What a lovely bunch of coconuts: Marisa has a 'Leader'

Published: March 25, 2010 at 3:16pm


So here’s the email that Kurt Farrugia, communications boss at the Labour Party, wrote to Marisa Micallef and sent to his entire media contacts list instead a few minutes ago.

Ghaziza Marisa

Hija r-rieda tal-Leader li naraw fejn wasal il-Gvern fil-miri li gew elenkati fid-diskors li kien sar mill-President fil-ftuh tal-hdax il-parlament nhar l-10 ta’ Mejju 2008.

Ghalhekk “attached” ma’ din in-nota, ghandek issib parti minn dan id-diskors relatata mas-settur li inti tiehu hsieb biex jekk jista’ jkun sa nhar il-Tnejn 12 t’April, ikollna l-kummenti taghkom fejn dawn il-weghdi u pjani, twettqu, ghadhom jistennew biex jitwettqu, twarrbu minn nofs jew sar bil-maqlub.

Finalment dan l-ezercizzju ghandu jwassal biex jithejja rapport ghal konsum tal-Grupp Parlamentari u tal-Partit.

Grazzi U Tislijiet
Ufficju Kommunikazzjoni

Marisa, the poseur from hell, must LOVE being addressed in Maltese by somebody who talks to her about ‘il-Leader’ as though she’s – ooooh, jaqq – one of them. I can see her cringing all the way here. ‘Hija r-rieda tal-Leader’ – hahahahaha, sorry about that. I’m just trying to picture her struggling to adjust to the terminology and thinking of North Korea.

X’waqa down, Mar. What next? Dinner with men who move their mouth to their food instead of their food to their mouth? A hot date with a chav in a wide tie and hair gel, talking about his ‘kontekts’?

Sabih il-Leader, Marisa? Najs, il-man? Il-Leader ta’ Marisa! Oh sweet Jesus, this really made my afternoon.

And here’s the text of the ‘parti tad-diskors tal-President’, on which Marisa’s comments were requested by Kurt Farrugia on their Leader’s behalf – a whole two sentences. Diskors brillanti qisu tal-Form I. These people are JUST UNBELIEVABLE.

Barra minnhekk, il-Gvern se jkompli bit-tisħiħ tal-politika biex ħafna aktar familji jsiru sidien ta’ djarhom, billi jirriforma l-iskemi eżistenti u jestendi l-iskemi ta’ għajnuna lill-koppji ġodda u lil dawk li qed jixtru l-ewwel dar tagħhom. Se jkompli wkoll bil-programm ta’ l-Awtorità tad-Djar għall-bini ta’ djar u skemi oħra, inkluż bi sħubija mas-settur privat.

And here’s the list of people to whom Kurt Farrugia sent it instead of to Marisa:

‘Aaron Farrugia’; ‘Aleander Balzan’; ‘Alfred Grixti’; ‘Alfred Grixti’; ‘Andrea Bartolo’; ‘Anton Sevasta’; ‘Ariadne Massa’; ‘Bay Radio’; ‘Bernard Busuttil’; ‘Brandon Pisani’; ‘Brian Hansford’; ‘Business Today’; ‘Calypso Radio’; ‘Capital Radio’; ‘Charles Muscat’; ‘Charlon Gouder’; ‘Charlon Gouder’; ‘Charlot Zahra’; ‘Chiara Bonello’; ‘Claudette Baldacchino’; ‘Darleen Zerafa’; ‘David Bartolo’; ‘David Darmanin’; ‘David Lindsay’; ‘David Vella’; ‘DI-VE’; ‘Dr Toni Abela’; ‘Elaine Attard’; ‘Elezzjoni 2008’; ‘Etienne Mifsud’; ‘Fabrizio Ellul’; ‘Favourite Channel’; ‘Felix Agius’; ‘Francesca Vella’; ‘Frans Galea’; ‘Frans Ghirxi’; ‘Gerald Fenech’; ‘Gino Cauchi’; ‘Glenn Bedingfield’; ‘Grajjiet Malta’; [email protected]; ‘Il-Gens’; ‘illum’; ‘J Cardona’; ‘James Debono’; ‘James Piscopo’; ‘Jennifer Mifsud’; ‘Joe Camenzuli’; ‘Johan Grech’; ‘John Inguanez’; ‘Jonathan Attard’; ‘Jonathan Attard’; ‘Jonhatan’; ‘Josef Grech’; ‘Juan Ameen’; ‘Julia Farrugia’; ‘Karl Wright’; ‘Keith Azzopardi’; ‘Keith Azzopardi’; ‘Keith Grech’; ‘Kevin Papagiorcopulo’; ‘KullHadd’; ‘Kurt Farrugia’; ‘Kurt Farrugia’; ‘Leonard Callus’; ‘Lino Arrigo’; ‘L-Orizzont’; Lou Bondi; ‘Luciano Borg’; ‘Malta Business Weekly’; ‘Malta Today’; ‘MaltaMedia’; ‘MaltaMedia’; ‘maltastar.com editorial’; ‘Mario Gauci’; ‘Mario Micallef’; ‘Mark Attard’; ‘Mark Farrugia’; ‘Mark Farrugia’; ‘Mark Micallef’; ‘Martin Scicluna’; ‘Massimo Farrugia’; ‘Matthew Carbone’; ‘Matthew Vella’; ‘Matthew Xuereb’; ‘Michael Carabott’; ‘Miriam Dalli’; ‘Miriam Dalli’; ‘Natalino Fenech’; ‘Nestor Laiviera’; ‘Night Editor The Times’; ‘Noel Grima’; ‘Norma Saliba’; ‘One News’; ‘Owen Galea’; ‘Pawlu Pace’; ‘PBS’; ‘Peter Cossai’; ‘Philip Borg’; ‘Philip Borg’; Rachel Attard; ‘Ray Bugeja’; ‘Roberto Francalanza’; ‘Roberto Francalanza’; ‘Roseanne Zammit’; ‘RTK’; ‘Sabrina Agius’; ‘Saviour Balzan’; ‘Scott Grech’; ‘Segretarjat’; ‘Silvio Debono’; ‘Silvio Debono’; ‘Smash ‘; ‘Smash TV’; ‘Stanley Mifsud’; ‘Stephen Calleja’; ‘The Malta Indepedent – Sunday’; ‘The Malta Independent – Daily’; ‘The Sunday Times’; ‘The Times’; ‘Vannessa Macdonald’; ‘Wendy Borg’; ‘Wenzu Mintoff’; ‘XFM’

73 Comments Comment

  1. Twanny says:

    Nice to see that the LP is doing its homework.

    Thanks for the info.

    • La Redoute says:

      Now tell us, Victor Laiviera, when is this party going to produce a policy? Just one would do for now.

      • Alan says:

        The same Victor Laiviera who on 05 Feb 2008 said

        “…and when Alfred Sant enters Castille in 31 days’ time…” ?

      • David Buttigieg says:

        Yes, Twanny Boy IS Victor Laviera.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        Yes, he’s the one.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        Oh, Victor of the lone red flag at Castille Place in March 2008!

      • Rover says:

        Kurt Farrugia must have taken a correspondence course from the Mao Tse Tung School of Public Relations – ir-rieda tal-Leader (il-ferm mahbub mexxej Joseph). Everybody bend forward from the hip down, arms tight to your sides in case they split.

        Poor Marisa must be cringing under her desk.

      • ciccio2010 says:

        It would be him if he worked in the shipyards/dockyards. He was very confident on that subject…

    • Joseph Micallef says:

      Now how about that for putting a brave face! Never mind it’s the wrong type of homework but the “man” deserves mention.

    • TonyM says:


  2. maryanne says:

    “rapport ghal konsum tal-Grupp Parlamentari u tal-Partit.” Dawk jippreferu jikkunsmaw xi berger bic-cips.

    Now we know why they never get one right.

  3. Another Andrea says:

    il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizzio… won’t these people ever learn to stop making a fool of themselves… keep the posts going, Daphne

    • Timotius says:

      They can’t! They seem to be addicted to foolishness. Now I am convinced more than ever that they are so used to the Opposition benches that they are striving really hard to remain there. Keep it up folks…finche ci siete voi, PN governa.

  4. freefalling says:

    My Divine Lord, what a f**k up!

    Marisa’s response –

    Dear Kurt, you have really and truly screwed me. I was keeping away from the limelight and you placed me under the spotlight.

    Grazzi ta’ l-efficienza tieghek u il-gurnata t-tajba.

    Inselli ghalik

    Marisa li kienet mohbija

  5. La Redoute says:

    Take me to your leader. Monty Python and the coconuts.


  6. P Shaw says:

    Ir-rieda tal-mexxej (mhux ix-xewqa imma r-rieda).

  7. La Redoute says:

    He even sent it to himself – twice.

    And I guess Marie Benoit and Josanne Cassar are not important enough to be included in his hot list.

  8. freefalling says:

    There is one person missing from the list – Sandro Chetcuti.

    • jomar says:

      His computer was ‘hacked’ so sending him an e-mail will take eight to ten years to reach him.

      [Daphne – Actually, it was ‘hijacked’. It gets funnier by the minute.]

  9. Mark C says:

    I bet Lou Bondi was the tipper? haha just kidding. Yes he’s OUR leader why not. Iva ir-rieda tieghu ghax bniedem ta rieda tajba. Have you forgotten Pn’s (Michael Gonzi) letter, the king of kings. The king is in charge and he decides or how did that go?

    [Daphne – Five people sent me those emails, Mark. And he wasn’t one of them.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Mark C,

      Kurt Farrugia’s opening phrase translates as: “It is the will of the Leader that . . . .”. He’s not even asking politely but telling Marisa Micallef what to do. I wonder, will she be answering, “Your will is my command.”?

      And then they go on about Lawrence Gonzi and Austin Gatt being autocratic.

      • Philip says:

        The idiot should at least have said ‘xewqa’ not ‘rieda’. Utterly incompetent fools. Alla jharisna. nd please God forgive the PL voters for they really know not what they do.

      • The Bus Conductor says:

        And why Leader not mexxej?

    • Stefan Vella says:

      Can someone translate “Hija ir-rieda tal-Leader…” to German?
      I may have heard this phrase on a History Channel documentary.

  10. S G says:

    VaNNessa. Of course.

  11. Hmmm says:

    The task described in this message is the remit of a communications director. Party leaders should be concerned with policy making.

    Yet, here’s a communications director taking instructions from a political leader, rather than advising that leader on the best way to communicate policy.

    Back to front thinking, in other words.

  12. taxpayer says:

    WOW La Redoute kxift Twannny min hu u waqa fil-muta.

    • Alan says:

      I hope not. He’s very entertaining. I have rarely seen such a glutton for punishment when Daphne thrashes his arguments.

      • La Redoute says:

        He’s been leaving muddy footprints all over the place, chief among them is his bloody minded persistence.

      • ciccio2010 says:

        And Daphne has been busy cleaning after him…
        But she was equipped – she had Raid for Astrid, and she recently got Mr. Muscolo Pavimenti for Twanny errm, Victor…

  13. david g says:

    Daphne, I have a feeling that from now on, whoever comes across such failures will instantly keep you informed and go online to your blog.

  14. Mobi says:

    How about a translation for us non-Maltese folk?

    • La Redoute says:

      Dear Marisa

      It is the will of our Leader (sic) that we take a look at what government has done about the targets mentioned in the President’s speech at the opening of the 11th parliament on 10th May 2008. So, attached to this note, you will find part of that speech related to the sector which you oversee so that possibly by Monday 12th April,(sic) we will have your comments about where these promises and plans,(sic) were realised, are still pending, were eliminated or were reversed.

      Finally, this exercise should lead to the creation of a report addressed to the Parliamentary Group and to the Party (sic).

      Thanks And Greetings (sic)
      Communications Office (sic)

      • The Bus Conductor says:

        La Redoute, your English is far too good and therefore does not give a fair picture of the email sent in Maltese which sounds hilarious.

  15. beauchamp says:

    It was Savior Balzan …obviously !

  16. Mobi says:

    The question is – will Kurt Farrugia will beat up/threaten to kill everyone who got this message by accident? :O

  17. J Busuttil says:

    Capital have been sold. It seems the coconut list is outdated.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      What a surprise. This is the Labour Party we’re talking about. Ghadhom jeqirdu dwar il-kaxxa ta’ Malta.

  18. Twanny says:

    Just for the sake of accuracy, Twanny is Twanny – any resemblance to any other person, living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Secondly, what’s with this amateur detective work? It smacks suspiciously of intimidation – “Be careful what you say – we know who you are and where you live….”.

    Especially since it it only practised on dissenting voices and never on those who “toe the line”.

    I get the impression that many here (who use a nick too, there’s a surprise) are uneasy with the presence of a dissenting voice – it spoils the cosy atmosphere.

    [Daphne – Mhux int, Twan.]

    • La Redoute says:

      I don’t know where you live and, quite honestly, I couldn’t care less. Why are you worried, anyway? It’s not like anyone takes you seriously. You’re just tony with better spelling and a bit of punctuation thrown in.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      Why are people thinking Twanny is Victor? Couldn’t he be Michael Cassar? Drinks anyone?

    • Chris Ripard says:

      Twanny, I don’t use a ‘nick’ and I’m happy to declare myself Astrid’s friend. I’m even happier to counterbalance Daphne’s strident feminism (when necessary), and (you’re gonna love this) I would be happy to cooperate with a democratically elected LP government should it happen.

      Thus far, no-one has intimidated me.

      Could it be that you are projecting the tactics so familiar to yourself because you are surrounded by them (vide Sandro, Consuelo Sceeri Herrera, Charlon Gouder etc)?

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Twanny, Why this fear of intimidation? I never saw any intimidating comments here. It’s quiet out there, you know…
      But, for instance, Victor Laiviera is not afraid to show his name on The Times, and he is very dissenting…

  19. The Bus Conductor says:

    ha ha ha – this is hilarious for so many reasons. Hija r-rieda tal-Leader with a capital “L”. The whole content of the email is pathetic. The idea that Marisa has to put up with these types – I would rather live in a car than do that for money. Ha ha ha! Min jaf x’hass Kurt meta ghafas ‘send mail’ u nduna x’ghamel b’idejh. And all those people who received it! ha ha ha

    • jomar says:

      Marisa has no choice but to ‘put up with these types’ – she made her bed and now she has to lie in it.

      Marisa deserves every bit of this treatment and she should have figured it all out before joining the prats, but the lure of 40k a year must have impaired her judgment.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      “Ha ha ha! Min jaf x’hass Kurt meta ghafas ’send mail’ u nduna x’ghamel b’idejh.”
      He probably wanted to call them one by one and tell them that his laptop had been hijacked.

  20. jomar says:

    What the f**k?!

    Kurt sent the e-mail to ‘Elezzjoni 2008’? Who to? Alfred Sant? Jason Micallef? Charlon Gouder?
    Funny how not one of the three is included on the list of the ‘privileged group’.

    Do we take it that some of those listed include Labour Party moles infiltrating the news media? This list reveals more than the LP ever intended to disclose.

    I can imagine the kind of lecture in four letter word bursts, poor Kurt Farrugia is listening to as I write this.

    The ‘official release’ in MaltaStar will be something like, “Kurt’s computer was hijacked” and he never wrote the e-mail. It is yet another plot by the Nationalist Party to discredit Labour.

    No need for them to worry about discrediting the LP since they never had credibility to begin with and what you don’t have, you can’t lose.

  21. The Bus Conductor says:

    Marisa, I’m sure you’re reading this so here goes: ha ha ha. If your situation weren’t so hilarious, I might sympathise with you, but like many others, I just can’t.

    What the hell did you get yourself into? When you speak of Joseph Muscat or write emails to these freaks, do you say ‘Hija r-rieda tal-Leader li jiena bla bla bla’? Ha ha ha

    • jomar says:

      Le, Bus Conductor, Marisa ghandha tghid lil-Leader, ” Hija r-rieda tieghi …as your advisor that, if you please, whenever you open your mouth, come up with something which makes sense, wipe that silly grin off your face once and for all and you should ensure that you are punctual and forget about those weekend trips to Sicily for a plate of spaghetti alle vongole. You had better produce that 15-year plan for Malta which you supposedly wrote on EU time (and money) and the report on MEPA reform which you promised to table before the government introduced its bill”.

    • La Redoute says:

      Such nonsense. Marisa Micallef should be briefing Joseph Muscat on communication strategy not taking dictatorial orders relayed through a coconut.

  22. tat TWO NEWS says:

    “Ghalhekk “attached” ma’ din in-nota, “-

    Ghaliex mhux “mghemuza” – biex juri li jaf ghalmenu kelma wahda bl-Ingliz, jew ghaliex forsi Marisa ma tifemhiex?

  23. michael woods says:

    Marisa Micallef is lost in soul and mind. I just pity her.

  24. John Schembri says:

    The email does not reveal any wrongdoing , it is showing that the party in opposition is doing what it has been doing for years …nitpicking.

    Joseph keeps his underlings busy, while he dines with businessmen. The address list is more interesting than the contents of the email..

  25. me says:

    Ikun minni skont kelmtek…….

  26. Pat Zahra says:

    Ahhh… the joy of over-fulfilling your daily quota!

  27. d sullivan says:

    What if it was sent deliberately? or is he such a tuba?

  28. MD says:

    Have to say this Daphne …… not that you need my comments …. at times you do go over the top …. yet at others MEIN GOTT …. I’m bent in two laughing my head off whilst reading your commentary …. and I’m back every day …. to read about Najs, man and Najs wimin ….. hehehehe …. keep it rolling

  29. Matt says:

    Seems as if they don’t even update their mailing lists either – some of those contacts are no longer associated with the (daily) local media.

  30. TROY says:

    Temper temper cool down twanny

  31. Genoveffa says:

    hahahaha —– Daphne, this made your day – ha nghidlel it also made my evening. Snob kemm hi, even I would have given anything to see her face while reading this crap.

  32. Anthony C Azzopardi says:

    Strange! Why are you not on the list Daphne?

  33. Claude Sciberras says:

    It is interesting to see how communication works in the Labour Party. Now I understand that the guy might be an idiot and that mistakes can be made and that he doesn’t necessarily represent the whole of his party. But he’s head of communications and he should know better.

    “Ir-Rieda tal-Leader”: if I were to receive something like that I would go nuts – who the hell does he think he is, God almighty?

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