That's right, Saviour – how can you get somebody pregnant if you don't have balls?

Published: March 29, 2010 at 6:23pm
It's defamatory to say I got somebody pregnant when I have no wedding tackle

It's defamatory to say I got somebody pregnant when I have no wedding tackle

Saviour Balzan has released this statement to all media. I can just imagine the hysterical laughter in every newsroom.

I refer to the comments by Mrs Daphne Caruana Galizia who wrote that I got someone pregnant. I declare that this is an outright lie and is defamatory.

He’s caught the Consuelo Herrera disease (too much contact there): saying that she slept with a prosecuting officer and presided over her lover’s brother’s case is not defamatory, but saying that she’s middle-aged and looks like the back of a bus is.

It’s the same with Saviour: saying that he lacks the equipment to produce children is fine, but saying that his fiancee is pregnant is defamatory. Sorry, no – saying that he ‘got somebody pregnant’ is defamatory. I agree.

But I never said that. He makes it sound like I accused him of going out, hitting on some teenager, landing her with a bun in the oven and dumping her. Come out and make yourself clear, Saviour: we’re not talking about a girl you picked up in a bar here.

I think the question everyone is asking here is not whether Saviour got somebody pregnant, but how he could have possibly managed to do so in the absence of a denial that he hasn’t got balls.

And here’s another bit of twisted thinking from the friend of Consuelo Herrera and deputat mexxej tal-PL Toni Abela, the witness at his wedding:

I also refer to another entry by the same individual who said that I was a guest of a Magistrate at a time when a case I was involved in presided over by the same Magistrate was still pending. I declare that this yet another invention and a lie. The relevant case that concerned a libel against me by the former Labour leader Michael Falzon was decided (against me) by the Magistrate before.

I DID NOT SAY THAT, SAVIOUR. What I said is precisely this: that Magistrate Herrera presided over a case in which you were the defendant. That case was concluded on 15 December. On 17 December you were a guest at her home, at a Christmas drinks-party. I pointed out that unless she rang you on the eve of the party and said: “Hey there, Saviour, I know this is short notice, but can you come to a party tomorrow?” then she issued her invitation to you while she was still presiding over the case. It is normal – and good manners – for invitations to parties to be issued at least two weeks ahead of the date and not 36 hours before the event.

And here’s Saviour’s other Giant Fib:

Finally it is not true that MediaToday received any correspondence from this individual.

I gather that by ‘this individual’ he refers to me. That is just not true. Every ‘right of reply’ email I have sent to Malta Today has been in vain. The last one was an email sent to the correspondence address shown on the newspaper, pointing out that I had NOT corresponded with the Chief Justice as Raphael Vassallo claimed in a large article. It was completely ignored, given that Malta Today’s strategy was to make me out to have lied about this.

Saviour Balzan is yet another rat in a tight corner. Like the Labour Party and its media, he has tied his flag to Consuelo’s mast because he was quick to believe that I was lying and she was not. Now that it has become apparent that it’s the other way round, and that Consuelo has rather a lot of hama stored away back there, Saviour Balzan and Malta Today can’t change tack.

In taking the less than strategic step of choosing to back Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Robert Musumeci and Consuelo Herrera in their silly attempts to undermine the man who got the party leadership instead of John Dalli, they are slowly but surely being hoist by their own petard. Good luck to them.

21 Comments Comment

  1. C Galea says:

    Seems I’ve missed a lot here – who was the girl who got pregnant by SB?

    I suggest you send your letters by registered mail rather than email. That way they can’t chicken out saying you never contacted them.

  2. Lo Chiamavano Trinita' says:

    If the beard were all, goats would preach.

    – Danish proverb.

  3. Little Britain says:

    “In taking the less than strategic step of choosing to back Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Robert Musumeci and Consuelo Herrera in their silly attempts to undermine the man who got the party leadership instead of John Dalli, they are slowly but surely being hoist by their own petard. Good luck to them.”

    NOT to sound stooopid, but what has the election of PM Gonzi have to do with Kermit and Miss Piggy, and Old Crocodile Tears?

    [Daphne – The enemy of my enemy is my friend.]

  4. Alex Abela says:

    Michael Falzon was never “former Labour leader” …… I’d rather think that he meant to say “former Deputy Labour leader”

  5. Brian says:

    He is so infantile…

  6. P Shaw says:

    I understand you had good intentions when you congratulated him in that particular post. He must be paranoid, if it is only a simple pregnancy.

  7. Clinton says:

    I did not have sex with that woman.

  8. SSA says:

    Check whether your children are members of any of the following Facebook groups:
    Wannashootsomehoops =D
    *-Miley Cyrus-*
    Joseph Muscat
    Barack Obama
    I love my kids

    Mark Vella Gera has joined all of them. He has 39 Facebook friends, most of whom seem to be minors. The man has been convicted of defiling minors.

  9. deadly serious mum says:


    Just checked out my 12 year old’s site. It’s clean, but thanks from the bottom of my heart. Will alert all the other mums I know.

  10. Brian says:

    Can we do something here to prevent scum like him joining groups such as the one mentioned? Can we legally do something to prevent youngsters befriending this guy or others like him? Anybody in here who has any legal expertise?

  11. SSA says:

    If you see that he’s joined a Facebook group, file a complaint with Facebook and include the links listed below. Do the same with any social networking groups populated by minors. Don’t bother with ‘Skolahbieb’. He owns that site himself:

  12. SSA says:

    Mark Vella Gera joined a Facebook group called “1,000,000 PEOPLE AGAINST CHILD SEX OFFENDERS AND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY!!!”

    The sentence handed down on 22nd April 2008 (a two-year prison sentence suspended for four years) is still running.

    Now ask yourselves what a convicted offender is doing in a group like that.

    • Jill says:

      I ask myself what the hate Daphne site is doing defending Mark Vella Gera simply to turn against Daphne. Publishing comments in his favour is, after all, accepting a paedophile as … acceptable.

  13. Hot Mama says:

    St Joseph would totally understand …allow me a smiley Daph please :D

  14. Isard du Pont says:

    There’s something that isn’t quite right here. Saviour Balzan owns 50% of Media Today. He has Illum and Malta Today’s Sunday and Wednesday editions at his disposal. So why has he resorted to issuing a statement to all media? That might tell us something about his circulation figures. Nothing about his ability to get a woman pregnant in his newspaper on Sunday, and then an emailed circular to the media on Monday. Strange man.

  15. David S says:

    I too once sent a letter to the editor on the email appearing on the newspaper, and it was never published. I suspect the editor does not even read emails sent to that address.

  16. janine says:

    SEE THIS – Which St Michael School are you refering to?

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