They're all coming out of the woodwork

Published: March 15, 2010 at 1:10pm
I have been born again, but I'm not any slimmer.

I have been born again, but I'm not any slimmer.

Joe Grima, who in his 70s has discovered a passionate admiration for the political charms of My Dear Joseph (the other one) is busy defending on the internet My Dear Joseph’s make-belief that he never had anything to do with Sandro Chetcuti.

He leaves out an interesting bit of information: that his son Mark Grima has just sold the radio station XFM to Sandro Chetcuti in partnership with former Nationalist minister Michael Falzon.

I can’t speak to Sandro Chetcuti because he’s being held on remand. But I rang Michael Falzon who says that the situation and his agreement with Chetcuti have quite obviously been complicated by recent developments, and he’s now taking legal advice.

I wonder what a radio station owned by Sandro Chetcuti would have been like. Michael Falzon’s radio commentaries were generally interesting, but anyway, back to Joe Grima.

Having him preach about setting political standards, on the internet and off it, is offensive. Others on this blog have referred to various aspects of his behaviour when he was a cabinet minister, including the time he burst into the Broadcasting Authority office and punched one of its officials, Tony Mallia, in the face. Tony Mallia was a very small man and Joe Grima was super-sized due to over-eating and lack of exercise.

There’s something else of which he needs to be reminded, and My Dear Joseph with him: the Constitutional Court judgement which found him responsible for faking the official results of tourist guide examinations when he was minister of tourism. Malta was forced to pay the highest damages ever to Anna Camilleri, who brought the suit after she passed the exam with flying colours but was marked as having failed by the minister (that’s the level of ministerial interference and corruption we had in those days).

It turned out that those who sat the examination were marked as having passed or failed depending on which political party they supported.

These are Labour’s new paladins of democracy.

20 Comments Comment

  1. pippo says:

    Joe Grima, ahjar ma nafx x’ ghamilt milli ergajt gejt fi ilsien in-nies. Nahseb jien lanqas taf tisthi.

  2. George D says:

    Another one who doesn’t know the meaning of shame. Joseph Muscat should keep his old goats safely locked in their pen.

  3. Jeremy J Camilleri says:

    Is this the same Joe Grima who was given a job by the Nationalist party media, when he was going through an anti-Sant rave?

    Oh well, I guess he was ok then.

    [Daphne – He wasn’t. There was a revolution in the ranks, to use an expression that a communist will understand.]

  4. jomar says:

    Joe has reached the age where he should go and have his memory checked just in case a mild but progressive bout of dementia is setting in. Modern medicine can arrest its progress, even if it can’t reverse it. Michael Falzon could not have teamed up with a sleazier character and I feel for him.

    [Daphne – I do, too.]

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Had business dealings with Michael. Always came across as intelligent and perceptive. Don’t understand this one.

  5. gingerina says:

    [Daphne – No, that’s not Joe Grima’s son. That’s Frankie Grima.]

  6. Anthony says:

    Some people have an astounding similarity of completely different parts of their anatomy. What irritates me is that they assume idiots like me cannot see this.

  7. free falling says:

    It’s a pity that Joe Grima’s super size starts at the neck and ends in the toes!

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    New Labour eco-warriors enjoy honking about our black dust and the power station fahxija and all that. A quick phone call to Joe Grima will reveal who was responsible for buying those shite turbines at Marsa.

    • Rover says:

      Is this the same man who crossed the floor in parliament to take a punch at Eddie? The same one who hit out at Tony Mallia? Joe get your fat arse out of our lives forever.

  9. michael woods says:

    Joe Grima is a first class hypocrite

  10. michael woods says:

    [Daphne – He wasn’t. There was a revolution in the ranks, to use an expression that a communist will understand.]

    Oh how right you are. Ask me.

  11. S.Winwood says:

    Min jonqos li johrog mir-recycle bin tal-Labour? Xempju ta’ moderati u progressivi stil is-snin tmenin: Joe Grima, Alex Sceberras Trigona u Reno Calleja. X’konsolazzjoni!

  12. Pat Zahra says:

    You could use this picture on the cover of Animal Farm

  13. pippo says:

    Mela sew, hallewh fuq Net biex ikisser kemm jista lil Alfred Sant. Issa bghat ghalih Joseph Muscat u tah spazju fuq Super One biex ikisser lil min? Jien naf li m’ ghandux qoxra f`wiccu – forsi issa jiehu il-flus u jirranga dak il-palazz li harqulu il-political arsonists.
    Hallina, Joe, u mur inheba f’xi dar tal-anzjani, jekk jaccettawk.

  14. Sammy says:

    Eileen Montesin was destined to be station manager at this radio station…….another ‘Sandro Strategy’
    Talk about devolution. give me a @#$%^&*()_ break!

    • jowsef says:

      Jien nies li taparsi iduru ma nafdhomx – pinnuri u jaghmlu biss kif jaqbel il-but. Kif ixommu li se tinqaleb il-folja tarhom jinhabbu ma’ dak u l-iehor.

  15. Claude Sciberras says:

    I can’t understand this. If someone, even a minister, is found to have done something such as the above why does the taxpayer end up footing the bill? Ok someone might say you get the government you deserve and that’s quite true but if one can clearly show that a person was acting criminally the state should pay (because at the end of the day he was a minister) but the state should then either get refunded by the person committing the crime/offence or jail him/her…

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