Christopher Aguis has gone underground

Published: April 1, 2010 at 9:58pm

I'm scared to tell my mother I'm gay, so I'll just behave like a homophobe and diss trannies

I'm scared to tell my mother I'm gay, so I'll just behave like a homophobe and diss trannies

Here’s an update from his ‘Daphne is a trans-sexual called it’ site (and he still thinks I have a Sicilian family composed of one of my sisters, her two young daughters, and my father).

Chris 2010-04-01 15:19 Vladi and her family ? ( The maltese Family .)are at the moment too busy trying to rubbish my facebook .
Sorry to my fb friends i will not allow her to embarrass them through any connection with me .
I assure you it was never meant with any form of malice .
For this purpose soley i have closed it .

Now i have more time to rubbish that piece of shite and her illiterate gang of vile imbeciles .

62 Comments Comment

  1. Camillo Bento says:

    Chi si scusa, si accusa

    • patrick says:

      SHITE? We’ll soon be having Chris refer to Daphne as a Shiite, to get a really good fundamentalist thing going on and give Denis Catania a great time.

  2. ConsTipAzzjoni says:

    The Facebook gang really need to work on an automated grammar and spell checker.

  3. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious says:

    Illiterate? Ara ma nghidlikx. Jiena ghandi degree fl- Ingliz mill- Universita’ ta’ Copa Cabana Beach fil- Hawaii.

    Ghir. U int trid issir avukat.


    • Dem-ON says:

      In Italian, better say Coglione.

      • Clementoni Clem Clem says:

        ‘Testicolo’ ghandha l-faxxinu taghha wkoll. U ‘coglione’ uzajtha izzejjed dan l-ahhar, partikolarment fuq dan il-blog.

        Ridt invarja ftit.

  4. Alan says:

    Now he’ll open another account, under the name of Chris Asuig.

  5. Camillo Bento says:

    @Cons If they are maturely dyslexic… spell checker will do he trick. GIGO if you know what I mean.

  6. Corinne Vella says:

    Illiterate? Vile? Imbeciles?
    Erm, is this man planning to rubbish himself and his friends?

  7. Clementoni Clem Clem says:

    Ara x’ghadni kif ircivejt fl-EMEJL.

    “Dear Maltese Citizen,

    We are a group of concerned individuals and organizations that intend to Stop this Piano Project madness. At this late hour, only a referendum will save our Great City of Valletta.

    We need to gather 10% of the electorate by the end of April. Join us in this non-political but highly cultural battle for the safeguard of our baroque City of Valletta.

    Kindly sign the petition NOW at:

    This is the last chance. Your inaction is your approval to the whole Piano Project.”

    Iva, ehe, non-political. Stu’cazzo.

  8. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    Now I know where that fertility piece of art situated in Luqa should be placed….do I have anyone to second me?

  9. La Redoute says:


    It’s LA Redoute.

    Spot the difference.

    • Denis Catania says:

      Are you an inbred too like the Caruana Galizia / Vella.

      [Daphne – You’re unusually slow today, Denis. If you read it through again carefully, place your index finger beneath each line and mouth every word, you might understand that it was my great-great-grandfather’s sister who married Emmanuel Luigi Galizia, and not my great-great-grandfather who was a gay trans-sexual referred to as it, who somehow succeeded in marrying a man and reproducing.]

      • La Redoute says:

        What are you doing here, Denis? I thought you’d found your natural home over at the hate-site. They haven’t started on about the African immigrants yet, but if you get there soon enough you’ll be the first in line.

        And just because I know you find it difficult to understand simple language, it’s LA Redoute with an ‘A’.

        Now toddle along to play with your new-found friends. James Tyrrell will probably be there soon and you don’t want to miss him.

      • Gregor Mendel says:

        Denis Catania, presuming that you have married a Maltese (if you are married that is), then your chances of being as ‘inbred’ as Daphne are quite high – and I do advise you not to look up your family tree, as you might find a number of unpleasant surprises given that you are so opposed to anyone coming from down south or the Middle East.

        Just from an academic point of view, if the number of generations are the same, Daphne and her husband have around 3% of the genome that is common to both. This is very similar to the general Maltese population.

      • Denis Catania says:

        Hey Gregor, you wrote this not me (‘inbred’ as Daphne) Daphne being inbred might be another story for another day. We needs facts. But according to her writing on her blog her children are inbred.

        [Daphne – Any minute now, Denis, and you’ll be finding traces of BLACK BLOOD and JEWS. But as you said, you ‘needs facts’.]

      • Follow the Maltastar says:

        Denis –

        I discovered something. Did you know that the Gothic church at the Addolorata Cemetery was built by Mr Galizia? This means that it was built by Daphne’s husband or sons.

        I discovered something else. The church is 150 years old, so once it was built by Daphne’s husband or sons, it means she does the black magix or else she is lying that she is only 45.

        If she does all this magix then we have the proof that she is a witch. Now she will deny this story, but I believe ‘Daphne is a trans-sexual called it’ site, not her.

      • Grezz says:

        @La Redoute – It would probably have been easier for him to remember if you told him “LA as in ‘Los Angeles'”, seeing that the Easter peeps boy is based halfway across the world. And incidentally, this must be his heavy season: how many peeps have you sold so far, Denis?

  10. Camillo Bento says:

    The problem would be choosing which orifice. Remember…..we might not find a condom to fit.

  11. Camillo Bento says:

    @Clem, what an insult. Luckily I have trained my PC to to reject such mails. “non-political but highly cultural battle”. Only an uncultured brat would say that and we all know on which side of the fence they usually sit. The irony is that they know it too…….imma l-aqwa li ghandhom il-Lider …..jew xi ESSSStrid.

  12. Michael A. Vella says:

    “For this purpose SOLEY (i) have closed it .

    Now (i) have more time to rubbish that piece of SHITE and her illiterate gang of vile imbeciles.”

    To do that, no doubt, for starters Chris Agius is going to take an intensive course on how to write and SPEL.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      And wait for it…..

      Now please note the time the comments were uploaded:

      #1 Hypocritico 2010-04-01 14:44

      #2 Daisy the cow 2010-04-01 14:48

      #3 Overkill 2010-04-01 14:55

      #4 tiziana 2010-04-01 14:57

      #5 Joseph Borg 2010-04-01 14:58

      #6 Le Redoute 2010-04-01 14:59

      #7 musumecaaaa 2010-04-01 15:06

      #8 Brian Farrugia 2010-04-01 15:09

      #9 Chris 2010-04-01 15:19

      #10 Chris 2010-04-01 15:21

      #11 monster 2010-04-01 15:36

      #12 Catania 2010-04-01 15:50

      #13 Chris 2010-04-01 15:52

      #14 Chris 2010-04-01 16:38

      #15 Catania 2010-04-01 16:48

      Viewers here can draw their own conclusions.


      This is the website that Alex Saliba, secretary-general of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, was promoting until he was ‘outed’ as doing so and reported to the police.

      On this site, we give tips to Marisa Micallef to help her earn her salary, so we will be kind enough to give some to Consuelo’s other supporters too.


  13. Dem-ON says:

    What was his exact reason for closing his FB account?
    Yes, now he has more time to rubbish himself.

    • Denis Catania says:

      It gives him more time to dig out more dirt on the Caruana Galizia’s/ Vella.

      [Daphne – I hate to disappoint you, Denis, but there really isn’t any. If you want dirt, might I suggest you start by exploring the backgrounds of some of your internet friends. It’s interesting, too, to see what you and your Labour Party friends consider dirt: homosexuality, transgender people, pregnancy, condoms, secret second families composed of a man, his daughter and his grand-daughters, husbands who are alternately gay or having affairs with several women (depending on whether the site administrators have taken their medication that day), choice of clothing, not being as ‘high kless’ as Guido and Giannella De Marco (and if it’s dirt on other people’s children that really turns you on, you could do worse than look there), what else? A secret black bastard in the family line? Now that would really get your pecker up.]

      • Corinne Vella says:

        London must be a very boring place if he finds our family life exciting.

      • Denis Catania says:

        Daphne it’s called taste your own medicine. Daphne are you choking on the medicine ? Would you rather have flavored medicine ? Don’t you remember picking on Joseph Muscat’s wife and children. It’s called taste your own medicine.

        [Daphne – Er, let’s see now, Denis, because this is a really tough one. You’ve got me foxed there, you cunning little minx (and I use that in the transgender spirit). Michelle Muscat is a public figure – the wife of the leader of the opposition, who is part and parcel of his campaign to become prime minister – such as it is. His children – how in God’s name is it possible to pick on toddlers? If they were involved in smuggling or other illicit activities, or are taking men home behind their parents’ backs to start a secret second family while hiding their true sexuality, do please let us know. I do not pick on toddlers, but I do pick on a leader of the opposition who is inane enough to brand his children Etoile and Soleil, impervious to what life is going to be like in the school playground. Well, at least he didn’t look for inspiration to Super One and call them Charlon Rodnick and Byon Jo Quinton.]

      • Dem-ON says:

        Corinne, given that London is not boring, it must be Christopher Aguis who is.

      • Nikki says:

        Does anyone want to poke Denis Catania?
        Go ahead:!/deniscatania?v=info

      • La Redoute says:

        Now watch Denis shoot back that he’s not into birds.

        [Daphne – Ah, but James Tyrrell is, literally.]

      • Helene Asciak says:

        Corinne would know that London is not boring. She lived there while she was a postgraduate student at the London School of Economics.

      • Grezz says:

        @NIkki – Don’t get the poor guy too excited in anticipation of multiple pokes.

  14. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    The following is lifted from Christopher Aguis’s trans-sexual site:

    Pantera: “I voted for the EU myself and always supported the PN, but sadly I think the last time I voted PN would have been in the last election. Thanks to Vlady.
    I just don’t want to be associated with a political party who condone those type of writings, bickering and immature attacks”

    So this person had the sagacity to vote for EU and for every PN government since but, because of Daphne’s writings he is not going to vote PN ever again.

    This steel-wool-brained nit-wit does not want to be associated with a “political party who condone those type of writings, bickering and immature attacks.”

    Instead, he is going to embrace the PL and the political philosophers expressing themselves on Christopher Aguis’s intellectual forum.

  15. Camillo Bento says:

    @DemOn. Pls don’t insult Maghtab

  16. SSA says:

    This guy is REALLY strange. He says he lives in London but he finds nothing better to do than see to a hate-site about someone in Malta.

    • Hmmm says:

      He doesn’t live in London. He lives in Qormi.

      [Daphne – Yes, somebody indicated as much already, with a comment like ‘Londra? Fil-bitha t’ommu.’ So there’s another 40-year-old chap who lives with his mother and calls other men ‘pufta’.]

  17. patrick says:

    They have such an inferiority complex. They first set up a website to TRY (and please keep trying to entertain us) then they just cannot turn up and show themselves before their Facebook buddies.

    Facebook is a virtual piazza, and closing off an account is just like running away from a barking Chihuahua fil-pjazza tar-rahal, with all the lads in the square laughing their head off.

    Pity our Chris here did not treat us to a full body shot. He’s probably wearing brown shoes and white socks to match his snazzy sjut.

  18. Camillo Bento says:

    @Clem M’ghandekx ghalfejn tuza lingwacc biex taghmel il-punt tieghek

  19. My best friend is a black one-legged Jew says:

    Denis, ghidilna ghax int tkun taf mill-Amerka. Jaqaw Consie u Robert maru jaghmlu l-visti il-lejla?
    Tghid marru l-Belt qabel is-Salib tal-Gholja?

  20. La Redoute says:

    Denis Catania, what had happened to your plans for the mother of all carcades?

    • Denis Catania says:

      We feel at this time we don’t need a carcade as WE stopped the illegal immigrants from entering Malta. Six months and counting. We even had PM Gonzi say Malta will give them crackers, water and petrol and let them continue with their voyage. Thanks to the anti illegal immigration movement.

      • La Redoute says:

        Give them crackers? Why would we want to give Denis Catania to immigrants?

        It would be kinder to throw him to the lions.

      • Hmmm says:

        Silly me. And there I was thinking that Berlusconi’s multi-million Euro deal with Gaddfi had something to do with it.

  21. Nikki says:

    Astrid Vella on Facebook:
    Back from northern Italy where everything seems so civilized and organized by comparison to Malta.Everywhere so much cleaner and greener that for the first time ever, I didn’t want to come back.The bus drivers,waiters and shop assistants all seem to have been schooled in charm and etiquette and I haven’t even started about the food! We can no longer be the ones to look down on Italy as being disorganized and corrupt
    Tues at 21:05


    • tat TWO NEWS says:

      Dik qalitha sempliciment biex turi ghaliex giet titnejjek mit-tejatru, minn Piano, u mil-FAA, dakinhar li il-progett ta’ Putirjal kien gie diskuss mill-MEPA u kienet naqset milli tmur tiggielded ghal-dak li kienet ila ixxewexx u thambaq ghal-xhur twal.

      Insomma, laqwa li kielet tajjeb, u mhux hamberger ta’ Sqallija bhal-dawk ta’ Muscat u Anglu tal-PL, issa li iccapset wahda sewwa maghhom.

  22. Nikki says:

    Elves of Super One. Your hero John Bundy has a Facebook message:

    John Bundy: We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge. Bongu lilek u lil ta’ hdejk
    Mon at 04:36 ·

  23. Solar Powered says:


  24. pippo says:

    Charles J. Buttigieg dreams on Facebook:

    Buttigieg Charles J FLASH NEWS. It appears that the government had succumbed to the people’s pressure. The Piano project has been postponed indefinitely. Vox Popoli vox Dei.

  25. TROY says:

    I think Christopher and Denis would make a lovely couple . They have so much in common.

  26. Rituzza says:

    Dear Chris,
    Some words of advice…Check your spelling please. If there is one thing that Daphne is good at it’s spelling, and you sound ridiculous compared to her. You are trying to ridicule her, but it’s coming back to you.

  27. jomar says:

    Charles J Buttigieg ghadu ma qatax wahda tajba!

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