criticise it.

  12. tony says:

    The only word to tell you is you are such a bunch of senseless group.
    At least our leader is honest and trustworthy and not arrogand like your hubby GONZIPN ta milli qedna ma hemm xejn see you baby daphe

    • Harry Purdie says:

      tony, you are such a useless twit, however, quite entertaining, especially your grammar and spelling.

      • The Bus Conductor says:

        Dak nahseb kien l-iskola fi zmien ta’ ‘jew b’xejn jew xejn’ u ghazel ‘xejn’.

      • La Redoute says:

        A bunch of senseless group.

        At this rate, you’ll put the star into Malta****.com

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      Your leader would be better off planning for the long haul as the next election is not a given. If Muscat is a real leader, then he should be using this election to separate the wheat from the chaff. He needs to put the success of this election on all the party’s shoulders, not his. He’s not Obama.

      I hope he has a plan B, grooming serious technocrats for the next election. I’m actually looking forward to wasting time checking both parties’ electoral manifestos this time round. I usually ignore Maltese politics as the strategy is usually lost in a lot of noise.

      We need two serious parties. Labour’s current plan seems to be to collect all the loonies at the fringe and invariably lose all those who take things seriously, further undermining the party’s chances.

      Labour needs to persuade middle-Malta as to the way forward. And that can only be done by presenting good, workable ideas backed by specialists.

      I had written off Gonzi and the PN as the party machinery seemed to be getting all gunked up. Yet he doesn’t seem afraid to use the wakizashi and is seen to be doing it. By contrast, Muscat should be preparing the hatchet after the coming election.

      • ciccio2010 says:

        Joseph, the other Joseph has a 20 year plan. Daphne had one whole blog report about it. Did you miss it?

  13. Riya says:

    Qishom qed jisimghu lil Dr. Gonzi jghidilhom x’ghandhom jaghmlu biex jirbhu elezzjoni!

  14. P Borg says:

    It-tlett mustaccuni tad-dar tal-hgieg.

  15. jomar says:

    The three in the picture appear sleepy, bored, gloomy, dejected and perhaps a bit lost too.
    One would surely not mistake them for the three magi even if all three of them are ‘mustaccuni’!
    A true portrait of the Labour Party or ‘Moviment’

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