Will some kind soul please prescribe diazepam for Akbar Zib?

When this thing stops working, I'll sit down and write a piece for Malta Today
Akbar Zib over at Malta Today puts me in mind of those 1960s advertisements for Valium, all gritted teeth and clenched jaws and knotted brows.
I don’t approve at all of popping pills, but sneaking a couple of Valium into his coffee at the office would be an act of mercy.
Mercy to the rest of us, that is.
Every time I read him I’m left wondering when they’re going to cart him off in a straitjacket to spend a couple of weeks playing draughts with Noel Arrigo and Anthony Grech Sant.
Whatever went wrong there went really, really wrong.
Akbar Zib doesn’t understand how crucial humour is in getting your message across. But that might be because he never had any.
He’s Oscar the Grouch to Miss Piggy and Kermit.
And even though he hates me so much (whereas I just think he’s immeasurably tedious and not bright at all), I’m going to give him a word of advice so that he doesn’t end up with egg all over his face when the time comes.
Akbar Zib, you’re backing the wrong horse again.
You don’t even have the brains to work out that I’m much better placed to know what I’m talking about than you are. Or that you’ve missed the big story.
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Jien ser inkun it-tieg….x’ ser nilbes, Daph?
Ara ssibx wiehed bhal ta’ din.
[Daphne – Dik tajba ghal Consuelo, ghal meta tmur il-Malta Music Awards – imma l-jeans irid ikun izjed low-slung, halli tidher il-bicca ta’ fuq tal-G-string meta titbaxxa ftit.]
Insomma, jien dak l-akbar zip li sibt.
Ir-reklam tal-inbid kien jonqos biex ikun aktar tan-njk milli hu diga.
Dak ghandu n-nervi ghax ma sabx tigiega tigih.
… imma kappell sabu u kif !
Nahseb dan l-akbar zib iktar sab kappel li jxaqleb u jiddendel, milli wiehed jigih sew.
Just saw an article on Malta Today signed by Karl Stagno Navarra … is he part of the staff there or freelance? Wasn’t he with Al Jazeera?
[Daphne – Staff.]