'Arani, ma': l-avventuri ta' Joseph fic-Cina

Published: April 7, 2010 at 11:54pm
Ta' wara l-muntanji - sieq fuq sieq u l-pett taz-zarbun f'wicc min stiednu.

Ta' wara l-muntanji - sieq fuq sieq u l-pett taz-zarbun f'wicc min stiednu.

You’re going to LOVE this report from Maltastar. As for Joseph Muscat’s hideous manners – crossing his legs and directing the sole of his shoe towards his host – what can I say?

He’s certainly not going to learn any protocol from Kurt ‘Coconut’ Farrugia tal-mittilkless. Dak minghalih joqghod sieq fuq sieq ifisser li huwa ‘rilekst’ u ‘etijs’ mal-Big Shots tac-Cina.

Labour – you can’t take them anywhere.

NOTE TO THE LABOUR COCONUTS ON TASTEYOUROWNMEDICINE.COM AND MALTASTAR: here’s another, more specific, lesson in manners and protocol, because you obviously need it. You are using a photograph of the king of Spain and the prime minister of Malta to ‘prove’ that Joseph Muscat’s posture was not ill-mannered.

Crossed legs and the soles of shoes are not considered offensive by Europeans in Europe. The governing principle must always be: if in doubt, mirror your host. The cultural context is all. The photograph you are using to back your Leader shows two Europeans in Europe. Muscat’s posture was insulting because it was adopted in China.

To be frank, it would also be considered uncouth in Europe. There is a significant difference between sitting as the prime minister of Malta and the king of Spain are doing in that other photograph – straight up on formal chairs, legs tightly crossed together, bending forward at the waist – and as Muscat is doing in this photograph, a position which calls for a television set and a can of beer, and a series of loud burps.

Maltastar, this evening
Joseph Muscat meets Chinese Vice President

Leader of the Opposition, Joseph Muscat, met today the Chinese Vice President, Xi Jinping.

The meeting, which was held in Beijing, were Joseph Muscat is currewntly leading a Labour Party delegation.

Mr Jinping will be appointed China’s Presidentg in three years time.

At the meeting both delegations spoke about the good bilateral relations and how to strengthen them

Joseph Muscat then went on to state that the possibility of more Chinese investment needs to start happening as soon as possible, regardless the government so as to help strengthen the countries economy and investment.

The Labour Party Leader, alongside George Vella and Alex Sciberras Trigona, also met Minister Wang Jiarui, responsible for European Relations and Vice-Minister of Foreign affairs, Fu Yinh.

25 Comments Comment

  1. Isard du Pont says:

    Let’s face it. He’s no Peter Mandelson.

  2. PhiliP says:


    Itaghlem ftit protocol qabel ma tiddeffes.

  3. Carmel Said says:

    Do they know that spell checkers exist? Jew ghadhom jibzghu mill-kompjuters kif kien qallhom Mintoff?

  4. Anonymous Coward says:

    I wonder if he showed up late to the meeting…

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    So true, and so uncouth. One does not point the soles of one’s shoes at people in the Middle East or the Far East. Incredibly naive. However, would one expect less (more?) from a neophyte in world affairs?

    • Charlie Bates says:

      Joseph Muscat should take a “nanny” with him next time he goes somewhere. Where the hell is Marisa Micallef?

    • Dem-ON says:

      No wonder many of Labour’s insiders on Facebook (including Alex Saliba, for instance) are members of the “Guy Who Threw His Shoes at Bush.”
      They love to insult people with their shoes.

  6. Ta' Ninu says:

    Hey Laber voters – dan ic-cuc qiehed jirepprezenta lilkom, tafux? Aghmlu wahda, imqarr wahda, tajba.

  7. The Bus Conductor says:

    Joseph Muscat is like many others who fail to see the significance of cultural differences, especially when they are guests elsewhere.

  8. Hmmm says:

    Some people don’t know the difference between crossing your legs properly and pointing the sole of your foot at your host.

    Just like some people don’t know the difference between leaving the King of Spain and the Prime Minister of Malta waiting, and a photograph of them seated with crossed legs – while pointing the soles of their shoes at the ground, rather than at each other.

  9. La Redoute says:

    Crossing your legs when speaking to someone is considered impolite. Muscat should have taken his cue from his host.

    • La Redoute says:

      Correction: IN CHINA, crossing your legs when speaking to someone is considered impolite. Muscat should have taken his cue from his host.

  10. red-nose says:

    Is it possible that Maltastar have not got somebody who has at least 4th Grade English?

  11. Hot Mama says:

    One word springs to mind: ‘tinpot’

  12. Grezz says:

    Once Joseph Muscat crossed his legs, he could have done so elegantly, knee on knee. Then again, his legs are too short and that seat is too deep.

  13. Augustus says:

    Workers beware!

    Who knows? Maybe they went to China to learn how the cheap labour system works. It could be that in their way of thinking it’s how they could solve the utilities tariff problem.

  14. Daphne you remind me of Captain Mainwaring in Dad’s Army … really. His Germans are your Laburisti.

  15. freefalling says:

    Actually, I did notice his seated position – my impression was that he was ill at ease yet trying to look cool – only God knows what stances he will be taking when he becomes Prime Minister and having to meet numerous heads of state.

  16. Leonard says:

    Love the way The Times covered the story – a little item tucked away on page 12. The piece on the “circus show” Urban Rabbits got a picture. Joseph Muscat’s crossed legs did not.

  17. Rover says:

    Dan Joseph haseb li mar ir-Rabat ghal pastizzi.

  18. Joseph Micallef says:

    Slow down.

    He only thought he was flattering him by showing him his made in China “designer” shoes.

  19. s.winwood says:

    Ghad irrid niskopri lil xi hadd pompuz iktar min dan iz-zerbinott nofs kedda.

  20. red-nose says:

    Ghax kien ‘l-Ewropa’ haseb li jista imexxi pajjiz.

  21. gugu says:

    Did he invite him for a burger?

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Heqq when you’ve got rugby thighs, it’s not easy to cross your legs.

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